First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1861: Sell ​​land for prosperity

Looking at the big mouth of the tengu, Prime Minister Tortoise said with a high spirit before, but at this time he really faced the bottomless darkness, but started to persuade: "Go?"

"Isn't it OK?" Laogui's legs began to tremble, and whoever faced an existence that could swallow even the sun and the moon would involuntarily fear three points in his heart.

"Really wordy, this is your dragon clan's pot, don't you want us to go if you don't stand it up?" Shebi said impatiently: "The old thing in the depths of the East China Sea won't sit back and watch you die!"

"I'm here to help you!" Sai Bishi said, grabbing the old tortoise's shell with a palm, and then slapped the old tortoise's head and limbs into the shell with his palms. The next moment only Shebi's corpse was seen. Raising his arms, Prime Minister Turtle flew out like a high-speed gear, and flew straight to the dog's mouth that day.

"The law of heaven and earth!" The old tortoise exclaimed, and the tortoise shell swelled and covered the starry sky in an instant. It was unexpectedly many times larger than the stars in the starry sky. Then, as soon as he approached the tengu, he was swallowed by the Wuken black hole. Go in.


Have you ever seen a voice card?

The tengu, who was eating the big sun, suddenly lost his gaze. He felt his throat tighten, and there seemed to be something in his throat. The next moment the tengu coughed dryly in the starry sky.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

Every time I coughed, I saw stars squirting out of his mouth, and the essence of the sun swelled out of the abdomen, and was absorbed by the world again.

Tengu did not know how many sun, moon and stars had been swallowed. The sun, moon and stars spewed out of their mouths without money. In a blink of an eye, the starry sky was already a piece of sun, moon and stars constantly accumulating and colliding, and the powerful energy storm rolled up. Afraid to approach.

The old tortoise stuck in the tengu’s throat is uncomfortable. It must be known that the sun, moon and stars coming out of the throat will inevitably hit the old tortoise’s body, but this old tortoise does not know how many years he has lived, and the magical body is not bad. Don't invade, otherwise it would have been turned into dust in the collision of stars.

"The chief governor, the tengu is strange and unpredictable. It is the great enemy of all living beings, the great enemy of heaven and earth! Even the power of the law can be swallowed. If we are in the peak state, a young tengu will naturally not be seen, but Now..." Lian Shu sighed, really being bullied by a dog when he fell to Pingyang, it was indescribable sadness.

"I know, you want me to kill the Tengu with the Zhuxian Sword, except for the big trouble!" Zhang Bairen looked at the old tortoise stuck in the neck of the Tengo with no rush, "I said Prime Minister tortoise, you take advantage of the fire to rob Li Shimin. Sign the contract with the gods, but this matter is not righteous!"

"Zhang Bairen, you don't want to avenge your personal revenge. Now our current goal is to kill the Tengu. What are you talking about the human river?" Prime Minister Turtle suddenly felt something wrong, and a bad premonition rose from his heart.

"Hahaha, I wonder if the prime minister of the gods' contract can still be brought with him?" Zhang Bairen smiled with his hands on his back.

"Zhang Bairen, you can't do this!" Prime Minister Turtle already knew what Zhang Bairen wanted to do.

"Why not?" Zhang Bairen looked at the Tengu who was trying to swallow the Prime Minister Turtle, with a touch of abuse in his eyes.

He is actually very curious, how long this old turtle can last!

The four swords of Zhuxian are killing swords. The laws between heaven and earth can be killed, the world can be killed, let alone a tengu?

Although this tengu was powerful, it was definitely not an opponent of Zhu Xianjian. This was from instinct in his bones.

Under the sword of Zhu Xian, everything can be killed! All beings can be killed, laws can be killed, heaven and earth can also be killed!

"You are in danger, the tengu is the enemy of all living beings, so you can't make any jokes! Old tortoise, I have to sacrifice myself to block the black hole of this tengu! You dare to threaten me now, you are really a jerk! How do sentient beings think of you? Does the governor want his fame to be ruined and become a villain who does not care about righteousness and profit?" Prime Minister Turtle trembles and enters the tengu’s throat. There are only two ends, or he is swallowed by the tengu and becomes The roundworm in the belly of the tengu was either killed by someone, and then the prime minister tortoise was saved.

At the moment, the demon gods in the field are all old, weak, sick, and relying on them to surrender the tengu is definitely not expected. Now the only thing that can be counted on is Zhang Bairen's sword of death.

Zhang Bairen looked at the old tortoise with a pair of eyes, and his eyes on Gujing Wubo: "The fame and fame are all floating clouds, and my descendants say! Now that I am entangled with karma, how can I be afraid of the floating name? Everyone commented on me, good or evil. There is no gain or loss for me, so why should I care?"

"Furthermore, the demon gods promised you that as long as you block the tengu's throat, they will surrender to the tengu and rescue you. I didn't agree and nod." Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of mockery.

"You..." Laogui looked at Zhang Bairen, anxious for a while, but didn't know what to say.

Zhang Bairen really just stood there before, never spoke or nodded, what did you tell Prime Minister Turtle to say?

If you disagree, you are squeaking! If you don't say a word, others will be your default!

It is the number one shameless powerhouse in the world! Zhang Bairen's demeanor was lost by Zhang Bairen!

Looking at the face of the old **** Zhang Bairen, the face of the sky collapsed, and feeling the constant impact of the sun, moon and stars, and the swallowing and pulling force from the tengu, the old tortoise weighed it again and again and finally recognized it: " Zhang Bairen, count you as ruthless!"

"But the ghost and **** contract is not on me. It was placed in the East China Sea by Dragon King Town in the East China Sea. How can I bring these treasures related to the aura of the sea clan with me?" Prime Minister Turtle said helplessly: "You go ahead. Save me, I will naturally ask someone to send you the treasure at that time."

Listening to Prime Minister Turtle's words, Zhang Bairen's lips curled up: "Do you think I will believe it when you talk about credit and the future with someone who doesn't know what credit is?"

"You..." Prime Minister Turtle almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood: "Then how are you going? The East China Sea is too far away from here. When I get the token, I will be swallowed by the dog."

"You old tortoise is so slippery as a ghost, but I don't believe in your nonsense. If you hand over the treasure, it's fine, if not..." Zhang Bairen simply turned around and looked at the distant starry sky, not looking at the sky Struggling tortoise prime minister.

"You!!!" Prime Minister Turtle spewed out old blood.

"You are all watching the show!" Prime Minister Turtle looked at the demon gods and Taoists: "If I die, no one will block the Tengu's throat. Do you think Tengu is so easy to kill?"

As soon as this statement came out, the group of heroes looked at me and I looked at you, and then they looked towards Guan Zi-zai.

People in the field, if they talk about friendship, they can only talk with Zhang Bairen at ease. Guan Zizai At this time, the old **** is no more, squinting his eyes, looking at the stars in the sky, seemingly not paying attention to everyone's eyes.

"Cough cough" Bodhidharma coughed, and then said: "Buddha Lord, you have a lot of friendship with the governor, for the safety of the world..."

"I believe him!" Guan Zizai said without turning his head, but with a word he pushed Bodhidharma back.

The group of heroes moved their gazes away from themselves, and then looked at Prime Minister Tortoise, only listening to the corpse said: "I said little devil, is life more important or Donghai's aura? Your life is gone, what is the use of Donghai's aura? For the sake of the world, you should hand over the contract."

"That's right, you need to be lucky? Don't joke about your life!" Xu Shu also persuaded.

"Really! I'm telling the truth! The contract really isn't on me!" Gui Cheng collided with Tian Qu: "Sure enough, for thirty years in Hedong and Hexi for thirty years, retribution came too quickly."

The galaxy reflected in Zhang Bairen's eyes, a pair of eyes looked at the old turtle not far away, his fingers tapped on the belt unconsciously, and the five gods and ghosts turned around, trying to peek into the old turtle's heart.


Laogui is the supreme power that has lived from ancient times to the present, and the innate gods are not afraid, let alone the law of aura left by the innate gods?

The Five God Contract has long been suppressed by Prime Minister Kame!

"The governor, it seems that Prime Minister Turtle really left the contract with the dragon clan. This little tortoise is most afraid of death, otherwise he will not live from ancient times to the present. He would never dare to make jokes about his life and treat his life as bet."

"Oh? Really?" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of mockery, a pair of eyes swept across the galaxy, and then he shifted his eyes to look at the old turtle: "Really?"

"It really can't be true. After I go back, I will offer the contract and return it to the governor!" Prime Minister Kame said sincerely and affectionately: "The governor ~ you don't want to think about it, you What's the use of returning the contract? You can hold me back today, can you solve the hidden danger?"

"What do you mean by this?" Zhang Bairen's eyes turned cold.

"Old Turtle wants to say that this is all in the emperor's emperor, and the emperor is still alive. If he wants to sign the contract, can the governor get it back one by one?" Prime Minister Kame said meaningfully: "What's more, this The contract did not come in vain. My Dragon Clan really contributed to the emperor Li Tang. If the governor can regain a contract today, will the governor win ten, a hundred, or even more in the future? It must be resolved from the root cause, not the contract in front of us."

"Damn, you old tortoise caused a terrible disaster, don't say, now you still don't repent and provoke the relationship between the governor and the emperor, if I want to say just let the old tortoise die directly in the mouth of the tengu, it's slick. Like a ghost, it will become a disaster in the future!" A rant came from a distance, but Li Tang’s monk arrived. Hearing the words of Prime Minister Turtle, his eyes were full of fright and anger. He turned and quickly explained to Zhang Bairen: The governor will listen to the next words. There has always been a reason for this. At that time, His Majesty signed a contract with Donghai. His Majesty was forced to sign a contract with Donghai. His Majesty is the emperor, and the world's territory is his life and foundation. Who is willing to cut his own life?"

"Hehe, you are just a quibble, selling land for glory is just selling land for glory, why do you say so much!" Kame Prime Minister sneered.

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