First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1913: That missed 15 years

Yuan Shoucheng could not imagine this kind of ruthless strategy. Li Daitao was too stiff, and it was too unfair for the Weaver Girl.

"Oh, you kid don't want to blame them, the old man came up with it!" The ancestor Shaoyang stepped forward from afar at this time: "Qixi is the only person in my Zhang family with the sun's blood. How can there be any damage? You one It has been fifteen years since the disappearance. The demon gods are ready to move, and the court and major families have also infiltrated secretly, but the old man can't helplessly watch my Zhang family bloodline have any slippage."

Taking a deep look at the ancestor of Shaoyang, Zhang Bairen stroked the hair of the girl in his arms, and said after a while: "Nothing, I don't need to say more about this matter, and I don't want to say more. But the Qixi festival cannot continue, everything Let's follow the rules. How can the affairs of my Zhang family involve innocent people?"

Zhang Bairen stroked the girl's forehead: "When I am reborn for her shampooing and cutting her marrow, she will be accepted as my daughter, which is equivalent to the status of Qixi Festival. You will still need to wait for her to be like a princess in the future, otherwise... ."


At this moment, Yu Juluo walked out of the crowd and knelt down at the feet of Zhang Bairen: "The chief governor, the old man is pleased, and the chief governor is also expected to convict.

"What's wrong with the general?" Zhang Bairen was stunned.

"The governor didn’t know. When the governor disappeared for the fourth year, Zhuojun had become a target of public criticism. In order to maintain the stability of Zhuojun and the rule of Zhuojun, the lower officials could only promote Qixi to the stage and become I am the master of Zhuojun!" Yu Juluo smiled bitterly.

At that time, Zhang Bairen decided to let his daughter live the life of an ordinary family, instead of raising an arrogant princess. Now Qixi is leaving, but it is a character that has been cultivated over the years.

The current situation is such that Qixi Festival cannot be convinced. Whether it is Yujuluo, Zhang Xutuo, or Luo Yi, they dare not sit in the position that dominates Zhuo County.

The treatment of Qixi Festival in these years is the best in the world, even the emperor Li Shimin can't compare with it.

"Raise poor children and rich daughters, you all did it for me!" Zhang Bairen smiled wryly at the corner of his mouth, and then slowly turned around: "It's all gone!"

He has no objection to rich daughters! Although a bit too rich, Zhang Bairen is not short of money.

After dismissing the officials, Zhang Bairen stood in front of the tombstones of the women, silent, looking at the clouds in the sky, not knowing what he was thinking.

The Weaver Girl stood respectfully on the side, standing with Lu Yu, looking at the thin back, feeling uneasy.

"It's not as overbearing as people's legends. The murderous intent is revealed and people can't breathe. I am afraid that people are rumored to be false; the character of the governor is very good, much better than the character of the general, and looks like the brother next door..." Looking at Zhang Bairen's back, Zhi Nu's eyes were a little confused

"The Weaver Girl..." Zhang Bairen suddenly spoke after a long time.

"Supervisor!" Weaver said respectfully.

"Huh? What should you call me?" Zhang Bairen turned and looked at Zhinv, a simple girl who has experienced ups and downs, who is most easily loved.

The Weaver Girl was taken aback when she heard the words, and whispered a little hesitantly and nervously: "Father?...Father?..."

"Hahaha, that's right! You will be my daughter of Zhang Bairen from now on. Who dares to bully you in all the world!" Zhang Bairen walked to the Weaver Girl and took out a jade box from his sleeve: "There is grass for pill One can prolong your life for three thousand years after eating it, and it can be regarded as compensation for your sufferings over the years. After you digest the grass for the pill, I will wash the hair and cut the marrow for you, clean up the vitality of the body, and then step into the path of spiritual practice. You are now The Three Treasures of the Spirit, Qi, and God have never condensed, and there are too many hidden injuries on the body, but it is the hardship of the road of cultivation."

"This...this...too precious, I can't ask for it!" Zhinu shook her head quickly.

"Stupid boy, take it! You have fallen behind too many others. If there is no grass to return a pill to help, it will be difficult for you to step into the Yang God in this life!" Zhang Bairen opened the box directly, revealing the crystal clear grass to return a pill: "Come on, eat it."

"Thank you...Daddy!" Weaver Girl gave a respectful salute, then cautiously held the draft and returned the pill, gently placing it on her mouth.

"What a good boy!" Zhang Bairen handed one of the jade boxes to Lu Yu: "I gave you this grass back pill."

"I have become a Yang God, and I have more phoenix blood to extend my life. I'm afraid I won't need it." Lu Yu shook his head.

"This is my heart!" Zhang Bairen sighed: "I owe you all these years."

Lu Yu was silent when he heard this, and after a while, he said, "Do you think that a single herb for pill can settle the cause and effect between us?"

"I didn't think about the cause and effect, you misunderstood me!" Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly.

Lu Yu took the box, and then said, "Nalan is in retreat, but you can go find her."

Zhang Bairen rubbed his forehead, looked at Lu Yu's faintly eyes, and then said helplessly: "You go take the Weaver Girl to bathe and change clothes to wash the hair and cut the marrow, I will go to see Qixi Festival."

"Be careful! Although the Qixi Festival has not said these years, the father and mother have always been the demon of its heart, and it is the knot that cannot be solved! Although the Qixi Festival in these years, I will obey your decree and obey it. The control is too strict, she has given birth to a rebellious heart," Lu Yu shouted.

Zhang Bairen paused, and then continued to walk down the mountain without saying a word.

In the thatched cottage where Empress Xiao was alive, Qixi sat there alone on Qixi Festival, and Xiaowen sighed droopingly next to him: "I said, Miss, shouldn't you be happy to see the old man? You didn't think it a long time ago. Have you seen the great master? How can you still be angry when you see it now?"

Xiaowen suddenly found that she couldn't understand Qixi, at least she couldn't see what Qixi was thinking or what Qixi was thinking.

"I don't know. When I didn't see it before, I looked forward to my father's appearance every day. Later, when my father appeared, I was at a loss! And his appearance was a bit too sudden for me to accept..." Qixi held his knees , Sitting in a ball on the head of the bed.

"You girl, we are really destined!" Zhang Bairen came from outside the house at this time.

"Master" Xiaowen hurriedly stood up and respectfully saluted Zhang Bairen.

"You little girl, you are very clever. Thanks to your care over the Qixi Festival these years, you will go to Lu Yu's office tomorrow to receive an article on Taoist Dharma. You are allowed to worship him as a teacher and teach the great cause!" Zhang Bairen looked at Xiaowen, this Although the little girl is witty and thoughtful, she is dedicated to guarding Qixi and getting rid of all the men around Qixi.

Good work!

And still great work!

"Thank you, Master!" Xiaowen's eyes lit up when she heard this.

He waved his hand to signal Xiaowen to retreat, then Zhang Bairen looked towards Qixi Festival, took off his robe and put it on Qixi's shoulders, and then sighed with emotion: "This is the place where your mother and I lived in seclusion back then. Fifteen years have passed since the time has passed."

"When I was five years old, I walked out from Mobei alone. If it weren't for your mother's appreciation and help, I'm afraid there would be no Zhang Bairen today." Zhang Bairen stood by the window and looked at the birds in the mountains and fell into contemplation.

Time is slowly passing by, Zhang Bairen is in memory at this time, and he keeps telling his past, from the sword out of Mobei, to the betrayal of his brother and father, to the end of the Sui Dynasty, the birth of the innate demon, until he enters the imperfect. Mountain boundary.

Such a tortuous and turbulent story, it is difficult for all three lives and three lives to complete one, but all happened to Zhang Bairen.

With a flick of the finger, the oil lamp in the house lights up, and the memory after a thousand years has gradually become clear: "I want to resurrect your mother and resurrect the regrets that have died in the long river of time, so I have to work hard. The world has changed greatly. As we approached, the foreign races outside of Kyushu, the Sihailong tribe, and the Yincao Difu also looked at the ancestral land of our human race, wanting to turn our human race into a lamb and ant."

"I will never agree! Never!" Zhang Bairen said decisively, stood up slowly, watched the last rays of the sunset fall, and slowly closed the window: "I said so much for my father, I just want to tell you that people are alive Only by continuous hard work can we live better and obtain more resources."

"Why do I, Zhang Bairen, dominate the east, but the emperor Li Tang dare not even ask? The innate devil dare not step into my Zhuojun half step? It is because all this was killed for the father! The father does not want you to be A canary, a bird in a You have the world’s best resources for cultivating morality. The Blessed One can preach for you. You can choose from all kinds of methods in the world. Your life should not be. It is the husband and the son, but standing with the father on the top of the heavens, overlooking the countless demon gods in the great world, and then stepping into the fairy road with me and resurrecting your mother!" Zhang Bairen looked at Qixi, his eyes were brighter than ever.

Qixi lowered his head when he heard the words, and after a while he said: "These years, the children... are very tired. The stalls of Zhuojun are all on me. I can't even deal with Zhuojun, let alone go to the summit of the heavens? Daughter? I’m very tired, my father allows my daughter to rest! These years I’ve been terrified and frightened, for fear that one day I won’t be able to wake up again. I was taken my head and cut my throat in my sleep. For this reason, I worked hard day and night to practice, you know this What does it mean to a child?"

Qixi Festival looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, a little bit of tears slowly slipped off, wet the veil: "Without sperm whale fragrance, I can't sleep at all, do you think I would like to drink sperm whale fragrance?"

"Contending for supremacy. It is your man's job to save the common people. The child is very tired! The shoulders are also very immature, and the child cannot support it!"

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen was silent, his fists in his sleeves slowly clenched, and his eyes were full of tears. He knew that Qixi almost died when Qixi was four years old, and death was only a thin line away from her. Since that day, she has been practicing desperately, day and night.

She is insecure!

"This kind of thing will never happen again, I promise!" Zhang Bairen said solemnly, and the air seemed to have turned into steel and solidified.


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