First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1905: Tianke

There is an unreasonable law in this world called natural restraint, just like once a frog is stared at by a snake, it will become limp and will not resist at all. It can only sit and wait for death, waiting to be swallowed by the snake.

Right now, the Buzhou Mountain Dragon Vein is also the same. Facing the vast billowing Yin Jue, there seems to be a towering Bu Zhou Mountain suppressed in the obscurity. Only a whimper was heard, and the Wu Zhou Long Vessel was actually overwhelmed by Yin Jue's Qi mechanism. Being suppressed, dare not move.

A projection of a fault can be called the surrender of the dragon pulse of the fault, this is the mighty power of the mountain of the fault.

Just like a lively dog, as long as the owner yells, it will instantly quiet down.

Bu Zhou Shan was born to suppress the entire world, with infinite mighty power circulating around him, and then suddenly thunder was rolled up, and the Bu Zhou mountain range had returned to its place.

"Bu Zhoushan Dragon Vessel!" Zhang Bairen smiled softly, and the hand prints dispersed: "I know your pain and your resentment. You are resenting Zhu Rong and Gong Gong, but Zhu Rong and Gong Gong have been resolved. Gonggong, but I am not a co-worker. You should know that I am now a co-worker, and you can’t kill me! I think you have been born with spirituality now, but there is a glimmer of hope for enlightenment, so why bother No matter how stubborn you are, you must have trouble with me, killing the lives of hundreds of millions of people in this mountain range?"

Zhang Bairen’s words are gentle, like a gentle stream of water, and there is a touching power circulating around him: "Why are you! Harming others and yourself! When is the time for retribution? Zhu Rong Gonggong has become a cloud of the past, but you are Still exists."

The world became quiet, facing the deterrence of Bu Zhoushan projection, the earth dragon veins stopped tossing.

Zhang Bairen breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that a great war would be inevitable. It seems that for hundreds of millions of years, this imperial dragon vein has lost the suppression of imperial mountain, and has given birth to spirituality. It can't be said that there will be too many young people, a new imperial god. Will be conceived.

The Buzhou Mountain is connected with the Buzhou Dragon Vein, and the gods outside do not know it, but the Buzhou Mountain Vein knows that he has taken the Buzhou Mountain.

With impunity in his hands, he was born invincible. What's more, Bu Zhou Shan suppressed the spirituality of the Dragon Veins. Now that Bu Zhou Shan has been taken away by himself, it is also a good thing for this Veins.

The dragon vein settled down, and the next moment he heard only a ‘swish’, Qi Huangong broke through the sonic boom, leaving a white line in the air, drilling towards the depths of the earth.

Zhang Bairen got the inheritance of Gonggong, so wouldn't he still have a chance to obtain Zhu Rong's inheritance?

Even if Qi Huan was chased by the gods for thousands of years, he would never forget what he was here for.

I came here to make a breakthrough!

"No! Don't teach this fellow to gain the inheritance of Zhu Rong, otherwise I'm afraid it's us!" I only heard a scolding, and then the void kept shaking, the gods shot one after another, and the laws became fingers. , Crushed towards Qi Huangong.

"General Governor, please help me!" Qi Huan gong wailed, but did everything he could, regardless of the attacks of the gods behind him, and continued to drill into the depths of the earth.

The light in Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed, a pair of eyes scanned Qi Huangong who was sneaking underground, and a soft sigh sounded in the wind: "Why bother? Some things can't be forced!"

I can get into the earth veins by relying on the avenue flower, but it doesn't mean that Qi Huangong can also. The earth veins were eaten at Zhang Bairen's place before, and there is nowhere to vent. At this moment, he felt Qi Huangong's offense, and all the anger suddenly poured on Qi Huangong.

Gong Qi Huan caught his own demon seed, he was a rare thug, but he couldn't fall here so easily.

With a flick of Zhang Bairen's fingers, the law of water flowed, and the attacks of the innate gods were melted instantly:

"You guys, it's a disadvantage for the next guard, so that this guy has a loophole to get out of the universe, and I hope you will be merciful. After all, this guy is a fellow villager in any case."

Zhang Bairen did not give the gods a chance to be accountable, and directly blocked the words of the gods. At this time, only a scream was heard, and Qi Huangong once again unloaded eight pieces of broken corpses and fell into the mud.

"Why? Why can he get in, but I can't go!" Qi Huan's only remaining skull and face, a pair of eyes bursting with anger, his eyes scanned the sky in the distance, anger rose into the sky. The grief and anger and unwillingness in the eyes seemed to be able to turn into substance. At this time, Aung Tian roared and questioned the irregular veins.

"Is it too embarrassing enough?" Zhang Bairen's face sank, his eyes scanned Qi Huangong, and then he held the map of the universe with his palms stretched out, and threw it against Qi Huangong's gravel, and saw that the map of the universe grew in the wind. Qi Huangong took it in.

"Zhang Bairen! You despicable and shameless villain, you did it deliberately! You deliberately calculated me! You deliberately let me out to touch the dragon pulse, did you give you a chance? I'm never ending with you..." Qi Huan The words were not finished, but Zhang Bairen's universe picture was already involved.

The Universe Map received Qi Huangong, automatically shrank and rolled up, and flew towards Zhang Bairen.

Looking at the gazes of the gods, Zhang Bairen stretched out his crystal-clear fingers to hold the map of the universe, and then stuffed it into his sleeves without delay, looking at the gods indifferently: "Everyone, I've become a commoner now. Gongzhen, this is the irreversible change of the general trend. Even if you don’t use the Zhuxian Sword, you are not my opponents, but why bother against the sky and embarrass me? It would be better to forge a good relationship."

The law of water flowing around Zhang Bairen's body gradually filled the world. He saw Zhang Bairen's robes swelling, and then the law of water around his body vibrated crazily. Then he saw the void scatter infinite power, and the endless force of the law oppressed the gods. .

The auras of the two sides are intertwined and overlapped, constantly confronting each other, trying to distinguish one from the other.

Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of divine light and glanced at the people, the will in his eyes was uncompromising.

"Finally, let it be with you!" It was Thor suddenly sighed, and took the whole body Qi: "You have the inheritance of Gonggong?"

Raytheon was looking at Zhang Bairen, his eyes a little complicated.

"Exactly!" Zhang Bairen nodded.

"Where is Zhu Rong's inheritance? Gonggong and Zhu Rong were smashed at the foot of the mountain. Now that you have the Gonggong inheritance, then Zhu Rong's inheritance must not be far away from you." One of the gods looked at Zhang Bairen with scorching eyes.

"If you can get in the veins, you can try, otherwise even if I tell you, it will be of no use." Zhang Bairen didn't answer the people's words directly, but pointed to the imperfect mountain veins mockingly.

When the gods heard the words, their complexions sank. Although the irregular veins have infinite power, it would be a little vain to say that the gods cannot surrender.

The gods did not dare to argue with the Buzhou Mountain Range, lest they harm the innocent sentient beings that are hundreds of millions of miles away.

"If there is nothing to do, I'll leave first!" Zhang Bairen's real body retreated, and turned into the original appearance, calmly said.

"You can do it yourself, not everyone has the ability to accept the inheritance of Gonggong!" Lei Shen sighed.

Zhang Bairen turned into a breeze to disperse between the heaven and the earth, and when he reappeared, he had reached a large branch in the Buzhou Mountains.




There was a sound of fighting from afar, and even after a thousand years, the battle between the Tiger King and the Leopard King never stopped.

"Leopard head, you don't want to deceive people too much. It has been a thousand years, what are you going to do?" Tiger King was a little bored at this time, his nose and legs swollen and lame, staring at the opposite Leopard King.

"What do I want? What do I want to ask you? You raided me first!" Leopard King was not much better at this time, his face swollen into a pig's head.

At this time, the two sides jumped away, saying that they would not fight, and they seemed casual.

"Today's revenge, write it down for the time being, and I will have to take your dog's head off in the future!" The Leopard King roared, and then jumped away into the void.

"Huh, it's hard to tell who unscrewed the dog's head!" There was a touch of disdain in the tiger king's eyes, and then he stood up slowly, looking into the distance, and glanced at the surrounding void: "The culprit Where is it? Once I recover from my injury, you must pay the price!"

The Tiger King was about to return to the cave, but suddenly he heard a wailing in the direction of the Leopard King’s cave: "Damn, that dare to steal my treasure?"

The Leopard King’s voice was heart-piercing, as if he had been slashed by a thousand swords.

However, I didn’t wait for the Tiger King to recollect. I saw the evil wind extinguished, and a paw grabbed his throat: "Tiger King! Didn’t you! Did you steal my treasure? You beat my treasure. It's not a day or two, but this time I underestimated you!"

"Bang!" The Tiger King hurriedly fought back, and the whole body was constantly shattered, and the Tiger King suddenly changed color: "What are you talking about? Your treasure is lost?"

" Don’t be hysterical here, it must be you deliberately, and you still want to go wrong here, saying!!! Which is your accomplice!!!" The Leopard King was crazy, his eyes were scarlet. The Tiger King.

At this time, Tiger King suddenly felt an unpleasant feeling in his heart. Leopard King’s treasure was washed away. Doesn’t it make sense for his own Dong Mansion to avoid disaster?

Immediately, seeing the Tiger King rise up into the sky, he wanted to return to the cave.

"You leave it to me and don't return the treasure, you don't want to leave today!" The Leopard King's eyes were full of madness: "If you dare to swallow the treasure, I will spread the news all over the world and take you to the funeral."

"Are you crazy?" Tiger King avoided the Leopard King's attack when he heard the words, with a touch of amazement in his eyes.

"Haha, don't you know if I'm crazy or not? Don't you behave here and return my treasure quickly!" Leopard King rushed over here.

The Tiger King made a masterpiece of wind and thunder around his body. Even if it was a fluke, seeing the empty cave house right now made the Tiger King suddenly dizzy.

ps: One more thing.

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