First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2015: Yin Cao battle, conquered 1 domain

Looking at the old Jiang family who knelt down behind him, Qi Huangong's face suddenly turned black: "A group of unpromising trash, what kind of person is the Taigong, Zhang Bairen is worthy of Taigong's whip?"

"The ancestor, what are you?"

Seeing the black-faced Jiang Xiaobai, everyone was silent, the head of the family had to bite the bullet and ask.

"I just used Taigong's aura to perceive the way of heaven!" Qi Huangong said unhurriedly.

"An ancestor, Li Shimin wrote a letter, asking ancestors to come to Beijing to describe"

Just when the atmosphere in the ancestral temple was embarrassing, just listening to a rush of footsteps broke the stagnant atmosphere.

Yin Cao Difu

Gather together

Two hundred thousand elite warriors gathered in one place at this time. The golden crow bloomed in the sky, dispelling all the haze, calcining the ghost energy in the underworld palace, and transforming it into vitality to nourish the earth.

I don't know when, the shallow grass green appeared at everyone's feet, although only the buds were exposed, but it was also called this gray and dead Yincao netherworld, a little more angry.

High in the sky

Dao Dao Qi machines flowed indefinitely, and the weird Qi machines in the sky continued to flow. Dao Sect real people were holding magic cards at this time, standing on both sides of the martial artist, without a word of affection and solemnity.

A tall platform measuring three feet high and nine feet wide, a man in a purple shirt was standing at this time, and he was standing there holding a folding fan, standing there quietly stirring the breeze.

The picture of the universe was turned into a folding fan, played with by Zhang Bairen day and night, feeling the evolution of the laws of the world in the universe.

"Everyone, the East is the battlefield of Yinshan Mountain. It is related to my general humanitarian situation. The ghost will run the Jiuying, blocking the connection between the human race and the Yinsi Lao Qin. As long as I can expand the territory for 90,000 miles, then I can wait in the Yinsi. Take the initiative a little bit!" Zhang Bairen looked indifferent, and his words were full of coldness: "Under the big day, sweeping all ghosts and gods, under the suppression of this big day, all evil spirits will be suppressed by 50% of the power. How tyrannical the car is, it is definitely not about waiting for your opponent!"

"The people who open up the territory and expand the land, the land that you lay down, will be passed on to the descendants of the king in the future!" Zhang Bairen said with a smile.


As soon as this statement came out, there was a sudden silence, and then there was blood rising into the sky, thrusting into the sky with great power, and the two hundred thousand warriors were all frightened, and their eyes were full of fanaticism.

Crack the earth and seal the king!

Since Zhuo County implemented democratic autonomy, there has not been such an opportunity for decades!

Overwhelmingly, the Qi machine rising up into the sky straight into the void, and countless murderous intents scattered with great strength.

"Fish Juluo, Zhang Xujiao, Luo Yi!"

Zhang Bairen shouted three times.

"The end will be!"

The three of Yu Juluo walked out of the crowd respectfully at this time and respectfully saluted Zhang Bairen on the stage of worshipping the general.

"The three of you each led an army of 50,000 as the vanguard, all the way to attack the city, you can't make mistakes!" Zhang Bairen said indifferently.

"The final command!"

The three of them went down and began to prepare their troops.

Nowadays, there are golden crows shining in the Yin Division, and Yang Shi martial artists can enter the Yin Division, which means that the human body can walk in the sea and space at will. The significance is not ordinary.

"The rest, all deal with the land that has been beaten down, strangling the ghosts who escaped by chance!" Zhang Bairen's voice is full of certainty: "As for the honesty of you, this time it depends on your performance."

"Look, the governor, I will not disappoint you!" Bai Yun smiled.

"This seat is about to establish a dynasty, and now we are going to expand its territory. There will be strong people in the Yin Cao to expel the Golden Crow and break the broken passage. I will guard it here!" Zhang Bairen's battle drum suddenly sounded: "Let's send troops!"

War drums

The 150,000 army marched to Yin Mountain violently, the golden crow in the sky screamed, and the sun sacred fire all over his body began to soar. The flames that had originally illuminated thousands of miles of mountains and rivers began to expand.

Seeing the flames passing by, the weaker ghosts were caught off guard, and disappeared in an instant. The stronger ones began to scurry around looking for cover.

Humans are inherently stronger than ghosts, let alone a strong person who is easy to achieve great perfection? Ordinary ghosts can hardly get close to them at all, so they will be burnt to death by the scorching blood, and then they will disappear into ashes.

outside world

The demon gods looked at Jia Mengguan, hesitated to step forward, and after a long time they had no choice but to leave.

"Zhang Bairen, this servant is really lucky, and he has such strength. It is really against the sky, even the water and earth beasts have been subdued by him!"

Chi You was gnashing his teeth, and the stronger Zhang Bairen was, the more he suppressed him.

With these two innate gods guarding them, and even the demon beasts in charge of the tens of thousands of miles, the demon gods want to break through the defense, and I am afraid that it will not be a dream for half a month.

After half a month?

The day lilies are cold!

"Going to the capital, Zhang Bairen's background is getting stronger and stronger, and it must be eradicated, otherwise my Shinto will inevitably be frustrated!" She looked at a yellow and a basket of two crystal **** expressionlessly, revealing his eyes. A little solemn, turning around and leaving without a word.

"Even though the earth monsters and water monsters are powerful, they may not be able to break through." Xuan Ming looked at Shebi Zui.

"Where is the Tengu?" Shebi shook.


Cheng everyone was stunned when they heard the words, a pair of eyes scanned Jia Mengguan, and then they saw a gritted teeth: "This bastard, so vicious-hearted [If you don't pay attention, you have to be killed by this guy."

What is your way?

Go to see the entrance of Jiameng Pass. If you look carefully, you will never find that the entrance of Jiameng Pass is like a bad dog with a big mouth.

As long as the gods rush into the abdomen of the tengu, it is an explanation! There must be no place to die, and there will be no chance of rebirth.


Zhang Bairen turned his head to look at the passage. With the peeping of the demon gods, he could naturally detect the situation of the outside world through the perception of the earth and water monsters.

With a wave of his hand, the sky dimmed, and the tengu shrank and landed on his sleeve. Zhang Bairen flicked the folding fan, and his eyes showed a dignified look: "It would be considered a sense, otherwise once it falls into the dog's belly, it will be impossible for you to escape. Die!"

Just like a snake may not be able to eat a living rabbit, but as long as the rabbit falls in the snake's belly, it must be dead.

Tengu may not have the ability to swallow the innate gods. After all, the innate gods are in charge of the law, and the worlds can be sensed with a finger. But if you don't want to rush into others' stomachs yourself, you can't blame others.

Turning the folding fan in his hand, Zhang Bairen touched his chin: "It seems that my enemies are getting more and more, but it is a bit too difficult to kill the innate gods. The innate **** Qiufeng hasn't moved the cicada beforehand. Yes, I can't beat you, people can still escape!"


Yinshan Battlefield

At this time, the Great Qin Legion and the Yin Cao army fought together, and suddenly the sky shone brightly, and the immeasurable divine light in the distance seemed to cross the Hongmengyu, covering the sky and the sun.

The divine light bloomed in the sky one day, exuding the mighty energy of the first to the sun, rising into the sky, stirring the endless clouds in the Yin Division.

"Da Ri Jinwu e Bairen, what does he want to do!" The Emperor Yan Luo's expression changed. He looked at the diffusing golden light, swallowing 90,000 li between his fingers, his complexion suddenly became gloomy, and an ominous premonition rose in his heart.

"That's the land of the ghost car." The runner king circled around his body in six reincarnations. An endless stream of ghosts crawled in from the depths of the six reincarnations and joined the battlefield.

"I'll walk for you!" King Chu Jiang's expression was gloomy, and he took a step towards the light source.

The light of the sun spread, hitting the Yinshan Mountain range in a short time, and then enveloping the Yinshan Mountain range of eight hundred miles.

Eight hundred miles is not too big for the Yinshan Mountains, but it is definitely not too small!

Its breadth and boundlessness!

But because of these eight hundred miles of mountains, Shi Huang and Lao Qin were given a chance.

If the 800-mile mountain range can be controlled by Zhang Bairen, then Da Qin will no longer be isolated and helpless in the Yin Cao Netherworld, but will connect with the human race to get the support of the human race. This is absolutely a fatal threat to the Yin Cao Netherworld.

"Fight back; definitely want to fight back! This king will never allow Lao Qin and Yang Shi to open up the link At that time, my Yin Cao will become the back garden of the human race?" King Qin Guang's face was pale: "Kill (to kill) Strangle these remnants clean!"

Everyone knows that a light, the place closest to the light, must be the brightest`the place farthest from the light, and it will become blurred.

Within ninety thousand miles, the Golden Crow's light is the strongest place. No matter the realm where your demon king, ghosts and gods enter it, if you don't find a cover to hide, they will only be refined into a mass of ashes by the Sun Law.

Nine thousand li beyond ninety thousand li is the fuzzy place. Although sunlight can suppress the strong, it cannot form an absolute advantage. Some powerful ghost kings can still survive intact even in the sun, at most just a little discount on their strength.

Within ninety thousand miles

The warriors of Zhuojun are as powerful as broken bamboos, and the ghosts are as vulnerable as chickens.

Ninety thousand miles away

Ghosts and gods change invisible, gather and disperse unpredictably, and whether there is a majestic power circulating around them, even if the martial artist can smash the ghost body with a punch, but under the supply of that immeasurable Yin Qi, it will quickly recover.

Moreover, in the land of nine thousand miles, the martial artist's qi and blood also consumed a huge amount, facing the overwhelming Yin Qi, the martial artist was also embarrassed, and his eyes were full of helplessness.

During these nine thousand miles, ghosts are uncomfortable, and warriors are equally uncomfortable.

"Arrangement!" Yu Juluo's blood was like a rainbow, shaking the earth, the terrifying blood shining through the air, and the weaker ghosts vanished in ashes, unable to enter the land ten miles around him.

The warrior can punish the ghosts, but they don't know that the blood of the warrior is also a great supplement to the ghosts.

"Hahaha! Hahaha, a general, don’t worry about it. Dealing with these ghosts, I’m the best at waiting, let’s look at my own methods!" An old ancestor of Beitian Master took out a gray jar, Suddenly tossing at the overwhelming ghost, the mighty whirlpool plunged into the sky in an instant.

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