First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2093: Shot

Back then, the previous generation of the Four Seas Dragon King relied on his own soldiers and horses to be strong, and even the water monsters to cheer him, so he mobilized countless soldiers and horses to invade the territories of the human race.

At that time, Zhang Bairen was born, and he united with the heroes of the human race to defeat the Shui army. Now that the origins of the four seas in the south, east, north and west have been released, the Dinghai Shenzhen needle has been removed, and the Dragon King of the Four Seas has made a comeback again.

Zhang Bairen stepped forward, stepping on the void, surrounded by the dragon spirit of the emperor, stepping on the battleship and watching the tumbling flood at his feet, with a touch of emotion in his eyes.

The sound of killing on the river rolled endlessly, and the blood stained the river surface.

"Are there leaders in the four seas?" Zhang Bairen stepped on the bow, looking down at the fighting below.

"Li Zhi, if you are willing to lead the human race to bow down and proclaim it to me, I will wait for your human race to give you a chance, and allow your human race to be a vassal of my dragon race" Xihai Dragon King Ao Run came out from nowhere, revealing The True Lord landed outside the clouds and turned into a monster with a human head, covered with delicate scales, looking terrifying and hideous.

But seeing Ao Run's whole body electric and light circulating, countless underwater fish and shrimp, human warriors were all electrocuted and lost their combat effectiveness.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen looked at Ao Run with a mocking look at the words. "The previous generation of the Four Seas Dragon King also said such things, but he was cramped and stripped to death without a burial place, and became the belly of my human warrior. Chinese food."

"You...hmph, now and then, don't try to profit from your tongue! Having lost the governor, and the emperor Li Shimin, you have just ascended the throne, and the dragon is unstable. What can you do to resist my dragon's attack? "Ao Run said with disdain: "I know that the general governor left the Zhuxian formation for you, but the expansion of the Zhuxian formation will be the end of all lives. This is the ancestral land of the Divine Land of Human Race. If you are not afraid to ruin this blessed land, Just shoot it."

"Why do you have to use Zhuxian's formation to kill you? Your Excellency is too dear to yourself!" Zhang Bairen stretched out his palm and landed on Xuanyuan Sword, looking at Ao Run with a pair of eyes: "Where is Prime Minister Turtle?"

"The prime minister sits in the rear base camp and is responsible for overall planning. Just tell me what you have," Ao Run said unhurriedly.

"Yeah! Yeah!" Zhang Bairen stroked Xuanyuanjian, with a cold look in his eyes: "Since I have practiced the Law Body, I haven't had time to use the Three Tombs. It is up to you, the Dragon King of the West Sea, to invade my human race! "

Zhang Bairen shook his palm, and the law of fate was revealed behind him. Although his law was not as firm as Li Shimin, it was already three-pointed.

Zhang Bairen cultivated the swordsmanship of Zhuxian, and the world of swordsmanship was beyond his reach. He knew all kinds of swordsmanship.

With a sword cut out, the law of destiny cloud followed, turned into a fate ruling, and cut to the West Sea Dragon King.


When Li Tang Qunchen saw Zhang Bairen's sword, they were all inexplicable, and Changsun Wuji said with a solemn expression:

"Successful? Could it be that when you really follow the law to enter the Tao today and understand the law of destiny?"

Practicing Dao Gong is different from Martial Dao. If Dao Gong does not have the power to comprehend the law of destiny, it will only be restrained by the emperor's dragon pressure, which is transformed by the law of destiny, and cannot be used at all.

There are countless avenues between heaven and earth, and thousands of laws. Why is the law of destiny the most unique? Must Zhang Bairen reincarnate?

When there are sentient beings, there is cause and effect; the confluence of cause and effect of sentient beings is called destiny.

Different from the laws of the great avenues, all kinds of things in the world have laws first, and then all kinds of objects are derived. Only the law of destiny is different. There are sentient beings before the birth of the law of destiny.

The human race occupies the middle-earth China and occupies the center of the world, but the law of destiny manifests in the human emperor.

If there is a race in the future to take the human race, then the law of fate will also appear in that race.

A sword cut out, as if a certain number, it was destined to be buried under the Xuanyuan sword.


The Dragon King of the West Sea roared, and an infinite sea appeared all over his body, which instantly turned into a mighty power, forming a legal barrier, blocking Zhang Bairen's destiny law from his body.

"The Origin of the West Sea" Zhang Bairen's expression became solemn.

"Huh, if the Dinghai God Needle is not pulled out, I will naturally be far behind the Human Emperor! But now the Dinghai God Needle is pulled out and the origin of the Four Seas is released. Although the power of the Human Emperor is great, my origin is not bad! "Xihai Dragon King looked disdainful, grabbed the long sword beside him, countless thunder and lightning circled the long sword, and cut straight towards Zhang Bairen.

"Haha!" Zhang Bairen's body was turned around, Xuanyuan Jian turned into a dragon to hold up his body, and then saw the inscriptions in his hands flow around, and the whole body became dark for an instant.

The sky seemed to collapse, and time and space seemed to stand still.

Thousands of human races behind Zhang Bairen went away and turned into endless darkness, constantly circulating and fluctuating between heaven and earth, emitting a mysterious light.

The flow of chaos turned endlessly, and the yin and yang turned upside down on Zhang Bairen's chest, and a simple, chaotic tombstone suddenly appeared.

An ancient vicissitudes of life is carved on the tombstone. I don't know what the font is. Even if people don't know the font, the moment they see the font, they understand the meaning of the font inexplicably.


An ancient land character is carved on the tombstone. The tombstone has experienced vicissitudes of life and has undergone countless years of chaos. After that, it is a black hole like a grave head, constantly spinning around, seeming to swallow everything.

"What the hell? Looks a bit extraordinary!" Xihai Dragon King didn't know Santoun's power, and a touch of disdain appeared in his eyes: "Pretend to be a **** and play a ghost, how powerful can you ascend the throne with Dao Fa? Today I will send you to see Li Shimin ."

"Be careful!" A rebuke sounded like a billowing thunder, behind the Dragon King Xihai: "That is the ancient Xuanyuan magical power "Earth Tomb", which specifically suppresses all living creatures in the heavens and the earth. It is the great enemy of the system of sentient beings! It’s hard to come out.” Prime Minister Kameko's voice sounded in the field.


Qingfeng slashed on the tombstone without leaving any traces, but saw the chaotic air lingering on the tombstone, and the sword in the hands of the Dragon King of Xihai was decomposed by the chaotic air and turned into a flow of air to be absorbed by the earth tomb.

The black hole behind the tomb began to rotate at this time, emitting a strange force field, continuously dragging the body of the Xihai Dragon King towards the black hole.


Two steps

Three steps

Despite the struggle of Xihai Dragon King, he still couldn't help but drilled into the black hole.


Seeing that I was moving faster and faster, getting closer and closer to the entrance of the black hole, I was about to put it in immediately, but I saw the dragon king of Xihai roar, turning into a dragon body of thousands of feet, the scales of the whole body flowed, constantly resisting the swallowing and pulling of the black hole. .

"Many arm as a car!" Zhang Bairen shook his head.

Although the Xihai Dragon King turned into a real body, it only slowed the speed of being swallowed by the black hole, and could not escape the black hole's force field.

"You evil dragon, I don't know how many peerless masters were buried in the Three Tombs of Heaven, Earth and Human by Emperor Xuanyuan. There are also innate gods, let alone an evil dragon in your area?" Zhang Bairen mocked the Dragon King Xihai.

"How do you do you dare to be comparable to Emperor Xuanyuan?" Xihai Dragon King sneered, twisting his body desperately, two dragon claws grabbed at the ends of the black hole, the body kept squeezing into a ball, and the dragon tendons around his body looked like a small mouse. They were generally moving, desperately resisting the swallowing power of the black hole.



Now that Zhang Bairen has cultivated three thousand dharmakayas, even though Lundao Xing is not as good as Xuanyuan's peak period, Xihai Dragon King is not an ancient demon and sacred.

Only a bang and a scream spread, and the dragon head of the Xihai Dragon King was forcibly swallowed in by the black hole, and then the neck, inverted scales, and dragon claws, half of the dragon body between the fingers has been submerged in the black hole. .

"The king is merciful"

The old turtle's old voice sounded, and then a palm appeared horizontally, grabbing Xihai Dragon King's tail.

The pulling force of the black hole and the arm of the old turtle froze. At this time, Xihailongwang's body was like a rubber band, constantly stretching, and when it stretched to the limit, it broke.

"Take forgiveness and forgive others, the king can't rely on supernatural powers, do things absolutely!" Prime Minister Turtle grabbed Xihai Dragon King's tail, cursing bad luck in his heart.

Zhang Bairen's three tombs can be broken with a finger, but he was worried about the pulling force of the three tombs for fear that Ao Run would be pulled to death.

There is always a limit to Ao Run's body, otherwise he would have pulled Ao Run out forcibly.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen calmly continued to use the tomb. At this time, the black hole expanded and not only swallowed Ao Run, but also the shrimps, soldiers, crabs, and the mighty rivers below.

"Boy, if it weren't for the ancestors, I don't want to bother, there is no chance for you to be presumptuous!" Seeing that Zhang Bairen ignored him, the turtle became angry and stretched out his palm to grab Zhang Bairen.

"Sure enough, this old tortoise has a big problem. This palm has touched the power of immortality!" Zhang Bairen was shocked when he saw Prime Minister tortoise make a move, then he let go of the grave, his body retreated, and the image of Zhu Xian was held in his hand.


As if a stretched rubber band suddenly loosened Ao Run bumped into Prime Minister Turtle's hand, feeling dizzy for a while, not knowing north or south.

"Zhuxian formation!"

Prime Minister Turtle paused with his palm, and a look of jealousy appeared in his eyes: "Zhang Bairen is really willing!"

Zhang Bairen smiled without saying a word, but slowly spread out the Zhuxian formation, and in an instant a creepy murderous aura filled the audience.

"Sure enough, it is the power to kill the robbery!" Prime Minister Turtle stared at the image of Zhu Xian in Zhang Bairen's hand.

"Huh" Zhang Bairen's Zhuxian formation was thrown out, and the sky and sun were swept away by the sea tribe army. The screams of countless sea tribes turned into grey and gray, and the two sides of the bank restored peace between their fingers.

"Haha, good method!" Seeing that the Million Sea Clan was killed, Prime Minister Turtle became angry. The opponent has the Zhuxian formation in his hand. What if he has hundreds of millions of troops? Hasn't it been a matter of showing the Zhuxian formation several times?

"Old tortoise, I'm waiting for you in the East China Sea! If you don't come, Shenzhou will change hands!" Prime Minister tortoise's words are sure and not a fake.

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