First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2087: Rebuild

Only when you lose and experience despair will you know the use of power.

Now that Qixi Festival understands, it is better to rely on yourself than on others. Only oneself is the greatest support.

The deepest part of the East China Sea

The sea rolled up endless waves, and the waves rolled.

Prime Minister tortoise held the turtle shell in his hands, and he didn't know what he was muttering. After a long time, he said: "Zhang Bairen passed on the position of Li Zhi, and even gave the Zhuxian formation and the universe map, but it is a bit troublesome!"

"Prime Minister, when will the troops rise?" Xihai Dragon King asked a little impatiently.

Ever since the imprisonment of the Four Seas was lifted and the Dinghai God Needle was removed, the Dragon King of the Four Seas has taken off his shackles, and his whole person is full of high fighting spirit.

"Not in a hurry, I have waited for decades, but how many days are there? Old ancestors, I watched the sky at night and pushed the texture of the road. Heaven's punishment is within these three to five days. Then it will be Zhang Bairen's death! If it passes away, Li Shimin will be unable to support it alone, it is not a concern!" The Prime Minister tortoise put away the tortoise shell happily: "Just watch the show."


Before the waterfall

Zhang Bairen looked at the dark cloud in the sky with a pair of eyes, and sighed softly. The dark cloud was not a dark cloud, but an endless karma of cause and effect, and countless laws intertwined the karma.

"It's better to go back! It's better to go back!"

Looking at the majestic calamity, Zhang Bairen smiled lightly, his body turned into powder, a blood-red aurora enveloping the petals, rushing into the black cloud, the blood rain filled the Middle-earth China.

"The Governor!"

Yu Juluo and others felt their hearts, but they all lost their color in amazement, and they broke through the sonic boom and came to the top of the mountain.

"Let's go!" Zhang Heng sighed, standing on the top of the mountain and looking at Zhuojun in silence.

"The era belonging to Zhang Bairen is over"

Baiyun Taoist temple, Baiyun holding a whisk in his hand was meditating and chanting. At this moment, he saw the rain of blood falling beside him, and sighed softly, his words were filled with endless emotion.

"General Governor!" Numerous experts in Zhuojun raised their heads at the same time, rushing towards the top of the mountain.

"Is it really dead? The Demon Seed hasn't changed in the slightest, what exactly do you want to do?" Wu Bufan held Yu Wangding, his eyes full of solemnity.

Zhang Bairen has cultivated three thousand dharmakayas, and death is also a new beginning, and he may be resurrected at any time.

However, according to common sense, Zhang Bairen would never want to escape the disaster in 30 to 50 years.

What is exorcism?

That is to say, one of the three thousand dharma bodies must have a cultivated sun god, remembering all the causes and effects of the past and present lives, and then the power of the three thousand dharma bodies can be awakened.

Although everyone was surprised at Zhang Bairen's fall, they did not feel sad.

In the world of spiritual practice, it is not unusual for the real Yang Shen to reincarnate.

"Dinghai Shenzhen!" Prime Minister Turtle grinned, with a touch of greed in his eyes: "Zhang Bairen is dead, and all these treasures have their own ability."

Chang'an City

Li Shimin coughed violently, spouting a mouthful of black blood, looking at the ray of blood in the sky, feeling the auras between the sky and the earth, a smile appeared in his eyes:

"This round, I won! It was me who won! After all, you can't stand it anymore and you are ahead of me!"

"Your Majesty, the governor is dead, and the treasures on his body have no owner, but it is a rare opportunity." Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui hurriedly rushed into Ouchi at this time, and said anxiously to Li Shimin:

"The prince is the apprentice of the general governor, and he should inherit the mantle of the general governor. Those treasures should belong to the prince!"

"Cause and effect! He just turned the catastrophe and rebuilt, and there is no real death. The treasure is very hot!" Li Shimin shook his head, his body was shaky, and a cold wind blew him down.

"Go and ask Bodhidharma to come here."


Shaolin Temple

Bodhidharma stroked the golden beads, his eyes looked at the blood-red beam of light in the distance, his complexion was waveless, he looked at his nose and his heart: "Amitabha!"

"Most Governor is dead, with all the treasures on his body" Third Patriarch was a little moved.

"Turning the catastrophe and recultivating is a pass that all monks must go through before stepping into the golden body! He has three thousand Dharma bodies, and the return of the catastrophe is a fixed number. No one can stop it." Bodhidharma looked at the three ancestors:

"If you are not afraid to forge cause and effect with the governor, just go for the treasure!"

"Decades later, Jingrui has already arrived. What will happen even if the governor returns by then? We already call immortals the ancestor..." The third ancestor hesitated.

"Hehe, it would be great if Shock Rui came within a hundred years. Zhang Bairen stirred the Shock Ruixian machine upside down, and he was relieved to turn to the catastrophe and rebuild. It is really despicable!" Dharma gritted his teeth with hatred.

"Buddha, the court summoned to invite Patriarch to Chang'an." A Buddhist disciple came to pass on.

Bodhidharma held the golden beads, and the corners of his mouth slightly cocked: "The opportunity is here."

At this moment, the eyes of the world's masters all looked at Zhuojun.

"The governor is gone" Zhang Xutuo's voice was low.

Before the waterfall

Experts from all walks of life in Zhuo County gathered at this time, looking at the karma gathered in the void, and the scattered precious light, all fell into silence one after another.


On the Chinese Valentine's Day, he broke into the mountain and looked at the empty waterfall, with two lines of blood and tears in his eyes.

Since today, the man who blessed himself and his biggest backer has left and will never come back.

"Hahaha, hahaha, Zhang Bairen ah Zhang Bairen, I didn't expect you to have today." Someone sneered in secret, but saw a golden light circling in the sky, instantly passing through the void and rolling towards all the treasures in the sky.

"This is a treasure of Zhuojun, who, sir, dare to be presumptuous in Zhuojun?" Zhang Heng's hands filled the sky with three thousand whiskers, swept the void in an instant, came to the front with his fingers, and rolled toward the sky full of light.

A Qingping sword swept across the horizon and cut into the black clouds in an instant. Only a scream was heard, and countless ghosts disappeared in the clouds.




At this time, the sky was full of precious light, like a frightened rabbit, it turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the underworld in a flash.


Since ancient times, the treasures have moved people's hearts. What's more, all the treasures on Zhang Bairen's body are all mysterious things from the ancient times. There are infinite mysterious things in them, which immediately aroused the attention of many people and chased them up.

Chang'an City

White Horse Temple

Xuanzang put down the bowl in his hand and looked at the chaos in Zhuojun with a pair of eyes. There was a touch of emotion in his eyes, and he whispered after a long time:

"I know you are not dead! No one can kill you! Come back soon, the Human Race can't last long."

"The governor of the general governor has said that I am waiting to submit documents to Chang'an City, and Zhuojun will be the prefecture of Datang in the future." Zhang Xutuo and others ignored the scattered treasure, but discussed the immediate matter.

"What did the general say?" Zhang Xutuo looked at Yu Juluo.

Yu Juluo heard the words silently, and it took a long time before he sighed. In an instant, he seemed to be a teenager: "This is the decision of the general governor, and the old man has no objection! You will have to worry about Zhuojun in the future."

After speaking, Yujuluo turned and left and disappeared on the top of the mountain.

"I thought General Yu would do it." Xiaowen breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Yu Juluo's back with emotion on her face.

"We are all dead, and the order is given by the chief governor. Although Zhuojun is my spiritual sustenance and my heart, but it is not up to the law of the chief governor! The chief governor is a god! An inviolable god, no one Can violate the decree of the governor! Even if Yu Juluo is dissatisfied in his heart, he will never violate the decree of the governor!" Zhang Xutuo looked at Xiaowen: "The new generation is replaced by the old, and the old guys like me steal the power of Zhuojun. Too long, it's time to make way for young people."

"General..." Xiaowen was shocked when she heard this.

"Don't say anything, I have already discussed it, Zhuojun Yangshi will leave it to you in the future, and I will lead the army to the Yincao Jifu to suppress the Yincao Qi! I won't suffer from Li Tang's idleness!" Zhang Xutuo looked with a pair of eyes. With Xiaowen:

"Zhuojun handed over to you, it is the decision of the chief governor, you must not disappoint the chief governor!"

Zhang Xutuo strode away, and disappeared in the mountains and forests in an instant.

"I know that Zhuojun's authority rests on me, but the generals despise me! Since ancient times, men are inferior to women, and all generals are the most powerful. How could they let women ride on their heads?" Xiaowen clenched tightly. A touch of emotion appeared in his eyes after removing the scorpion essence in his hand.

The four brothers and sisters of Wind, Rain and Thunder, look at me and I look at you, Lu Yu shook his head: "It doesn't matter if you generals retreat, Zhuojun's power will truly fall into your control."

"What I am most worried about is that Luo Yi has lost the elbow of the two generals. Luo Yi is the benchmark of the Zhuojun family, and I am afraid that the Zhuojun family will resurrect! At that time, everyone will make a fuss about my identity. I'm afraid something is wrong!" Xiaowen lowered her head and stroked the scorpion sperm in her hand.

"What are you afraid of?" Lu Yu said with a smile: "The chief governor is not dead, but rebuilt. There are five deities incarnate in Li Tang Dynasty. As long as the governor is alive, who can shake your position? At best, Luo Yi made some small moves secretly."

"I hope so." Xiaowen wiped her cheeks, and turned to look at the Fengyuleide four brothers and sisters and the Jing family: "Uncles and uncles, can you help me?"

The four brothers and sisters of Wind, Rain and Thunder smiled bitterly, and Lu Dian said: "It is not that they are not willing to help you, but that the governor will give another account before leaving. Our four brothers and sisters will use the sky to find the other two beasts. Where can we delay in Zhuojun? Xiaowen looked disappointed when she heard the words, and looked at the Jing family brothers with her eyes: "Where are the two uncles? "

Jing Wushuang shook his head: "The governor has ordered it himself, and we have each mission!"

Xiaowen smiled bitterly and lowered her head when she heard the words, but she said no more.

In a blink of an eye, Nuoda Zhuojun suddenly gave Xiaowen a feeling of being riddled with holes. The solid backing of the past, unexpectedly began to shake at this moment.

"The legacy left by the chief governor, you have to recover it. Xiaowen still has something to deal with, so I'll leave!" Xiaowen stood up, saluted several people respectfully, and then went down the mountain.

"Oh!" Lu Yu sighed: "The general governor posed a problem for Xiaowen. All generals are all veterans. How can you serve a little baby?"

ps: Thanks to the leader of the "Chu Mengyao Dream" classmate who gave the leader twice, plus one more... I really can't add it. It stands to reason that the leader of the five to ten changes, but the finger hurts badly... first Add one more, and then slowly compensate...emmm.

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