First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1866: Meet old friends

"The big housekeeper!" Looking at the silver-haired middle-aged man, Patriarch Nalan suddenly felt excited and hurriedly respectfully saluted.

"Some things should be said, some things shouldn't be said, the Patriarch should understand it. What kind of person is the chief governor, who can sense the secret of heaven in his thoughts, and the three mountains and five sacred mountains can only be in a single thought. If he notices that you are slandering behind his back, a I crushed you to death with my fingers, and I didn't make any sense!" Tie Jun's face was stern, his eyes were full of gloom.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I know that I was wrong, please be forgiven."

Patriarch Nalan confessed his mistake quickly. In the Nalan family, Nalanjing was the pillar of the family and the link between the chief governor and the Nalan family. The Tiejun was the number one loyal, absolute cron, and unoffendable figure. .

Even though he was the Patriarch of the Nalan family, the Iron Army was no more than a steward beside Nalanjing, but he did not dare to offend too much.

Hill head

At the place where Zhang Bairen and the Nalan family caravan first met, Zhang Bairen dressed in white and sat under a big tree not far away. The tea was boiling in front of him, and the tea leaves were tumbling in the tea stove.

A fragrant wind hit, and the figure of Nalanjing of Konggu Youlan appeared opposite Zhang Bairen, with a grimace and said: "You finally remember me!"

Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly when he heard the words, and then looked at Na Lanjing in front of him: "You don't know that I have been dead for all these years, and there are many things that are difficult to deal with. I don't contact you, it is for your own good, so that you will not be implicated. "

"I'm not afraid of being implicated. If I can be born and die for you, even if the death is gone, I will recognize it! It's better than decades of waiting!" Na Lanjing looked straight at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly when he heard the words, poured the tea into the bowl in front of Nalanjing, and then stood up and tidied the scattered hair in front of Nalanjing, wiping the tears on her shiny face, and on her skin that can be broken by a blow. The tears were slowly wiped off, and the two of them could smell their noses.

Slowly helped Nalanjing to sit down, only to see Zhang Bairen slowly let go of his arms, and then sat opposite Nalanjing: "It was I who delayed you! If you hadn't met me, you would have been married and had children. The life of a normal person will be very happy in this lifetime."

"Hehe, Zifeiyu knows the joy of fish?" Na Lanjing looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "I think I am very satisfied with my current life. The only dissatisfaction is that there is a heartless guy who has forgotten me for many years. . Now that I’m successful in the sun god, I can reincarnate and live the life I want, which is great. Do you want me to marry the Southern Xinjiang Wizard God?"

"That was what pushed me into the fire pit. It was you who changed my destiny, gave me the supreme truth, and helped me set foot on the road!" Na Lanjing quietly looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "Changed my destiny , You are responsible to me."

When Zhang Bairen heard this, he could only smile bitterly, what else could he say?

Can't say anything, can only smile silently.

Tap the table with his fingers, Zhang Bairen looked down at the tea: "Drink tea, **** tea ceremony."

Nalan Jing has her own magic seed in her body, and it is only natural that she wants to be enlightened. As long as her cultivation level is improved, Nalan Jing's cultivation level will continue to grow.

"The smell of killing is too strong, and the purity of the tea has been lost!" Na Lanjing only slightly touched the corner of her mouth before putting down the tea cup.

Zhang Bairen was silent when he heard the words, and after a while, he said, "I'm already trying to control the murder."

"You killed too many people" Nalan Jing said with emotion.

"The peace of humanity is hard to come by. Although there are some worms, you can't break a pot of rice because of the worms." Zhang Bairen shook his head, his eyes filled with emotion, and slowly stood up and looked into the distance: "I'm going to Dunhuang. But now I am self-cultivating, and I don't want to work with others. When will the caravan of Nalan's family leave?"

"When are you leaving?" Na Lanjing looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"Naturally, the sooner the better," Zhang Bairen said.

"Nalan's caravan can leave at any time. I will accompany you personally." Nalanjing looked at Zhang Bairen with unquestionable eyes.

Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "I went to the west to refine my mind and temper my mind."

"Isn't the companionship of beauties also a kind of experience?" Nalan pursed the corner of her mouth, as if it were a little fox who had stolen the chicken: "That's it."

Nalanjing did not give Zhang Bairen a chance to refute. She had been waiting for Zhang Bairen for many years and didn't want to leave Zhang Bairen.

"Hey, what happened back then is still vivid. That year, your brothers and sisters fought for power in the family. It was really tragic." Zhang Bairen sighed.

Nalanjing is not a simple woman. How can a simple woman take care of the Nalan family of Norda properly? She was a little woman only in front of her.

"Everything is going! What happened in the past, what to do with so much!" Nalanjing shook her head: "Follow me!"

Zhang Bairen stood up and did not perform Taoism, allowing Nalanjing to take advantage of the wind and protect himself.

The reason why he did not go out of the city with the caravan in Zhuojun was because he was afraid of trouble! Just like an ordinary person, what do you think when the fairy Buddha in the myth appears in front of you?

Nalan's House is located in a beautiful place with beautiful scenery and comfortable environment, beautiful mountains and flowing water.

Seeing the man Nalan Jing was holding, a disciple of the Nalan family was standing in front of the gate and guarding the gate boredly, but then he stood up in shock, as if dreaming.

"No?" The guard's guard rubbed his eyes, feeling that he was a little dazzled.

"What's wrong?" The guard on the other side basked his belly lazily.

"Am I wrong? How could Grandma Nalan take a man's arm? Grandma Nalan hates men the most!!! I must be wrong! I must be wrong!" The guard rubbed his eyelids vigorously , His eyes were full of horror, showing a touch of horror, as if he could not believe the scene before him.

"What..." Seeing this doubt, another guard turned over and sat up and looked at the two figures, one blue and one white, coming in the distance. His words stopped abruptly, and then his mouth fell to the ground: "No! Me! Could it be a mistake?"

When Nalanjing approached, the two of them woke up like a dream, hurriedly tidied their clothes, and then fell to the ground respectfully: "I have seen grandma."

"You two little monkeys, never thought that more than 20 years have passed, and they have both grown up like this!" The real Yang Shen remembered the two of them at a glance.

"I am worried about Grandma Lao. We have never seen Grandma Aunt come out for more than 20 years. This is the first time in 20 years. This is my Nalan family's happy event." The guard on the left Ji Ling, secretly raised his head and scanned Nalan Jing and Zhang Bairen glanced, flattery in his mouth, and then respectfully said.

"Go and ask the patriarch to go to my retreat, saying that Nalan's house is going to leave the customs and bring a batch of goods!" Nalanjing said as she took Zhang Bairen's arm and continued to walk towards the courtyard.

When the two of them walked away, the two boys raised their heads and stared at their backs. The one on the left said: "Second brother, you slap me, am I dreaming? Auntie has a man? This is simply It’s great news! I don’t know how many people will be scared to death when it spreads out."


A slap in the face made the man on the left annoyed: "Why are you smacking me!"

"You told me to smoke" the man on the right said with an innocent face.

Walking into the courtyard of Nalan's house, the steward with hurried steps was walking fast in the courtyard, but when he saw the oncoming figure that looked like a couple of gods, he was shocked and lost control of his steps and plunged into the lake.


As the lake rolled, the steward struggled in the water, and quickly saluted Nalanjing: "The villain pays homage to the big girl."

"Manager Li, you are also an old man in Nalan's family, why are you so frizzy!" Nalanjing reprimanded.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" The steward was just greeted in a daze, but his brain was blank: "The girl actually looked for a man? This is incredible!"

Guarding the vacant house alone, the Nalan family eldest who only knew that the monasticism was holding a man, and was not shy about being seen by countless people, suddenly surprised Nalan family boiling.

It was as if a depth bomb was dropped into the lake, and the whole Nalan family was boiling in a sudden wave.

Looking at the apprehensive disciple of the Nalan family, Nalanjing couldn't help her face: "I originally wanted to show you the weather in my Nalan family, but I didn't want to be watched by you instead."

When he came to the quiet and hidden place of Nalan, Zhang Bairen looked at the deserted bamboo forest, the simple thatched hut, and only had a simple change of tools. Instead of paying attention to Nalanjing’s words, he whispered: "In these twenty years, you have Is there a person here to practice hard?"

"As long as you can wait for you, everything is worth it!" Na Lanjing looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

Zhang Bairen was silent after hearing this After a while, he sat down with a wry smile, and held Nalan quietly in his arms. The two hugged in the pavilion silently.

"The Chief Governor!" With an untimely footstep, Tie Jun came forward with tears in his eyes: "Really the Chief Governor? The third lady has waited for you for so many years, but finally the bitterness and sweetness have finally come to you. Waiting."

Nalanjing broke free from Zhang Bairen's arms and glared at the Tiejun: "Why don't you come to say hello?"

"The villain heard people say that the eldest lady brought a man back, afraid that the eldest lady was deceived, so she rushed over in a hurry, never thought it was the chief governor." Tie Jun's eyes were full of emotion: "Yes, all over the world, Only a strange man like the governor is worthy of the eldest lady."

Regarding the flattery of the Tiejun, Nalan remained calm and looked at the Tiejun with a pair of eyes: "The chief governor and I are going to the Western Regions to leave the customs. You go and ask the patriarch to arrange for a shipment of goods by the way."

The Tiejun bowed to salute when he heard the words, and retired without saying a word.

Looking at Tiejun's back, Zhang Bairen suddenly sighed: "Years make people grow old. If I hadn't seen Tiejun's gray hair, I wouldn't think I was getting old."

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