First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1886: Bad air

He and Qi Huangong are opponents. After entering the Bu Zhou Mountain, everybody has to rely on their own abilities. If he could take the opportunity to wipe out some of his power at this time, Zhang Bairen would naturally be happy.

It is impossible to kill Qi Huangong. If Qi Huangong is dead, he will not be able to break the barrier of the black hole, and then he will be trapped here alive and dead. But there is no problem in weakening the opponent to the extreme.

The qi in the void kept changing, Zhang Bairen scanned the void with his eyes, constantly analyzing the various forces in the black hole, but it was a pity that he could hardly understand the slightest mystery of the black hole despite his profundity.

Zhang Bairen tapped his belt lightly with his fingers. Facing Qi Huangong’s question, the corners of his mouth curled up to comfort him: "You don’t have to worry too much. , Forming a time and space barrier, if it is so easy to enter, there are countless masters and heroes throughout the ages, how can you and me take turns?"

Listening to Zhang Bairen's words, Qi Huangong felt a little peace of mind, thinking about it, it was the same. The most important thing is that at this time, Qi Huangong has been dazzled, and his head is full of Zhang Bairen's petals.

"I said, what happened to the petals of your avenue?" When the two fell in the black hole, Qi Huan couldn't help but ask.

"Very good," Zhang Bairen said tepidly.

"The destructive power of the black hole is overbearing, you must carefully store such treasures, and never let them be damaged" Qi Huan couldn't help but exhort.

Zhang Bairen is speechless, is this your treasure or my treasure?

"Don't bother you, bother!" Zhang Bairen said, "You should care about your golden body, don't be melted by this black hole, and then I can't get out because of death."

"Hahaha, you can rest assured that I have understood the immortal mood. Although the black hole is domineering, it is difficult to dissolve me." After hearing Zhang Bairen's words, Qi Huangong really lost his doubts, and his eyes showed a sense of relief.

The purpose of Zhang Bairen’s words is to comfort Qi Huangong, “Don’t worry, if you are obliterated here, I am afraid I will not survive.” This is Zhang Bairen's intentional or unintentional point. He will never take the initiative to harm Qi Huangong. .

Of course, this sentence is also to remind Qi Huangong, you must not think carefully, now we are a grasshopper on a line, whoever dies, the other will be trapped in this eternal black hole, unable to escape.

Qi Huangong looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, and sighed softly after a while.

"Why sigh?" Zhang Bairen asked in surprise.

"I am afraid that when I fail to return, it will be difficult for me to break through the barriers between the two worlds" Qi Huan justified.

"Isn't there still me?" Zhang Bairen was stunned.

"Huh, you? Your Excellency might be too dismissive of Zhoushan's force field. That is the place where the ancient great gods battled. My body reincarnated from death may be better, but you are afraid of ten deaths and no life! That fighting force field The imprint of the law, as long as your Yang Shen comes out of the body, it will be erased instantly," Qi Huan said unhurriedly.

Zhang Bairen's expression became serious when he heard the words, but his heart was surprised: "Will this old guy be so kind to remind me?"

Sure enough, before Zhang Bairen was asked to wait long, he listened to Qi Huan's justice: "But you don't have to worry too much, and it's not that there is no way to resolve your situation."

"How do you say?" Zhang Bairen looked surprised.

"I can actually bless you, as long as you can give me the flowers entrusted to the sun god, I will protect you from the sun god," Qi Huan said unhurriedly.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen raised the corners of his mouth when he heard the words, revealing a weird smile: "Interesting! Interesting!"

After the words, Zhang Bairen slowly closed his eyes: "No one knows the situation in the next week. Don't be impatient, please wait for you and I to enter it and talk about other things."

After speaking, Zhang Bairen stopped speaking, but Qi Huangong gave a wry smile before closing his eyes.

outside world

Storm in the void

There was a gleam in Zhang Bairen’s eyes, while Qi Huangong’s body was turbulent at this time, and his origin had already begun to vibrate, becoming more and more unstable: "I said, boy, how long will it take? I’m afraid I will not be able to keep going like this. ."

Qi Huangong's whole body flame rising continuously to burn the power of the nearby black hole, droplets of golden blood slowly penetrated from the skin pores, turning into flames and burning on Qi Huangong's surface.

"It's interesting!" This is the third time that Zhang Bairen said this today. The old fox, Qi Huangong, looked miserable, but he was actually tempted by himself, for fear of taking the opportunity to cheat him.

It seemed that Qi Huangong was extremely miserable at this time, but Zhang Bairen knew that Qi Huangong was only over-consuming at the moment, and he did not really damage the foundation at all.

"It's treacherous. If I had the Nuwa Empress's inheritance and had divinity in my body, I was afraid I would not be able to see the reality of this old guy. If I open the two-world channel at this time, I will sit down and I will deliberately cheat him. Might as well... I will continue to delay!" Zhang Bairen thought in his heart, but the next moment he saw a mouthful of black blood spurting out of his mouth, the whole body's black hole gas suddenly fluctuated violently, wrapping Zhang Bairen layer upon layer, blocking Qi Huangong’s Sight.


A scream came out through the power of the black hole, shocked Mr. Qi Huan's body trembling, the whole body no longer radiated blood, the flame did not burn, but looked at Zhang Bairen in horror: "How are you?"

Zhang Bairen can't die! Even if you die, you must not die here!

"The power of this black hole is weird and unpredictable, and I have been injured by it to the Yang Shen, I am afraid...persistent...can't go on..." Zhang Bairen intermittently, his Qi becoming weaker and weaker.

"Hey, I said you can't cheat me like this! What should I do if you die!" Qi Huan was anxious, and he alone could not break the barrier between the two worlds.

"Give it to me!" Qi Huangong's body was boiled, and he suddenly slammed the dark spirit around Zhang Bairen.

The next moment I heard nothing but vibrations, the power of darkness wrapped around Zhang Bairen's body was shocked by Qi Huangong's punch, revealing Zhang Bairen's flesh and blood body.

Sen Bai's skeleton was revealed, and the internal organs seemed to be gnawed by a dog. Even the half of the face was bloody, without the eyeballs and half of the face, the milky brain was slowly flowing out.

"This..." Seeing Zhang Bairen's tragic situation, Qi Huan was obviously stunned, and then said: "Are there any damage to your avenue flowers?"

Obviously, Zhang Bairen didn't care about life or death, he cared about Zhang Bairen's Daohua.

"Haha!" Zhang Bairen smiled tragically, his body like a skeleton was extremely hideous: "Your Excellency is worried."

"Aren't you good before? The black hole power blended with you and commanded like an arm, how did it become like this?"

A hint of doubt appeared in Qi Huan's eyes.

"You don't know, the waves in this black hole are rolling, even if you are a swimmer who is good at swimming, if you drown in the water, you will not be able to survive, let alone in this bizarre two-world channel?" Zhang Bairen laughed bitterly.

"The monk is fragile in flesh. If it weren't for me to take the action this time, you're afraid that you won't be able to hold it. You really refuse to give me the flower?" Qi Huan said unwillingly.

At this time, Qi Huangong's heart was full of great flowers, and as for Na Buzhou Mountain, it was already ranked second.

Seeing Qi Huangong's fiery eyes, Zhang Bairen couldn't help being surprised. He couldn't think that Daohua was so attractive to Qi Huangong.

In fact, Zhang Bairen still underestimated his own avenue flowers, and underestimated the law of avenue flowers.

Shaking his head decisively, Zhang Bairen repaired his body silently: "I can hold on!"

He can really hold on!

After the body was repaired, Qi Huan could only helplessly close his eyes, and then the atmosphere became so quiet.

Years are counted in the black hole, and time is not aware of the existence of time. Time is passing little by little. Qi Huangong's origin is insisting a little bit. The original fiery red face has now appeared in the color of gold and paper, and his figure is in the two-world channel. The inner part is crumbling: "I said, boy, if I can't open the two-world channel anymore, I'm afraid I will die out. I won't be able to survive the mountain, and I will be digested by this black hole."

Qi Huan Gong just realized the immortal mood, he didn't step into that realm and transformed into a flying drought. If he has that realm, why should he come to Zhoushan to seek opportunities?

Zhang Bairen secretly sensed Qi Huangong's aura, and felt that the fire was almost over. The strength of this old demon was consumed by five or six points, and he had a plan in his heart: "Here!"

He sensed the murderous intention in Qi Huan Gong's heart. If he can't come to Fuzhou Mountain anymore, the other party will definitely attack himself and swallow Dao Hua, and then seek that gleam of life.

How can such heroes pin their hopes in the hands of others?

"Really?" Qi Huangong was shocked when he heard the words, and a flush of red appeared on his gold-faced face.

Zhang Bairen nodded affirmatively, and then smiled lightly and said, "I have sensed the location of the coordinates."

Zhang Bairen flicked his fingers, and the next moment he saw the void shaking, and then the black hole was twisted, and the void was torn out by it.

"Shoot!" Zhang Bairen yelled.

Actually, Zhang Bairen doesn't need to order At this time, Qi Huangong has already made a move, gathering all his powerful punches, and the fierce and domineering bombardment is in the whirlpool.


The mirror is normal, and the void is broken.


Mysterious Qi machine spread over the sky, and the Primordial Qi machine swept across the world. At that moment, Zhang Bairen and Qi Huangong were stunned.

Taikoo's Qi machine, that belongs to Taikoo's unique Qi machine, at this time the unbridled impact came, shaking the hearts of the two.

In the ancient times, that was the age of the gods, with the laws and auras unique to the age of gods, which are by no means comparable to later generations.

Those are two eras!

"Unbelievable! It's unbelievable!" Seeing the black hole shrinking gradually, Zhang Bairen and Qi Huangong came back to their senses and dived into the portal one after another.

ps: I have been busy watching "Shen Gong Leopard Inheritance" for the past two days and forgot to add more.

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