First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1883: Nuwa Xuanzhu

"You idiot, don't chase it!" An old voice came from the wind and snow, but Shanxi hero Yang Ren was trembling, and his face was pale and walked out from a distance.

The sword thread wiped his ears before and cut off one strand of his hair. At that moment, Yang Ren felt the crisis of death, and even at that moment, he already thought he was dead.

But not!

"Master" Li Tie shouted excitedly.

Yang Ren came forward with a heavy face, looking at the corpses under his feet with a pair of eyes, with red dots on the center of his eyebrows, his eyes solemnly said: "The sword becomes silk!"

Refining swords into silk is the supreme pursuit of every swordsman. Refining the sword into silk can kill enemies thousands of miles away and behead people.

"Xiaoxiao Luoyue Invisible Sword, persuade Jun Nihai and turn your head!" Yang Ren looked solemnly at the corpses in the field: "It really is him! It really is him!"

"Who is it? The master knows that person?" Li Tie's eyes were full of fire.

"A person even more terrifying than the Demon God, can be called the number one person in the world!" Yang Ren's eyes were full of awe.

"Who the **** is it? You old man is also unhappy!" The saint aunt was anxious, and finally found out the whereabouts of the man who stole his treasure. Now that he knows the clue, how can he miss it?

"General Governor Zhang Bairen!" Yang Ren felt that when he spit out these words, it was as difficult as if he was stuffed with cotton.



Everyone in the field was shocked, their eyes were full of shock, as if they were struck by lightning, they doubted their ears.

"General Governor Zhang Bairen!" Yang Ren said with solemn eyes: "Fifty years ago,'Xiaoxiaoluoyun's invisible sword, persuade the monarch to evil and turn around' was his name. Now the times have changed, and there are not many people who remember him."

Zhang Bairen?

The young man who seems to be a weak scholar, is like a gentleman with a small hair next door. He is the legendary Zhang Bairen, the world's best master who is famous for doing all kinds of evil?

The slaying devil bowed his head, and the barbaric and terrified Zhang Bairen?

"Really?" Li Tie's gaze changed, his eyes filled with panic, his face turned colorful, as if he had opened a dyeing workshop.

"The chief governor???" Saint Aunt's body trembled: "I knocked him on the head before, but I knocked the chief governor on the head???"

The saint was a little dreamy. A man headed a woman's waist. She was the first person to knock the chief governor on the head and not die!

"What are you knocking on his head..." On the one hand, Wang Wu was almost crying: "I kicked his **** before. Would you say that the chief governor took my head while thinking?"

Wang Wu's body was trembling, and his teeth were shaking.


This is instinct! Fear derived from the instinct of the body.

Listening to Wang Wu's words, everyone looks at me and I look at you, Yang Ren curled his lips: "You wait for ants, how can the general governor care about you?"

"Yes! Yes! I am such an ant, the general governor will definitely not care about me! Hahaha! Hahaha! I actually kicked the general governor’s ass, and when Lao Tzu wanders in the rivers and lakes in the future, I will have a relationship with others. Bragging capital" Wang Wu's fear was followed by endless ecstasy.

Kicked the main governor's ass, how could this be regarded as the supreme glory, right?

"The treasure fell in the hands of the chief governor, I'm afraid it's... I'm afraid it's..." Li Tie looked at Saint Aunt with an ugly expression.

"Go to Zhuojun!" Saint Aunt gritted her teeth, thinking about the disaster that is about to erupt in Miaojiang, she has no choice.

The virtual air machine was fluctuating, Zhang Bairen tapped his knees with his fingers, and looked at the box in front of him with a pair of eyes, with a touch of contemplation in his eyes.

"How do you say this box is opened? If you knew it, you wouldn't pretend to be forced, just ask the saint aunt if you can!" Zhang Bairen sighed.

"The governor must not ask me, my old Zhang is a rough man, but I can't figure out the mystery of this." Zhang Xutuo shook his head.

"Since this is the treasure of Empress Nuwa, let me try the technique passed down by Empress Nuwa." Zhang Bairen flashed a hint of light in his head, then slapped his thigh.

Xiaoxiao Luoyue Invisible Sword, persuade Jun Nihai and look back!

Rivers and lakes boiling

Along with this poem title, the news that the chief governor Zhang Bairen re-emerged in the arena spread all over the country in an instant. Countless versions and stories continue to spread. The news of Nüwa’s holy relics even aroused countless people’s hearts. They just thought that this matter had something to do with Zhuojun, and countless people were immediately shuddered. Even though they were hot in their hearts, they would never dare to look for that evil star. trouble.

Miaojiang Land

In a big mountain

At this moment Chi You, She Bishi and others were sitting around, looking at the information in his hand, Chi You sullenly blasted the bluestone beside him: "Fuck, what happened so coincidental, but Zhang Bairen hit it!"

Even though Chi You was recuperating, he couldn't help but explode at this time, his eyes were full of bad luck.

Indeed, since meeting Zhang Bairen, the demon gods have not followed their hearts. When and when things happened, Zhang Bairen's hands were wrong.

"Zhang Bairen?" Shebishi's eyes moved when he heard the words, and after receiving the information, he looked at Xuanming for a while, and then looked at Xuan Ming with blame: "It's all to blame, if it wasn't for passing the news to the green forests of the three provinces, it wouldn't be possible. It happened to be hit by Zhang Bairen."

Xuan Ming hit Tianqu: "I can't be blamed for this, isn't everyone agreed?"

"Furthermore, it stands to reason that the green forest of the three provinces is enough to stop the saint aunt and take the Profound Orb of the Nuwa Empress, and then it is enough to succeed before the upper class of Li Tang notices the clues, but who would have thought that things were so coincidental!" Xuan Mingren I couldn't help but said, "It was a hit, but it happened to hit Zhang Bairen's hands. Would you like to be so coincidental?"

Xuan Ming, who had been cold as if it were icy, had an urge to swear.

"The picture of the universe! It's the cause and effect of the Nüwa Empress's picture of the universe!" After a while, she listened to Shebi Shi and sighed: "I miscalculated!"

"What should I do now?" Ju Mang gave a wry smile.

"We can only take dangerous moves and extract the power of the terrestrial monsters to restore our roots" Jin Guang said: "Jing Rui is coming soon, we can't wait."

I really can't wait!

"Earth monsters are not water monsters. They are sealed in the earth, and they are always absorbing the origin of the earth. It's hard to say what the strength of the earth monsters has reached after all these years... Just in case... I say in case the ship is overturned. , We can't control the monsters..." Xuan Ming's expression was hard to look.

"Is there any choice? Even if we can't control the earth beasts, we can introduce the earth beasts into Middle-earth. What do we care about?" She said with a cold smile: "As long as we can extract the origin of the earth beasts to restore power, the rest Whatever the matter is, I want to hit the Yangshi by Beasts, and give us a chance."

The cold wind in the mountains circulated, Zhang Bairen's hand fortune magic tactics circulated, I saw that with the mobilization of his tactics, the box in his hand opened with a ‘click’, and then Zhang Bairen was stunned.

An unspeakable air encircled his body three feet, and then I saw that a bead seemed to contain endless vitality, the surrounding vegetation grew wildly, and the rock turned into fertile soil in an instant.

The beads are crystal clear, and there seem to be infinite living beings in it, and endless good fortune is circulating, and then they continue to echo each other, becoming more subtle and unpredictable.

Even with Zhang Bairen's eyesight, he couldn't see through the background of the water blue beads. There seems to be a law in it, the law of good fortune!

The picture of the universe in the sleeve was agitated, and it was in harmony with this bead, exuding a resonance.

Without stopping, Zhang Bairen held the Universe Map in his hands even though the beads were submerged in the Universe Map, with shock in his eyes.

A will seems to have crossed the ages of time and space, accompanied by a faint sigh: "What year is this eve?"

Zhang Bairen didn't answer, he wasn't sure whether this was the will of the Empress Nuwa or the influence of this gem.

The merciful and compassionate aura enveloped Zhang Bairen, and the murderous intent to slaughter millions of sentient beings, the murderous intent brought about by the Four Swords of the Immortal, all melted and disintegrated in an instant, turning into ashes that were purified.

"People who are destined, you have both my Universe Map and My Profound Bead, but you will undertake the endless mission in the future to save the endless creatures!" That will manifested in the Universe Map, becoming a vague and hazy The shadow, or a light, manifests in the universe map.

"Has the universe picture become like this?" The dim light of the law was filled with emotion and remembrance, and then he flicked his fingers, only to see that the originally broken time and space in this universe picture began to reverse and flow, according to a certain A mysterious and unpredictable regular arrangement combination, a mysterious transformation has been completed in a few breaths.

In an instant, Zhang Bairen didn't wait for Zhang Bairen to come back to his senses, the originally broken universe of the universe had been built and transformed into a simple world.

Zhang Bairen was stunned at this has been immersed in that great compassion, and at this moment, the true spirit of the sun's body in the depths of the sun **** shook slightly, the meaning of endless compassion was ignited, and then for an instant Time was expelled from the body.

"Damn it!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of horror: "It's just the will of Empress Nuwa almost made me lost. If it were not for the sun law body, I am afraid that I have lost myself."

The projection was ignited in an instant, and then a message flowed into Zhang Bairen's mind. In an instant, Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of shock, revealing a touch of shock.

It's really horrified, where did you come from?

This bead is the endless destiny of Empress Nuwa as a congenital god. When Empress Nuwa wanted to prove to the great road, she wanted to get rid of the **** of heaven and earth when she wanted to prove it, so she took off with the help of replenishing the sky. The divine body is transformed into an innate body.

This bead is the source of all the Taoist fruits and gods before Empress Nuwa replenishing the sky. If anyone can swallow this bead, he can directly inherit the destiny of Empress Nuwa and become a new generation of creators.

"This is a big joke!" Zhang Bairen licked his lips, with an urge to cry. The price was too high.

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