First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1865: Washing the sword pool

This avenue flower didn't know what magic power it had, and it turned a congenital beast into an alive dogleg.

Although Tengu's heart was full of reluctance and resistance, but the body was very honest, and these words came out naturally.

"Really don't ask?" Prime Minister Turtle reluctantly followed Zhang Bairen.

"Don't ask!" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly.

Prime Minister Turtle paused, looking at Zhang Bairen's away back, he could only sigh softly: "Wusheng, count you cruel! This time I lost!"

After sighing, he shouted to Zhang Bairen's back: "This is for you, you may still need it in the future."

While talking, a golden light from the old turtle's hand dropped out, throwing it towards Zhang Bairen from a distance.

"What is it?" Zhang Bairen grabbed the streamer in one hand, then a look of stunnedness appeared in his eyes, showing a thoughtful look: "What's the use of this thing?"

"Is Wusheng entrusted to you?" Zhang Bairen looked at Prime Minister Turtle.

"Old tortoise, I like to play rascals, but the gambling is good. If you lose, you should do what you lose. I will never shame." Without responding to Zhang Bairen's words, Prime Minister tortoise shook his head and lost his thoughts in his eyes: "Nothing is right. Ah, why don’t you ask? Why don’t you ask?"

"Why don't you ask?" Zhang Bairen smiled to himself. He originally wanted to ask, but suddenly he thought of the kits Xu Fu brought to him in the pre-Qin Dynasty. The information recorded on the animal bones instantly understood in his heart, and he felt forbearing. Living.

Seeing Zhang Bairen's back, the old turtle was lost in thought, standing alone in the starry sky without a word.

Outside Zhuojun City

Zhang Bairen stopped suddenly, then turned and walked towards the mountains.

"Since the governor is back, why don't you go to the city to see Qixi Festival?" Zuo Qiu Wuji walked out from a distance.

"The killing intent on my body is too heavy. I'm afraid that Qixi Festival can't stand it. I will suppress the killing intent for the time being, and then go to see the Qixi Festival!" Zhang Bairen returned to the mountain and let the tengu play around. He came to the cemetery by himself, looking at the tombstones. There was a touch of emotion.

The sun was warm and soft in the sky, sprayed on Zhang Bairen's face, revealing his skin like jade.

"What more does the governor think?" Lu Yu didn't know when he came to Zhang Bairen's back.

"Thinking about some things in the past, I am afraid that I am too murderous and forget the things in the past!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of emotion.

After listening to Zhang Bairen's words, Lu Yu smiled softly: "The governor said and laughed, Yangshen Zhenren's previous thoughts are clear in the past, how can he forget?"

"Perhaps" Zhang Bairen sighed, but didn't say much.

"How is Princess Huarong?" Zhang Bairen said suddenly.

Lu Yu heard the words silently, and said after a while: "I think you'd better go to the desert yourself."

"Huh?" Zhang Bairen heard what Lu Yu was saying, his brows frowned slightly, and his murderous subconscious fluctuated with him. The birds were frightened, and the mountains were silent.

"You girl, you are still betraying me. It's really begging!" Zhang Bairen suddenly smiled, his whole body disintegrated, and he wanted to squeeze Lu Yu's head, but facing the bright eyes, he couldn't help but smiled and took it back. .

"I'm not a kid!" Lu Yu stood out with satisfaction, feeling very satisfied with Zhang Bairen's ability to withdraw his hand.

"You girl, you and Lihua are the first to follow me among all the people. We are the closest people. You will be the goddess of Qixi Festival from now on. Are you still begging for a fight with me?" Zhang Bairen sorted out. The green silk in Yu's ear looked at the beautiful girl with a gentle smile in her eyes.

"Really?" Lu Yu widened his eyes when he heard this, and looked at Zhang Bairen in surprise.

"What?" Zhang Bairen asked in surprise.

"Goddess of Qixi Festival!" Lu Yu stomped his feet.

"The Qixi Festival is also a child, and you can't lose maternal love!" Zhang Bairen flicked Lu Yu's shoulder.

In an instant, Lu Yu's eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and he looked at Zhang Bairen happily: "I will definitely treat Qixi as my own daughter."

"Your heart is beating too hard, if you continue like this, you will lose your spirit!" Zhang Bairen's index finger poked Lu Yu's heart, but he accidentally stuck a piece of softness, and retracted his finger in embarrassment.

Lu Yu's face turned red, he glared at Zhang Bairen, and then said: "Since Dingdang died, I haven't seen you smile like this for many years. I am very worried about you like this."

"Really?" Zhang Bairen was stunned when he heard the words, and a reminiscence appeared in his eyes: "The Cao family has been killed by me, but it is a pity that Dingdang can't come back."

Lu Yu was silent when he heard this, and whispered: "If you can love me like Ding Dong, no... even if it's only one tenth... one percent, I'll be happy even if my soul is scattered."

"What did you say?" Zhang Bairen looked at Lu Yu after listening to the muttering from the wind.

"No! Nothing!" Lu Yu was a little flustered, then hurriedly turned around and said: "You are here to retreat and meditate, purify the evil spirit, I will take care of you on Qixi Festival."

Looking at Lu Yu's back, Zhang Bairen suddenly smiled, causing the grass and trees in the mountains to bloom in an instant: "This girl is still so careless."


There is a cottage not far from the cemetery, and in front of the cottage is a pool of water. The pool water is a natural spring in the mountains. The pool is half a foot deep and has a radius of about two meters. The pool water is clear without any impurities. There are three springs in it.

A stone stele is standing by the edge of the spring, and the ancient rune bird seal is written:

Wash the sword pool!

The three large characters are simple and radiant, and it seems that endless murderous intent is conceived in them, and Zhang Bairen, dressed in purple, sits by the pool, continuously connected with the waves of the spring water under his feet, and then instantly merges into one.

Not far away, Lu Yu hugged a white coat. The white clothes were delicately sewn, and the delicate lines on the clothes were vividly outlined.

Not long afterwards, I saw that the pool of water turned into blood red, then from blood red to pitch black, and then to transparent. The stone stele on the side of the sword washing pond became a bit black, and the murderous intent was a bit intense.

"How did you come?"

Zhang Bairen received his work and turned to look at Lu Yu.

"Sister Lihua told me before she died that people shouldn't wear purple clothes all the time. This white robe was sewn by Empress Xiao. Now, in order to purify the murderous intent, wearing this clothes can ease some mood." Lu Yu had a pair of eyes. Looking at Zhang Bairen.

It has been a month since Zhang Bairen returned to Zhuo County. He has been in the Sword Washing Pool for a month, but it is still a drop in the bucket. He can only find a way to restrain the murder and gradually resolve it in the future.

Looking at the clothes, he recalled a familiar face in his eyes. Zhang Bairen smiled lightly, and walked away from the purple clothes. When a mountain breeze came, his white underwear floated in the mountains.

Lu Yu carefully helped Zhang Bairen put on his clothes, and then said: "Bairen, I don't know if I should say something."

"Yeah" Zhang Bairen nodded.

"What are you going to do with Li Shimin?" Lu Yu said.

"What?" Zhang Bairen asked in surprise.

"The dragon clan entered the river channel of the master clan a few days ago, and Li Shimin buckled all the pots on the governor. Now the people are screaming, as bad as they are!" Lu Yu said.

Listening to Lu Yu's words, Zhang Bairen saw no wave in his eyes. After a while, he said: "Li Shimin can't die for the time being, at least not right now! When he deserves to die, I will naturally send him on the road."

If many things can be solved by killing, Zhang Bairen doesn't mind killing a few more people, but sometimes the killing is of no use, and it will make things even worse.

Stroking the white clothes with his fingers, Zhang Bairen turned and looked at Xijianchi: "I'm going to the Western Regions for a while. Anyway, Princess Huarong and Princess Makeup are not at all involved with me."

"Need some manpower?" Lu Yu said.

"No, Nalanjing has managed the business of Nalan's family all these years. I'm going to do errands, not to kill people. It's enough to have life following me!" Zhang Bairen's words fell and turned and walked into the thatched hut: " Post to Nalanjing, I want to see Nalanjing."

In recent years, the business of Nalan's family has become more and more extensive. Sanjiang and Wuyueju have businesses everywhere. With the support of Zhuojun, Nalanjing's business will not be too bad.

Nalan family

In a quiet courtyard

Nalan, dressed in a blue shirt, sits quietly on the lotus, like the legendary fairy Gushe, not eating the fireworks.

With the growth of Nalan's family, Nalanjing has long been hiding behind the scenes and is no longer in charge of family affairs. Back then, Nalanjing resolutely suppressed Zhang Bairen, but now it seems that it is correct, and it has indeed made Nalan's house one of the few large firms in the world.

In this way, the Nalan family members and elders strongly supported Nalanjing, and it can be said that Nalanjing is the pinnacle of the sea.

As long as Zhang Bairen does not fall, Nalan's family will not go downhill.

Judging from the current situation, if Zhang Bairen wanted to die, it would be better to kill the human race.

Not far away, the Patriarch of the Nalan family lowered his head, not daring to look at standing there respectfully, waiting for Nalanjing's words.

A breeze blew in the mountains and the leaves rustled, and it took a while to hear Nalan’s quiet and ethereal voice: "This bastard, finally remembered me. I almost thought he had forgotten me. Up."

"Leave the post, go down," Nalanjing ordered.


The owner put the post on the ground, then bowed, turned and left.

After years of not seeing each other, Nalanjing has already proved Yangshen Avenue! Look forever, youth is not old.

"This bearer!" Nalanjing picked up the post, then gritted her teeth, her figure turned into a breeze and spread out in the void.

"I don't know what is the relationship between grandma and the chief governor" Nalan's Patriarch stood outside the door, muttering to himself in his heart. He saw the gods in martial arts, and he could clearly perceive that Nalan's heartbeat accelerated at that moment, which was definitely not the appearance. So peaceful.

"Ahem" a cough sounded, and an old figure was walking towards Patriarch Nalan.

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