First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2101: Dragons surrender

Originally, Zhang Bairen had made up his mind, but today he gave up this Dharma Bodhisattva. He has to disturb the rest of the world, severely damage the vitality of the world, and obtain the opportunity for the human race to recuperate for a hundred years.

But who knows that people are not as good as the sky. After the Four Swords of Zhu Xian swallowed hundreds of millions of creatures of the Sea Clan, they were transformed at a critical moment.

The chain dropped at a critical moment, but it was also due to the luck of the sea clan. The sea clan’s luck was prosperous, so it should be so!

In the dark, Zhang Bairen only felt that a strange force came back in the void, and immediately landed on his body, causing dirt all over his body, gray hair, filthy mouth, and tattered clothes.

"Five decay of heaven and man! I have lost my eight hundred years of life, and now I still have a life of less than 30 years!" Zhang Bairen raised his head and looked at the sky, and he cultivated to the highest sun **** realm. It stands to reason that eight hundred years of life are not a problem. Such a slaughter, I am afraid that this life will not end well, and there will be evil reports before death. Even the national fortune of the Li Tang Dynasty and the blood fortune of the Li family will be affected.

"The number of days is like this! It really is unpredictable!" Zhang Bairen's words were full of emotion.

"Li Zhi, you are going against the sky, creating such a big killing, I am afraid that the mighty heavenly laws and regulations will not forgive you! If you are willing to regret it, there may be a glimmer of life, otherwise..." Prime Minister Kameko's words were full of mockery .

Zhang Bairen was silent when he heard the words, and a pair of eyes swept across Prime Minister Tortoise: "I dare to continue to slaughter the tribes of the sea tribe, and even slaughter the whole sea to all, even if the punishment comes, I will not be afraid of anything, but do you dare? Do you dare to slaughter thousands of tribes of my human race?" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of disdain, and people couldn't help but become angry.

Dare you?

Dare you?

Laogui's face was flushed, and he pointed at Zhang Bairen angrily, but could not speak.

"If it weren't for any scruples, I will send you to see Zhang Bairen today!" Prime Minister Turtle shouted angrily.

Zhang Bairen smiled coldly, but kept his hands silent.

"What are you going to do? Let's draw a word!" Prime Minister Turtle stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "With me, you can never break into the forbidden area and disturb Long Zu's sleep."

"The Four Seas have repeatedly violated my human race. Now that the Sihai Dragons are defeated, they will have to pay the price!" Zhang Bairen said sonorously, and there is no doubt: "In the future, the Sihai Dragons will submit to the Li Tang Dynasty and become the place under the jurisdiction of the Li Tang Dynasty. I forgave you for all your sins! Otherwise, every ten years, I will use the Zhuxian Array to plow you all over the world and try to make you the best of all the power!"

"You..." Prime Minister Turtle pointed to Zhang Bairen, angrily not knowing how to speak.

"Li Zhi, you are too presumptuous! I have to know that the whole world is many times larger than the Divine Land. You can't count things in terms of national power, resources, or population! How virtuous and capable of your human race, you dare to call me The four seas surrender!" Ao Guang got out from behind Prime Minister Turtle, glaring at Zhang Bairen.

"How can He De," Zhang Bairen smiled:

“It’s okay if you don’t surrender. Every ten years, I will slaughter hundreds of millions of living beings of the Sea Clan, and kill all of your Sea Clan’s descendants and high-tech pillars. It depends on whether your Sea Clan can bear it." Zhang Bairen Leng Then smiled.

As soon as this statement came out, all the strong in the East China Sea suddenly changed their colors. Prime Minister Turtle stopped Ao Guang and Ao Qin who wanted to speak, and looked at Li Zhi with a pair of eyes:

"Your Majesty is joking?"

"Do you think I would be joking about things like this?" Zhang Bairen glanced at the old turtle, and the qi flow around his body, as if to freeze the world and everything.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! This matter is the master of the old tortoise, I will go all over the world, and I will be on the watch soon, please take it!" Prime Minister Turtle closed his eyes slowly.

"The prime minister!"

Both Ao Guang and Ao Qin exclaimed.

"No need to say!" Prime Minister Turtle stopped the two dragon kings.

"In three days, I want to see the watch of the dragon clan" Zhang Bairen glanced at the two dragon kings, and then walked away into the sky.

"The prime minister, why did you agree to him? Since we are out of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, we may not have the opportunity to do it before!" Ao Guang's words were full of disbelief.

"Everything is important to the dragon clan! The two ancestors of the Zhulong and Zulong will be resurrected soon, but it is not suitable for another incident! If Zhang Bairen did not take the initiative to surrender the Heavenly Soul of the Candle Dragon, I will naturally have to struggle a bit, and will never make Zhang Bairen feel better; But now that Zhang Bairen has surrendered to the Heavenly Soul of the Candle Dragon, this matter needs to be considered for a long time! You and I alone are afraid that you will not be able to stop the power of the Zhuxian Sword Array!" The old turtle shook his head: "Just wait for the two Ancestral Dragons to be resurrected. With the power of the three of me, it’s not hopeless to break through the Zhuxian formation!” Prime Minister Turtle shook his head and turned to sneak into the East China Sea: “And tolerate him for a few years! In the future, the new accounts and old accounts will be settled together, and he will die without being buried. Land."

"You won?" Fang Xuanling stood on the edge of the coast, looking at the dead Sea Clan army with a touch of wonder in his eyes.

"Zhu Xian Sword Array is worthy of Zhu Xian Sword Array, and the large array alone forced the dragons to retreat. If this large array is unfolded in the hands of the governor himself, the power will be even more powerful!" Zhang Heng's words were full of amazement.

"Li Tang dynasty... Why did the chief governor choose Li Tang dynasty instead of Zhuojun, which he built by himself? With such a big formation, Zhuojun can stand up to the ground, so why is it the Li Tang dynasty?" Stroking his chin, standing on the edge of the coast silently.

In any case, the Sea Race is flat, which is a good thing for the Human Race.

At the same time, the Zhuxian Array was deployed in the East China Sea, shocking the world to have a clear understanding of the Zhuxian Array.

"The Chief Governor, the Sihailong Clan is the overlord of the Ten Thousand Clan before the ancient times, how can he willingly surrender to the Human Clan? There must be fraud!"

Chang'an City

Yuan Shoucheng stood in front of Zhang Bairen and whispered.

"So what? I just want to use the aura of the sea clan to understand the law of destiny. Give me three to five years is enough! As for whether the sea clan really surrenders, it doesn't matter to me!" Zhang Bairen looked sideways Looking at Yuan Tiangang.

Yuan Tiangang heard the words silently, and it took a long time to say: "This incarnation of the general governor has a lifespan of less than 20 years now. After all, the mass killings will hurt the heavens and peace. If you do more injustice, you will incur disaster..."

Zhang Bairen was silent and did not respond to Yuan Tiangang's words.

Outside the city

A nun's nunnery

A woman of the martial family, the ancient Buddha with a blue lantern, sits quietly in front of the Buddha, with a rosary in her hand, silently reciting Garan scriptures.

After a long time, I saw a black shadow digging out from the shadow of the copper lamp and falling in front of Wu Zetian. He respectfully saluted: "I have seen the master!"

"You are here" Wu Zetian never opened his eyes, but just sat there quietly, slender figure with his back facing the person.

"Sect master, can you feel the East China Sea War?" The visitor glanced at Wu Zetian's fascinating back, then quickly lowered his head not to look at.

"Yang Shen doesn't go out, you can know the world! The East China Sea war is like viewing flowers in the palm of the palace" The Wu family woman stopped chanting, and there was a rare solemn voice in her voice.

"Do you want to stop the plan? Li Zhi's strength is too strong, and some of the strength is beyond everyone's expectations. He even relies on the strength of one person to conquer the world..." There was a worrisome in the eyes of the person.

"Why stop? Don't be afraid of Li Zhiqiang, but Li Zhi will not be strong! Li Zhiqiang, the Li Tang dynasty will be more stable, if the palace can succeed, the greater the right to speak!" The Wu family girl smiled coldly.

"But the safety of the sect master..." The man in black whispered.

"This palace is just a weak woman, nothing more! As long as Li Zhi is alive, I will be just a weak woman, nothing more!" The Wu family girl said coldly.

After hearing this, the man in black was speechless, and it took a long time before he said: "The master think twice!"

"You don't need to think twice, and pass this letter to the inner court!" The Wu family woman whispered.

Hearing the words, the man in black retreated respectfully, and the silence in the hall was restored again. After a long time, the woman from the martial family turned her head, with a touch of wisdom in her eyes:

"With this battle, Li Zhi will inevitably suffer a death from the heavens. Fortunately, it will be good to survive for twenty years! If I can enter the inner court, I may have a chance to get involved in the Zhuxian Sword Array! As long as the Zhuxian Sword Array is in hand, the world's heroes will not be commanded. Eating and drinking tea are as simple as!"

At this moment

The family of big gates stayed awake all night

The power of Zhuxian Sword Array once again detonated the world and became a hot topic.

The battle in the East China Sea could not hide from all the heroes in the world, from the princes and grandsons to the traffickers and pawns, which exploded in an instant.

Suddenly, Li Tang fell into a strange peace and tranquility. All the small actions in the past, and some people with ghosts, all disappeared without a trace.

No matter what your Dao Fa can be, but in front of Zhu Xian's array, you are just a vulnerable local chicken.

In Jingning across the sea, the Sea Clan retreated with countless remnants and defeated generals, leaving a mess on the ground.


Xiaowen looked at the edict in her hand and sighed softly, the countless strange noises in Zhuojun completely disappeared!

Imperial court

Gathering of officials

Li Zhi sat in the main seat, and the ministers below watched their noses, noses and hearts.

Zhang Bairen tapped the dragon chair with his fingers, and the sound of da da rang throughout the hall, an intangible and indescribable depression permeating everyone's heart.

"It's different! The emperor is different from before he became the throne!" Changsun Wuji quietly raised his head and glanced at the figure on the dragon chair, then quickly lowered his head, and various thoughts quickly passed through his mind.

It's really different!

Just sitting there, it was as if a **** and Buddha were entrenched, and the whole body was bursting with immense rainbow light that was imperceptible to the naked eye, and it seemed that there was a strange phenomenon of golden lotus falling from the sky, suppressing everyone's heart.

Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong lowered their heads. You look at me and I look at you, and there is an undetectable abnormality in their eyes.

The two looked at each other, and they all lowered their heads: they knew that after today, the weird scene in the Hall of Nourishing the Heart that day will completely disappear from the world, and be forever rotten in their stomachs.

I am the only one in the sky and the earth, no one can stop the man in front of you!

"All Love Qing"

Zhang Bairen speaks:

"Where is the Zhuojun messenger?"

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