First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1912: 7 Xi and the Weaver Girl

"Knowing the news of your return, the joss sticks and the mounting paper are ready. You have been away for fifteen years, which makes people worry!" Lu Yu's eyes were red and swollen, and he turned around with a bamboo basket inside the house and arrived. In front of Zhang Bairen.

There was a breeze in the sky, and the weather was clear after rain, and the atmosphere was just right. A rainbow across the sky, hanging there like a bridge, dreamy and colorful.

"Didn't you tell me to leave here?" Zhang Bairen took the bamboo basket and glanced at Yuan Shoucheng.

"The sin has not been redeemed, how dare the old Taoist leave?" Yuan Shoucheng sighed.

"How's Qixi Festival?" Zhang Bairen turned and looked at Lu Yu.

"The talent of Qixi Festival is very high, and it is now in the annealing stage!" Lu Yu whispered: "You have been away in Zhuojun for the past few years. Many people have targeted Qixi. If you were not watching Jinding The remaining players, Qixi Festival has already suffered a lot."

"Huh?" Zhang Bairen's eyebrows were slightly tufted, and a wisp of pure murder in his eyes was slowly brewing: "Who made the hand?"

"Those demon gods hate you for your bones, who did you say they used their hands!" Lu Yu smiled bitterly: "But you don't have to worry, there is a water monster to protect you, no one can hurt Qixi Festival."

"Huh?" Zhang Bairen frowned slightly, and then slowly opened up: "It's fine if it's all right! It's fine if it's all right!"

"In order to make the Qixi Festival get rid of the catastrophe smoothly, I waited for the civet cat to change the prince, and made two Qixi festivals, one in the bright and the other in the dark," Lu Yu said.

"Whose idea? It's wrong! Is it that Qixi Festival is a human, but other people's daughters are not humans?" Zhang Bairen frowned again.

Lu Yu was silent upon hearing this: "The Qixi Festival has a lot to do with it, so there is no room for sloppyness."

Zhang Bairen stopped talking, but turned to look at several graves not far away, and sighed: "I haven't seen you in fifteen years, I'm coming to see you again!"

There was a touch of memory in Zhang Bairen's eyes. Everyone outside thought that it had been fifteen years, but Zhang Bairen knew in his heart that after a full 1,500 years, many things have become hazy in his memory.

Standing in front of the grave at this time as if the next day!

The atmosphere was silent, no one disturbed Zhang Bairen, only the yellow paper of incense candles was dancing in the wind, which seemed to tell Zhang Bairen's irritability.

In the distance, there was a brisk footstep, and then Zhang Bairen heard a familiar word: "Er Niang..."

"Hush!" Lu Yu made a silent gesture and pointed to Zhang Bairen's back.

"Who is he? Huh... why is it him?" The woman looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, her eyes filled with surprise, she couldn't believe it.

"You know?" Lu Yu's turn was strange this time.

"I saw him on the road before" the woman whispered: "Who is he? Why haven't I seen him come to worship before?"

"He is your father" Lu Yu whispered.

"What? Erniang, are you joking?" The woman stared at Lu Yu in amazement. On the one hand, Xiaowen's eyes widened, her mouth was o-shaped, and she exclaimed in amazement: "Is he the elder?"

How do you look at it?

In the legend, how could the overbearing figure of the great master rush to the night with murderous intent and overwhelm the world's heroes, how can he be a young man who cannot help himself?

And this young man looks the same size as his own lady?

At this moment, Zhang Bairen turned around when he heard the movement and looked at the veiled girl, with a stunned look in his eyes: "Is it you?"

"Are you my father?" The girl looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

Zhang Bairen was speechless and didn't know how to answer. He just turned to look at Lu Yu: "Why can't I feel the power of blood in her? I can't feel the power of water monsters?"

The fake ones will not have the power of blood, nor will they have the support of water monsters!

But Lu Yu's words made him stunned: "The ancestor Shaoyang used his magical powers and sealed the Qixi bloodline. He is indeed real! The one hidden in the dark in Zhuojun is fake. This is called'true and false. False is true, and when false is true, true is also false'. You innate demon gods are not easy to fool. If you don't make more preparations, how can you fool the past?"

"As for the water monster, it has been turned into a seal by the ancestor of Shaoyang, sinking into the blood of Qixi Festival, you can't feel it." Lu Yu looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"Impossible! No one can cut off the induction of my thread of love!" Zhang Bairen stepped forward, grabbed Qixi's wrist, and the power of the law in his body flowed in an instant, peeking into Qixi's body.


The bloodline resonates, the power of the law is awakened, and the sun **** fire is awakened.

"Huh, it seems that it has been a long time?" A suspicious word sounded, and the water monster turned into a blue light. It emerged from the body of the Qixi Festival. Sleepy eyes scanned the audience. After seeing Zhang Bairen, he exclaimed: "Boy, You are finally back, ancestor, I want to kill you!"

The water monster got directly into Zhang Bairen's sleeves, his face was full of joy, and he kept running around in his clothes.


Tanabata shook his arm and blocked Zhang Bairen's arm, staring at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "You are my father? Where have you been these years? Why do you want to abandon me? Call me like a lonely ghost, just Like a wandering child without a father or mother!"

The Qixi Festival burst into tears, and then walked away.

"Chinese Valentine's Day!!!" Zhang Bairen yelled, and then said to Lu Yu: "Don't hurry up and take a look!"

Zhang Bairen knew in his heart that Qixi must hate himself. When he was on the Nalan's boat, he guessed that the girl in front of him must hate his father. Otherwise, how could you be so prodigal, wishing to spend a lot of time to ruin the family's property?

But countless things, he never thought that Qixi Festival was his own daughter.

Where was Zhang Bairen's face stiff, and his movements were stiff and stopped moving. After a while, he flicked his sleeves: "In the future, you will follow Qixi, and guard the safety of Qixi!"

The Water Monster was thrown out, and then looked at Zhang Bairen with a grimace, and then went away in an instant.

"You have to understand the Qixi Festival. After all, I haven't seen it for more than ten years. When I was a child, this child stood under the banyan tree in Luoyang every day looking forward to his father's return. Unfortunately, you disappointed her..." Yuan Shoucheng said.

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen was silent, turned around and looked at the tombstones, speechless for a long time.

"Speaking of which I am also quite a failure! Father and son brothers turned against each other, wives went away one by one, and now even my only hope daughter hates me..." Zhang Bairen's words were a bit low: "In fact, if I go to find treasure, I will delay another 15 years. , I still delayed."

"No, 15 years are enough time for the Demon God to make a comeback. By then, the Central Region will lose the suppression of the captain, I'm afraid it won't be the situation like today! At that time, the suffering will not be the captain alone, but the world's sentient beings!" Sighed.

"The Governor!"

At this time, there was a burst of exclamation from the foot of the mountain, and then a shadow was seen crossing the void, breaking through the sonic boom and rolling into the field.

Zhang Xuluo, Yu Juluo, Luo Yi and others are here.

Behind everyone, followed by a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl with a simple dress and a jade rabbit in her arms. Her hair was simply rolled up, but she was graceful and graceful, with a soft water-like feeling in her eyes, as if she was a pretty lady.


Zhang Bairen felt the vitality of blood in her body!

This method of reversing the secrets and changing the day is indeed extraordinary.

Zhang Bairen came to the girl, looked at the timid girl with a pair of eyes, and with a flick of his fingers, all the magical powers were reversed, and all of them were broken.

"The daughter of the people has seen the governor," the girl gave a timid salute, lowering her head and daring not to face Zhang Bairen.

"Wow, you are finally back, Xiao Fei wants to kill you!" Xiao Fei got into Zhang Bairen's arms.

Ignoring the alive Xiao Fei, Zhang Bairen looked at the girl's neck. Along her neck, a meandering scar went deep into her body along the white skin, covered by the robe.

"In fifteen years, this child has been assassinated 154 times, and almost died three times. If it weren't for his fate, I'm afraid it would not be able to survive." Zhang Xutuo's eyes revealed a touch of unbearableness.

Zhang Bairen felt the qi in the girl's body, and his eyes showed a dignified look. He could naturally imagine the days when the girl was worried all day long, and he could even more sense the stasis of the qi in the girl's body. .com~ I'm afraid I won't live to be 18 years old.

She has endured things that she shouldn't have at her age!

This sin was suffered for Qixi!

"Good boy!" Zhang Bairen touched the girl's head: "What is your name? Who is it?"

"Return to the governor, the daughter of the people has both died of parents since childhood. Thanks to the general who can look forward to picking it up and rewarding her with a bite of food and giving her the name "Weaver Girl"!"

"Naughty!" Zhang Bairen yelled suddenly, as if thunder was rolling in the mountains, and the weather in the sky changed in an instant. The girl shivered in front of her and almost collapsed to the ground.

Fortunately, Zhang Bairen took the girl into his arms and glared at the crowd: "Who would think of a bad idea, the method of reversing fate is too cruel! Tanabata is a human, isn't this girl a human?"

The atmosphere was dull, everyone bowed their heads and kept silent.

"My daughter, Zhang Bairen, is the kind of person who is afraid of calamity? What kind of calamity is there, just to face the difficulties, is this kind of trickery, is my Zhang family style!" Zhang Bairen reprimanded everyone.

Who could have imagined that after decades of not seeing each other, what is waiting for everyone is Thunder Fury.

Weaver! What a weaver girl! I hate the gold thread every year, but make wedding clothes for others. This is an innocent substitute to turn the Weaver Girl into a victim and sacrifice for the Qixi Festival.

"From now on, she will be my daughter of Zhang Bairen, the daughter of Qixi, and the princess of Zhuojun, enjoying the best treatment in Zhuojun!" Zhang Bairen held the tender girl in his arms and looked at Yuan Shoucheng with his eyes. : "Old Taoist priest, did you come up with such a shameful method?"

Yuan Shoucheng smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "I am a member of the Taoist sect. How can I do such vicious things?"


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