First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2103: immortal

The avenue flower blooms, and the petals of the avenue flower that represents the law of destiny are flowing out of endless divine light at this time, illuminating the world in Zhang Bairen's eyebrow ancestor orifice, piercing the endless mist.

But seeing the countless qi flowing and intertwining in the avenue flower, the petals that represent the law of fate, unexpectedly began to circulate continuously.

Zhuojun is unified and the whole world is unified. Under the blessing of all kinds of auras, Zhang Bairen can see the mystery of the law of fate in the void. Under the infusion of massive auras, the law of fate finally lifts a corner for him.


"The law of destiny lies between the innate and nurture, between the nihility and the real boundary. The infinite path and energy flow in it are indeterminate. It cannot be touched and enlightened. It is not the emperor's dragon energy that can not be moved! Only the emperor's dragon energy can be gathered enough, Only then will he be favored by destiny and become the son of destiny!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of solemn light.

At this moment, the law of destiny lifted the mystery in his eyes, and the infinite profound meaning was captured by the avenue flower, and all became the good luck of the avenue flower.

"Who could have expected that the Zhuxian Sword Formation would evolve at a critical moment?" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of emotion, feeling the Zhuxian formation floating in his own chaotic world, and Zhang Bairen's eyes revealed countless weird colors. .

This time not only the Zhuxian formation was undergoing transformation, but the four swords of Zhuxian were also undergoing transformation. I saw that the immortal lines on the sword were slowly deriving, like blood veins and bones, slowly growing in the sword.

When he tapped his fingers, Zhang Bairen's eyes ‘watched’ the constant transformation within the Zhuxian Sword, and there was a lot of divine light in his eyes. After a long time, he slowly said: "Weird, what is immortality?"

Part of his mind was separated to pay attention to the transformation of immortal runes in Zhuxianjian, Zhang Bairen secretly pondered the immortal mood.


It is the ultimate fruit position under the Immortal Dao!

The supreme fruit of the Yangshen realm!


Golden body


All of them are among the Yang Gods. In theory, the three are not superior in terms of combat power, but in reality, there are very few cultivators who have made it to the sky. All are practiced step-by-step and cycle. The ultimate dharma body can prove to the golden body, and the golden body can be cultivated to the extreme to enter immortality.

If you want to become immortal, you must prove to be golden!

If you want to prove to the golden body, you must continue to reincarnate and polish it in reincarnation. If you can cultivate countless dharmakayas to replace yourself in the sufferings of reincarnation and accumulate the foundation, you can accelerate the speed of the golden body.

The monk in the world has the same life span as the heaven and the earth, with infinite power and infinite power, and can control the power of the law, no less than any innate god.

As for immortality, that is another power belonging to the realm of Yang God

Juudaluo's general fruit position, nothing more!

"Immortality, what is immortality? An ultimate power transformation!" Zhang Bairen closed his eyes:

The immortal can only kill the strong, and can only seal it.

This is what Laogui said. Whether it is true or not is somewhat possible, and there is a discount.


Anyway, the Nuwa Empress never killed Shebi Corpse!

"However, the immortal strong has been sealed for hundreds of millions of years, and has been constantly killing the origin. I am afraid that he will be a weak chicken when he is born, and I will be chased everywhere with the sword of death?" Zhang Bairen did not understand the artistic conception of immortality.

"Two ancestors, what is immortality?"

Zhang Bairen looked at Zhu Rong and Gonggong, the Yang God manifested in the ancestral aperture.

"Immortality is the humanity level, the highest level of the acquired beings! My inborn gods only refine the origin, but I don't know the immortal mood!" Zhu Rong showed thoughtfulness:

"Immortality is a special power that is above the law and can also be called the origin of the law!"

"The origin of the law?" Zhang Bairen was stunned.

"Under the world, there are countless races in the Great Wilderness. The universe is prehistoric, only heaven and earth, and the law is eternal; the law cannot be killed or erased. It is with the heaven and the earth, but is a part of the heaven and earth." Zhu Rong whispered: "Jin As a monk, he is in charge of the law and cultivates his own law, so that he can live with the sky and be immortal."

"Of course, the reincarnation of the heaven and earth era will eventually come and go! Once the world is destroyed and returns to the chaos, the power of the law will also be worn away, as if dewdrops dissipate, the strong golden body will also fall in the chaos. But in the chaos, there is something It can remain immortal, increase, or decrease!" Zhu Rong's eyes flashed: "This thing can resist the attack of chaos. When the world reopens, it will resurrect again. This is also called immortality!"

"What?" Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed.

"The origin of the law!" Zhu Rong whispered.

"The origin of the law? What is that?" Zhang Bairen was stunned.

"The golden body is strong in comprehending the law to the extreme. Only after going through the great opportunity, can the power of the source be condensed! It is the source of the law! The source of the law is one of the ultimate forms of chaos. It was born in chaos, so it can resist chaos. The invasion!" Zhu Rong said.

"How is the immortal powerhouse compared to the immortals?" Zhang Bairen asked in surprise.

"It's hard to say!" Gonggong shook his head.

"I also hope that the two great gods will enlighten me" Zhang Bairen whispered.

Zhu Rong smiled softly: "It's okay to tell you! The immortal jumps out of the Three Realms and is not in the Five Elements, already beyond the world, beyond the chaos, the immortal strong is trapped in the chaos, as if tied in a cage, Eternal life cannot be detached from being at ease, so sentient beings want to break the cage and detach from the gleam of vitality."

"Who is strong and who is weak?" Zhang Bairen suddenly thought of the emperor, and many ancient figures.

"I don't know!" Zhu Rong shook his head: "I can't wait to become a fairy, how do I know the secret?"

"There was a fairy Nuwa Empress in the ancient times. When you have seen the majesty of the fairy, why didn't you know?" Zhang Bairen didn't believe it.

Zhu Rong shook his head: "The outcome is between one heart. Back then, Empress Nuwa pushed Taikoo horizontally and cut the mysterious tortoise to fill the sky. I only thought that immortals were invincible. But one thing later broke my cognition... ...."

Zhu Rong's eyes showed a touch of contemplation: "At the twilight of the ancient gods, Xihe, a strong man, was born. His strength exceeded everyone's imagination. It is said that a fairy came and was defeated by him!"

"It is said?" Zhang Bairen scanned the two ancestors.

"Just let it go, why hide it!" Gong Gong interrupted Zhu Rong's words: "I am waiting for my brother to be suppressed in Bu Zhou Mountain. At that time, the strong Xihe was born, sweeping the world, and the gods bowed their heads to a hundred clans. The heaven and the earth are unified. At this time, Xihe claimed to be the emperor of heaven, refined the sun soul, and slaughtered the gods wanting to do the act of destroying the world."

"My two brothers were trapped at the foot of Buzhou Mountain, and I felt the aura of Nvwa Empress in the dimness, as if the Nvwa Empress had come down after the immortal Dao, but who knows...who knows...Later Nvwa Empress's aura It disappeared out of thin air. I think it was the emperor who engulfed the sun and defeated Empress Nuwa." Zhu Rong murmured, "I am trapped under the mountain, and the deeds of the outside world are only partially understood. Who knows?"

Zhang Bairen was silent when he heard the words, and after a while, he said: "How to condense the immortal origin?"

"I don't know!"

Zhu Rong and Gonggong shook their heads together.

When the world extinction catastrophe is approaching, only the immortal strong can save it. When the sun and the earth repeatedly returned to chaos, the long river of time collapsed, and even the strong ones in Da Luo would be wiped out, and there would never be a chance to resurrect.

Even if it can't be proved, the immortal origin must be condensed.

"Immortality!" Zhang Bairen scanned the Zhuxian Array in his hand, and he and the Zhuxian Array were melted into one, even if there was a catastrophe, they could be preserved.

Even with the passage of time, the four swords of Zhuxian seem to have evolved, and the immortal lines are gradually derived.

The four gods began to condense the origin of the gods with the help of the evolutionary array.

The origin of Shinto is equivalent to the immortal power of mankind.

"How to prove immortality?" Zhang Bairen walked back and forth in the hall.

It is as if the unification is today, as long as it is given time, it is not difficult to condense the law of fate. He should also think about the golden body and condense the immortal origin.

"It seems that we still need to find a chance to enter the Yinsi. If I am not mistaken, the ancestors Zhang Daoling, Yin Gui and others have already entered the realm of immortality, and even the Lord has already known the mystery of immortality, and has stepped into the immortal state. The situation is a matter of morning and evening!" Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed, and he kept beating the case.

"Why is your Majesty worried?" Concubine Xiao Shu moved lightly, came behind Zhang Bairen, and hugged him gently.

"I just met something that I can't figure out." Zhang Bairen sighed and took Concubine Xiao Shu into his arms. His eyes scanned the blossoming Chang'an City. There was no wave in his eyes, and there was no emotional fluctuation that humans should have.

"Master Lu, where did you say my father was reincarnated?" Qixi was running Tao and suddenly stopped to look at Xiang Lu Jingxiu.

Lu Jingxiu was making tea, he was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he said: "I don't know, but he is a person who can enjoy and refuse to suffer. No matter where he is reincarnated, life will not be too difficult."

"He has stepped into the Avenue of Heaven and Man, is he still saved?" Qixi lowered his head.

Lu Jingxiu heard the words silently, and it took a long time before he said: "The Avenue of Heaven and Humans is a realm that many people can't ask for. For example, I am an old way. Even if I want to step into the Avenue of Heaven and Humans, I don’t have the qualifications. As long as you don’t fall, you can also mix with a golden body. You can enter the immortal wonderland with most of the luck. What's wrong with entering the heavens except for losing some feelings!"

Qixi Festival heard the words in a low mood: "You don't need to comfort me."

When Lu Jingxiu heard the words, he lowered his head and said nothing.

"Then he will never remember me in the future?" Qixi suddenly raised his head and looked sideways at Lu Jingxiu.

"How come? I remember you but I remember you, but...just..." Lu Jingxiu subconsciously retorted.

"Just what?" Qixi asked.

"You are good at cultivating the Tao, and you are qualified to understand the doorway after you prove the sun god!" Lu Jingxiu simply kept silent, no matter how Qixi asked, he would never speak, lest Qixi would ruin his mood. No pop-up novel network ()

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