First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1885: The avenue blossoms, the law of black holes

From the beginning to the end, I never provoke the Dragon Clan, it was the Dragon Clan who provoke him first.

If it hadn't been for Li Jiancheng to calculate himself with the Dragon Clan, he would not have to be enmity with the Li Clan and the Dragon Clan. Now the two sides have already forged a feud and want to eliminate the defeat of either party, otherwise there will be no solution.

"Oh!" Qi Huan glanced at the ancestral veins, and then muttered: "The ancestral veins are still in the forming period and have not been shaped and evolved. You and I are here too early."

Zhang Bairen sighed, then turned and left: "I've done my best for the human affairs! I should think about it for myself, break through the void and enter Buzhou Mountain as soon as possible, and look for the good fortune of the ancient times."

Qi Huangong followed Zhang Bairen: "Where is Bu Zhoushan?"

"Bu Zhoushan is everywhere" Zhang Bairen kept counting with his fingers: "We still need to find a key point to break through the nodes of the two worlds."

Zhang Bairen turned his head and looked at Qi Huangong with a non-smiling smile: "Don't you think that Zhoushan is in Zhongtu?"

Zhongtu said that it was big or not, and that it was not small. If it was so mysterious, it would have been rummaged by masters from all walks of life.

The time from Emperor Xuanyuan’s conquest of the world to the present several thousand years is not long or short. However, compared with the lifespan of the immemorial gods in the billions of years, the time of the ancient chronicles is even a drop of water. Not even a drop of water.

Zhang Bairen tapped his belt with his fingers, his eyes looked into the void, and he galloped straight into the North Pole. After looking at the vast sky and snow, he said after a while: "Just here."

"Bu Zhou Mountain is here?" Stepping on the white snow-capped mountains, Qi Huan looked puzzled.

"Of course not here, Buzhou Mountain is in a different degree of void, and there are endless air machines in it that continuously burst into the air, how can it be in the middle-earth Shenzhou!" Zhang Bairen slowly said: "In the ancient times, Buzhou Mountain broke and the Optimus Pillar collapsed. , Time and space are broken, and another small world is naturally formed, which is separated from the entire world."

As the Nuwa Xuanzhu merged into the universe map, Zhang Bairen could also capture the marks in the underworld, which were the memory fragments belonging to the Nuwa Empress.

There is no vitality in the world of ice and snow, but Zhang Bairen can clearly perceive that there is endless vitality gathering in the thick ice sheet under his feet.

There is another world under the ice, with a lifestyle that belongs to the Arctic.

Zhang Bairen didn't want to disturb the other party either. Looking at the singular force field that overlapped in the sky above, a force of ice and snow covered the entire North Pole. Zhang Bairen showed a smile, the infinite petals in his hand were flowing, and then he just flicked his fingers. The wind and clouds over the North Pole are changing and the void is twisted, and a mighty vortex shrouds a ten-mile radius.

The vortex was spinning, and it was vacuumed into a vacuum in an instant, and the cold wave was surging in a radius of hundreds of miles.

"Broken Void!" Zhang Bairen looked at Qi Huangong in front of him. If he hadn't needed this person to break the barrier between the two worlds, he wouldn't take the other side with him.

The void has been evacuated into a vacuum, and if you want to break into a two-world channel, you have to work together.


Hearing the words, Qi Huangong gathered all his strength with a fist, and suddenly blasted towards the void in front of him. In an instant, the void in front of him shattered, and then he saw that punch as if the sun had come, and ice sealed the ancient North Pole. The ice and snow started to melt slowly.

Droughty's shot is naturally a shocking vision.

To be honest, Qi Huangong doesn't like the North Pole, just like fish don't like land.


The pieces of the vacuum shattered, and Zhang Bairen pointed out with a solemn face, and the power of the law surrounded his fingertips, and a black hole that swallowed everything appeared instantly.

As soon as the black hole appeared, it began to swallow all the matter between the world and the earth. A terrifying wave was rolled up in the North Pole, and countless ice and snow were swallowed by the black hole in an instant.

There was a shock in Zhang Bairen's eyes, and the next moment he turned into nothingness and plunged into it without saying a word.

The void is twisted, and Zhang Bairen's figure has disappeared.

"This kid will take advantage of it!" Qi Huangong murmured to himself, looking at the black hole that was constantly being repaired by the material world, and he went into it without saying a word.

What is in the black hole?

Zhang Bairen's body melted in an instant, and there was only one flower, with petals exuding infinite luster floating between the sky and the earth.

The faint fragrance floats in the black hole. No one can see how many colors the flower has, let alone how many petals the flower has. The colors you can imagine, the petals you can see, are all in front of your eyes. Show off.

The petals have no phasing, and one breath changes their shape, and the person watching will think that the petals are another kind of appearance, there is no phasing at all, every minute and every second is endless.

Zhang Bairen’s Yang God was pinned in the petals, his eyes were full of shock, and the moment he entered the black hole, he even felt that he was going to die. He had never thought that black holes could be so terrifying, dissolving the power of all things.

Everything decomposes in an instant after entering the black hole.

Zhang Bairen turned his head and looked at the place he was coming from. He saw Qi Huangong open the black hole and drilled in with great effort. Then the black hole was completely eliminated, and there was no abnormality in the outside world.

Soon after the black hole disappeared, the sun gods patrolled from all directions, scanning the aura that was devoured by the black hole, and there was a dignified look in his eyes.


In the black hole, Qi Huangong began to grow red hair all over his body, and he burst into the sky with a sudden scream. In an instant, he scattered his clothes and revealed his true body.

The black hole was devouring Qi Huangong's body, and he wanted to decompose Qi Huangong and turn it into nutrients and melt away.

At this time, Qi Huangong's body was surrounded by flames, like a fire **** from ancient times, crisscrossing the void, against the power of the black hole.

"I am immortal, no one can kill me!" Qi Huangong's immortal mood is circulating, working hard against the crushing force of the black hole.

"I said kid, when can I enter Buzhou Mountain? Did you make a mistake?" Qi Huangong turned his head to look at Zhang Bairen, and then his eyes were attracted by the avenue flower, and his heart kept beating rapidly.

Fatal attraction!

At that moment, Qi Huangong seemed to see his own future, and the endless avenue of immortals was within reach of him.

Burning the mountains and steaming the sea, destroying the sky and the earth, crushing the sun, moon and stars.

An inexplicable call, an inexplicable call surging from the depths of the blood, seems to be constantly saying to Huan Gong: "Swallow it! You can become an immortal by swallowing it."

The instinct that came from the depths of the bloodline told himself that as long as he swallowed that petal, he could fly away.

What is not Zhoushan, what is the origin of the ancient gods, are all clouds in front of this petal.

God horses are all clouds, petals are king.

"What is this?" Qi Huan swallowed his throat and looked at Zhang Bairen solemnly in his eyes.

If it hadn't been for this time, it would have been stretched to fight against the black hole, I'm afraid he had already shot!

As long as you swallow these petals, why don't you go to Zhoushan?

Compared with the dangers of entering Bu Zhou Mountain, it was easier to swallow this petal.

As if not seeing the fire in Qi Huangong's eyes, Zhang Bairen slowly said, "I call it: Dadao Flower."

"Good name! Good name!" Qi Huangong deserves to be Qi Huangong, forcibly holding back the instinctive restlessness in his heart, and changing the subject: "Did you kid make a mistake? This is Wuken black hole. Where is the trace of Buzhou Mountain?"

Zhang Bairen is by his side, and there will be opportunities to swallow them in the future, and the most important thing right now is to escape from the black hole.

Without Zhang Bairen, I wouldn't say whether I could find Zhou Shan, and I would definitely not find the way out.

"It can't be wrong, I have locked the coordinates." Zhang Bairen walked around the black hole unhurriedly. Compared with Qi Huangong who strongly supported him, Zhang Bairen seemed to have arrived home, and saw his roads rotate for a while. The petals were swallowing the power of the black hole, and a complete petal was quickly derived from the bud.

With the endless black hole power as a supply, Zhang Bairen's petal was rapidly forming.

No one can describe the shape and color of that petal, because all the gazes, causality, and effect have been swallowed by that petal.

The law of devouring! The law of black holes!

Can swallow all things in the world, all energy in the universe.

At this moment, relying on this newly grown petal, Zhang Bairen found that he was actually going home, commanding the power of the black hole like an arm.

The power of the black hole that can swallow and decompose everything is no longer terrible, but becomes a minister under its feet, constantly surrounding its body and moistening the origin of the avenue flowers.


Zhang Bairen's physical body re-grown when he was thinking about it, and Daohua was taken into his body, isolating Qi Huangong's scorching sight.

The power of the black hole swept across Zhang Bairen's body Like water waves scouring Zhang Bairen's body, but no harm was seen.

"Interesting! Interesting!" A look of surprise appeared in Zhang Bairen's eyes.

"How is it possible! How can the power of the black hole not erode you!" Qi Huangong was so startled that his eyes almost fell to the ground, his words were full of disbelief.

"I don't know, maybe it's my charm, even this black hole sells my face." At this time, the temporary crisis was solved, but Zhang Bairen had already thought about it: "Should I take the opportunity to kill Qi Huan Gong? When I reach the main body of the Daohua, I have already thought about it. If I let go of this misfortune today, there will be endless troubles in the future."

"But when I enter Buzhou Mountain later, it is difficult for me to break through the barriers of the two worlds alone. It is really troublesome! Even if I can't take the opportunity to wipe it out, I still have to hit it hard so as not to cause trouble to me!" .

Qi Huangong's goal is Zhu Rong's origin, and his goal is also the origin of the two demon gods. At this time, there is a chance to weaken the opponent, and Zhang Bairen will of course not show mercy.

What's more, Qi Huangong's murderous intentions before, he was aware of it.

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