First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1862: Zhuxianjian out of the demon god

Although Prime Minister Turtle is suspected of instigating separation, it is undeniable that Prime Minister Turtle's words are true, and these words are like a knife directly inserted into Zhang Bairen's heart.

Seeing Zhang Bairen's discoloration, the Taoist Li Tang suddenly felt a sudden change in his heart. Just as he was about to say something, he heard the awe-inspiring atmosphere sweeping across the sky from afar, and an old-fashioned speech sounded in the starry sky: "Du Governor, don't listen to this person's nonsense , This person is to blame for you, it’s a heinous crime! When the emperor loves the people like his son, always thinking about expanding the territory, how can he betray the ancestral land of the human race? If it were not for the critical situation at the time, the Turks were going south to slaughter the middle earth. How could the emperor choose to sell his homeland?"

Wearing simple clothes, it was Wei Zhengyang who came out of his body and came to the starry sky, and his words sounded in the starry sky: "The two-phase power is the lesser one. In order to preserve the land of the Han family in China, it is a helpless choice to sacrifice water. "

While speaking, Wei Zheng gave Zhang Bairen a respectful salute: "Meet the Master!"

Zhang Bairen is the sub-sage master of Confucianism, and his ability to cultivate profound knowledge is the biggest backer of Confucianism today.

Nowadays, Confucianism is not considered prosperous under the suppression of Buddhism and Taoism. It is rare to see a Wei Zheng who is now the leader of Confucianism.

Zhang Bairen nodded, his eyes looked at Wuken Starry Sky, with a solemn color in his eyes, his fingers slowly tapped on the belt, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and a smile appeared in his eyes: "Fun! Interesting!"

"Tengu!" Zhang Bairen yelled, "I know you can understand the words of this seat. If you are willing to submit to me, this seat will spare you your life. If you continue to be stubborn and want to devour the sun, then Hugh will blame my subordinates for being merciless."

"Woo~Wow~Wang~Wang~" That day the dog was stuck in the throat by Prime Minister Tortoise. He was extremely uncomfortable. He was in a violent violent situation. Hearing Zhang Bairen's words at this time, his eyes became scarlet and he suddenly scratched the starry sky. Shoot towards the heroes.

"Stubbornness!" Zhang Bairen stretched out his palm, and the Zhuxian sword was held in his hand. Then the next moment Zhang Bairen saw the sword in his hand. The cold murderous intent made the void solidify, and the bright sword light illuminated the entire world.

At that moment, the primordial spirit of the gods was fixed in the flesh without movement, and all the spirits and spirits were captured by Zhang Bairen's sword.

"No, he didn't want to kill the Tengu with this sword, but was waiting for me!" Shebi corpse exclaimed, and the words were full of horror. Facing the earth-shattering freezing time and space, he killed Hun Yuan's one. Sword, suddenly shocked the desire to split.


Almost in a moment of thought, a black coffin wrapped it, and then the coffin was flooded by sword light in an instant.

"Bastard! The enemy is now, you dare to wait for me to kill you!" Chi You was cut by a sword and turned into two halves. The immortal golden body faced the Zhuxian sword like a thin piece of paper, with no resistance. , The body fell into the wild land without a trace.

The harvest is the source of gold, but it is better. It is directly chopped up and turned into the energy of gold and flees away, even without the physical body, directly cutting the fairy flying knife out of its sheath, breaking the solidification of time and space without a trace.

The world was silent, the starry sky was dead, and the demon gods under Zhang Bairen’s sword gave their heads one after another under the sword of Zhang Bairen. Even if they were immortal, they had suffered heavy losses early, and there would be nothing to do in the next hundred years.

"You can blame me if you wait for yourself to die? In the land of China, I have to worry about the Kyushu enchantment and have to wait for a way out, but now you dare to enter the starry sky... Tsk tsk tsk!" Zhang Bairen said.

From beginning to end, Zhang Bairen's goal was not tengu, but the demons. Throwing the old tortoise of unknown depth into the tengu's mouth eliminates one uneasy factor, and Zhang Bairen no longer has any scruples and directly hurt the killer.

"Zhang Bairen, you can't be crazy!!!" Not far away, the stone man king stood among the stars and yelled, and then the whole person merged with the stars. In an instant, the stars were distorted and turned into the stone king appearance, with a fist wrapped in them. With the power of the stars, he called to Zhang Bairen: "China has dragon veins to suppress. Today I will ask you to see the strength of my innate gods. Picking the stars and picking the moon is just a matter of leisure. Today is your death date, and you must be buried there. This starry sky."

"Haha, wishful thinking!" Zhang Bairen merged with Zhu Xianjianren's sword, and instantly turned into a sword light, and greeted the giant star hand.


The star looked like tofu dregs, and Zhang Bairen was pierced in one face.


The star had been killed by Zhang Bairen in one face, and then instantly collapsed and burned, turning into a meteor and flying in the void.

The planet burns and emits a powerful energy field, forcing Zhang Bairen to retreat.


The stone man king spurted blood, fell into the wild from the starry sky, his eyes were full of amazement: "A powerful Zhuxian sword can't resist at all."

At this moment, there was silence between the heavens and the earth, only the planets were burning, blooming with extremely bright brilliance, and the figure dressed in purple, holding a long sword, scanned the world without expression.

"This is the sword of Zhu Xian! This is Zhang Bairen, the first person in the world. He is invincible after all kinds of restraints! The innate gods are not the enemy of one of them! The sword of Zhu Xian is simply too heavenly!" Wei Zheng spouted. With blood, there were blood drops falling from the pores of the skin all over the body. Even though it was far away, but was accidentally swept away by the breath of Zhu Xianjian, it had already severely injured Wei Zhengyang, and wounded the three treasures of his spirit.

"This is the invincible general governor of the world! This is the general governor who has subdued the demon gods under the world! This is the confidence of my human race based on the heavens and the earth! This is the Dinghai divine needle of my human race. Who can be the enemy of the whole world? "Yuan Shoucheng's eyes were full of enthusiasm, and he didn't see the tattered clothes and **** skin.

"What a terrible person! What a terrible sword!" Bodhidharma's golden body was wriggling, the pain of thousands of knives, the squirming fine wounds, the dense bones were clearly visible, but he could not be moved, just a pair of eyes. Staring at Zhang Bairen, or at the sword in Zhang Bairen's hand.

No one can see the true meaning of the sword, because the moment his eyes were close to the sword, he was killed by the sword intent.

"This is the Metropolitan Governor, how does it compare to the Dzogchen's Blessed One?" Guan Zizai stroked his wrinkled clothes. He was protected by a treasure bottle, plus Zhang Bairen's demon qi machine blessed, so that he was not afraid of that sword qi.

"I don't know!" Bodhidharma moved his lips bitterly, and uttered two words with difficulty.

In fact, Bodhidharma knew in his heart that if the Blessed One did not display his last hole card, he would definitely not be able to withstand Zhu Xianjian's attack.

"Even if you play the hole cards, the outcome is still unpredictable! I am afraid that Zhang Bairen will have a better chance! At least 70% of the odds! Zhang Bairen is already invincible! Who would have thought that he was so decisive. , The human race will have some quiet days in the future, don’t worry about the devil’s coming out to stir the wind and the rain," Bodhidharma said with a wry smile.

The words fell and there was silence in the field, only Zhang Bairen was standing there.

It was Zhang Bairen's whim to kill the demon gods. Once such a good opportunity is missed, where will he look for it in the future?

Although the tengu was a threat, Zhang Bairen didn't see it in his eyes.

"The Yinsi battlefield, this battle will win! The situation of my human race will be reversed!" Zhang Bairen slowly moved his gaze and looked at the Tengu, or the Prime Minister tortoise in the mouth of the Tengu.


At this moment, the void split open, and a black coffin full of sword marks fell from the void, and instantly hit Zhang Bairen's chest.

"Be careful!" Guan Zi exclaimed.

"Supper than a corpse, you are not brave!" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly, stabbing a long sword in his hand, locking the time and space and cutting it towards the coffin.


The void exploded, Zhang Bairen pierced the sky with a sword, and saw that the coffin jumped into the void, and the sound shook off Zhang Bairen’s Zhuxian sword, and fled towards the wild, only the voice of the corpse rang out in the world: "Zhang Bairen, Zhuxian sword It is the sword of killing and tribulation, the sword of heaven! You shouldn’t have appeared in the world. Now that you are urging the power of heaven with your human body, you will inevitably be slaughtered and attack your mind. You will become a puppet of heaven and the spokesperson of tribulation. I am waiting for you to die. On the day of destruction, the Kyushu Human Race must be slaughtered at that time, with the shame of blood today!"

After the words fell, the coffin of the corpse of Shebi had disappeared on the earth and disappeared.

The starry sky was silent, and the dog was also frightened by murderous intent that day. Looking at Zhang Bairen's eyes full of killing, he was very flustered. He whimpered and fled into the distance without saying a word, trying to escape into the depths of the starry sky.

"Where to go! Leave it to me!" Zhang Bairen's Zhu Xianjian ignored time and space, cause and effect, and cut the law, the space broke and formed an interlayer, trapping the tengu.

The birth of the Zhuxian Sword brought a death crisis to the Tengu. An unprecedented crisis raged in his heart. There was a voice urging it continuously, telling it to leave quickly.


Tengu was also obviously anxious at this Turning to look at Zhang Bairen, who was walking in the starry sky, holding Zhuxian in his hand, he swallowed up the void in front of him in an instant with a big mouth, and then continued to flee to the distance.


A crisp sound came from the Tengu's mouth, and it seemed to be the sound of something cracking.

"Zhang Bairen, hurry up and save me! Old tortoise shell is about to be crushed by this guy! Back then when you discussed the gossip river map with me in Luoshui, you have made three treaties with me. I want you to save now Get down on me!" Prime Minister Turtle looked anxious at this time, and kept struggling and growling in the Tengu's mouth.

"What?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback when he heard the words, and the time seemed to be chaotic again.

"Do you have proof?" Zhang Bairen said casually.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! You used to engrave two characters on the belly of the old turtle, you can see it when you kill the tengu!" Gui Cheng hurriedly said.

At this time, Prime Minister Turtle's voice changed. Facing the impatient Tengu, Prime Minister Turtle couldn't hold the tortoise shell a little, so he could only use his killer.

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