First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2102: The world is under one rule, and the dragon is back to one

"Return your Majesty, Zhuojun Junhou is already waiting outside the hall!" Fang Xuanling stepped forward at this time, and said respectfully to Li Zhi.

Facing Li Zhi, the officials felt a more fearful majesty than Li Shimin. It seemed that the spine was hairy, and cold sweat was gradually invading.

"Is the dragon messenger coming?" Zhang Bairen greeted again indifferently.

"The Ministry of Etiquette has been properly arranged, only to be summoned by your majesty!" Du Ruhui said respectfully.

"The messenger of Chuanlong clan and the messenger of Zhuojun came forward," Zhang Bairen said unhurriedly.

A servant heard this and shouted sharply:

"Envoys from the Chuanlong clan and Zhuojun's envoys met!"

There was a sound of footsteps, Xiaowen and Ao Guang came together and led all the entourages into the hall.

"I have seen the emperor"

Xiaowen and the Dragon King of East China Sea hold fists in a salute.

"You guys don't want to be polite, and sit down and talk." Zhang Bairen waved to the waiter to give a seat, and put the Dragon King of East China Sea aside, but looked at Xiaowen:

"Miss Xiaowen, Zhang Bairen is my master, you are the master's daughter, and you are still my sister by seniority!"

"Don't dare," Xiaowen said politely, her face showing strangeness.

Without comment, Zhang Bairen turned to look at Donghai Dragon King: "Have you brought the documents?"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea indicated that an attendant was holding the tray and presented it to Zhang Bairen a few days before the case.

After receiving the sea clan document, Zhang Bairen held the seal and blessed the jade seal. In the next moment, he saw the dragons roaring in the direction of the four seas. Four divine dragons rushed into the sky, passing through the Mingming void, and submerged into Qingyun over Chang'an City.

I saw Qingyun tumbling over the city of Chang'an, and a dragon undulating within it, which grew by half of the time.

By submitting a letter of credence, the Li Tang Dynasty seized 30% of the luck of the world out of thin air, and Zhang Bairen made a lot of money in this transaction.

East China Sea

Laogui looked at the dragon energy that was splitting up into the sky, and couldn't help sighing: "This is cause and effect. After all, one day, you will return it a hundred times!"

"The prime minister..."

There was a sea clan veteran with tears streaming down his face at this time, his eyes trembling with humiliation.

"Fine! Don't say more!" Prime Minister Turtle lowered his eyebrows: "It's important to resurrect the two ancestors!"

"The more the human aura grows, the more difficult it is to elbow it!" The stone man king looked at the dragon qi that was rolling in the sky, sighed with a sad face, and slowly sat on the top of the mountain to scan the endless wilderness without a word for a long time.

Depths of One Hundred Thousand Mountains

The group of demons were silent, and a sigh came out after a long time:

"The human race is so powerful, when will the day when my monster race comes out?"


The Dragon King of the East China Sea fell on a stool as if he was cramped by the skin. At this time, Xiaowen slowly stood up, picked up the tray and presented it to the waiter, putting it a few times before Zhang Bairen's case.


Not in a hurry to affix the seal, Zhang Bairen took the Zhuojun document and looked at it for a long time, and his heart was mixed. After a long time, he said:

"The unification of the world is the general trend. It can integrate the strength of our human race, and can also use Zhuojun to enlighten countless fools in the middle-earth. This is a great merit. Most superintendents are in the future, and the merits are infinite!"

After speaking, he blessed the seal, and saw Zhuojun Dragon Qi wailing. Fifty percent of Dragon Qi flew out and sank into Chang'an City Dragon Qi.

"Let me see your majesty, long live my emperor long live long live long live!" The officials all bowed.

"Everyone loves the Qing," Zhang Bairen won the dragon and Zhuojun aura. At this time, the law of destiny is almost transformed into substance, and it is clearly visible in his eyes.

Before he could straighten out the fragments and tributaries of the law of destiny, Zhang Bairen swept across Xiaowen below: "Xiaowen, I am forgiven to make you the king of Zhuojun, and guard Zhuojun for me! Zhuojun will be your fief in the future, so how about your autonomy? "

"Huh?" Xiaowen was taken aback when she heard the words, her mouth opened wide in surprise.

"His Majesty!"

All the people of the five surnames and seven sects below have changed their faces. What is the difference between surrender and non-surrender in Zhuojun's autonomy?

Zhuojun is so rich that it is a big piece of fat in the eyes of the noble families. Everyone was preparing to take a bite with excitement. Who knew this happened, Li Zhi promised Zhuojun's autonomy?

With a sweep of his sleeves, Zhang Bairen sealed the mouths of the veterans who were about to speak below: "I have decided on this matter, and you don't need to speak."

"What? Dissatisfied with the result of my handling?" Zhang Bairen stopped the officials and looked at Xiaowen with a joke.

"Where... how dare the little girl! I just thought that Zhuojun would surrender, your majesty would take back Zhuojun's military power, and then personally control it, but never thought that Zhuojun should be self-government!" Xiaowen's eyes showed a touch of excitement.

To be honest, Xiaowen grew up in Zhuo County and has a deep affection for Zhuo County. Zhuo County is where she is born and raised, and that feeling is hard to describe.

"Your Majesty" Fang Xuanling couldn't help but said.

This is a good time to conquer Zhuojun, how can it be easily missed?

"Hahaha!" It seems that he did not hear Fang Xuanling's words, Zhang Bairen just smiled slightly: "Zhuojun and Li Tang are two environments and systems. I, Li and Tang officials, are uncomfortable with Zhuojun's water and soil, and Zhuojun's autonomy is better. I left behind a little bit."

Xiaowen respectfully saluted Li Zhi: "Thank you, Your Majesty. In that case, Xiaowen has thanked the Governor on behalf of thousands of people in Zhuojun!"

"Old Dragon King, if you have nothing to do, return to the Four Seas, but the annual worship of the Four Seas cannot be less!" Zhang Bairen looked at the East Sea Dragon King.

Longhai Dragon King stood up, saluted Zhang Bairen in despair, then turned and left.

He is a dragon!

The dragon race is unique in the world and is the proudest. Since the immortal existence until now, even the immortals have never asked the dragon race to give in and lower that proud head. But at this time, the Dragon Race in the world has humiliatedly surrendered, surrendering to the knees of the ant-like human race!


Angry, nowhere to vent.


Sadness swept through the heart and made people feel bleak.


The misfortune of the Ailong clan! The incompetence of future generations!

"Everything is for the ancestors, until the ancestors are resurrected..." Donghai Dragon King clenched his fists and bit his teeth: "Li Zhi, this king must break your body into pieces!"

"Set a state banquet to entertain Zhuojun King!" Zhang Bairen said.



Yu Juluo sighed, slowly lowered his head, and looked at the fish in the stream under his feet without saying a word: "General Governor, what are you going to do, I really can't understand you more and more!"

"If you want to do so much, let's have a drink together! There are some things that you will understand when you should understand" Zhang Xujiao stepped forward and took Yujuluo's shoulder.

"I just don't understand. Most Governors can take the world at their fingertips, but why did they give away the Zhuojun that he has worked so hard to kill!" Yu Juluo puzzled.

"All you need to know is that the governor has never disappointed us before, that's enough!" Zhang Xutuo smiled and said, "Yin Cao Jifu is the key to future competition!"

"Li Zhi, it's not easy! How can a person's personality change so fast?" In a restaurant in Chang'an City, the emperor Da Zi Zai held a wine glass and looked at the mighty dragon city of Chang'an with a touch of contemplation in his eyes. : "There must be a great secret hidden in this!"

The void was twisting and turbulent, the emperor Da Zizai disappeared without a trace, and instantly turned into thousands of heavenly demons, and went to Li Tang Palace.

"Your Majesty, the prophecy has come true, the copybook left by the national teacher has come true!" Xu Fu hurried to the front of the first emperor, lowered his head and respectfully handed the kit in his hand.

After hearing this, the first emperor took the kit, and did not open it. After a while, he said: "The final battle is coming. This time I will personally defeat the Yinshan Mountain, and Ma Tafeng Capital!"

"You and personally send this handwritten script to Chang'an City" Shi Huang took out two animal bones from his sleeve and handed it to Xu Fu.

"The minister obeyed" Xu Fu took the order and left.

Chang'an City

Banquet spread out

Before Zhang Bairen and Xiaowen sat at the banquet, accompanied by the officials below, Zhang Bairen drank a drink and swept past Xiaowen: "Everything is business in Zhuojun, and Zhuojun will be self-governed in the future, but it is all entrusted to you!"

"Your Majesty rest assured, Zhuojun is not only your Majesty's Zhuojun, but also the minister's Zhuojun." Xiaowen looked at the emperor in front of her with a pair of eyes, for some reason there was always a vague sense of familiarity and intimacy.

Zhang Bairen nodded: "The general governor wants to educate the people, so that everyone in the world is like a dragon. It is not enough for the people of Zhuojun to stand up as a country and proclaim themselves. They must use the thinking of the people of Zhuojun to influence the people of the world and make the people of the world realize their consciousness."

"The idea is good, I'm afraid the family will not agree!" Xiaowen showed hesitation.

"Hehe, they are up to now!" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly: "Although you can do it, most of the governor's will, I will definitely help! Now that the next unity is today, the people are the people of the same country, I want to look at the family Is there any reason to stop the people of Zhuojun from going out!"

Xiaowen was stunned when she heard the words, she couldn't understand the young emperor Li Tang in front of her. The enlightenment of the people was the greatest threat to the imperial power. Why didn't he care?

Fan Yang Lushi

Jiang Family

Qi Huangong stood in the ancestral with a pair of eyes looking at the immortal aura wandering in the sky, his eyes showed a touch of fire: "If this king can reach the Ninth Five-Year Plan, sit on the highest throne, and enjoy the incense offerings of the people of the world, Within ten years, he will inevitably completely transform into an immortal powerhouse."

"Ancestor, don't talk nonsense about this. Once it's spread, it will be bad! The Zhuxian Sword actually fell on the Li Tang Dynasty, who dares to change?" The Lu Family Patriarch hurriedly whispered.

"Zhuxian Formation!" Jiang Xiaobai slowly closed his eyes, and then said after a while: "Such a treasure, if it can't fall into my Jiang family, it's really a pity!"

"The ancestor wants to fight the idea of ​​the Zhuxian formation?" The Jiang Family Patriarch was taken aback.

"Since I have no chance to kill Zhang Bairen, it makes sense to leave Zhang Bairen's formation as my ancestor's apologizing!" Qi Huangong smiled and said, "There are countless people who want to come to the world to covet that treasure."

"Capital Governor, the old way does not understand, what are you doing for the Ninth Five-Year Plan?"

Deep inside, Yuan Shoucheng looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, showing unprecedented confusion.

For power?

It seems that Zhuojun's rights are no less than Li Tang.

For Dragon Qi?

It's not reliable!

ps: Recommend a book "Shen Gongbao's Inheritance", the last book of Nine Lives, you can go and see if you are out of books. No pop-up novel network ()

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