First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2014: 3-day appointment, before Jiameng Pass

There is no need for Zhang Bairen to bother to establish a gateway to guard the passage. The Taoist ancestors will naturally build it for him. This is a rare opportunity to accumulate Zhuojun’s “benefits”. Now Zhang Bairen wants to live in the Yin Cao country. The pardoning of Taoist Pinyi is used to divide the power and control of each, forcing the ancestors of the Taoist ancestors to scold Zhang Bairen secretly, but at the same time they can't get enough energy to accumulate merit.

In front of the cabin

Zhang Bairen held the pu fan in his hand and gently flicked it gently, looking at the big sun in the sky with a pair of eyes, a touch of surprise appeared in his eyes, and he reached out his hand and reckoned, but there was nothing.

"It's not right, it stands to reason that it's autumn now, why is it still so hot?" Zhang Bairen looked at Yuan Tiangang.

"Could it be the influence of the Golden Crow?" Yuan Tiangang raised his head and watched the roulette road in his hand.

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen shook: "Something's wrong!"

"I am afraid that the Fire Monster is about to be born! I have already felt the energy of the Fire Monster, gradually spreading between the heaven and the earth," the Earth Monster suddenly said.

"Fire monster?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback when he heard the words.

Without waiting to think about it, I just listened to a rush of footsteps, and then heard Xu Fu's anxious voice: "The Governor, your old man is really leisurely. Now the Yin Division has become a mess."

"If you don't help the first emperor to attack the Yinsi, how come you have time to come to Yangshi?" Looking at Xu Fu, who looked anxious, Zhang Bairen put down the fan in his hand, revealing a touch of surprise.

"If it weren't for the great change in Yin Cao, how would I come to Yangshi to find you?" Xu Fu held a fist at Zhang Bairen, sat down with a wry smile, and then turned to look at the sky: "Something is wrong. Isn't something wrong? Is it so angry now? It's late autumn, why is it still hot?"

Zhang Bairen never talked about the fire monsters, but looked at Xu Fu with his eyes: "What are you doing here?"

"Yin Cao Jifu gathered the last foundation of the end of the era of the gods, and its degree of difficulty was beyond expectation. Even though the first Real Madrid stepped on Yin Mountain and broke through its barriers, it was still difficult to move at an inch. How difficult it is for Dangping Yinshan to enter Yincao's interior!" Xu Fu slowly spread out a map, and continuously marked with a scarlet brush, and circled the map of Yincao's battlefield.

"Then what?" Zhang Bairen was listening quietly.

"The governor wants to have good luck?" Xu Fu looked at Zhang Bairen.

"Not bad" Zhang Bairen nodded.

"For the opening of the fortune dynasty, the governor's 10,000-mile radius is too simple, so how about expanding it to ninety-nine thousand?" Xu Gangzhong was full of smiles.

While talking, I saw Xu Fu outlined in his hands, marking the place where Zhang Bairen's Great Sun Golden Crow shining brightly into the east for 88,000 miles.

Zhang Bairen looked at the map, and after a while said, "Where is the land of the King of Wheels?"

"Yes, the six reincarnations of the King of Wheels are mysterious and unpredictable. Those killed ghosts can be resurrected and summoned by the law of reincarnation again. Their strength may not be the highest among the ten temples, but they must be the most difficult. Yes!" Xu Gang’s eyes were full of brilliance: "The governor will take eighty-eight thousand to the east, and he will be able to link the Yinshan Mountain and seize the land of the Lord of the Wheel of the East. They are horns with the first emperor, and can take care of each other. Open the situation."

"The land of the King of Wheels?" Zhang Bairen scanned the map in front of him without saying a word.

Looking at the map in Xu Fu's hands, only one tenth was marked with Yinsi, Da Ri Zhaoyao, Buddhism Pure Land, Daomen Fengdu, and the site of the ten temples, and the remaining nine tenths were dark, with no markings at all.

"What is this?" Zhang Bairen pointed to the nine-tenths of darkness, and a doubt leaked in his eyes.

"I don't know!" Xu Fu shook: "No one knows where it is, because no one can get in, or even if someone gets in, they will never get out."

Zhang Bairen was silent after hearing this

That's the secret of Yinsi

"Yin Cao Jifu has ten halls of Yama, and the ten halls of Yama is divided into ten areas, and there are ten ghost generals guarding b. One is the territory where the king of runners sits on the ghost car generals! Back then, the nine infants and the ghost car were the old enemies of the main governor It can be said that the ghost car is the most difficult to deal with. Nine heads are in charge of the nine origins. I have very few people who can fight against the ghost car. It takes a lot of energy to contain the ghost car. Now I can only ask the chief to take the shot and take the ghost. The kingdom of the car, and then we were horns of each other, slowly eroding the Yincao dungeon!" Xu Fu looked at Zhang Bairen with scorching eyes.

"Ghost car?" Zhang Bairen's mouth curled slightly: "Last time I attacked me and was taken off by him. This time I am about to compete with him. You should report to the First Emperor. Three days later, I will raise one hundred thousand soldiers. Occupy the territory of the ghost car!"

"Okay! The governor is happy, what you are waiting for!" Xu Fu smiled and patted the table, rolled up the sheepskin scroll, and held a fist to Zhang Bairen: "Then it's settled. My Majesty and I will be in Yinshan three days later. Resolutely, waiting for the general governor's movement."

Xu Fu's words came down, and his figure drifted away. At this time, the four guardians of wind, rain, thunder and lightning walked out, and Lu Yu's eyebrows were slightly tufted: "Brother, we have not digested these thousands of miles of mountains and rivers. If we expand to 100,000 miles of mountains and rivers, I am afraid that Golden Crow may not necessarily Can be deterred!"

Zhang Bairen heard the words: "The reason why the Golden Crow shines for thousands of miles is because the thousands of miles are under its control. This is where its strength is the strongest. As for the mountains and rivers of 100,000 miles, the borders are weaker, and some are powerful. The ghosts of China can break in, but the main roads want to go to the Yinsi to search for benefits, why don't they make contributions? The benefits are for nothing?"

"The development of the fortune of ninety-nine, but it coincides with the number of days. It is the foundation of the Mahayana and the help of the first emperor. The fortune of this seat is as stable as Mount Tai!" Zhang Bairen's eyes narrowed slightly. He did not say one thing. Before he was born, he naturally didn't want to go to the yin to stir the muddy water. The hundred thousand miles of the earth was really beyond his control, and it was difficult to take it all.

But if the fire monster was born, it would be different. As long as one can surrender the Fire Monster, that Fire Monster has the blessing of the Golden Crow, not to mention a mere 100,000 li, even if it is a million li or tens of millions of li, it is no longer a problem.

The fire in the earth, water, wind, and fire, bred from the creation of the earth, is the most violent and difficult, with unmatched strength. Fire can burn all things in the world, not to mention the ghosts and monsters, even if the innate gods face the fire. To retreat.

"Go, go to the two-way passage!" Zhang Bairen stood up and walked toward the two-way passage.

Entrance of the Two-World Passage

A vague and hazy portal, shining with no stern, immortal lines flowing on the hazy portal.

The portal is dark, with weird runes carved on it, suppressing ghosts, monsters and gods from all walks of life, and there are endless gods and monarchs circling in it.

"General Governor, let's look at this portal?" Zhang Heng smiled while holding the Three Treasure whisk.

"Not bad!" Zhang Bairen walked in, looking at the portal with a touch of emotion in his eyes, the portal is indeed well built.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! This portal was successfully built, why didn't the general governor give a name to this portal?" Yin Gui smiled.

"My name?" Zhang Bairen looked at this portal, but saw that the portal was ten feet high and thirty feet wide, on which were carved the mantra of Taoism and the mantra of Buddha. Bodhidharma was looking at Zhang Bairen with scorching eyes.

If Buddhism can enter such a pure land of Yinsi, it will be no more than a matter of time for Bodhidharma to turn ghosts to open up a kingdom of faith.

"Jia Mengguan, how?" Zhang Bairen pondered for a while, then suddenly said.

The real Yang Gods were stunned for a moment, while Dharma was stunned, and then everyone pondered a little, Dharma slapped his palms and praised: "Yes, good name."

"It's really good!" Zhang Heng nodded in praise.

"Good name? What's the good thing?" Yin Gui couldn't figure it out.

Zhang Heng rolled his eyes helplessly: "I don't know, but since Bodhidharma has said yes, he clearly sees the mystery. If I don't conform, would I be behind others?"

not far away

Fifth Patriarch, look at me and I see you, his eyes are full of ignorance, Daoxin touches his head: "Master, I don't know where is this name good?"

Bodhidharma's mouth twitched and said motionlessly: "Even if it's not good enough, can you change the name of the governor? Now there are people asking for help, don't you know?"

With the Zhuxian Sword in his hand swirling and engraving the font on the top of the door, Zhang Bairen just retracted his finger and scanned the Taoist real people: "This seat is going to open up 90,000 miles of Yincao wind in three days. If the real guardians and monks want to enter it, , You can go with me."

When this statement fell, all the real people looked at him, and Zhang Heng looked solemnly and said: "Are you going to take action against the Yin Cao Netherworld? Or, have you decided to open up a fortune?"

"Opening up a fortune dynasty, there is still a lack of a god's law!" Zhang Bairen swept through the Taoist masters.

After hearing the words, everyone listened to Lu Jing's cultivation: "From ancient times to the present, only Jiang Taigong has mastered the art of conferring gods. Now the Jiang family's orthodox is Fan Yang Lu family."

The Taoist patriarch's talisman is only suitable for small-scale pardoning of one's own disciples, and the followers of the sect provide incense aspirations, but they are not suitable for opening up a dynasty.

"Fengshen Bang!" Zhang Bairen looked at the Fengshen Bang that was circulating in the depths of the neckless space with a pair of eyes, and then dispelled some thoughts. The Conferred God List is related to the human spirit, and it is the key to the suppression of demons by humanity. He won the Conferred God List, and I am afraid that China will lose its supervision, and there will be great troubles.

"Jiang Xiaobai is 6 Yang Lushi!" Zhang Bairen paced back and forth with his hands on his back: "It seems that we still need to think of a way to give the Jiang family a chance."

Jiang Family

Standing in the ancestral shrine, Qi Huangong was surrounded by smoke and fire, and he had turned into a peak state. The immortal air flow all over his body had settled, and his cultivation had obviously gained a lot.

Not far away

The elders and younger generations of the Jiang family knelt on the ground. The family leader of the Jiang family looked tangled. After a while, he bit his head and said: "Old ancestors, beating the whip is what Jiang family suppresses. You really want to ask the beating god. Can't whip?"

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