First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1863: Conquer Tengu

Looking at the old tortoise that was about to be swallowed into the Tengu's belly, Zhang Bairen's eyes showed his claws, and then he sneered: "You are going to be swallowed by the Tengu. How do I know if what you said is true or false?"

"These two characters were carved with the Zhuxian sword and pierced the abdomen of the old tortoise yourself. You said before leaving that year, as long as you mobilize the origin of Zhuxian, you can find me even if I hide in the end of the world! You can even find me! You taught me how to protect against ghosts!" Laogui stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"Huh?" Zhang Bairen frowned: "What kidding, I will teach you how to resolve the five gods and ghosts?"

"If you don't believe it, just feel it!" Prime Minister Turtle glared at Zhang Bairen, struggling desperately in the tengu's throat.

At this time, Tengu sensed the crisis and kept tearing apart the starry sky and fleeing. A pair of eyes scanned the world in the void, and then a few stars appeared.

The old tortoise did have the Qi of the Zhuxian Sword on his body. The Qi of the Zhuxian Sword was immortal, and would not dissipate with the passage of time. Zhang Bairen clearly felt it.

"Tengu, where to go!" Ignoring Prime Minister tortoise, Zhang Bairen's sword of Zhu Xian's sword beamed horizontally and horizontally, covering the entire starry sky, and the infinite universe was overwhelming with the sword of Zhu Xian in an instant.

Tengu is the deadly enemy of the sun, no matter what Zhang Bairen will not let the tengu grow up, he must kill the tengu today, otherwise it will be a big trouble in the future.

As for being attacked by the murderous intent of the Zhuxian Sword, Zhang Bairen was not afraid of being suppressed by the Zhuxian God. The destruction of the God's aura in the Zhuxian Sword could not control his thoughts. As long as he gave himself time, it would be able to dissolve it.



The Tengu was constantly gnawing the Prime Minister Turtle, and the sound of ‘click’ came from his mouth, shaking the void constantly, and there were strange noises that made people feel hairy, and couldn’t help but be frightened.

A dignified look appeared in Zhang Bairen's eyes, as he quickly chased the tengu, while tentatively said: "Old turtle, are you all right? Are you dead?"

This old tortoise lived too long, and knowing some secrets he didn't know, Zhang Bairen was reluctant to let him die. The most important thing is, it seems that this guy still has friendship with himself?

"If you don't surrender the Tengu, I'm afraid I will really die!" Prime Minister Kameko's voice was full of helplessness.

Listening to Prime Minister Turtle's words, Zhang Bairen paused, looking at the Tengu who was running away in the distance, and throwing the Immortal Sword Sword with his hand, only to see that Immortal Sword Sword grows in the wind, and the devilish energy around his body turned into a black energy. Silhouette.

This figure is no different from Zhang Bairen, wearing a black robe, murderously rushing into the sky, and the starry sky shattered everywhere.

"Where to go!" Mo Ying swiftly swiped, the law of the void in front of him collapsed and turned into nothingness, and then he stepped in and blocked the way of the Tengu.

At this time, in order to escape, the tengu kept shrinking and turned into the size of an ordinary wolf dog. The hair all over it was pitch black, as if a black hole swallowed all the luster between the heaven and the earth.

"How is it possible! Why is your origin more advanced than me!" Tengu looked at the magic shadow, his eyes were full of disbelief: "I was born in the darkness, and the darkness between the heavens and the earth is the extreme. You are even purer than me. Thousands of times, what kind of monster are you!"

"Are you smart?" Zhang Bairen stepped forward at this time.

"Have you ever seen that the innate gods are idiots?" Tengu looked at Zhang Bairen with disdain.

"It's easy if you have the wisdom!" Zhang Bairen looked at the tengu, with a gleam in his eyes: "Either you surrender to me, or I will send you back to the darkness, where do you think?"

"What are you talking about? Tell me to surrender to you, a mortal? This is absolutely impossible!!! Don't be delusional!" The tengu sounded excited.


Zhang Bairen sighed lightly with the extremely sharp Zhuxian Sword floating on the head of the Tengu, and motioned to the Demon Shadow to do it: "In this case, I can only send you back to the darkness."

"Wait!" Seeing that the demon shadow was about to be cut off, the Tengu shouted quickly.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen scanned the tengu: "What else do you have to say?"

To live, no one wants to die, even if the innate gods are like this.

Looking at the Zhuxian sword in front of him, the sword glow exuding the faint death aura, the Tengu was a little bit confessed: "Stop it, the Emperor of Heaven killed my ancestor more than 300 times, and the ancestor I have been suffering since I was born. Suppression, now that Jingrui is approaching, my ancestors will temporarily surrender to you, but you must not hinder me from seizing Jingrui's fate."

"You were beheaded more than 30 times by the Emperor of Heaven?" Zhang Bairen seemed to have grasped some important points, and there was a dignified look in his eyes.

"Yes, ancestors, I am immortal, no one can kill me! Although the servant of the heavenly emperor beheaded me again and again, but I can continue to resurrect from the darkness, but the last time I suffered too much, I never thought It was conceived again a few days ago!" Tengu drooped his head, with a touch of emotion in his eyes: "I feel the vitality of the Emperor, which is much weaker than before. Even if I want to surrender to you, I am afraid that the Emperor will do it. You can't get through it!"

Tengu looked at the Sun Star with a touch of surprise: "The Heavenly Emperor seems to have been hit hard and is sleeping in the Sun Star. Now is a good time for revenge."

Zhang Bairen ignored the tengu's words, his thoughts turned, but he smiled and said, "It's okay, if you really surrender to me, I will carry the beam of the Emperor of Heaven for you.

Tengu looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, and then muttered to himself: "This fool has a good sword in his hand. I will find a chance to take it back in the future. How good is it even to face the Emperor?"

"I don't know how many tens of thousands of years have passed. Some familiar auras between heaven and earth are gone. I don't have to rush to do it. I will get acquainted with the environment of today's world for the time being." The tengu muttered, looking into the distance with his eyes showing. A weird look: "Never mind! No matter! Old ancestor, I will surrender you for the time being, can you take this sword first?"

To be honest, Tengu was a little flustered looking at the Demon Shadow holding the Zhuxian Sword.

With Zhang Bairen's palm, the magic shadow disappeared and returned to the sword, then he was held in his hand.

"Good treasure! Good treasure!" Tengu stared at Zhu Xianjian, one drooling.

The four innate gods in Zhang Bairen's body were circulating, and he was about to condense the magic seeds, but suddenly there was a movement in his heart. The Daohua within the divine nature was slightly shaken, and a dark illusory transparent petal was held in his hand: "Fuse this petal Into your origin."

"What's this?" Looking at the petals in Zhang Bairen's hands, the tengu suddenly showed an obsessive and crazy look. It seems that the seeker has met the avenue, and the immortal seeker has met the immortal, his eyes are full of obsessiveness, derived from instinctive power. Attracted him.

"Ask so much what to do!" Zhang Bairen flicked his fingers, and the petals flew toward the center of the tengu's eyebrows.

"It's wrong! It's wrong! Greatly wrong!" Tengu felt shocked in his heart, but facing the temptation of the petals, his body was honest and instinctively rushing forward.

Even though the tengu was snarling frantically, the instinct from the gods incorporated the petals into his body.

The abnormal noise disappeared, and the tengu seemed to wake up from the nightmare at this time, looking at Zhang Bairen in amazement: "What did you do to me!!!"

There was anger in Tengu's eyes, and a pair of eyes stared at Zhang Bairen.

"Small! Small! Small!" Zhang Bairen pointed at the tengu, and saw that the dog shrank steadily that day, and in a blink of an eye it turned into the size of a thumb, floating in the starry sky.

"Asshole, what did you do to me? I'm going to fight with you!" Tengu's eyes were full of anger. He realized that his body was uncontrollable, and the Tengu panicked, and he wanted to swallow Zhang Bairen.

With the palm of his hand stretched out, Zhang Bairen took the leaping Tengu in his hand, and looked up and down. For some reason, the tengu was about to pounce and bite, but it turned out to be tempted and pleased.

What a shame! No, it's a lost dog! It's too embarrassing for the innate gods, it's unbearable!

Even though the tengu was angry in the sky, the instinct that couldn't change the body was to please Zhang Bairen. At this time, Zhang Bairen felt the Daohua in his body, and the illusory black petals were growing rapidly and consolidating.

"Humiliation! What a humiliation! You kid, why humiliate me like this? It's better to kill me with a sword!" The tengu licked Zhang Bairen's palm, tears streaming down his face, the tengu who claimed to be the enemy of all living beings, what? Ever suffered such humiliation? It is simply tolerable or unbearable, this is a stain that a Tengu can't wash away 10,000 times.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen looked at the tengu, with a smile in his eyes, as if he understood something. He tapped the jade belt with his fingers, stuffed the tengu into his sleeve, and turned around and returned with the escape method.

"Zhang Bairen, tell the Tengu to spit me out!!!" At this moment, Prime Minister Tortoise's shout oh? "Zhang Bairen took a meal, and then took out the tengu. That day, when the dog saw the situation, he vomited the tortoise prime minister: "This old guy has a hard shell and doesn't taste good, and there is a strange smell that makes me sick." Vomited! Just spit it out. "

"Hold on, wait a minute!" Zhang Bairen called out the tengu.

I saw that the dog opened his mouth that day, and the head of a slick mini tortoise leaked out of the tengu's mouth. At this time, the tengu heard Zhang Bairen's words and sucked the turtle prime minister back again with a ‘chipping’.

"Oh~ this old thing tastes too much, it's too ugly."

Tengu was sick, and his stomach was vomiting.

"Too deceiving! You have a big taste! Old tortoise, I'm fighting with you!" I was eaten and rejected. Even if Prime Minister tortoise had a good temperament, he couldn't help but become angry at this time: "Zhang Bairen, what are you guys? Meaning, you are now subduing the tengu and helping to strengthen your strength. In the future, who will dare to grab your edge in the world? You have not kept your promise and let me out!!!

"No hurry! No hurry! We have something to settle down!" Zhang Bairen said with a smile.

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