First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1880: 3 provinces green forest

The vitality of the bone-changing warrior has been extraordinary, let alone seeing the **** warrior?

The continued arm is almost hopeless for ordinary people, but for those who see the gods, they are put together in one place, as long as they can be handled properly, they can still be used.

Pushing everyone away with a smile, Zhang Bairen connected Li Tie's arm, with a weird smile in his eyes: "The hero is dead, and he can get his life in the hands of Yang Ren."

"I have the same feelings as my master and father and son, how could he really kill me?" Yang Ren smiled bitterly: "Although we avoided the catastrophe, if you want to come, more green forest experts will smell the wind and will be more troublesome. just began."

As Li Tie's words fell, the originally relaxed atmosphere in the field began to stagnate again. For a time, the field was full of solemnity, and the originally soothing atmosphere began to become tense at this time.

"I said scholar, you are very courageous. Facing murder and robbery, you are not afraid of it at all." Wang Wuyi looked at Zhang Bairen with surprise.

Zhang Bairen scanned the distance with his eyes and tapped his fingers on the box. After a while, he smiled softly: "That's because I have traveled north and south over the years and have seen too many things. These are only small scenes."

"Hey, I can't stand your nonsense. I can't help my petty temper! Let me ask you, this is all a small scene, what is the big scene?" Wang Wu rolled up his sleeves, and a touch of his eyes appeared. dissatisfied.

No matter how he heard Zhang Bairen's words, he seemed to look down upon people.

"Okay, Wang Wu, what do you teach with a scholar! Hurry up and call everyone to bandage the wound and go on the road." The granulation on Li Tie's injured arm was constantly squirming, and in a blink of an eye, visible scars were condensed, and a few more The breathing has continued to be intact as before.

Seeing the vitality of the martial artist is incredible, almost immortal.

As long as they are not cut off their heads and punctured their hearts, it is not difficult for them to resurrect. No matter how serious the injury is, as long as they have enough blood, they can quickly recover.

Zhang Bairen carried his hands on his back, with a touch of emotion in his eyes. He sat on the carriage with Zhang Xujiao, carrying the cold wind and watching the heavy snow falling in the sky.

"Does the Governor think about how to deal with the aftermath?"

Zhang Xutuo said.

Li Tie is a good man, Zhang Xuluo didn't want to look at him, so he was killed by others!

"My own pot, of course, I have already thought about the aftermath. It won't be long before the bandits from all over the green forest will come to the door. Then I will reveal my identity. If they are acquainted, it will be fine..." Zhang Bairen smiled coldly. The terrifying murderous intent is called the bird in the forest.

"You really don't look like an ordinary scholar" Saint Aunt came to Zhang Bairen's side at some unknown time.

"Then what am I like?" Zhang Bairen hugged the wine jar and looked at the saint aunt with a pair of eyes, a touch of drunkenness appeared in his eyes.

"Like a big pervert who is greedy and lustful." There was a weird look in Saint Aunt's eyes: "If you enter the mountain now, you may still have a chance."

"Into the mountain? The snow is boundless, and the monsters and tigers and leopards are rampant in the mountains. Would you tell me to die?" Zhang Bairen shook his head quickly: "No! No!"

"You nerd, you really don't know good people. The bandits in the green forest in front are more ferocious than the wolf, jackal, tiger and leopard in the mountains. If you don't go, I'm afraid that ten deaths will survive." Saint Aunt gave Zhang Bairen angrily.

"I told you, scholar, I have great luck, and I will inevitably die and turn into good fortune!" Zhang Bairen waved his hand nonchalantly, "Ah! An!"

The saint was speechless, and after a while, he said: "Sure enough, everyone's life and death are definite, and this matter cannot be forced."


The next moment Zhang Bairen only felt the wind blowing in his ears, and then he felt the back of his head bang, resisting the instinct to fight back, Zhang Bairen fainted.

On the one hand, Zhang was also stunned. Following the sound of the wind, he slammed Zhang Bairen directly, using Zhang Bairen as a meat pad.

"Saint Aunt, you..." Wang Wu was stunned, not knowing why Saint Aunt acted.

"Go and fetch the blanket" Saint Aunt gave orders, and soon after seeing Wang Wu fetching the blanket, he said, "How?"

"Wrap them so that they don’t freeze to death, and then throw them in the ravine. Whether they can escape a catastrophe depends on their good fortune!" A touch of mercy appeared in the eyes of the saint’s aunt: "I can’t ask a few innocent people to accompany me to die. ."

"Girl, leave this to me." Wang Wu picked up Zhang Bairen and Zhang Beard and ran towards the distant mountains and forests. After walking for tea time, he came to a place where the leaves were leeward and withered and yellow. The blanket wrapped the two of them and threw them into the leaves, then sighed, and gave Zhang Bairen a kick: "You guys are ill-intentioned, always thinking about taking advantage of the saint aunt. This kick will relieve me! From now on! I don't know if I can see you again alive, so take care."

After speaking, Wang Wu turned and left. He just walked a few steps and stopped again. He took out the dry food from his arms: "There must be a fierce battle not far away. I am a dead person and I can't use dry food anymore. Saint Aunt’s spells must require food after waking up. Don’t freeze to death, but starve to death.”

Throwing all the dry food into Zhang Bairen’s blanket, Wang Wu sat there silently: "I don’t know how the little sisters and parents at home survived this winter. Ever since I started my career as a scorcher, I have been prepared for this day. . You die, but the dart is there, and the dart is dead, and you must never lose faith. The Zhumen wine stinks, and the road has frozen bones. The life of your rich family son is something I have never envied. ."

After Wang Wu finished speaking, he knocked his head in the direction of his hometown: "Father, mother, little sister, take care of you, your child is not filial, I am afraid it will be difficult to serve the elderly in the future."

After speaking, Wang Wu stood up, concealed Zhang Bairen and Zhang Xuan with leaves, erased all traces, and then broke through the air.

After a quarter of an hour, it was confirmed that Wang Wu had really gone, and the dead leaves were flying, and two figures flew out of the leaves.

Zhang Bairen frowned when he looked at the footprints on his **** and the dry food scattered all over the floor: "For decades, there have been many people who have done the right thing with me, but he is the first one who dares to kick my butt."

"This kid is good and has a great appetite for me." Zhang Xutuo patted the leaves on his body, picked up the wowotou on the ground and stuffed it in his mouth: "It tastes good."

"For the sake of this kid Wowotou, I spared him a life." Zhang Bairen removed the weed mark from his body, and then said: "Let's go, let's go to the aftermath."

This delay has been half an hour.

Just when I appeared on the road, I heard a sound of horseshoes, and then saw a dozen horseback horses galloping up. One of them said: "There are two people here, they are suspicious and I don't know if they are from the World Escort."

"Catch it up and ask for a little bit of it."

Horseshoes rushed towards Zhang Bairen, and Zhang Xutuo sighed with emotion: "There is really a way to heaven, you don’t go, **** has no way, you surrender yourself. If you don’t do anything wrong, you just run into the hands of the general governor. Good fruit?"

The air exploded, and the beard and camel's figure just swayed slightly, without seeing any movement. Not waiting for everyone's reaction, the figures on the horses burst open, turning into blood mist and floating, dyeing the snow on the ground red.

Zhang Xutuo's movements were too fast, and everyone had no time to turn their minds, and he was already dead.

"Let's go, the previous time was really lively, so many people!" Zhang Xu's ears trembled, and he heard the movement in the wind.

"Let's go, it's been a long time." Zhang Bairen shook his head.

Let's say that the World Escort has traveled for about fifty miles. When passing through a canyon, the Iron Army suddenly waved, and the whole team stopped their movements and looked at both sides of the canyon with guard eyes.

"Hehe, the Green Forest of the Three Provinces really can afford to wait for me. They put up such a big battle and wait for me here" Li Tie suddenly smiled, a pair of eyes revealing a little bit of tragic.

The dart is there, and the dart is killed!

The fine breath in the forest can't hide from his ears. Even if it is covered by wind and snow, seeing the martial artist is extraordinary, it is not easy to detect the movement.

"Li Biaotou is really extraordinary. We underestimated Li Biaotou's cultivation level." There was a laugh in the mountains and forests, and then they heard the sound of breaking through the sky, and people rushed out from the mountains and forests.

There are green forests in the three provinces nearby. Anyone with a few brushes can be found here.

"I don't know if the master of the green forests of the three provinces can be found?" Li Tie bowed his fist.

"Li Baotou, it's not that we don't give face, but that the dart is really heartbeat." However, he saw a man in his forties with a rich face in burlap and linen sprang out of the forest and landed in front of the dart board.

This man has a face full of flesh and blood, and his whole body is full of richness. The inexhaustible aura flows around him, mixed with a mysterious and unpredictable temperament.

"It turns out that it is Venerable Maitreya, Li Tie is polite." Li Tie bowed.

Another figure sprang out from the mountains and forests holding an iron sword in his hands, his whole body ragged like a refugee, and his face was yellow and muscled as thin as wood.

Only one pair of eyes is very bright, as if two sharp swords can pierce people's hearts.

"Hunyuan Sword!" Li Tie's heart became heavier again when he looked at that person.

"Miao Jiang gave a big price. Our brothers couldn't refuse, so we had to do so." Hun Yuanjian lowered his eyes.

"That is, as long as Li Biaotou hands over the goods with Saint Auntie, the World Escort will have no trouble in our three provinces in the future. If anyone dares to embarrass the World Escort, he will hit our brother in the face!" Another voice broke through. The sonic boom fell in front of Li Tie, and he looked closely at this man who turned out to be a scholar, a young scholar, who was practicing Taoist Kungfu. At this time, he was dressed as a Confucian student and stood there with a gentle complexion. Its demeanor.

"I said Li Tie, we have been stuck in this state for more than ten years. This opportunity will never be missed. You can withdraw from the World Escort!" the scholar said.

ps: Make up for the leader of "Chu Mengyao's Dream".

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