First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1887: Chance of avenue flowers

What is the world behind the black hole?

If the Middle-earth China is a small and exquisite Jiangnan water show, then the imperial legacy is the northern grassland, the western desert, and the southern ice and aurora.

The whole world is filled with the primordial aura!

What is the aura of Taikoo recklessness?

That is the unique aura and characteristics of an era, just like the age of dinosaurs and the 21st century. These are two worlds with two different impacts.

What is behind the black hole?

Zhang Bairen had just stepped into the dimension of different degrees, and his hair was horrified for an instant, with a touch of horror in his eyes, and then his body was strangled completely.


As soon as Qi Huangong stepped into the dimension of different degrees, he was sealed by ice in an instant and turned into an ice sculpture.


The blood in Han Yan burst into the ice, melting the ice, only to see Qi Huangong screamed, and quickly backed away: "Be careful!"

Of course, be careful. Zhang Bairen's heart has already jumped to his throat, and the power of countless turbulent laws flows and fluctuates in the void. The power of laws that are usually difficult for monks to see and touch is like a gale here and can be seen at hand.

This is the ancient era that belongs to the innate gods, the laws of heaven and earth are exposed before you, and the cultivation of the innate gods is difficult to improve.

Just like everyone is going to take an exam, one of them will take the answer and copy it, and the other will have to work hard to calculate. You say it is labor-saving and simple.

Calculate by yourself, right or not, even if you are all right, you won’t be as good as others?

However, Bu Zhou collapsed. Since the first battle between Zhu Rong and Gonggong, the law between heaven and earth was beaten by the two. They lost the suppression of Buzhou Mountain and straightened the law of heaven and earth. Although there are laws around the remains of Buzhou Mountain, they have been revealed. The chaos is so great that it is impossible to comprehend it.

It's like mixing seven or eight bottles of different colors together, you can't decompose them at all.

Fortunately, Zhang Bairen was protected by the Dao Flower at this time. The Dao Flower contained the mysterious power and the magical effect of invading the law. Otherwise, I was afraid that he was dead at this time and the Yang Shen was strangled by the disordered law.


Zhang Bairen is protected by great flowers, but Qi Huangong has no such good luck. He only listened to his roar, and he was bombarded by the various laws of heaven and earth, which is equivalent to dozens of masters who have mastered the power of laws every moment. Strangle it. If it hadn't comprehended the immortal mood, I'm afraid it would have been bombarded and killed by the law of the sky.


After just a few breaths, Qi Huangong had been severely injured and was dying.


Only heard a roar, and then the sky collapsed the next moment, Qi Huangong turned into a red-haired monster and slammed into the law storm. The ocean turmoil that caused the law storm in an instant, rolled up even more mania and got the wave, but it was Zhang Bairen was implicated.

Zhang Bairen at this time is like a tender flower in the storm, his eyes are full of innocence, letting the overwhelming wave of laws roll it up.

Looking at the direction in which Qi Huangong disappeared, Zhang Bairen could only sigh secretly, and then wish him good luck.

Although the forces of the law mutually reinforce and counteract each other, the wave of volatility that erupts is absolutely uncomfortable.

With his immortal body, Qi Huangong can forcibly endure the storm of the law, but Zhang Bairen can’t. He can only passively wander and float in the storm of the law, just like the rootless duckweed in the sea. The stormy sea swallowed.

At this time, Zhang Bairen's Yang God was pinned in the Dadao Flower, his eyes looked at the force field composed of the chaotic laws of heaven and earth, and a wry smile appeared in his eyes.

This is the traces of the war between Zhu Rong and Gonggong that year. After hundreds of millions of years, they did not disperse. Coupled with the collapse of Bu Zhou Mountain, the power of the law was affected, and this chaotic zone of law was formed.

Through the obscure sea of ​​laws, Zhang Bairen seemed to be able to see the strange world in a blur, and a series of Primordial auras rose into the sky, and it seemed that there were Primordial races roaring upwards.

"It's not easy!" Zhang Bairen murmured to himself, with a dignified look in his eyes.

The legacy of Bu Zhou Mountain is the place where the heavens are inherited. There will definitely be a powerful primordial clan living here, and some horrible beasts and spirits of the ancient times may not exist.

"I can only pray for it. I hope Qi Huangong will not be killed by the Taikoo family among them. If he rushes in recklessly, I'm afraid it is..." Zhang Bairen showed a flash of light in his eyes, his fingers tapping the petals lightly. , Looked at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, and said after a while: "I am in this predicament now, and I can take care of others there."

The avenue flower is blooming, and Zhang Bairen's mind is in harmony with the avenue flower, carefully perceiving the chaotic sea of ​​laws, looking for a way out.


Zhang Bairen suddenly gave a startled suspicion, his eyes were full of amazement as he looked at the sea of ​​manic laws, and then he looked at his petals.

That's right!

I really didn’t see it wrong. At this time, the three thousand petals were absorbing the chaotic laws in the sea of ​​laws to strengthen myself. I saw that the three thousand petals were layered on top of each other at this time, illusory and transparent. The petals slowly sprout out of buds, constantly devouring all the power of laws between heaven and earth.

"This..." Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of horror: "How is it possible?"

It is indeed impossible!

This has exceeded Zhang Bairen's imagination. The manic power of the law is constantly shooting around him, but it is captured by three thousand petals, and then the internal law information is turned into the nourishment of the petals.

The law is broken, that doesn't matter! The petals can actually piece together the deduction, organize the fragments of the law, and put together the complete law again, which is beyond Zhang Bairen's expectation.

"What on earth did I choose to be my sustenance Yangshen's natal treasure?" Zhang Bairen burst into tears at this time, and he found that he didn't even understand the treasure of his life.

"The avenue flower! The avenue flower! What mutation did you have, why can't I see you through it at all!" Zhang Bairen's eyes are full of confusion, and he now thinks that the avenue flower is the Huayanghua. Really fool.

"Really incredible!" Zhang Bairen looked at the avenue flowers in front of him, with a touch of obsession in his eyes. Fortunately, his own divinity has incredible power. At this time, he is attached to the avenue flowers, and constantly uses the world and chaos to deduct his own avenue flowers. Various changes deduced the evolution of various laws, and then these various laws involved their own small world from chaos. The small world continued to accelerate and grow subtly, and the laws became more subtle, compact, and unspeakable.

Zhang Bairen showed a touch of intoxication in his eyes. Daohua is not something he can comprehend. Only divinity can use chaos to infer the various changes of Daohua. But Zhang Bairen can fit in his own world and improve his Taoism through divine deduction.

This chaotic place has become a treasure at this time. The endless laws of heaven and earth have all revealed the mystery in his eyes, prompting the rapid progress of Daohua, making the chaotic world in Zhang Bairen's divine more perfect, and the chaos in the chaotic world The strength was continuously accumulated, and the power of heaven became closer, and all the previous flaws disappeared one by one and lost their traces.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! Simply wonderful!" At this time, Zhang Bairen was completely immersed in the great flowers, completely lost in the evolution of the laws of heaven and earth.

Heaven and man are one!

Zhang Bairen at this time is the unity of nature and man, with the beauty of the unity of nature and man!

Imperfect legacy

The dense ancient trees thrust straight into the clouds, covering the falling sunlight. At this time, the demon energy in the ancient wood jungle was rushing into the sky, and the sacred aura covered the sky for thousands of miles, and the roar of the great demon covered the clouds.

In the ancient woods forest, there is a clearing, the empty space is more than 30 miles round, the stone house is neat and uniform, and it is quietly discharged.

The air of the years stayed on the stone house, and the wind and rain had experienced the vicissitudes of life. Even the rocks had been weathered and polished to perfection by the air currents.

An old-faced man dressed in animal skins sits in the room like wood, with mysterious lines carved all over his body, which seems to be a totem, but it doesn't look like it.

The hair on his head is soft and entwined, and is simply tied together by a straw rope.

"I feel it!" After a long time, the old man slowly opened his eyes before listening.

"The Great Elder"

There was a response from outside the door, and Shimen opened with a ‘squeak’, and then was pushed aside in an instant. Seven or eight men with strong builds and covered in animal skins rushed in.

"Do you feel it?"

"What?" Everyone was It was the qi machine of the human ancestor that had long been missing. I felt the Qi machine of the Shenzhou Dragon Vessel! "The great elder slowly opened his eyes, and in an instant, the energy of the endless years of vicissitudes of life changed in his eyes, and people couldn't help but sink.

"Great Elder, the story of Shenzhou is too illusory, maybe it was fabricated by predecessors, who can pass through the barriers of the world? Even the innate gods can't do it!" A strong man in his thirties questioned the words of the great elder.

The elder was silent when he heard the words, and then took out a scroll from his sleeve, slowly placed it in front of a few people, and slowly spread it out: "This is the handwritten legacy left by the ancient ancestors of my tribe. According to ancient records, When Buzhou Mountain collapsed, Zhu Rong Gonggong was smashed to death at the foot of the mountain by Buzhou Mountain, and then the law of heaven and earth collapsed and the **** Nuwa took the initiative to repair the crack.

Speaking of this, the old man said: "Ancestor Xun once said: I am waiting to live in a part of the Divine State, and told me to wait until I find the Middle-earth Divine State to find the hope of becoming immortal! The so-called barrier to the world is simply It's not a barrier to the world, but a storm of laws that is formed after being broken."

"It is the law of the storm that trapped me here. I must return to the Middle-earth China to find the good fortune of immortality!" The old man's words were full of solemnity.

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