First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2094: Have to fight

With the strength of the old turtle, the Sihailong clan once again occupied the general trend, and no one would believe that the old turtle was telling lies. Kuangsha Now that the Dragon King of the Four Seas has solved the original suppression, it can mobilize the power of the four seas, and it is almost invincible in the four seas. In the land of the human race, although the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers are supported, it is not as good as in Shanghai.

The old turtle is jealous of the Zhuxian formation in Li Zhi's hands. As long as you don't think of a way to restrain the Zhuxian formation, how many times can your hundreds of millions of troops be able to hold it?

Can't hold it!

If you want to occupy the Middle-earth China, you must first break Zhang Bairen's Zhuxian formation.

Prime Minister Turtle took the Xihai Dragon King and withdrew, and wanted to fight Zhang Bairen in the East China Sea.

If they win, the Zhuxian formation will be broken, and the Dragons will conquer Middle-earth.

As for the battle against Zhang Bairen’s Zhuxian formation in Terran Shenzhou, Laogui’s head has not yet broken, and there is the emperor’s dragon pressure system, Laogui’s ability is discounted by three points; under the Terran army, masters of the miscellaneous family help out, and he is alone. Li Bo has no help.

As for Li Zhi not going to the East China Sea?

I can't help him!

It is one thing to conquer the Middle-earth China, countless floods, and another thing to disturb the Middle-earth China.

If the dragons are allowed to make trouble, floods will continue to occur in China, and the people will be displaced, and the world will be in chaos within a year. The dragon will dissipate and Li Tang will fall into the doom of the country. The Dragons will definitely take the opportunity to counterattack, and then the Humans will be vulnerable.

This is an imposing scheme, a real impulsive scheme, bī) so Li Zhi had to go to the East China Sea to do it.

As for why the Dragons didn’t take the lead in using the means, which disrupted the human aura, and used the water disaster to cause chaos in the world, but it was also the time for the Dragons to look at it. Now Zhuojun and Li Tang have not yet merged into one, bī) Li Tang had to fight. .

If Li Zhi wins Zhuojun's territory, the emperor's dragon qi will inevitably soar by then, and the outcome will be hard to say!

There are too many variables to drag down. At the stall where Zhuojun and the Li Tang dynasty merged, Li Tang had to fight his back, and this was in the interest of the dragon clan.


Looking at the far away Prime Minister Tortoise and the retreating aquatic army, all the heroes looked sad and angry, and rushed into the sky.

"Your Majesty, don't fall into the old turtle's plan; after the third Zhuojun comes to court, by then your Majesty's emperor's dragon energy will not only soar twice? That is a qualitative improvement, and the trivial Sea Clan should not worry about it!" Fang Xuanling stood up, The eyes are full of solemn smell.

Zhang Bairen shook his head: "It's not that simple. The dragons were unable to capture the Middle-earth China for three times, but it was enough to launch a flood in the land of the human race south of the Yangtze River, causing the people to lose their homes and destroying my Li Tang Guoyun."

At this time, Zhang Bairen sighed, thanks to his own dove occupying the magpie's nest and taking away Li Zhi, otherwise he was afraid that Li Zhi would not be able to cope with the old tortoise's means, and the human race would fall into the common disaster.

"Your Majesty, think twice! The East China Sea is a dragon law domain. When your Majesty leaves Middle-earth, you will lose the blessing of dragon energy. Instead, you will be restrained by the pressure of the sea dragon! Under the circumstances, your Majesty’s ability is difficult to achieve five points. At that time, I am deeply trapped in the wolf den, I am afraid that my life will not be guaranteed!" Du Ruhui said with a solemn expression: "For my Human Race plan, for my Human Race people, Your Majesty must not take risks!"

Zhang Bairen shook his head: "I have to go to the Dragon Race. This is the only way to resolve the catastrophe!"

If Li Zhi is true, he will naturally die when he goes to the East China Sea, but since Zhang Bairen has taken Li Zhi, he has lost the emperor dragon's pressure system, and he is the strongest Li Zhi.

Losing the suppression of the emperor's dragon qi will surely give the dragon a big surprise by then.

"His Majesty……"

The officials were discouraged.

Zhang Bairen waved his hand, motioned the officials to stop, and then said calmly: "Just a mere sea clan, why are you so good? When I cut the head of the Dragon King of the Four Seas, come and have a drink with you! I will go to the East China Sea, and the major rivers of the human race, and I will have to work. Everyone."

After the words were finished, Zhang Bairen had already stepped into the waves without waiting for the reaction of the officials, and followed the sea clan army to the East China Sea.

Yangtze River Basin

Wu Bufan embraced King Yu Ding, swept over the flooding rivers, and constantly impacted the fertile fields on both sides of the river. Countless shrimps, soldiers and crabs would undulate in the river water, rushing out of the river to face the village, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth:

"I'm about to use the human aura, with the countless army of the sea clan, to achieve my twelve zodiac **** Gu!"

When the words fell, a black wind spit out Wu Bufan's nose and mouth, and it turned into a billowing black wind, blowing past the river surface, causing the undercurrent of the river to be turbulent, countless shrimps, soldiers and crabs turning people on their backs, and the black wind swept the Yangtze River three hundred miles in an instant. Then it disappeared without a trace.

"Human race boy, you dare to steal my origins from my ancestors. After I go out, my ancestors will have to cut your corpse into pieces!" Wu Zhi Qi's yelling voice sounded in the Yu King's cauldron, and his voice was full Sen cold hostility.

"Hehe, there is a six-character mantra to suppress the Dadudu, if you can escape from the cauldron, wouldn't it appear that Dadudu is too incompetent?" Wu Bufan smiled coldly.

The air fell silent

After the half-zhu incense time passed, there was a chaos in the river, and with the overwhelming screams and struggles, countless shrimps, soldiers and crabs would turn into nothingness, swallowed by countless gu insects, and no bones were left.

"Bold, where does the demon dare to harm my sea clan celestial master?" The Dragon King drove through the fog, and Zhou Leiguang circulated, facing the river.

But seeing the lightning and thunder, countless shrimps, soldiers and crabs in the river will turn into coke in the thunder, but the countless gu worms just rolled over for a while without seeing the slightest damage, and continued to turn into black winds and undercurrents, swept toward the sea clan army.

"Master Witch Gu, this king knows that you are here. If you have the ability, you will come out and do it with this king. What is the ability to use such a shameless means in secret?" Dragon King said angrily, but no one responded to his words.

I saw that countless shrimp soldiers and crabs on the shore were rushing towards the crowd with grim expressions. They only took two or three steps, and saw that they would tear the predecessors in half, making them delicious, but the shrimp soldiers and crabs turned out of thin air. After removing countless black spots, half of his body disappeared between his fingers, turning into infinite black spots and scattered.

Countless shrimp soldiers and crabs turned into black fog out of thin air while they were running. The black fog hummed and shook the universe, and rolled up the turbulent waves. They continued to rush to the ghosts and monsters in the distance, opening their blood basin and swallowing the past.

On the branch

An old farmer holding a wooden stick, watching Zhang Xu's sea monster galloping forward, the stench kept dripping under his hideous face, and his white teeth were clearly visible.

The monster shook the mountain as it passed by, and came to the front in three or two steps. Looking at the old farmer, he suddenly opened his blood basin and wanted to take a bite.


A scream came out, and the old farmer closed his eyes tightly and exclaimed involuntarily.

One breath...

Two breaths...

Three breaths...

The old farmer opened his eyes, and then saw the horrifying scene, only to see that the sea monster turned into a black smoke in the lower half, and the black smoke eroded the sea monster's son.

After five breaths, the sea monster turned into black smoke and drifted away in the wind, leaving no trace, leaving the rest of the old farmer sitting on the branch of the tree, panting in shock.

"General Dolphin" Dragon King looked at the army that was constantly being sacrificed in blood, heartache and hurriedly shouted.

But saw a human-shaped dolphin walking forward: "The end is here!"

The next moment a high dolphin sound burst out, and in an instant swept through the field, countless gu worms passing by the sound wave fell to the ground and disappeared into the river without a trace.

"Haha, Dolphin Soundwave? How long can it last?" Wu Bufan smiled coldly.

After a quarter of an hour, no Gu worm was seen in the air, and the Dolphin General panted and stopped the sound wave, directly panting limply:

"My lord, you will not be insulted in the end, those countless Gu worms..."

The Dolphin General was talking, and suddenly a scream came out, and then half of his body was turned into black smoke and disappeared.

"The King, save me!"

The general dolphin roared bitterly.

"Dare you!" The Dragon King was extremely angry, the innate divine water circulated in his palm, and the innate divine water turned into mist, and the gu worms melted wherever he went.


The general dolphin with only half of his body left can't be saved!

"Majesty, you must find the person who is instigating the gu worms to solve the crisis, otherwise, even if we have a large army, it will not be enough for the other party to swallow." The crab general shouted.


Gu worms are spreading all the time, two in one life, three in two, and infinite in three. Gu worms will only grow exponentially.

The dragon king's complexion was tangled. Although the innate divine water could dissolve the gu worms, his subordinates could not withstand the invasion of innate clean water.

Suddenly golden light flashed across the horizon, and a talisman fell in the hands of the Dragon King of the South China Sea:

"The prime minister has ordered that all the sea tribe troops withdraw from the human race, and the four dragon kings gathered in the East China Sea to fight to the death with the emperor, and they will be divided into life and death.

Looking at Fu Zhao in his Dragon King's complexion was distorted, blue and purple, and after a long time, he suddenly clenched his palm:

"withdraw troops!"

After the words were finished, the Nanhai Dragon King breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes full of murderous intent:

"Southern Xinjiang, Wu Gu Cult! This queen will destroy you herself!"

The Sea Clan decided to withdraw their troops, but Wu Bufan refused to let it go: "The opportunity is rare, how can you just leave? Leave it to me!"

"Too much bullying!"

Seeing the overwhelming Gu worms behind, the South China Sea Dragon King turned into reality, constantly patrolling all directions, looking for Wu Bufan's trace.

"Second brother, don't panic, I'll help you!" The North Sea Dragon King held a weird sharp horn, turning it into a streamer landing field, looking at the Gu worm that swallowed blood unscrupulously, with a horn in his hand blew by his mouth.


The horn sounded, and countless Gu worms fleeing around in shock, as if they had encountered natural enemies, they turned into streamers in an instant and dissipated in the mountains.

"Chang Yangjiao!" Wu Bufan looked a little ugly.

In the world, there are two most restrained Gu worms, one of which is the treasure of the plague god. The second is that the horns of this Primordial Great Demon Chang Sheep are a natural worm killer.

It's like a centipede meeting a chicken, without the slightest resistance. Fupin Chinese

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