First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2132: The roots of the illusion Taoist

Decades of time have passed, and the young and old are easy to pass. At this time, Mother Zhang can no longer find her half-time beauty.

Time is not forgiving, the beautiful girl who used to be, has now turned into a faltering old woman.

"Can't let go! Can't forget!" Mother Zhang slowly closed her eyes.

Women, softheartedness is instinct!

At the moment when she was about to step into the heavens, her heart was softened because there were people in her heart that could not let go.

"But... Zhang Bairen has already stepped into the avenue of heaven and man!" Jing Huan Xiangu sighed.

"What are you talking about!!!" Mother Zhang was so shocked that her legs softened, she sat on the ground and looked at Jing Huan Xiangu in a daze.

"You can't let it go, how can he let it go? But... the moment you let it go, his heart is dead!" Jing Huan Xian Gu sighed: "Now, you know that there is no way to heaven and man. Half a bit of room for maneuver, stepping into the heavens must either completely stride over, or retreat and you will be crushed to pieces, and you will never be born again!"

Mother Zhang's body is constantly trembling!

"Save him! Save you!" Jing Huan Xiangu closed her eyes, and the wind blew her delicate face, even though she had gone through the vicissitudes of time, she was still young.

A stream of light flickered in the void, and the ancestor Shaoyang didn't know when he came to the top of the mountain, causing Jing Huan Xiangu to look back, but his pupils shrank in an instant.

"This is the forbidden place of fantasy road, who is your excellency, why trespass here?" Jing Huan Xiangu stared at Old Ancestor Shaoyang.

"You don't know me? I don't believe it!" Compared with the nervous Jinghuan Xiangu, the old ancestor Shaoyang looked calm, as if he was in his own backyard, and looked at the layout of the court with elegance.

Fairy Jing Huan was silent, and after a while, she said, "What happened to the ancestors here?"

"Ask for someone!" Old Ancestor Shaoyang looked at Xiangu Jinghuan with a smile.

"No!" Jing Huan Xiangu refused without thinking.

"You are a smart person, don't you know how to choose?" Shaoyang Ancestor stared at Jinghuan Xiangu: "Especially after you inherited the essence of the Wisdom Demon God, you will never do stupid things, right? "

"You want to reverse the time and space, destroy the fixed number, I will never agree!" Jing Huan Xiangu frowned.

"This is his will! The moment it penetrated the long river of time and space, and arrived at the ancient times, everything was doomed!" Old Ancestor Shaoyang stared at Jinghuan Xiangu with a pair of eyes: "He has been beyond the river of time. He is everywhere, between the past and the future. This is the general trend! No one can change. I am just a pawn, a **** that will die after completing the mission!"

Jinghuan Fairy is silent!

"You are the spirit of the Wisdom Demon. After so many years of thinking, the origin of the Wisdom Demon has been condensed. The spirit of the Wisdom Demon has been reunited by you, and you are a new generation of the Wisdom Demon! You should not go. Do stupid things, relying on your wisdom and rules, from the moment when he broke the time and came to the ancient times, you have already seen that the flaws are not? You have always wanted to make things right, and even Zhangjiajushu was your own hands. Shaping, you want to erase the childhood of which one you want to completely erase, and then set aside the chaos, save the gods in the dusk, but you don’t know that the person has already cut cause and effect, cut the law, standing at the other end of the long river of time and looking down at countless heroes of ancient and modern times , Whoever dares to move will die without a place to be buried!" Shaoyang Patriarch whispered.

Xiangu Jinghuan clenched her fists and remained silent, but the blue veins on the back of her hand violently showed her inner anger.

"This is a pity, the cause and effect that must be changed, no one can stop it! If you don't want someone to break through the long river of time and make more changes, you'd better surrender Zhang Yun obediently! You did it back then. Little moves, no one will be held accountable anymore! After all, you are no more than an ant in that person's eyes at this time!" Old Ancestor Shaoyang stared at the Jinghuan fairy with a pair of eyes.

"Who will report the hatred of the gods? Who will dispel the resentment of the gods!" Jing Huan Fairy's eyes were bloodshot.

"Haha, waiting for you to hide from the sky is just a joke, can the plan in **** fool me and wait? You can't even fool me, let alone who? He has seen everything in the future and gave it to everyone A chance for God to resurrect!" Shaoyang Patriarch sighed.

"Haha, how about you?" The Wisdom Demon looked at the ancestor Shaoyang: "Will you be willing to complete the mission so dissipated?"

"You don't understand, in my realm, there is no life and no death! What about life? What about death? It's just an illusion!" Shaoyang ancestor mocked: "Wang Tu Baye talked and laughed. It's so drunk! He promised me to resurrect someone for me, that's enough!"

Hearing the words, the demon of wisdom looked at the void, as if in the dark, at the end of the long river of time, a pair of eyes looked down at him coldly and mercilessly through the long river of time, as long as he moved slightly, he would dare to say nothing. , The next moment it turned into a powder under this gaze.

In the end, Xiangu Jinghuan gave way.

Zhang Yun couldn't hear the conversation between the two, but he saw the old ancestor Shaoyang flip over his sleeves, and in an instant, the two people disappeared into the same place.

Xiangu Jinghuan stood alone on the edge of the cliff for a long time and was speechless. After a while, she sat weakly on the bluestone, and her eyes showed a touch of helplessness: "Wusheng! God! You two bastards, treat the world as a chessboard and treat all the demon gods. To be regarded as a small dog is a sin worthy of death! The sin is unforgivable!"

Zhuojun Mountain

The ancestor Shaoyang looked at Mother Zhang with a pair of eyes, and sighed: "Everything in the world, fifty avenues and four-nine avenues, must have a ray of life for all living beings. Zhang Bairen is about important things and must find his feelings!"

"Who are you?" Mother Zhang did not answer the words of the ancestor Shaoyang, but stared at him with a pair of eyes.

The ancestor Shaoyang was silent when he heard this, and after a while he said helplessly: "A dead man who has died forever, but was forcibly pulled out of time and space. You stepped into the heavens, but fell into the mortal dust again, you will die! It's better to sacrifice your life to make him!"

Mother Zhang did not respond to the words of the ancestor Shaoyang, but continued to walk up the mountain.

Things are human and not. She has not returned to Zhuo County for decades. The structure of Zhuo County has long been different from the original situation.

Following the mountain path, Zhang's mother went straight to the top of the mountain and saw the familiar thatched cottage. She was shocked as if struck by lightning. The tears were left along the dim eyes, wet his wrinkled cheeks, and inside his eyes. Excited and choked silently.


Inside the thatched cottage, Zhang Bairen opened the door and looked at the old woman outside the door, who seemed to be blown away by the wind at any time, with a touch of disbelief, surprise, and uncertainty in his eyes.

"Just as it was back then" Mother Zhang looked at Zhang Bairen and suddenly smiled, her smile full of relief.

"But my mother is getting old!" Zhang Bairen suddenly felt a heartache, like a knife. At this time, the celestial state of mind that had no wave from the ancient well was rippling, and there was a struggle in his eyes.

In the eyebrow

The divine nature held that strand of love, revealed countless laws in his eyes, and then fell into contemplation.

At this time, the emotion was constantly fluctuating, and it was rapidly deriving.

At your fingertips

Zhang Bairen's temples are as blue as snow.

"Mother, why are you like this? Haven't you already stepped into the Avenue of Heaven and Human?" Zhang Bairen couldn't believe it, and quickly stepped forward to support the old woman.

"You!" Mother Zhang looked at the white hair on Zhang Bairen's temples, and suddenly smiled: "The five years when you and my mother and child depended on each other were the most helpless and painful five years of my life. You are the only mother who survived. Hope, how to forget?"

Zhang Bairen was silent when he heard the words, and the memories of the ugly bark of grass roots began to draw closer and gradually became clear.

Those five years that no one can forget!

Zhang's mother can't be forgotten, nor can Zhang Bairen.

The grace of nurturing life is greater than heaven and earth, greater than the universe!

"Uncle Zhang is dead, Xiaocao is dead too!" Zhang Bairen helped Zhang's mother to the grave, with a hazy look in his eyes.

Mother Zhang was silent, and after a while, she said, "Good luck fooling people, if I had met your Uncle Zhang earlier, maybe everything would be different. I owe him!"

Zhang Bairen was silent when he heard the words, but unfortunately there is no such thing as if in this world!

Zhang Jingan's family won't survive either!

"If Zhang Xiaocao hadn't been taken away by the aunt back I would like to come. Now I am full of children and grandchildren, and my family is happy!" Zhang Bairen sighed in silence for a while. The gray hair on his head became more and more snowy.

After listening to Zhang Bairen's words, Mother Zhang slowly stood up and looked at the tomb with a pair of eyes: "I personally lit incense for your Uncle Zhang and send him a ride."

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen was silent, took out the incense candle from his sleeve, and flicked the brazier with his fingers.

In fact, Zhang Bairen has been thinking, if he had been practicing hard in Zhuojun and hadn't been out to stir up the wind and rain, would things have changed and so many regrettable ups and downs would happen.


Still not!

If he hadn't left the small village, he would have died miserably. Yang Guang three conquered Goryeo and the northern Turkic, and the small village would be cannon fodder.

It was him who changed the destiny of countless people!

"Unfortunately, I don't have the ability to change history, and my strength back then was still too weak!" Zhang Bairen shook his head. If he had the strength that he is today, who would dare to destroy Da Sui?

Li family? Eighteen-way anti-king? Seventy-two road soot?

It's just ants, it can be wiped out with a finger!

What a pity, there is no if!

Mother Zhang sat alone in front of the grave without a word for a long time. After a while, she saw Yutu Dongsheng and then looked at Zhang Bairen: "You must not forget the enmity of the year! You must find the reincarnation of Uncle Zhang. Repay it."

"Why should a mother think about this? It's better to think about how she stepped into the reality of heaven and humanity, and the child will never sit back and watch her mother die!" Zhang Bairen's words are domineering and beyond doubt.

Mother Zhang was silent when he heard this, and it took a long time before she said: "Step into the heavens and cut off the past, am I still me? The past can not be separated, even if it is immortal, the Tao is nothing but a piece of wood. How happy and angry?"

ps: make up one more.

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