First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1906: Swire Tribe

   Under the pressure of gods in this world, hundreds of millions of sentient beings are unable to open up spiritual wisdom, stepping into the door of cultivation, why can the Tiger King and Leopard King open up spiritual wisdom?


   Thor thought it was the Tiger King who stole his fruit, but actually?

   Tiger King knew in his heart that he was able to unlock his spiritual wisdom and step onto the path of spiritual practice relying on that stone.

   But now that stone is lost!


  The Leopard King who came after him was also dull. Looking at the empty cave house of the Tiger King, his angry expression instantly calmed down.

   At this time, the two of you look at me and I look at you, with big eyes and small eyes, the tiger king's eyes are full of grief and indignation: "Who is it? Who is the enemy of this king? Dare to steal treasures from this king's cave!"

   Tiger King is full of grief and anger, his eyes are full of madness.

   At this time, the leopard spirit suddenly woke up and was shocked with a cold sweat behind his back. His eyes looked at the cave in amazement, and he was suddenly alert: "The stone is so heavy that it is not something that I and the Tiger King can move!"

   The monk who can move that stone has supernatural powers beyond the Leopard King’s imagination.

"It's a god-given grace to be able to unlock Lingzhi and embark on the road of practice. Why am I not satisfied?" Think of those monsters with supernatural powers and cultivation bases, but without the slightest wisdom, the Leopard King suddenly Calmed down.

   The Leopard King was calm, but the Tiger King didn't think so. He was already trapped in the devilishness like the previous Leopard King.

   "I know it's you! You must have done it!" The Tiger King instantly rolled up the endless thunder and thundered across the void towards Manghuang.

   "Human ants, hand over the treasure and spare you not to die!"

   Just as Zhang Bairen stood still on the branch, he saw thunder and thunder rolling in the sky, bringing the overwhelming demon wind to him.

   "You little tiger, you don't know how to advance and retreat, and you don't know the secrets! The treasures under the world, those who are destined will get it!" Zhang Bairen's face was expressionless, and his right index finger suddenly turned into a crystal-like shape, encumbering the endless law and pointing to the tiger king.


  In an instant, the fierce Tiger King was sealed by Zhang Bairen's finger, and then the universe opened in his sleeves and the Tiger King was stuffed in.

  The Leopard King who was chasing the Tiger King suddenly stopped, staring at Zhang Bairen with horror, and surrendered to the Tiger King with one finger, afraid that the innate gods would not be able to do it?

   What the innate gods cannot do does not mean that Zhang Bairen cannot do it.

   glanced at the Leopard King and was shocked that the Leopard King sobbed and turned around to flee with his tail sandwiched between them. Zhang Bairen just sighed and looked at the tree on the left, and said unhurriedly: "Come out."

   An ancient tree that had grown for an unknown number of years was gently swaying in the wind. It seemed that he had not heard Zhang Bairen's words, as if it were a dead tree without wisdom.

   "Hehe! Do you have to ask me to get you out?" Zhang Bairen's fingertips ruled, so he wanted to do it.


I saw the big tree trembling for a while, and then drilled a figure from the big tree, an ancient leather scroll, Congcong with both eyes looked at Zhang Bairen with enlightenment, and a look of eagerness appeared in his eyes: "In Xia Limu, this is the human race under the Dazhou Mountain. The guardian of the tribe, your excellency is from the ancestral land?"

   "Huh?" Zhang Bairen looked at Limu up and down, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

   The person in front of him is very young, and the young one is a bit too young, probably in his thirties, but he is already rare in the world in his cultivation, at least he can prove the Daluo fruit status.

   This is the innate advantage of the Fuzhou Yamauchi race! Here the laws of heaven and earth are lingering, and the rhyme of Taoism is indeterminate. As long as you can embark on the road of cultivation, you can prove the status of the sun **** and it is not difficult to understand the power of the laws.

   "There are still human tribes in the mountain?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback when he heard the words.

   "Natural" Limu looked at Zhang Bairen curiously, at the silk and satin on Zhang Bairen's body, and then at the animal skins on his body. There was a touch of shyness in his eyes: "What are you wearing?"

   "This is a silk woven shirt" Zhang Bairen's face was calm.

   looked at the exquisite embroidery on Zhang Bairen's shirt, the vivid patterns. Feihe Xiangyun was constantly circulating, as if he had come alive, Limu said a little bit: "It's so beautiful! Do people outside wear this?"

   "Almost!" Zhang Bairen looked at Limu, with a hint of surprise in his eyes: "It's your sir, it's commendable that you are already a young man."

   "I have been reincarnated three times, but it is not difficult to prove that Daluo is not difficult." Limu scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

   Zhang Bairen was stunned when he heard the words. The weather in this mountain is unique, even ordinary mortals can live at least five hundred years, and Limu will live for at least several thousand years, even ten thousand years. But he still retains the child's innocence, and he has never been tainted with the slightest red dust, so Zhang Bairen cannot be surprised.

   People from the outside world have already begun to intrigue in their twenties. The six desires have clouded their aura and concealed the spiritual platform of their souls, and their desires filled their hearts. But in Li Mu's body, Zhang Bairen only saw the childlike innocence and natural sincerity, and he had never been contaminated with desire.

   "Oh! People are not old!" Zhang Bairen sighed suddenly, remembering an allusion.

   "What are you sighing? The elder said he wants me to catch you back, but I can't beat you again, what's wrong with you!" Li Mu puzzled, looking at Zhang Bairen's clothes with a pair of envy.

   "Catch me back? What are you doing to catch me back?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback when he heard the words.

"My homeland is difficult to leave. I have been trapped in Buzhou Mountain for hundreds of millions of years. I have been trapped here by the law of the storm. I can't go home anymore! You are from my ancestral land. I naturally hope you will take me home." There was a trace of sorrow in Limu's eyes: "If I can't return to my homeland, I won't be able to become immortal. You don't know how many Tianjiao has not been defeated by the monster overlord in this imperfect mountain for hundreds of millions of years, but has been defeated by the years. You, you have gained the inheritance of Gonggong, and the ancestors can't beat you, but will you let me go back?"

   Riki's eyes are full of pleading!

   "Okay!" Zhang Bairen's heart moved. The tribe that has existed for hundreds of millions of years must have a deep heritage. I never thought that there would be such a surprise before he left.

   "Great!" Riki cheered, "You follow me."

   The two were shuttled in the jungle, and it took a long time to see the fireworks in the distance rising into the sky.


   Zhang Bairen felt the popularity!

   This is a tribe of two hundred thousand people!

   Two hundred thousand people said it was too much, but it was a lot less.

   "The distinguished guests are here, and the elders are not far away to welcome them, but I hope that the distinguished guests will not be offended!" The voice has been heard from a distance before the person arrived.

   Zhang Bairen fights the dragon pulse, such a big movement can be heard by anyone who is not blind or deaf.

   After seeing Zhang Bairen's strength, how dare the ancestors in the tribe dare to be big? What's more, I still want others?

   The vicissitudes of life, ancient, and decadent auras rushed towards his face, looking at the old man with a childlike face. Although he looked red, Zhang Bairen could smell the decay.

   "I have seen seniors" Zhang Bairen clasped his fists in a salute.

The ancestor was taken aback for a moment and learned what Zhang Bairen looked like: "On the road to practice, the master is the teacher. Taoist cultivation is not weaker than me, and cannot be called a senior. If you can see the old man, call out: Taoist. Old man face."

   Zhang Bairen shook his head: "No, I am a cultivator, not a cultivator."

   "What's the difference?" The old man was taken aback when he heard the words.

   Zhang Bairen smiled and said: "A monk, the upper body, the heavenly heart, respects parents, respects the elders, the old and the old, the young and the young, the young and the young. The way of observing the sky, the walking of the sky."

   The old man was taken aback when he heard the words: "What a way to see the sky and to go to the sky!"

   "Is this the etiquette of the outside world?" The old man bowed his respects again: "Please come inside."

   Zhang Bairen followed the old man into the tribe, and a strong antiquity style came to his face. There is no house, all are tree holes formed by natural vegetation. Or it could be a house made of accumulated stones, people in the tribe, and animal fur sandals, with totem tattoos painted on their faces, and animal bones hung.

"How is the outside world?" The ancestor looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, with a look of expectation in his eyes: "May my human race survive under the oppression of a hundred races? I still remember that my human race was overwhelmed by thorns and thorns, and it was passed down by countless predecessors. They were martyred one after another for the method of understanding the acupoints and the way of supernatural powers."

   Despite only a few words, Zhang Bairen has already felt the tragic rushing toward his face.

   Humans are predators, food for monsters.

   Can imagine, if human beings exchange their identities with chickens and ducks, they are fed into fast food, and large quantities of feeding are only for laying eggs, heart and liver, how sad it would be?

   The life of human beings today is not easy. It was developed by countless human predecessors with their lives.

   "Although I can't talk about the mountains and rivers ~, but it can be called "the sky and the earth, I am the only one"" Zhang Bairen's words are full of arrogance, domineering involuntarily burst out.

  Dragons were forced into the world by them, and repeatedly frustrated. The Demon God was suppressed by it and couldn't rise up. If the human race's internal fighting was too serious, how could it be like today?

   "Heaven and earth, I am the only one?" The old man paused, and suddenly became fascinated, and his muddy tears slowly slipped.

   After a while, he recovered, and then wiped his eyes: "What a dignity in the sky and the earth! I have lost my temper in front of the distinguished guests. If you want to come to the ancestral land, you must be a top-notch man."

   Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "The vicissitudes of life, I have been in this place for more than two thousand years, I wonder if anyone outside remembers me!"

   At this point, Zhang Bairen has become silent and the atmosphere is suppressed.

   "Oh!" The ancestor sighed softly, "Guests, please come with me."

   Everyone came to the house, there were various precious spirit fruits on them, and the pearwood swallowed.

   "This is a collection of my tribe, only for the most distinguished guests." The old man looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

   "Thank you!" Zhang Bairen thanked him. Looking at the countless aura of the fruit, he couldn't help thinking, and picked up a fist-sized red fruit. ...


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