First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2050: Make love

"Children have long love, love and hatred, and it's the easiest to make people fascinated and confused! Can you persuade?" Zhang Bairen stood up slowly:

"I don't care about anything else, but you have to find a reason for Qixi Festival and send it back!"

"Yes!" Wang Tong nodded repeatedly.

Zhang Bairen stood up slowly, playing with the folding fan in his hand: "We have a long love for children, this seat must be understood. After all, we are all people who came from that time; but Qixi Festival is different. She was born with her own mission, flowing inside her body. The blood of the sun."

Wang Tong smiled bitterly: "The Governor can rest assured, leave it to me!"

"Where is Hegu? I'm going to talk to him personally" Zhang Bairen opened the folding fan with a shriek.

"The Governor!" Wang Tong changed his color: "Hegu is my Confucian elite..."

"That depends on whether he knows it or not!" Zhang Bairen stepped out of the pavilion, leaving Wang Tong standing there blankly.

"Teacher, is Zhang Jiuling really the daughter of the governor of Qixi Festival?" Yan Lu walked into the pavilion at this time, with a touch of amazement in his eyes.

"Something has happened! How come this and other things fall to my ancestors, it's really unsafe for the late festival!" Wang Tong frowned, "Go, let's say that Zhang Jiuling is here."

Yan Lu lowered his head when he heard the words, walked out quickly, bypassing the layers of paths, and went straight into the lecture hall. Looking at Zhang Jiuling and Hegu, who were sitting side by side with his eyebrows, Yan Lu frowned.

When Zhang Jiuling first came to the school, he felt that this Jiuling family was extraordinary. His clothes are royal tributes, or materials from the Western Regions and Shilla. The cauldrons and incense used in them can be turned into treasures for Taoist practitioners. An inch of soul-raising wood is worn by ordinary Taoists day and night. , As a heirloom baby, Bei is terrific. But in Zhang Jiuling's hands, the soul-raising wood worth ten thousand taels of gold became an ordinary spice.

Even the prince and grandson who came out of the palace would not be as extravagant as this person.

Who would have thought that this person would be a princess of Zhuojun?

Compared with Zhang Jiuling, who is well-dressed and never tired of eating fine food, Hegu's clothes are white after being washed with alkali, and there are patches everywhere. Even the shoes on his feet are patched and patched.

"Interesting! Interesting! It's a pity that Zhang Jiuling is arrogant. Even though I wanted to befriend him, I was not seen by him. Instead, he looked at the poor scholar in a different light!" Yan Lu looked at Zhang Jiuling with a pair of eyes, and only felt this. The scholar is extremely handsome, as if he is not like a mundane person, but he can't see anything else.

Looking at the river drum, he also looks outstanding, with a handsome face, the most attractive face of a woman's standard white face.

"Yan Lu, what's the matter?" The teacher in the room saw Yan Lu in front of the door, and asked with a gentle expression.

Yan Lu is the leader of Bailu Academy. He has profound knowledge of Confucianism and Taoism. If his teacher Wang Tong is still alive, I am afraid that his reputation has penetrated the world and become a new generation of great Confucianism.

"The dean has something to tell Zhang Jiuling!" Yan Lu said respectfully to the speaker, and then said: "The dean Zeng said, summoning the eighty-nine disciples of the college to listen to the training, the dean has important things to do."

Talking about Shi Wenyan and looking back: "Zhang Jiuling."

"Teacher!" Qixi Festival stood up respectfully and gave a salute to her, but her heart suddenly rattles.

"Go!" Jiang Shi nodded.

Qixi paid another salute, and then walked out of the house and bowed his hand to Yan Lu: "I have seen brother."

"Let's go!" Yan Lu smiled gently.

Looking at Yan Lu’s smile, Qixi Festival did not know why, and always felt weird: "I wonder if the master has called me what is important?"

Yan Lu shook his head: "I'm afraid it's not a good thing. As you know, the academy has always advocated simplicity... Your luxury life has already taken a toll on your ethos, I'm afraid the master is here to talk to you this time."

Qixi's brow furrowed, beautiful eyebrows clustered together.

As Yan Lu came to the pavilion, he saw Wang Tong drinking tea and flipping through the books in his hand. Yan Lu stepped forward respectfully and said, "I have seen the teacher, Zhang Jiuling has arrived."

"Are you Zhang Jiuling?" Wang Tong raised his head and put down the books in his hands.

"Disciple Zhang Jiuling, met the master of the hospital" Qixi Festival respectfully saluted.

"As a Confucian student, I take the Qi family to rule the country and the world as my own responsibility. What I pay attention to is,'Heaven descends and takes responsibility for the people in Sri Lanka. You must first suffer from your will and your body's.' Suffering, learning is difficult. But you are luxuriously dressed and live in luxury, and want to come to an extraordinary family background; in recent months, the college has a vogue for comparison, and you are the culprit. Since your family has a lot of money, it is better to go back and study!" Wang Tong put down the tea cup in his hand: "Let's go, leave the academy today. You are not allowed to step into the academy in the future."

After a pause, Wang Dao said, "You always have to think about the poor students in the academy! The situation of the poor disciples is much more difficult than you think!"

"Master, the disciple will definitely work in a simple manner in the future, never wear gorgeous clothes, no longer use jade, porcelain, gold leaf iron rolls, and hope that the master will be kind and take it back!" Qixi went so far as to kneel on the ground.

Wang Tong turned his back and looked at the figure behind the screen. What can he do?

Zhang Bairen put pressure on him, would he dare to ignore it?

In the whole world, anyone who dared to ignore Zhang Bairen's pressure was dead to the point of no bones.

"Let's go!" Wang Tong waved his hand.

"Disciple! Disciple..." Qixi's eyes were red.

Wang Tong shook his head, turned and left, leaving Qixi Festival kneeling on the ground, silent.

"Junior Brother, alas..." Yan Lu sighed.

Qixi gritted his teeth, stood up suddenly, staggered and walked out.

The dormitory of the Bailu Academy is a two-person room, and the upper bed is separated by a length of space, separated by gauze.

When he returned to the house, he saw that He Gu was already sitting there, leaning on the bed, reading a book, shaking his head and immersing himself in it.

After a while, Hegu realized that something was wrong. He looked at the red and swollen eyes, and the Qixi Festival, who was packing his clothes, suddenly sat up and said, "What's wrong with Brother Xian? Why? Why?? Is it possible who is bullying you?"

There were tears in Qixi's eyes, and he remained silent. After a while, he said, "Brother Li ever had a marriage contract?"

"As soon as I put the cowherd, there is no long field in my house, and the house is surrounded by wind. If it is not for the good brothers, where can I have money to study!" He Gu sighed lightly, and then came back to his senses: "The good brothers haven't said why Are you crying?"

"My mother died early since I was a child, and my father has been away from busy business all the year round, leaving me to look after my cronies at home. A letter from my home a few days ago told me to go back. I was reluctant to bear my brother, so I shed tears!" Qixi wiped his eyes: "Brother Li Since there is no marriage contract, my family has a young girl who is beautiful and beautiful, better than that of the palace nymph, Chang'e in the moon; if brother Li doesn’t give up, can he come to my house to propose marriage in his spare time? Brother Li is of good character, but she is Good candidate."

"This..." Li Hegu hesitated after hearing this.

"Why, could it be that Brother Li didn't believe me? My younger sister was twins with me, as beautiful as me, could it be that Brother Li couldn't catch my eyes?" Qixi's beautiful eyes stared at Li Hegu.

Li Hegu smiled bitterly: "Why do you dare to dislike your sister for my brother, but now I am a stubborn family, and my family is all in this outfit. I still barely rely on my virtuous brother and academy to support my life. Although I don't know what family background the virtuous brother is in, but But I also find it unusual, a very common person, who has no right to be a brother and no wealth, and I am afraid that he is not worthy of your little sister."

"What Brother Li said, the so-called prosperity and wealth are all because of the past; if we talk about wealth, the world can reach my home, I am afraid that there is no: even the Litang Palace, it is not as good as the gold and silver in my home! There is Jinshan Yinshan, as long as Brother Li is upright, what is the use of asking for that money?" Qixi said nonchalantly: "Although my brother has no money, he has literary talent. There is no shortage of money and power in my little sister's family, only this. Literary talent."

While speaking, Qixi took off a piece of warm jade from his waist and stuffed it in Li He's drum hand: "This is the token, the token of my brother and my little sister. In the future, my brother will come to my house and hold this token to propose marriage."

Li Hegu laughed when he heard the words, took the jade pendant, and played with it for a while, before turning around and looking at Qixi Festival and said: "I don’t have anything to do for my brother. Only when the cow was herding, the cow was deflated~www tooth polished by myself was given to Brother Zhang as a token of love."

On the Qixi Festival, all the hidden worries on his face disappeared, and he packed his bags and said: "My family lives in the alley across the street from the college. The whole alley belongs to my house. Brother Li will come directly to the door when he arrives."

"So close?" Li Hegu was stunned when he heard the words: "The whole alley belongs to your family? I really don't know what kind of living in Brother Xian's house. I'm afraid that I can't buy ten thousand taels of gold in that alley."

"What do you mention about those Adu things? Ugh! Ugh! I'm afraid that the little brother spends more than a thousand taels in daily practice of Taoism. When you ask a famous teacher to teach, the remaining month is fifty thousand taels of gold!" Qixi said nonchalantly: "No Mention! Don't mention them!"

After speaking, Qixi packed up his bags.

Li Hegu smiled and said, "Don't mention it! Don't mention it! Scholars of my generation, but they want to be light and wealthy, because they are brothers and laymen, I will send my brothers home.

While talking, Qixi followed that Li Hegu out of the door and walked home.

The floor paved with blue bricks was slender and dusty, and the walls were carved with many landscape paintings. Walking in the alley, Li Hegu looked at the traffic and horses on both sides, and couldn't help but wonder:

"Your family is really rich!"

Even if you can only see the squamous claws in the courtyard across the courtyard wall, it is amazing.

"Are you back?" Nie Yinniang was standing at the gate waiting, looking at the two walking side by side, her expression changed: "Something big happened, and your father is here suddenly."

"What?" Qixi was shocked when he heard the words, and then gritted his teeth, turned to face Li He and said: "Go back now!"

After speaking, he hurriedly followed Nie Yinniang into the yard.

Standing outside the gate, looking at the mountains and flowing water in the courtyard, which is just a corner, Li Hegu couldn't help but sigh: "It's really a good place to recuperate."

ps: third more.

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