First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2051: Do you know? Do you know?

Egret Academy

In front of Li Hegu and Zhang Jiuling's house paved with white birch trees, Yan Lu had his hands on his back, standing in the shadow of the white birch trees, with a pair of eyes looking at the bright moon in the sky.

Moonlight penetrated through the gaps in the birch trees and cut a shadow curtain.

On the moon in the sky, Li Hegu came from outside, playing with jade pendant in his palm, his eyes were full of smiles.

"Brother Li!"

Li Hegu thought about what was in his heart, but never noticed Yan Lu under the shade of the tree. At this time, Yan Lu spoke, and Li Hegu shuddered and almost jumped:

"Brother! Why are you here?"

Looking at Yan Lu's back, Li Hegu stuffed the jade pendant into his sleeve, a touch of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"Hegu! Zhang Jiuling sent it away?" Yan Lu asked and answered.

"Gone!" Li He felt strange in his heart.

"Mr. Let me tell you that I will stay away from Zhang Jiuling in the future and completely cut off the contact with Zhang's family!" Yan Lu sighed slightly.

"Why? Brother Zhang and I are gentlemen's friends, why should we break it?" Li Hegu was taken aback when he heard the words.

"Haha! Why? Do you really do not know, or do you not know?" Yan Lu's eyes rolled with awe, staring at Li Hegu in front of him.

"Brother, what do you mean?" Li Hegu was stunned.

"It doesn't matter whether you really don't know it or if you don't know it, what's important is that you will completely disconnect from Zhang Jiuling in the future!" Yan Lu said unhurriedly.

"Why? If the brother doesn't give me a reason, he wants to tell me to break the gentleman's friendship with Brother Zhang, that's no idea!" Li He squeezed his neck.

"This is what the husband meant," Yan Lu said unhurriedly.

"Mr. has no reason to prevent others from making friends, nor can they interfere in other people's private affairs" Li Hegu lowered his head.

"Mr. is for your own good. You have been involved in a big whirlpool, and if you are not careful, the whole academy will be buried for it! You are a good seedling of my Confucianism and Taoism. Now there are three schools of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, but I am slightly inferior to Confucianism. There has never been a powerful and high-quality suppression of breath. You are the hope of the teacher's cultivation, and the teacher can't bear to see you turned into gray!" Yan Lu whispered.

"Vortex? Because of Zhang Jiuling? He is in danger?" Li Hegu suddenly raised his head.

"What can be dangerous for him? He is the jewel above the nine heavens, and he has countless favors. Who can hurt one of them? On the contrary, you, walking too close to Zhang Jiuling, will happen unexpectedly," Yan Lu whispered.

"No! If there is no reason, I will never break ties with Brother Zhang!" Li Hegu shook his head sharply.

"Reason? What reason do you want?" Yan Lu smiled softly, "Do you know the family background behind Zhang Jiuling?"

"Brother Zhang and I are gentlemen's acquaintances, what is the relationship between the stewardship?" Li Hegu snorted.

"Hehe, what's the matter of the housekeeper? I'm not afraid to tell you that the family background behind Zhang Jiuling will scare you to death if you say it! The power of the Zhang family is so powerful that you can never cling to it! You have the support of the Egret Academy, as long as you study hard to cultivate a righteous spirit In the future, the appointment of the king to worship the minister is just around the corner! Glory and wealth are at your fingertips, why should you follow this crooked way" Yan Lu turned around and looked at the birch tree: "Don't make mistakes, but it's a great future."

"I don't understand what the brother said, no matter how great the power behind the Zhang family is, it can still be greater than the imperial court? If it is greater than the five surnames, seven sects, and the saints, it will not succeed? After you are a saint, you will be subdued by power." Li Hegu A face of contempt.

"Heaven is healthy, the gentleman is self-improving!" Yan Lu sighed: "This is the right way; it is human nature to seek advantages and avoid harm. My ancestors were saint disciples, but we are not saints, but we rely on our ancestors' Yinde for blessing. "

"As for the power of the Zhang family? You can't imagine it! Your cultivation level is too low now. It's no good to know many things in advance!" Yan Lu turned around and patted Li Hegu on the shoulder: "Miss Zhang Jia is indeed beautiful and beautiful. It’s rare in the world, but it’s definitely not something you can own. It’s like a baby holding red gold and swaggering through the market, which will inevitably cause disaster.

"Think about it yourself!" Yan Lu went away, leaving Li Hegu alone in front of the door, looking at the empty courtyard for a long time without saying a word.

After a while, I saw Li Hegu taking a deep breath: "Brother Zhang! Brother Zhang! What kind of family background are you, even the disciples of the saints are terrified!"

When the words fell, Li Hegu turned and left, and walked to the Wangtong study in the backyard, standing in the courtyard silently.

Seeing the candlelight reflected on the wallpaper in the house, Li He paused and stood there quietly.

"Since it's here, then come in!" Wang Tong's voice came from inside the door.

"The disciple knocks on the teacher"

Li Hegu opened the door and looked at Wang Tong who was sitting in front of the candle and reading a book. He knelt down in front of Wang Tong.

"Get up" Wang Tong sighed.

"The disciple's heart is puzzled, please explain to the teacher." Li Hegu never stood up, still kneeling down.

Wang Tong remained silent, looking at Li Hegu with a pair of eyes, and then said after a while: "What do you want to ask?"

"The teacher knows what the disciple wants to ask" Li Hegu lowered his head and said.

Wang Tong smiled bitterly and put down the book in his hand: "He Gu!"

"The disciple is here," Li Heguli quickly said.

"The teacher knows what you mean. Your talent, spirituality, and understanding are rare in the world. If you study hard in the future, you may not be able to be canonized and become a sub-sage of Confucianism." Wang Tong said in a low voice: "I think you are from a family background, if you like it. From other women, from relatives to the emperor's relatives, from five surnames to seven families, all have 70% hope. But..."

Wang Tong's voice was solemn and low: "The Zhang family behind Zhang Jiuling, you can't afford it! Not to mention you, even with five surnames and seven sects. It's not uncommon for Penglong Fufeng to ascend to heaven with the help of the power. There are also many prostitutes in the Wang family who marry outstanding people from poor families, and then cultivate their own power; but the Zhang family is different!"

"Who is it? Five surnames and seven sects, none of the emperor's relatives and relatives have the surname Zhang!" Li Hegu whispered.

"Zhang Family in Zhuojun!"

Wang Tong was silent for a long time before squeezing out a few words between his teeth. These words seemed to be heavy and could crush the mountains.

"It turned out to be Zhuojun." Li He frowned, "It's just cracking the earth to seal the king, and it's not a big rise. How can we get the five names and seven sects?"

"You were born too late, and your cultivation level is too low. Naturally, you don't know the horror of Zhuojun. Even if it is this country, it seems to Zhuojun that it is no more than a chess piece that can be turned over at any time." Higher, the more you know, the more you will know the horror of Zhuojun.

"Zhuojun? The disciples only heard that there was only one woman under the knee of the governor, but there was no heir. In the future, Zhuojun's huge family business will definitely fall on Princess Qixi... Princess Qixi..." Li Hegu was stunned.

"You know?" Wang Tong sighed: "You will cut off the connection with Princess Qixi in the future. Zhang Jiuling will always be Zhang Jiuling. There must be no words about this kind of thing, otherwise I don't know how many people will kill them."

"Teacher, the disciple only claims that he is in the upper class, and the governor has no children under his knees. Sooner or later, the family business will be passed on to Qixi; the disciple and Qixi are happy, how can't...can't... get the approval of the governor!" Willingly.

"Innocent! Extremely innocent!" Wang Tong's expression turned pale: "You have to know that men who are married to women are ordinary women. Is Qixi Festival an ordinary woman? Her path is destined. Who wants to change her? The path of destiny can only turn into gray."

"Retreat, so you can think about it! Your studies are important. If one day you can become a Buddha and become an ancestor, you may not be hopeless." Wang Tong waved his hand and signaled Li Hegu to leave.

Li He moved his lips and wanted to say something, but after all he didn't say it.

Zhang Mansion

The folding fan in Zhang Bairen's hand turned into a crystal jade ruler. He carried his hands on his back and kept tapping the palms in his hands. He looked at the cloud head in the sky with his eyes. After a long time, he said, "I can't help the female congress!"

The courtyard was silent, no one dared to take Zhang Bairen's words.

"Father!" Qixi Festival walked into the courtyard and gave Zhang Bairen a respectful salute.

"Respite early, don't run around in the future!" Zhang Bairen rubbed Qixi's head and signaled Qixi to return to the house to rest.

"Capital Governor!" Nie Yinniang gave Zhang Bairen a timid look.

After the Qixi Festival was far away, Zhang Bairen yelled:

"Monkey! It's just a nonsense! It's nothing more than Qixi's You actually followed the nonsense, she wants to learn Confucian culture, you can invite Wang Tong to the mansion, you actually allow her to go to school Hang with a man!" Zhang Bairen glared at Nie Yinniang.

Nie Yinniang lowered her head and said nothing pitifully.

"Extend your hand" Zhang Bairen said coldly.

Nie Yinniang stretched out her hand, and only heard a ‘pop’, but saw tears in her eyes, and tears kept spinning.



Zhang Bairen drew three rulers in a row, then looked at the tearful Nie Yinniang, turned around and said, "Let's take it as an example!"

"Master Xie" Nie Yinniang nodded her head as if thinking about it.

"You will pay close attention to her in the future. If that kid is still entangled, you must report it to me." Zhang Bairen waved his hand and signaled Nie Yinniang to retreat.

"Master, Princess Qixi has no playmates, she is a little too lonely" Nie Yinniang wanted to stop talking.

"I see" Zhang Bairen waved his hand.

Nie Yinniang stepped back after hearing the words, leaving only Zhang Bairen standing in the courtyard with her eyes looking into the distance. After a long time, she said: "Small punishment and great commandment, I hope Wang Tong can speak for that kid."

"No one can break my plan." Zhang Bairen turned around and walked into the house silently, leaving the courtyard full of moonlight gently shining down in the courtyard, and the whole courtyard seemed to be covered with a layer of silver gauze.


Shaolin Temple Peak

Bodhidharma frowned and calculated something carefully. After a while, he said: "Now it is my Buddhism opportunity. The governor is held back by Qixi Festival. I should have done it in the palace and reversed the secrets of Li's family. Ge, help the martial artist to join Datong."

"Will it be too early?" Hui Neng hesitated slightly, and couldn't help being surprised when he heard the words.

"It's not too soon, it's just right!" Bodhidharma smiled softly.

ps: Fourth more.

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