First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1884: The fountain of life, the scheme of the underworld

Zhang Bairen looked up at the sky at this time, and his eyes were full of grief and anger.

The baby feels bitter, but the baby cannot say.

The picture of Empress Nuwa is not a necessary treasure for Zhang Bairen. It can be said to have or not. After all, this is not a treasure made by personal sacrifices. It is impossible to use it according to experience, and it cannot really match his own god. One entrusts the sun **** and turns it into a life treasure.

No matter how good this treasure is, it is not his own destiny after all.

And he took away Nuwa Empress’ Profound Orb from Saint Aunt, and destroyed Saint Aunt’s chance to become the Creator. The cause and effect were so great that Zhang Bairen could not bear it.

Who is the Empress Nuwa?

That is the supreme existence that repairs the sky with only one hand, with infinite power blessing to stand up, endless mystery evolves in its body, and all the Tao fruit of its innate demon gods are degenerated. What good fortune is this?

I am afraid that the monks all over the world will be crazy about it.

"It's a big loss! A big loss! I'm Zhang Bairen doing business and doing things, and I have always taken advantage of others. When will it be someone else's turn to take advantage of me?" Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly.

The most important thing is that this Nuwa Xuanzhu did not integrate into her own divine world, but into the universe picture in front of you. How can you call Zhang Bairen not to be upset?

"Hands are cheap! I have to covet the relics of the ancient gods, this time is good, I have calculated it!" Zhang Bairen dragged the universe map in his hand. Now the universe map has been restored, after the will of the Nuwa Empress, Coupled with all the evolution of the Taoist skills of Empress Nuwa, if the universe picture is not repaired well, is the name of Empress Nuwa really lost?

The world is perfect, the five elements cycle, the universe is different at this time.

It is indeed different. Zhang Bairen feels that the universe is breathing, breathing bit by bit, constantly breathing the mysterious power between heaven and earth to strengthen himself.

There is life in the world evolving, constantly creating things with strange forces, and microbes evolving.

This is the real world of one party, but it seems to be a little bit worse.

"Captain, how about it?" Zhang Xutuo saw Zhang Bairen open his eyes, with a look of concern in his eyes.

"Oh!" Zhang Bairen sighed deeply, and a touch of sadness crossed his face: "This thing is Nuwa Xuanzhu."

"Sure enough, it is the legacy left by Empress Nuwa, most of them supervise Fuze! Since this trip has achieved such a great fortune, why bother to venture out in Zhoushan?" Zhang Xutuo stopped halfway through his words, and his eyes were shocked. Looking at Zhang Bairen, he lost his voice: "General Governor, your murderous intention...?"

All the murderous intent of Zhang Bairen's whole body has been exhausted. At this moment, he is like an ordinary person, an ordinary big brother next door, sitting there quietly, where is the murderous intent and hostility of the past?

"Do you know what this bead is?" Without answering Zhang Xutuo's words, Zhang Bairen turned around and asked.

"What?" Zhang Xutuo was taken aback when he heard the words.

"This is the legacy of Empress Nuwa. In the past, Empress Nuwa repaired the cracks in the sky and took the opportunity to fade all the fruits of the innate demon god, and then recast the innate **** body!" Zhang Bairen looked at Zhang Xutuo with a pair of eyes: "In other words, this This bead is the fruit of the innate demon goddess Nuwa Empress, who all cultivate and understand."

"Guru" Zhang Xujiao swallowed, and a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "The Governor, don't say it, if you continue, I can't help but kill people and win treasures."


Who can bear the inheritance of Nuwa Empress?

Even if it was Zhang Xujiao's cultivation base at this time, he couldn't help but have mixed thoughts, all kinds of greed appeared, and his mind was constantly arguing about it.

The corner of Zhang Bairen's mouth was slightly pursed, a pair of eyes looked into the distance, and after a while, he said, "Unfortunately, even if you are greedy, it is useless, because that profound pearl has already been integrated into the universe. It is a pity that is my treasure. , What kind of benefit hasn't been found, but it has been contaminated with such a big cause and effect, how should I repay the cause and effect of the saint aunt in the future? Is it to help her become a fairy?

A treasure that can be compared with the Tao Guo of the Nuwa Empress, I am afraid that only becoming a fairy can be Tao?

Zhang Bairen tapped his fingers on the case table and looked into the distance. After a while, he said, "I have to set off for the ancient times. Where is Qixi Festival, you can help me take care of it."

After a pause, he continued: "Also, if there is any trouble with Saint Auntie, you remember to take care of it for me, it is really troublesome!"

It's really troublesome!

It's not a small trouble, but a big trouble.

Zhang Bairen left, leaving Zhang Xutuo standing there with a bitter smile, and after a while, he said, "All the Taoist merits of the Nuwa Empress, the general governor really is a blessing to the sky. This kind of opportunity cannot be expected by my generation, but he is afraid of trouble."

Zhang Xutuo turned and left, leaving Zhang Bairen alone to continue walking in the ice and snow. His eyes looked into the distant void, and there was a touch of dignity in his eyes. After a while, he said, "Interesting!"

It is indeed interesting. He has refined the Universe Picture of Empress Nuwa, and all changes in the Universe Picture cannot be hidden from her senses.

At this time, the law in the universe map changed, and with the help of the law body of Nuwa Xuanzhu, the power of the law between heaven and earth flowed, condensing a spring.

Empress Nuwa's profound beads floated up and down in that spring eye, and it seemed that there was endless vitality in it.

A little bit of life poured out, constantly moisturizing everything in the world.

The fountain of life!

The origin of the vitality of the world contains all the vitality of the entire world.

Under the power of the laws of heaven and earth, all beings are disillusioned in reincarnation. After death, the vitality returns to the fountain of life, and then the fountain of life is giving birth to vitality and deriving new life.

There is no reincarnation in this world, but it can be endlessly reborn because the fountain of life replaces the role of reincarnation.

When the plants and trees die and the lights are off, there are no three souls and seven souls. On weekdays, the beasts constantly consume their own vitality, and the vitality escaping from the body is re-absorbed and recycled by the laws of heaven and earth, and is included in the fountain of life.

A dignified look appeared in Zhang Bairen's eyes, his fingers tapped the universe map lightly, and his eyes looked into the distance: "Unbelievable!"

It's incredible!

This is actually a reincarnation, different from the law of reincarnation in the big world.

"No! No! No! It's not like this! It's not like this!" Zhang Bairen's mind continued to shoot the light of wisdom at this time, as if he wanted to understand what he had figured out, he immediately slapped his thigh: "I know! "

All the laws of heaven and earth are inseparable. The universe of Empress Nuwa is created by imitating the great world, which means that the reincarnation of the great world is like this. The life and death of sentient beings is like a lamp extinguishing. All the vitality is absorbed by the laws of heaven and earth and returned to the ‘spring of life’ of the void.

"This is the truth of the matter. The demon gods plunder the vitality of all living beings, and will only break the reincarnation of the'spring of life' between the heavens and the earth, and all vitality will return to the underworld... and then use this to resurrect the dead gods!!!" Zhang Bairen had a pair of eyes. It was full of divine light, and he finally knew the purpose of the underworld, which was to resurrect the gods who died in the ancient times.

To plunder the good fortune of all beings in the world, this is the essence of Yinsi Difu.

"It's no wonder that Shi Huang will do everything to defeat the Yinsi. He is not only for sentient beings, but also for himself. Because he is also the one who has been looted. If he does not resist, he will be harvested by the demon sooner or later!" Zhang Bairen stood up suddenly: "The Yinsi Difu is indeed a cancer of sentient beings!"

Zhang Bairen's complexion turned gloomy, and his eyes were full of dignity to look into the distance: "The Yinsi Difu must be destroyed, and it must not be allowed to continue."

"According to my reasoning, from ancient times to the present, I don't know how much vitality has gathered in the Yin Cao Netherworld, or even how many demon gods have been resurrected..." Zhang Bairen's hairs are exploding at this time, and he feels that things are terrifying. Has exceeded my expectations.

"This matter is not anxious, boil the frog in warm water, don't act too hastily, forcing the Yin Cao Difu to turn his face!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a dignified look, and after a while, he said: "It's too early to think about those. Let’s talk about the chance."

Zhang Bairen walked slowly in the wind and snow, carefully observing the evolution in the universe map.

I saw the spring water of the fountain of life flowing mimily, and small storm tornadoes were rolled up wherever it passed, and it turned into the rain of life to spread over the whole world.

The breath of microorganisms and the mystery of the Creator are evolving to the fullest at this time.

Zhang Bairen was a little fascinated, only to wake up when he came to the foot of the Ancestral Vessel.

A figure is already waiting for him somewhere.

"Huh~" Looking at the figure in front of him, Zhang Bairen showed emotion on his face: "It's rare! Your Taoism has actually improved again."

At this time, Qi Huangong is no longer the previous qi, with red hair on his face and rotting, but turned into a middle-aged man whose face is like a crown and his heroic spirit is constantly glowing.

Even if you just stand there simply, it has its own demeanor and infinite authority.

"Unexpectedly, you can't worry about the ancestral veins of the Middle-earth." Qi Huangong took a look at Zhang Bairen, and then said: "You have also improved a lot in Taoism now, and you are no longer as sharp as before."

"Haha!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a light smile: "I just got a chance, but I never thought that your Excellency would have been so attached to the ancestral vein after so many years of death."

Qi Huangong was silent when he heard the words, and after a while, he said: "The ancestral line of the Middle Earth has always belonged to the human race, and only belongs to the human race since King Yu's town was closed to Jiuzhou."

"The descendants of later generations are not filial, and they make jokes in the nest, but give the Demon God and the Sea Clan a chance." Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly.

"Dragons!" Qi Huan was silent for a while, and then said: "Try not to provoke the dragons. The dragons are not easy."

"This kind of thing is not something I can say!" Zhang Bairen's temperament is as gentle as jade, and he is like a spring breeze.

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