First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2088: Impact Wu Meiniang

This is an unsolvable problem. Don't say that Xiaowen is just Zhang Bairen's adopted daughter. Even if it is Zhang Bairen's direct daughter, Qixi Festival, these veterans cannot be convinced.

We can convince your father, admire your father's strength, cultivation, and character. Your father can provide protection for Zhuojun and become Zhuojun's umbrella. We will naturally gather to follow him. But now that your father is gone, why do you convince everyone? Is it because you are a female governor, you should be in charge of Zhuojun's destiny? Born to get everyone's allegiance?

Xiaowen needs an opportunity, an opportunity for all the strong in Zhuojun to recognize her!

"On the Qixi Festival, I followed Lu Jingxiu to practice, and I am afraid that I will prove to be the **** of the Yang after going out of the mountain. Let's consider it a satisfactory explanation to the chief governor." Lu Yu looked at sister Yang Xiyue, standing in the mountain breeze, letting her hair flutter: "I'm just curious. , What exactly is his layout plan for?"

"You said, where has he been reincarnated now?" Yang Xiyue's words were hazy.

"It's only about thirty years, we can afford to wait!" Nalanjing said nonchalantly.

Where did Zhang Bairen go?

Chang'an City

Tai Chi Hall Partial Hall

A burst of gasps was accompanied by the impact, and the woman's suppressed gasps spread across the entire Tai Chi Hall.

When Zhang Bairen opened his eyes, he could already see the infinite glamour beneath him, the red lips of the martial arts woman with all kinds of amorous feelings were constantly opening, the delicate white teeth biting the attractive red lips, the low gasp continued to penetrate into her ears. , Like a urging magic sound, at this moment, even if the stone-hearted people, they will be melted away by the soft ringing fingers.

Li Zhi hooked up with a woman from the Wu family. Zhang Bairen expected it, but it seemed a bit embarrassing at this time.

Outside the door is the Ouchi guard, and the main hall is Li Shimin who has fallen into a coma. This scene is very exciting.

Looking at the falling red on his clothes, and then at the martial arts woman who was as soft as a pool of water in front of him, Zhang Bairen was very witty and suppressed all the questions, carried the martial arts woman, and began to shock frantically.

quite a while

Only after hearing a long sound of comfort, the woman from the martial arts family bit Zhang Bairen's shoulder, her body stiffened, and the sound of crying and crying continued to spread in her throat, resounding in Zhang Bairen's ears.

In an instant, the law of destiny emerged, and the flowers of the avenue flowed, constantly capturing the rhythm of the law of destiny displayed by the martial artist.

"What's the matter with you?" The woman from the Wu family lay down on Zhang Bairen's chest, her eyes looked at Zhang Bairen's chin, and there was a little surprise in her eyes.

"Nothing." Zhang Bairen stroked the smooth long hair of the Wu family woman.

"For some reason, the concubine suddenly felt a little uneasy, always feeling that His Royal Highness is different from before." The woman from the Wu family licked Zhang Bairen's chest.

Zhang Bairen smiled, slapped the woman from the martial arts family, and then stroking the softness in his arms, slowly sitting up and reclining on the soft couch:

"This time, you must not hide from the discerning person in the palace! How do you plan to deal with it?"

"The emperor is ill in bed, and now he is dying. He may drive to the west at any time. What am I afraid of? Everyone knows that I am not close to a man, otherwise I will be tempered to death by the fire of the sun god. That sacred fire has failed. Obviously it is the marriage between you and me!" The woman of the Wu family looked at Zhang Bairen, lying on Zhang Bairen's body like a water snake, licking his chin with her delicate tongue: "His Royal Highness will be on the Ninth Five-Year Plan in the future. It is for the concubines."

"Don't worry, if I ascend to the throne, I will definitely pardon you as a queen" Zhang Bairen held Wu Zetian's waist, and then looked at the sky outside: "Let's enter the partial hall for a long time, so we should go out quickly so as not to be gossiped. ! It should be known that people are terrible, although you have all kinds of miracles, men should not be close, but you also need to pay attention to some good."

Zhang Bairen slowly pushed Wu Zetian away, slowly sorting out his clothes, and seeing the Zhuxian formation and the universe map placed on the table not far away, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing an inexplicable smile.

After putting on his clothes and bringing the two treasures into Yangshen again, Zhang Bairen shook his head. Li Zhi is his incarnation. There is no difficulty in adapting to Li Zhi's identity.

"His Majesty, Your Majesty is awake, and I will tell you what to say in the past." A servant walked quickly and respectfully said to Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen nodded, converging all the miracles, as if he was the real incarnation of Li Zhi, walking vainly into the hall.

Tai Chi Hall

There are countless memorials that have not yet been approved on the case table. Li Shimin sat on the bed with haggard skin, and Master Bodhidharma stood not far away and was teaching Li Shimin the Dharma.

Although Li Shimin's vitality was exhausted, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, obviously in a good mood.

"Meet Father" Zhang Bairen respectfully saluted Li Shimin.

Fengshui takes turns, and to this day I see Li Shimin from the perspective of Li Zhi. Even though Zhang Bairen is in the mood of heaven and man, he can't help but feel proud.

Even if you are so slippery as a ghost, you still have to drink the footwash of this seat. This Li Tangjiangshan still belongs to me! Middle-earth China is still mine!

"Fine, get up!" Li Shimin waved weakly, motioned Zhang Bairen to sit down, and then continued to listen to Bodhidharma.

After a while, he listened to Bodhidharma to stop his words and put his hands together: "Your Majesty, the "Diamond Sutra" has been explained."

Li Shimin smiled, and after a while he said: "Back then, the Mahayana Buddha said that when I helped the Dharma to spread east, I gave me the Buddha status. I wonder if I can count it?"

When I asked this, Li Shimin didn't know anything about it; what he did back then was a bit inauthentic. The two sellers made money from it, but at the same time offended Taoism and Buddhism.

Bodhidharma smiled bitterly when he heard the words. Although there were thousands of reluctances in his heart, Jiangshan was still Li Tang's country. Li Zhi was even favored by the governor of the city. He had the Zhuxian formation and the universe map in his hands, unless he didn't want to be mixed with China. .

"This is the Buddha's personal acceptance, and naturally counts!" Bodhidharma took out a golden talisman in his hand and placed it in front of Li Shimin: "Your Majesty refines blood and muscles, polishes the muscles and bones. It is reasonable to say that there is no leakage of energy, and it should be five years old. Hundred talents are right, but because of the sword aura of Dadu Governor, all the blood and foundation are swallowed by the sword aura of Zhu Xian, it is better to retain the residual vitality and break it as soon as possible."

Li Shimin took the talisman cautiously, with emotion in his eyes, and after a while he said: "In this life, I will win after all."

"What about winning or losing? Lost his life for nothing!" Bodhidharma shook his head, apparently thinking that Li Shimin was not worth it.

Li Shimin's mouth curled up: "You don't understand!"

The atmosphere in the main hall was silent. After a while, I saw Li Shimin waving his hand tiredly: "You wait until you leave, I want to move to the Hall of Nourishment."

Bodhidharma and Li Zhi gave a respectful salute, and they walked out of the main hall. Zhang Bairen looked at Bodhidharma. At this time, the strangeness of the enemy's light and the dark made people feel a strange pleasure.

"Prince wait a minute"

Seeing Li Zhi about to turn around and leave, Bodhidharma hurriedly stopped Zhang Bairen.

"What else is the Master?" Zhang Bairen paused, and turned to look at Bodhidharma, not knowing what tricks he was going to do.

"His Royal Highness actually practiced Taoism, which really makes the old monk admire" Bodhidharma complimented.

Zhang Bairen shook his head: "The mage is absurdly praised. You must not praise the mage. I wonder if the mage has anything to call me?"

"His Royal Highness's cultivation of Taoism is a feat that opens up the ages; but the Dragon Qi of the emperor is the avenger of the heaven and earth. If the Highness of the prince cannot prove to be the **** of Yang before he becomes the throne, he will be afraid of doing something in the future, so he can only die in depression." Not slow.

"What does the mage teach me?" Zhang Bairen wondered about Bodhidharma's mind.

Bodhidharma smiled softly, took out a jade box in his arms, and handed it to Zhang Bairen: "This is the last relic left by the deity. It contains what the prince wants. It can help the prince to understand the Dharma and break through the barriers. The proof is on Yangshen Avenue."

"Good things, Master is really willing!" Zhang Bairen opened the jade box, but saw a golden bead lying quietly in the bag, exuding a mysterious and unpredictable brilliance.

According to Zhang Bairen's Taoism, how can one not break the Buddhist plan?

I just want to take the opportunity to transform Li Zhi, as long as Li Zhi is willing to refine the relic, the relic contains the essence, will, and understanding of the Buddha's attainments of the Blessed One, and it will instantly transform Li Zhi into a Buddhist man. In the next 100 years, if Li Zhi can be a Buddhist believer, it will be enough for Buddhism to gain the upper hand in future competitions and take full advantage.

"Good stuff!" Zhang Bairen gave a compliment, looking at the brocade box in his hand, with a smile in his eyes.

If this treasure really meets Li Zhi, it will naturally be calculated by Buddhism, but it happens to meet him Zhang Bairen, but he will never return for the meat bun.

He has now witnessed the Dharmakaya, and is about to use the World-Honored One's last life to pry into the secret of the Golden Body.

It can be said

As far as Zhang Bairen is concerned, this golden body is the benefit of being delivered to the door, there is no reason why he should not accept it.

"Thank you Master for perfection" Zhang Bairen bowed to Bodhidharma with gratitude.

Bodhidharma smiled and nodded: "Your Majesty is determined to follow the ancient path and practice the method of all kinds of difficulties. My Buddhism is willing to add more flowers to your Majesty. This relic can help your Majesty 50% opportunities.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Zhang Bairen put away the tips, then thanked Bodhidharma, and then turned and left.

"Prince Palace..."

Bodhidharma looked at Li Zhiyuan's back, standing in a mess in the wind, eyes full of embarrassment. Li Zhi has reaped his own benefits, shouldn't he reciprocate himself and make some Buddhist promises?

"His Royal Highness!" Bodhidharma shouted out Li Zhang Bairen paused, and turned to look at Bodhidharma: "Is there anything else for the Master?"

"The Buddhism is vast, and it can help all living beings. That door only cultivates one person, regardless of the life and death of the people in the world, it will not benefit the country. His Royal Highness should follow the sky and respond to people in the future, worship the Buddha and suppress the Tao..." the benefits of.

After a long time, seeing Li Zhi stay silent, he stopped speaking and gave a respectful salute to Li Zhi: "I also hope that his Royal Highness will learn from him!"

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