First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1904: Counterattack

Unlike other people's ancestors, Zhang Bairen's ancestors are filled with endless spatial turbulence, and time is chaotic because of the chaotic world and the flowers of the avenue.

The turbulence of time and space, even the emperor of heaven and the immortal dare not touch things easily. Gonggong and Zhu Rong were only left with the true spirit at this time, so naturally they didn't dare to toss around at will.

Without answering Zhu Rong and Gonggong’s words, Zhang Bairen would of course not take the initiative to expose his secrets. He looked at the clouds in the sky and slowly stood up after a long time: "Who would have thought that two thousand years passed before thinking about it. The outside world doesn’t know what it looks like anymore."

Zhang Bairen's gaze is a little solemn, two thousand years are enough time for vicissitudes of life. Shaoxiao left home and returned to the boss, but the local accent did not change his temples. After returning, I found that the village had already changed its appearance. Not only the houses and buildings were different, even the people in the houses had been replaced for dozens of generations.

Thinking of the feeling of being right and wrong, Zhang Bairen suddenly felt a panic of fear in his heart: "Is it the 21st century, right?"

"What's the matter? Why don't you leave?" Gonggong's voice rang in Zhang Bairen's ear.

"Go" Zhang Bairen shook off his steps and became Zhu Rong's real body and Gonggong's real body. He had completed his biggest goal of entering Buzhou Mountain, and now he was going to get out.

"I don't know how Qi Huan is now, whether he was suppressed and killed by the gods!" Zhang Bairen muttered to himself. He has now become a real body of water and fire. Even without Qi Huan's help, he can easily tear the barrier between the two worlds. , Open the world coordinates.

A thick barrier stood in front of Zhang Bairen. This was the barrier formed by the Zhoushan Dragon Vessel's suppression of Zhu Rong and Gonggong. It was able to trap Zhu Rong and Gonggong's true spirit here for hundreds of thousands of years, and it was considered boundless.

However, if Zhang Bairen might be helpless facing this barrier before entering, now that he has already practiced the real body of water and fire, and even surrendered, he would not pay attention to this dragon energy barrier.

The next moment the real body representing the petals of water solidified and submerged in Zhang Bairen's body. With the transformation of the law of water, Zhang Bairen's body became clear and transparent, like a crystal clear crystal, with a slightly blue transparent head. Hair fluttering in the wind.

Different from the incarnation of the gods he got, he used his own incarnation of the gods, which was possessed by the incarnation of the gods, and controlled that endless power with his own flesh. The real body of Gonggong is his own power, and the two are not the same.

Some people may ask, Zhang Bairen's water **** Dharma body and Gonggong are both gods who hold the law of water. Isn't this a conflict?

This is actually the essential difference!

Gonggong is innately sacred. Zhang Bairen's incarnation of the water **** is the Akajiri horse monkey, one of the four great monkeys. Although it is a genus of the innate god, it is quite different from Gonggong. Although both parties are gods of water, the power of co-working is much greater than that of Akasiri horse monkeys.

The divine light in Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed, and a pair of eyes looked into the distant void, and then he flicked his fingers lightly, the law of water flowed, and he heard only a bang, and the barrier was torn apart by one of his fingers.

Gonggong Zhenbo is not only in charge of the current law of water, but also represents the martial arts power that can break the void, with infinite martial arts cultivation.


The barrier was torn apart, but Zhang Bairen changed his color suddenly, and his eyes were full of frightened light: "If you don't Zhou Longmai, why are you doing it right with me?"

The hundreds of millions of miles of imperial dragon veins seemed to be alive at this time, and the air of the dragon veins with Zhang Yawu claws overwhelmed the sky, trapping Zhang Bairen layer by layer.

The dragon veins vibrated, and the Bu Zhou mountain range sensed it. At this time, the eyes of the gods swept across.

"Gonggong! He is still alive, and he has been killed out of the mountain!" A **** screamed.

"It's been hundreds of millions of years, how can Gonggong be alive!" Lei Shen was shocked by the thunder and lightning riots around his body, rolling up endless thunderclouds.


"Why is Gonggong still alive!"

The gods were full of fear at this time. In the age of the gods, Gonggong and Zhu Rong were among the top powerhouses. They were capable of shaking the world. They were one of the leaders of the gods and the most powerful ancestors at the time. One is qualitatively different from ordinary innate gods.

No wonder all beings will be shocked when they see Gonggong's real body!

"Gonggong's true body?" Looking at the young man wearing a brocade robe, like a crystal, Qi Huangong's expression frantically changed: "Isn't that Zhang Bairen? Could it be that Zhang Bairen gained the inheritance of Gonggong? It replaced the fruit of Gonggong. Bit?"

"Where is Zhu Rong? He inherited Gonggong's real body. Doesn't that mean that Zhu Rong's real body still exists, and it's still below!" Qi Huangong's eyes were full of enthusiasm.

Zhang Bairen has been enlightened in the lower realm for thousands of years, and he has been chased and killed by the gods for thousands of years.

"No, that face is not a co-worker, it is the **** of Wusheng!" Lei Shen suddenly exclaimed.

After hearing the words, all the gods looked at Zhang Bairen’s face with dignified eyes. One of the gods gritted his teeth and said: “I’m still wondering why I haven’t seen a trace of lifelessness for thousands of years. The dragon pulse riots thousands of years ago must have been caused by this comrade, but it caused that little drought to bear the black pot."

"Good means, it turns our game around. We will never give up if this hatred is not reported!" A **** gritted his teeth.

"It's hard to do. The sword of Zhu Xian used to be a headache, and I dare not take its edge. Now that it has become a real body of Gonggong, we are afraid that it is not this person's opponent." Thor is a relatively straightforward person. Saying one and two, saying two, one word fell silent suddenly. The **** who had previously said that he wanted revenge blushed and his neck was thick, but he couldn't speak.

If it were not for his Zhu Xianjian, Qi Huangong was Zhang Bairen's lesson.

But now the key is that Zhang Bairen not only has the Zhuxian Sword, but he has also practiced Gonggong's real body and gained the Gonggong inheritance. What should you do if you are called the gods?

"The dragon pulse is rioting, the mountains and the veins are not changing, the rivers and the seas have killed countless lives, what shall we do now?" A **** suddenly said.

"Hehe, what a cause and effect is this, I wish I could use it to release the Buzhou Mountain Dragon Veins, and then use the power of the Buzhou Dragon Veins to smash the legal barrier. We are enough to re-emerge out of the world!" The **** snorted coldly: "Look at it. Let's change, although the Buzhou Dragon Meridian is powerful, don’t forget that this person has inherited the inheritance of the Great God of Gonggong, and may not be able to suppress the Buzhou Dragon Meridian."

No matter what Zhang Bairen did, it was beneficial and harmless to the gods.

Zhang Bairen surrendered the dragon veins, and it was naturally better to save all beings in this world. If it can't surrender the dragon veins, and the earth-shaking conflict erupts with the dragon veins, it is 80% likely to break the legal barrier. The gods have been trapped here for hundreds of millions of years, and they have long hoped to return to their homeland and enter the path of immortality.

Facing Zhang Bairen's question, Dimai didn't answer, just a claw covering the sky and the sun, and grabbed Zhang Bairen fiercely and domineeringly.

Even though the dragon veins overwhelmed hundreds of thousands of miles of the earth and suppressed the world, even if Zhang Bairen became the real body of Gonggong at this time, his heart was shocked.

"Boy, you must act quickly to suppress the ill-fated dragon veins, or else a battle will break out. If you hurt the dragon veins, your magical powers will manifest in the mountains, and all the karma for death and injury will be counted in your head. Come on! Suppress the veins here, but only by using thunder means!" Zhu Rong said.

"Huh?" Zhang Bairen nodded when he heard the words, and flicked his fingers. The next moment Zhang Bairen pointed out a finger and collided with the claw grabbed by Long Mai.


There is no doubt about the strength of Gonggong's real body, coupled with the power of endless laws, Zhang Bairen's fingers smashed down, and the dragon pulse was destroyed in an instant.


Suddenly, the ten miles of mountains and rivers not far away shone with white light, and in an instant it was frozen, and all the life of the birds and beasts in the mountains was completely dead.

Zhang Bairen injured the dragon vein, but the dragon vein revealed the damage in the Buzhou Mountains.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Bairen suddenly changed his color, his eyes were full of anger, he finally knew the meaning of working together.

If you defeat the dragon veins by yourself, the damage will be transferred to the sentient beings at that time, and all the causes and effects and karma will be counted on your body. After all, dragon veins are part of heaven and earth, and the law of heaven and earth certainly won't bother to find earth veins.

But if you don't fight back, is it a joke for you to be the power of the tens of thousands of miles?

Once he really awakens, I am afraid that Gonggong's real body will not be able to hold it.

The imperfect dragon veins at the moment are only partly awakened. If the Zhou Long Meridians are not fully awakened, and the power of the Earth Meridians of hundreds of millions of miles is psychic, I am afraid that Zhang Bairen will also retreat.

"It turns out that only by using thunder means can we resolve this calamity." Zhang Bairen's expression was solemn, and the next moment his hand changed his seal, and his divine nature was circulated and incorporated into Zhang Bairen's seal.

If you take action to suppress the lower dragon vein, then everything will be fine. If you surrender, you can't get the dragon vein? I am afraid that my own trouble is too big! In those days, Zhu Rong and Gonggong smashed Buzhou Mountain, and had already forged a great feud with Buzhou Mountain. This enmity will not end, and hundreds of millions of lives will be buried with them.

"Weird! Weird! Since I hate the co-worker Zhu, why doesn't all of them wake up, but only part of them?" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of surprise.

Zhang Bairen's hand-printing tactics agglomerated, not projected by Zhoushan, and overlapped with his hand-printing tactics.


It is no longer appropriate to say that it is Fantian Seal. This Seal Art has the blessing of imperfect projection, so it should be called Zhentian Seal.

Time and space freeze, although the law has not disappeared, but it is fixed by that seal.

On one side, the gods were stunned, and their eyes were full of astonishment: "Bu Zhoushan's energy? This kid can actually interact with Bu Zhou Shan and use the power of Bu Zhou Shan?"

As for Zhang Bairen's failure to conquer and refine the mountain, the gods simply couldn't even think about it.

Can't you refine Zhoushan?

Why don't you say that you refine the universe and fly to the sky side by side with the sun?

Back then, all the gods were helpless, so how could it be that an ant-like queen could refine it?

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