First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1902: Enlighten Bu Zhoushan

Anyone who has been rubbed on the ground for hundreds of millions of years will begin to reflect on his past and polish his own character.

The baby feels bitter, but the baby does not say. Gonggong and Zhu Rong felt distressed. The two were beaten to death and even knocked down by Buzhou Mountain. They stayed here for hundreds of millions of years, but they paved the way for Nuwa Empress.

Plainly made wedding gowns for others, and became the pioneers in opening up the road, can you say that they can not be aggrieved?

If they knew that they wanted to become immortals, they would have to get rid of the origin of the gods, and the two of them would have already begun to do it.

Zhang Bairen’s eyes were full of divine light shooting into the distance, his fingers tapped his knees lightly, and then there was a divine light in his eyes: "I feel the energy of Bu Zhou Shan, resonating with Bu Zhou Shan. It is simple to say, but Zhou Shan is a death Things, it’s so difficult to get in touch with them."

Slowly closing his eyes, Zhang Bairen transformed into a celestial being in an instant.

At this time, Zhang Bairen seemed to have transformed into all living beings, and had been integrated with the qi mechanism between the heavens and the earth, and then the qi mechanism between the two parties continued to circulate and vibrate. Zhang Bairen mobilized the law of water and fire and slowly entangled towards Buzhou Mountain.

"This kid is a bit of a way!" Looking at Zhang Bairen who had entered the realm of heaven and man, the two demon gods murmured in surprise in their eyebrow ancestors, eyes full of horror.

If it weren't for the two of them to know that Zhang Bairen's Yang God is still intact, I'm afraid it is... the two have already thought that Zhang Bairen was Taoized by the laws of heaven and earth.

"It's interesting! This realm is too mysterious! It's a little bit the same as our innate gods, but they are totally different. They are two realms!" Zhu Rong and Gonggong murmured in Zhang Bairenzu's aperture.

outside world

Zhang Bairen's power of law was approaching Buzhou Mountain at this time, but he hadn't gotten close to Buzhou Mountain, so his own law of power could no longer move forward.

It is definitely not just talking about the destruction of all laws in Zhoushan Town.

"Even my Yang God can't get close to Buzhou Mountain, let alone resonate with Buzhou Mountain's Qi Machine, illuminating Buzhou Mountain's spirituality?" Zhang Bairen Yang Shenzhong looked at the magnificent Buzhou Mountain with dignity. In his perception, Buzhou Mountain is a dead place, and there is no spirituality at all.

He doesn't even have a bit of spirituality, and it's not worth the difficulty to get enlightened.

It is very easy to enlighten things with spirituality, such as the birds and beasts in the mountains, and the monsters and beasts. As long as Zhang Bairen uses his magical powers to enlighten him, it is not difficult to enlighten him!

The key is not that Zhoushan forbids ten thousand laws and suppresses all the laws between heaven and earth. Zhang Bairen can't even get close to the sun god. What can he use to enlighten and enlighten?

Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of dignified look at Fuzhou Mountain, Yang Shen returned to his body, and then slowly stood up and walked towards Fuzhou Mountain.

Yang Shen is the power of the Dharma Realm, so he can only act personally, and his physical body personally touches the pulse of the imperfect Zhoushan, and then uses it to enlighten.

Wangshan ran to death, Zhang Bairen walked for three days and three nights before he really climbed Mount Wuzhou. At this time, his supernatural powers and mana had been suppressed to the extreme, and he couldn't use it in his body.

The light of good fortune is trying to operate, but it can't reach the fingertips at all.

Looking at the vast and endless Tianzhu, Zhang Bairen sat down cross-legged, slowly took off his shoes and clothes, and lay down on the icy rock of Fuzhou Mountain, his eyes slowly closed, seeming to fall into a deep sleep.

Time is passing little by little, and Zhang Bairen doesn't seem to feel the passage of time, or that he merges with the entire Buzhou Mountain at this time, and seems to have become a part of Buzhou Mountain.

Despite the wind and rain, the sun, the wind and the heavy rain continued, but Zhang Bairen fell silent like that.

The wind and sand in the mountains blew up and turned into an endless storm, slowly eroding Zhang Bairen and burying him. In an instant, Zhang Bairen's heart stepped into an unpredictable state, seeming to perceive the pulsation and wailing of the mountain under his feet.




The heartbeat in the dark is the pulse of Bu Zhoushan.

Hundreds of millions of years of wind and sun, hundreds of millions of years of nourishment of the earth veins, hundreds of millions of years of sun, moon and stars, have accumulated countless spirituality in the mountain.

"I can feel your unwillingness and wailing!" Zhang Bairen's thoughts can actually be passed into the undulations in the dark. In an instant, Zhang Bairen only felt that the undulations grew stronger in an instant, and even involved his thoughts in the long river of time. Among.

He saw it!

I have seen the great power of Buzhou Mountain in Hanoi for a long time, carrying the sun, moon and stars on the sky, and holding down the circulation of the earth and the earth pulsing.

He suppressed the extremes of heaven and earth, and steadily regulated the laws between heaven and earth. He has infinite merits and can suppress all laws.

He came from Hongmeng only to suppress this world and help the formation of this world.

However, he was hit hard.

In the years of history, I don't know how many years, countless arrogances and powers have all passed through Zhang Bairen's eyes.

There was an energetic ancestor dragon, and a hero who suppressed an era. There was a Nuwa empress who only repaired the cracks in the sky, and there were more gods at the end. The Emperor of Heaven suppressed three thousand gods.

Since the ages, countless Tianjiao have been appearing and ending, just for the opportunity to climb the fairy!

Ask the sky, how to become a fairy?

Countless heroes have fallen in the long river of time, they have defeated countless opponents, but finally lost in front of the fairy road.

Bu Zhou Mountain is a CD player, which records everything that has happened in Bu Zhou Mountain since the beginning of time.

"I feel your pulse, you are spiritual!" As Zhang Bairen's Qi machine merges into Buzhou Mountain, Yang Shen is pulled into the annual rings of Bu Zhou Mountain, and Zhang Bairen's Yang God gradually diffuses with the fluctuation of the sun and the moon. In every corner of Zhoushan.

At that moment, he had merged with Bu Zhou Mountain and became the mountain **** of Bu Zhou Mountain.

He felt the wind and sun of Mount Bu Zhou, and felt the song of the years of Mount Bu Zhou.

The laws of good fortune are circulating, Zhang Bairen uses the laws of good fortune of the Nuwa Empress to begin to sort out the scattered spirituality and heritage of the mountain.

Bu Zhoushan is spiritual, but this spirituality is too scattered, and it can't be unified and unique, so it must not be transformed.

What Zhang Bairen needs to do now is to integrate the spirituality of the imperfect mountain and integrate it into one.

One hundred years, two hundred years, three hundred years...

One thousand and five hundred years are just a few seconds away.


In the middle of the mountain, a rock suddenly exploded, Zhang Bairen slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes showed the vicissitudes of the primordial age, the vicissitudes of the time.

He is integrating Bu Zhou Shan's spirituality, but he is also accepting Bu Zhou Shan's gifts. The memory of hundreds of millions of years of inheritance is definitely an indescribable treasure.

Slowly putting on his clothes, Zhang Bairen stepped forward, distorting the void and went straight down the mountain.

"This is impossible!"

Zhu Rong exclaimed, how could Zhang Bairen use his magical powers in the mountain of Buzhou and destroy all the laws?

"Did you succeed?" Zhu Rong tentatively asked.

"Don't leave ten!" Zhang Bairen frowned slightly: "Now all we have to do is wait and wait for the spirituality of Bu Zhoushan to be born."

The spirituality of Bu Zhoushan is the incarnation of Zhang Bairen!

Bu Zhoushan was originally not spiritual, but when he was unable to organize the spirituality of Zhoushan, everything was dominated by his will, and the spirituality of Bu Zhoushan was involuntarily controlled and refined by him. This is not from a certain degree. Said it is his incarnation.


Gonggong was stunned, his eyes were a little dull, and after a while he touched his chin and said, "Wicked! This kid is a bit of a bad way! We only wanted to ask him to try, but we didn't expect this kid to actually succeed."

"I don't know why, I suddenly regretted it!" Zhu Rong clicked his lips: "Our inheritance is given to him, for fear of misfortune."

"But do you have room for regret?" Zhu Rong smiled coldly.

Zhang Bairen looked into the distance with a pair of eyes, and after a while he withdrew from the realm of the unity of nature and man: "How many years have passed?"

"One thousand and five hundred years!" Zhu Rong said.

"What!!!" Zhang Bairen was struck by lightning, stiff, his eyes filled with disbelief: "I just think it's only fifteen years! Don't lie to me."

"You kid, what are we doing to lie to you? It is true that in the past 1,500 years, you have forbidden all kinds of laws in Buzhou Mountain, and it is normal if you can't feel the passage of time!" Zhu Rong said unhurriedly: "Just one thousand. Five hundred years, why do you look like this? It’s worth all the cost to get the artifact from Zhoushan. What's more, it’s a mere 1,500 years? If you can get me this mountain, even if you suppress me for hundreds of millions of years, I am willing!"

"You don't understand! You don't understand!" Zhang Bairen stood up suddenly and began to look impatient: "I don't know what's going on outside! What about Qixi? I ​​don't know if Qixi will suffer any accidents, or whether it's on the way! And Li Erna the demon gods, seeing me missing, will definitely take revenge on Zhuojun!"

Zhang Bairen was anxious at this time, and the light of countless laws in his eyes continued to flow.

"Boy, your human race is only a hundred years old. Now that 1,500 years have passed, what can you do even if you are anxious? We will soon be able to conquer the mountain, and when we go out, we will set things right. Wouldn’t the world let me wait !" Zhu Rong's eyes were full of pride.

"That is, 1,500 years have passed, and it's not bad for the last few decades. Why don't you tell us how did you enlighten this chaos?" Gonggong looked curious.

Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly when he heard the words, and his eyes were full of bitterness. After a while, he said: "The ancestors didn't know that Zhoushan was broken in the past, but he also gained the merits of heaven and earth. Empress Nuwa repaired the sky and completed the mission for Zhoushan. I Being able to reconcile with Bu Zhou Mountain is the credit of Nuwa Empress. If Bu Zhou Shan had not sensed the vitality of Nu Wa Empress in me, he would never obey me like this."

In the final analysis, it was a cause and effect. I took the Saint Aunt’s Nuwa Xuanzhu, and with the help of Nuwa Empress’s inheritance, could I get the touch and resonance of this blessed mountain.

ps: Thank you "Tianjin Die" classmates for the great reward.

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