First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1903: Inadequate collection, divine transformation

This cause and effect has also grown bigger and bigger, so big that Zhang Bairen himself doesn't know how to resolve it. Not to mention the cause and effect of Nvwa Empress' Profound beads, it is this imperfect mountain cause and effect, combined enough to give people a foundation for immortality.

How to repay this cause and effect?

Either Zhang Bairen finds a way to help the saint aunt become immortal, and naturally he will not be in this world of cause and effect, jumping out of the three realms and five elements, and traveling around the infinite void.

Or, the saint’s aunt will be wiped out in ashes, and the soul will be completely wiped from the long river of time, and there will be no more than life forever.

When the body died and the soul died, the cause and effect dissipated naturally, and the cause and effect between Zhang Bairen and the saint aunt were also naturally clear.

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Zhang Bairen's mouth: "It's difficult!"

Although he was cruel and slaughtered sentient beings, he was not the kind of person who killed innocent people indiscriminately. He took the chance of Saint Aunt before him. If he was asked to calculate the death of Saint Aunt, he could not pass the hurdle in his heart.

Although he is fierce, he is by no means an ungrateful person. He couldn't do things like killing people.

Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of divine light, his fingers tapped his knees lightly, and his eyes looked at Zhou Shan for a long time.

All the Taoism of Empress Nuwa, the law of life and the law of good fortune that dominate the vitality of the endless beings in the vast world, plus the lack of prosperity at the moment, non-immortality is not enough to repay this cause and effect.

"Is it worth it?" Zhang Bairen asked himself in his heart, and then he denied his idea in an instant. There is no doubt that all this is worth it!

The universe map contains a universe of universe, and the enemy is a treasure that can't be better. Even if the extravagant corpse of the peak period is submerged in it, it must be obediently bound, which shows the power of this treasure.

Besides, Zhoushan Town breaks the world and has infinite power. If you can refining Buzhou Mountain into the incarnation of Lingbao, even if you discard the universe, it will be worth it!

This treasure is enough to make yourself invincible!

The two gods Gonggong and Zhu Rong were suppressed at the foot of the mountain and couldn't resist, they could only accept it obediently, let alone those demon gods outside?

This time, Zhoushan can definitely become his own capital for defeating the enemy and save his life at the most critical moment in the future.

From the beginning of the ancient world to the present, countless heroes and rashers have risen from the Great Wilderness, and countless talents of Tianjiao have risen together. Countless heroes of Tianjiao have taken action. Imagine that in the past hundreds of millions of years, how can the Great Wilderness not give birth to a unique darling of heaven and earth?

Even the heroes who suppressed an era like the Emperor of Heaven did not appear before. Not only did they appear, but they also brought up the catastrophe of an era.

Eternal, how many heroes like the emperor?

neither knows.

"Come on!" Suddenly Zhang Bairen only felt that Zhoushan had a mysterious feeling with him, his spiritual energy was activated, and he was completely refined by himself.

I saw his palm stretched out and beckoned gently to the void, and then the next moment the sky fell apart, the sun and the moon swayed, and the endless mountains were suspended and shrunk at an unimaginable speed.

In an instant, it turned into the size of a fist.

Looking at the Bu Zhou Mountain suspended in the void, Zhang Bairen could only see the whole picture of Bu Zhou Mountain at this time.

What is Buzhoushan like?

Even if it is just simply floating there, it has an aura of forbidden eternity. It seems that there is infinite power conceived in its body. Time stops flowing, everything will become nothingness, and it will no longer be true in the face of the power of law. .

Everything in heaven and earth is illusory, but I eternally exist between heaven and earth.

He is eternal!

Even Zhang Bairen couldn't see the whole picture of Buzhou Mountain, because after his sight came, Buzhou Mountain had suppressed Zhang Bairen's gaze.

The emptiness of Baizhang Fangyuan turned into nothingness, and everything has been confined by the unconscious Qi in Bu Zhoushan.

Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of dignity looking at Mount Bu Zhou, and the two great gods Zhu Rong and Gonggong in the ancestral aperture of his eyebrows were also as if he had seen a ghost, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"Is it really successful? I can't believe it!" Zhu Rong rubbed his eyes vigorously.

"Is it possible that my strength has dropped drastically after passing the gong, and I have reached the point of being dim-eyed?" Gonggong's eyes widened, and Zhu Rong suddenly said to his side: "You give me a punch. Why do I feel that things are so unreliable? This is not Zhoushan, the pillar of heaven and earth!"


A fist hit Zhu Rong's chin, and he staggered Zhu Rong in an instant.

"Why are you hitting me?" Zhu Rong grinned in pain.

"I just want to see if this is true or dreaming!" Gong Gong muttered.

"Then why are you hitting me!" Zhu Rong's eyes were full of grievances.

"Is it stupid, how could I beat myself? I'm not a fool!" Gonggong said unhurriedly.

"This treasure has just given birth to spirituality. It should be placed in the body to suppress the body, and use my three treasures to continuously nurture and polish!" Zhang Bairen looked at the obscure mountain, and the ancestors of the eyebrows opened: "Close!"


Half of the imperfect mountain turned into a stream of light, submerged in Zhang Bairen’s eyebrow ancestor orifice. Zhang Bairen’s figure flickered, as if he was carrying a mountain. His figure was twisted and trembled, and the whole body was violent, and the figure'creaked' creaked. The sound suddenly sank three feet underground out of thin air, causing the rock under his feet to collapse.


Zhang Bairen closed his eyes and kept running the Dao Gong in his body, and began to worship Bu Zhou Mountain, nourishing Bu Zhou Mountain's spirituality.


Taking a step forward, the rock under his feet was three-point harder than steel and collapsed instantly. It was not that Zhang Bairen had the power to break the rock, but the law of irregularity in Zhang Bairen's body that instantly suppressed the law of rock under his feet and lost it. The rocks blessed by the law are almost as fragile as the biscuits.

Zhang Bairen tapped his fingers on his knees, his eyes looked far away, and his eyes were full of solemn colors: "If you want to go out, you must condense the pressure of Bu Zhoushan in your body as much as possible, and you must not pour out the slightest."

Buzhou Mountain was taken away by Zhang Bairen. At this time, the dragon veins boiled, losing the suppression of Buzhou Mountain, and the hundreds of millions of miles of dragon veins condensed in an instant and turned into a divine dragon, eager to try, seem to be flying up at any time.

The heavens and the earth are shaking, the entire border of the earth is like a big earthquake, and the collapse of the mountains is really terrifying.

At this time, Zhang Bairen couldn't take care of that much, and tried his best to restrain the pressure of Zhoushan, and he even felt that if he could not restrain his power, his eyebrow ancestors would simply bear the power of Zhou Shan. After being crushed, he died.

Fortunately, Zhang Bairen finally enlightened Bu Zhou Mountain, and the obscure Zhong Bu Zhou Mountain had become his clone body. Although it was difficult to converge on Bu Zhou Shan, it was not impossible.

Time is passing by, and I don’t know how long it has passed. At this moment, the sound of "click" and "click" is heard in the ancestral orifice of his eyebrows, and the cracks continue to spread and flow in the ancestral orifice, seeing the ancestral orifice about to burst. At this time, the avenue flower bloomed, and the divinity entrusted in the avenue flower was distorted, and a portal was opened in its inner world, swallowing the mountain of Buzhou into the chaos.


Buzhou Mountain entered the chaos, and the entire chaos exploded in an instant. The laws in the chaos rioted instantly, and the endless chaotic air rushed towards Buzhou Mountain madly, trying to decompose it.

Under the mountain of Bu Zhou, the law in the chaos is extremely compressed, and the density is constantly increasing at the extreme. Under the suppression of the mountain, the fetal membrane of the chaos is growing crazily, and in an instant it becomes countless times thicker, and then the void is distorted, and the entire chaos is in the mountain Under the pressure, a kind of transformation took place.

The transformation under the extreme, the transformation from illusion to reality.

Under the chaos of the air, Bu Zhoushan is also constantly changing at this time, and an inexplicable change has taken place.

It seemed that a chain reaction had occurred. Originally, Zhang Bairen had condensed to the ultimate divinity, but at this time a new transformation had taken place, in a way that Zhang Bairen could not understand.

This transformation is beyond time and space, beyond the law, and beyond Zhang Bairen's imagination.

"It's so terrible!"

In the eyebrow ancestor aperture, Zhu Rong and Gonggong looked embarrassed at this time, the endless space in the entire eyebrow ancestral aperture was in a mess, and the mottled cracks seemed to be broken at any time.

If it weren't for the suppression of the Zhuxian Formation, I'm afraid Zhang Bairen's ancestral orifice secret realm has been abolished at this time, and then his Yang Shen body will be turned into ashes.

Zhang Bairen condensed his Dao skills, slowly opened his eyes, and took a long breath, mobilizing the blood of his body to moisturize the secret realm of the ancestral orifice of the eyebrows, making Zhang Bairen seem to have lost too much blood, and he looked pale.

"You kid, acting too We almost wanted to be buried with you, and we will fall into the endless void without surpassing" Zhu Rongxin said with lingering fear.

At this time, Zhang Bairen's eyebrow ancestor orifice seemed to be densely cracked glass. This eyebrow ancestor orifice was not his physical eyebrow ancestor orifice, but the ancestral orifice of Yang Shen.

Hidden in the deepest part of the ancestral aperture in the eyebrows are the divine nature, the great avenue flower, the Zhuxian formation that suppresses the ancestral aperture, and the ancestral dragon dragon ball and other treasures.

"Fortunately, I survived it after all!" Zhang Bairen rubbed his eyebrows and said with a pale face: "It's just that after this catastrophe, my Yang God has been severely damaged. I want to repair this Ancestral Aperture. I don't think about it for decades."

"Decades? You too underestimate the mighty force left in Zhoushan! If you want to repair the ancestral aperture, you need to expel the power left in the ancestral aperture first, and then repair it! But you are also a blessing in disguise, no With Zhou Shan’s power, your Yang God can definitely go further!” At this point, Zhu Rong looked into the depths of his eyebrow ancestor orifice in surprise: “What was the method before, even the power of Zhou Shan can tolerate suppression, this We didn’t see it clearly by ordinary means, your kid is extremely wicked, too abnormal."

Looking at the deepest part of Zhang Bairen's Ancestral Aperture, where the turbulence of time and space continues to flow, even with the power of the two gods, there is no flaw.

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