First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1881: Choice

The bookish nature is gentle and jade, he looks like a weak scholar, wearing a flower hat on his head, gentle and elegant temperament, coupled with the white skin, delicate and slender fingers, I don't know how many ladies will be charmed.

Anyone who looks at the person in front of him will only think that he is really a scholar without the power of a chicken, how can he be connected with the Jiang Yang thief?

The scholar's temperament is very weak, gentle and elegant and harmless, but his reputation has changed. The deadly scholar was built with countless human heads. I don't know how many people died in that pair of gentle hands, who could conquer a province of green forest. Can a scholar do it?

"Li Tie, our brothers had some friendship with the world escort. In the past, the world **** traveled in all directions. After passing through my three provinces, is there something wrong with my brothers from the green forests of the three provinces?" "But you also want to make the brothers get along. The holy object of Empress Nuwa is on the saint aunt. As long as the holy object of the saint aunt is obtained, all of our brothers can break through to the path and become one of the best chess players. One, not a chess piece left to fate."

"You are breaking the way of my brothers by doing this. How can my brothers not fight with you?" The scholar looked at Li Tie with a pair of eyes: "The green forest masters of the three provinces here are all gathered, eight see God, hundreds change A good player in the Bone Realm, you can't go out no matter what today, so why have you lost your brothers' lives because of this cargo?"

Li Tie looked gloomy when he heard this, but his heart sank to the bottom. He already knew that this group of people would not let it go no matter what.

The hope of breakthrough is here, how can everyone let it go?

"Li Tie, the scholar is right. Treasures are important or the lives of your brothers? We are not the kind of murderers and treasures. As long as you keep the treasures, we will never embarrass you!" Hun Yuanjian said Now, the voice in the words is hoarse, like a stone hitting, and people can't help but get goose bumps.

"God has the virtue of a good life. Your brothers are all watching you. Do you really want to bring these brothers to death? Is your faith and righteousness really that important compared with your brothers?" Maitreya stroked his huge belly, eyes filled with weird colors.

The tactics to attack the heart, the world **** players are all good players, if they can be separated from Li Tie, this matter will be more than half.

Li Tie stood there with a green face, then turned to look at the escorts and runners of the World Escort. He unexpectedly knelt down with a'poof': "Everyone, I can't help you, Li Tie, all of you brothers. Young and old at home, how can I ask you Li Tie to accompany me to death? If I return to the escort, Li Tie will never resent you. I just hope that those who return can treat me to take care of the young and old at home and be filial in front of my parents. Li Tie was grateful."

"Dart head!!!"

All the escorts of the World Escort were all looking at Li Tie, who was kneeling on the ground, and they stepped forward to help. One of the chests was wrapped with gauze, and the red blood was constantly flowing out. At this time, they came to Li Tie's body and supported him. Live: "Darthead, you don't have to say anything, let alone the few people in front of you that are fascinated by the mind, how can we fall into his divorce?"

"Yes, when I waited for this bowl of rice, I had already put my life and death out of my mind. Who would still be a scorcher if I was afraid of death?" Someone said with disdain.

"That's right, some people look down on us too much! Why don't you lose your life? It's just that the wives and children in the family and the parents can't let go. The big dart head is the strong man who sees the gods. If you want to break through, this group of people I can't stop you, I just hope that Da Dartou can take care of the young and old in my family in the future. I can't be grateful enough!" There was blood boiling in his hands, and his fighting spirit was rising.

"Yes, the dart is here, and the dart is dead. It is the signboard of my world dart board. How can it be smashed in our hands?" A dart master shouted angrily: "You waited for the green forest of the three provinces to rob our darts, but It also depends on whether the mouth is hard enough, whether it can withstand our strength, and whether it will stretch a big tooth."

Everyone was talking a lot at this time, all of them roared at the green forests of the three provinces, and the atmosphere in the field became hot for a while.

The Green Forest of the Three Provinces is silent. The World Escort is really not easy to provoke. The masters in the World Escort are not afraid, but they are afraid of the official figures behind the World Escort. Once this incident has alarmed the big figures in the temples, no one should think about it. Nuwa's sacred objects cannot be kept.

"The hope of breakthrough is right in front of me, and I will never give up. Since you are not savvy, then no wonder we are cruel." Although Big-bellied Maitreya was laughing, the murderous intent was scary.

"Haha, yes! That's right! How can we just give up like this after waiting for decades of opportunity? No treasure today, never give up!" The deadly scholar smiled unhurriedly: "Li Tie, you can Think about it, although you brothers have a few brushes, they are just lambs to be slaughtered in the face of those who see the gods. With 30 breaths, we can kill them all. You can weigh them yourself. ."

Li Tie changed color, everyone in the **** changed color, and the momentum of shouting to kill suddenly became much weaker.


At this moment, a deserted sigh sounded: "Everyone, go back, this time the dart is over, the mission of the World Escort is over."

Saint Aunt spoke up, and Gu Jing Wubo's eyes behind the rabbit mask could not see happiness, anger, sorrow or joy. The general situation of the world **** is gone, facing the three who see the martial arts, they can't escape anyway.

That being the case, why involve those innocent people?

It is always good to be buried with fewer people.

Saint Aunt sighed slightly, but fortunately, he had already handed over the treasure in advance, otherwise this time it would be really troublesome. The people in Miaojiang were crazy, and even dared to spread the news of the token, and they were not afraid of being noticed by the Great Power of China.

"No! My world **** dart board, how can it be unbelievable? I said that sending the girl to a safe place will send the girl to a safe place, and I will never back down." Li Tie categorically rejected Saint Aunt's words.

"But I'm an employer, you have to listen to me!" Saint Aunt's eyes swept across the darts and darts in front of them, and saw the struggle in everyone's eyes. There are fears, desires, and aspirations to death.

No matter what, they did not flinch!

"Really a group of lovely people!" Saint Aunt sighed to herself.

While he was talking, he heard a sonic boom from a distance. Wang Wu rushed into the arena with a long knife, his voice shook the goose feathers in the air with a high voice: "What the saint aunt said, I don’t have one of the escorts It's a scumbag. Although we are afraid of death, we don't escape. When I joined the Escort, I had a foreboding that this day. Now that death is coming, I should die calmly. Is there any reason to shrink?"

There really is no reason to flinch!

"You are just darts, I am the employer and I have the final say. Now you have to go back. The next thing is my personal grievances, which has nothing to do with you." Saint Aunt's words were cold, and his eyes revealed stubbornness.

While watching the green forests in three provinces with gusto, he didn't bother to say anything.

This kind of farce of life and death is indeed very beautiful.

"Saint Auntie, now..." Li Tie wanted to argue.

"No need to say!" Saint Aunt interrupted Li Tie: "You have to consider your own brothers."

Li Tie turned around dignifiedly when he heard the words, and then said loudly: "I stay, all of you go back!"

Li Tie looked at the escorts and runners: "This is my world **** business. My **** will always leave an explanation for Miss Li. I am enough. If you wait for the low combat power, you can stay. It's just going to die for nothing."

"Dart head!!!"

Everyone exclaimed in unison.

"How can I wait alone and leave the dart head in a **** battle?" A traversing hand's eyes were bloodshot, which was obviously red eyes: "I must live and die with the dart head!"

"Yes, I will go forward and retreat with the dart head, otherwise, how do I face the brothers in the dart board? How can I raise my head in the dart board in the future?"

"That is, I would rather die than face the eyes of the brothers in the escort."


A group of people talked a lot. At this time, Wang Wu suddenly drank: "Shut up, you wait for a low level of cultivation, what's the use of staying? It's just a bunch of cumbersomes. If you can't help, don't say it, but will be called a big dart. My head is distracted. I, Wang Wu, stayed on behalf of the brothers, please come back! Think about your parents, wives and children, staying here is just a waste of their lives, but it is useless."

Hearing this, the scene was quiet, and Li Tie sighed: "Go back, if you guys are interested, take care of my parents, wives, and children on my behalf. Li Tie is grateful."

Everyone, look at me and I look at you. One of the dartists looked ugly, and then said: "Let's go, let's have a low level of cultivation, don't mess with the head of the dart."

After speaking, he bowed to Li Tie: " take care!"

"Go!" With a cry of grief and anger, the escorts of the World Escort had to return to the original path.

"Hehe, it's really touching, it's a pity..." Big-bellied Maitreya smiled coldly: "If you want to leave, you have to ask our brothers' opinions. Do you think we are nothing but nothing?"

As the words of Maitreya with a big belly fell, at this time bandits overwhelming the mountains on both sides poured out, surrounding the crowd of the World Escort.

"What do you mean by waiting!" Seeing the scene in front of him, Li Tie suddenly changed his color, his eyes full of anger, staring at everyone.

"Haha, what do you mean? How do we know if the sacred object was taken away by your brothers? What is the use of keeping your Aunt Li Tie? What I want is the sacred object! Since you don't want to leave, then don't Let’s go and stay here!” The fatal scholar smiled weirdly: “Isn’t it beautiful to be a companion on Huangquan Road? It’s not lonely?”

"You..." Li Tie was anxious: "But they are innocent!"

"I don't know!" Hun Yuanjian said slowly.

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