First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2133: May you see the mountains and rivers and feel that the world is worth it!

Practice is for immortality, and immortality is for a better life! Enjoy the joys, sorrows, sorrows, and prosperity of the world.

But if you cultivate into a heavenly being, you will live forever, but you will live like wood, grass and rocks. What's the point?

What is the difference between being alive and dead?

"Can't let it go! Can't forget it!" Mother Zhang sighed softly, sitting in front of the waterfall, looking at the void in the distance.

"The heaven and the human that my mother understands, I'm afraid it's wrong, has gone astray!" Zhang Bairen squatted behind Zhang's mother, squeezing his muscles and bones.

"How do you say?" Mother Zhang was taken aback upon hearing this.

"There is drizzle and breeze in the sky, and people are moved by grace. The sky changes at four o'clock, and people have joy, anger, sorrow and joy. There is thunder and rumble in the sky, and people have anger and raging!" Zhang Bairen's voice is full of enlightenment: "Heaven and man are human, heaven and man There is also happiness, anger, sorrow, and thunderous anger in the sky, let alone heaven and human?"

Mother Zhang was taken aback when she heard the words, and fell into contemplation for a while, not knowing what to say.

Zhang Bairen smiled and looked into the distance: "The joys, anger, sorrow, and joy of heaven and man are all in the heart. If it is the wind, rain and thunder and lightning between the world and the earth, they will never make any cover."

"You also said that heaven and humans have finally brought the word'天'. I hope you can be a normal person!" Mother Zhang looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

Zhang Bairen heard the words silently, the heavens have the benefits of the heavens, so the ordinary people naturally also have the benefits of the ordinary people.

Is there peace in the world?

I want to have a clear Taoist mind and not be bothered by the seven emotions and six desires, but I want to enjoy the joys, anger and sorrow of the world;

Good things are absolutely irrelevant!

Looking at the silent Zhang Bairen and the three thousand white hairs on his head, Zhang's mother suddenly smiled: "I am your last flaw. The last trouble in your heart has nothing to do with those three thousand loves!"

There was a touch of emotion in Zhang Bairen's eyes, and after a while he slowly stood up, standing on the cliff, staring at the distant scenery in a daze.

Although Heaven and Human have no feelings, he can pretend to have feelings! It's like you don't love a person, but you can be with each other in a false sense.

I can deceive others, but I can't deceive my heart.

"May you carry the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of your mother, watch the mountains and rivers, and climb the fairy roads. Others wish you happiness, but I only want you to traverse the mountains and rivers and feel that the world is worth it!" Mother Zhang's body started to spontaneously burn. From his feet, he flicked his fingers and spread to his waist, and the flames seemed to be colorful. At that moment, Zhang's mother turned into a youthful youth.


Zhang Bairen turned around abruptly and looked at Mother Zhang, who was transformed into a flame, like a fairy in the colorful flames.

"Climb the highest peak and see the most beautiful human landscape! With the mother's last wish, step on the highest immortal road together to see the majestic beauty of the world!" The words fell, and I saw Zhang mother's whole body covered with flames, her body Turning into ashes, only a single blue silk turns into the color of glass in the flames, drifting in the wind without staining the dust.

The green silk shone with colorful luster, representing the seven emotions and six desires, and instantly penetrated the void, submerged into Zhang Bairen's eyebrows.

Zhang Bairen instinctively wanted to stop, but he did not stop after all. The divinity in the ancestor flicked his fingers, and the blue silk in his hand flew out, and instantly merged with the glazed hair and sank into his golden body.

Then I saw that hair rooted and sprouted, Zhang Bairen's gray hair returned to blue silk, but a colorful hair was quite an eye-catching among three thousand blue silks.

"Mother!" Zhang Bairen whispered, two lines of clear tears across his eyes, falling on the bluestone under his feet, and being absorbed by the bluestone in an instant.

Not far away, the ancestor Shaoyang sighed lightly and wiped a drop of sweat from the temples: "It is after all! When you become a fairy and transcend the world, maybe you can meet your old friends again!"

On this day, Zhang Bairen stood alone on the bluestone and looked at the sky for a long time, until the last ray of sunset light dissipated, and then he saw Zhang Bairen turning around and looking back and walking down the mountain.

Zhuojun Mountain Foot

On the Qixi Festival, I wore a simple Taoist clothes and stood quietly at the foot of the mountain facing the sky, looking at the familiar scenery. After more than ten years, Zhuojun remained the same as before, except that the trees in the mountains and forests were thick.

At this time, Lu Jingxiu was clutching his severed arm and looking at the silent Qixi Festival with his eyes lowered: "Your father is back! You have proven to be a **** of Yang, and the old way has not let down your father's hope. Today is a good time for your father and daughter to meet each other, old man. Taoist priests can also go on business with the chief governor."

"Father has proved that he is a man of heaven, and he has stepped on the road of no return. My unfilial daughter has done such things again, I am afraid that my father will not recognize me!" Qixi lowered his head.

"If your father refuses to recognize you, why did he take the trouble to seal Altair? Ask me to secretly make you the sun god?" Lu Jingxiu said with a sad face, "Go, go up the mountain!"

Under the moonlight, Lu Jingxiu led the way. Qixi took a deep breath and stepped out to the top of the mountain.

"The governor, the old Taoist led the Qixi Festival to pay the decree, and I hope the governor can help me reshape my body because of the Taoist's painstaking efforts to transform the Qixi Festival!" Lu Jingxiu covered his broken arm, looked at Zhang Bairen's back, and broke the mountain forest. The tranquility between.

Lu Jingxiu was cut off by Zhang Bairen's arm in front of Chang'an City. It is reasonable to say that the body is incomplete, and Lu Jingxiu can go to reincarnation and rebuild, but this body was shaped by Zhang Bairen's innate spirit, and he couldn't bear it.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen turned around from the bluestone, a little less of the coldness of heaven and human in his eyes, a little more of the smell of human fireworks.

Looking at Ai Ai in the mountains and forests not far away, Zhang Bairen smiled softly at the Qixi Festival with shame on his face:

"Congratulations, you girl has finally become a high-level truth, after the proof of Yang Shen, although the world is big, you can go there!"

"The child is ashamed, thanks to his father for his gift. In the past, the child was not filial and distracted his father!" Qixi came to Zhang Bairen, kneeling down with tears in his eyes.

If you want to prove the sun god, you can’t achieve the same character, Taoism, and merits. Qixi Festival is not evil in nature. After experiencing all the right and wrong, you will eventually make progress. I have seen the warmth and warmth of the world’s human feelings and experienced wind and rain. , Just to the next level.

Zhang Bairen helped the Qixi Festival and looked up and down the Qixi Festival with a worried look. At this time, tears in his eyes seemed to shed tears at any time.

"Don't cry! Don't cry! Everything is over!" Zhang Bairen touched Qixi's forehead, his eyes filled with smiles: "Enlightenment is good! Enlightenment is good! There are many fathers and children, but you are the only one who becomes a climate. ."

"After the robbery wave today, you and my father and daughter meet again, so we should drink three cups!" Zhang Bairen supported Qixi's arm before going to the Caolu.

"Captain, my arm..." Lu Jingxiu hurried forward.

Zhang Bairen looked at Lu Jingxiu up and down, and shook his head after a while: "You, there is also a noble truth, why bother to greedy other people's treasures."

Lu Jingxiu's face blushed when he heard the words: "How can I be blamed? The real person is also a human. Who doesn't want the Governor's Four Swords of Zhuxian? It's just that everyone has made the wrong idea. Since the Governor has returned, the Sword of Zhuxian has been taken back. I will wait. It's a waste of time, but it's hard to be a climate."

Zhang Bairen smiled when he heard the words, and he didn't comment on what Lu Jingxiu said. He stretched out his hand to take out a little innate divine water. Then he saw Zhang Bairen running his magical powers. The next moment the void turned, the magic of creation flowed. The arms are also reshaped.

"It's incredible!" Lu Jingxiu stretched out his arms and waved in the air, his eyes flashing with stars.

Even from the perspective of his realm, the creation of the void is still mysterious and unpredictable, and these methods are unattainable, and it is simply amazing.

"Drinking tonight, don't talk about other things!" Zhang Bairen said with a smile.

Zhang Bairen was drinking, but at this time Zhuo County had already undergone earth-shaking changes. Numerous heads rolled to the ground, and blood stained Zhuo County City.

The family system is too big, and it affects the whole body.

That night, in the eyes of many people, the moon turned blood red.

Two hundred thousand people in Zhuo County have fallen to the ground, regardless of men and women, old and young, as long as they have the slightest blood relationship with a family of family members ~ ~ all have become dead under the sword.

Just after dawn the next day, Yu Juluo and Zhang Xiu came to the thatched cottage with a thick **** smell. They looked at Zhang Bairen who was standing there watching the rising sun. Suddenly they stopped for a moment.

Although Zhang Bairen's complexion was still indifferent at this time, but for some reason, in the eyes of Yujuluo and Zhuojunhou, there was a little more smell of human fireworks.

"The governor, everything has been handled" Zhang Xutuo whispered.

Withdrawing his gaze from the horizon, Zhang Bairen turned to look at the two, frowning: "The smell of blood on my body is so great, I won't wash it before I come here!"

"This is not to be busy reporting goodbye to the governor, I have not had time to take a shower" Yu Juluo said with a smile.

Looking at Yujuluo's mouth full of delicate teeth, Zhang Bairen shook his head: "Why is there such a joy, there is a bunch of waste from a few clan families, why is it true?"

Zhang Bairen stood up slowly, looking into the distance with his eyes: "The sky has changed, and I hope that everything goes well in Zhuojun in the future."

Zhang Bairen stomped the sole of his foot, and a new grave appeared in front of the Caolu, writing: the tomb of his mother Zhang Yunzhi.

Yu Juluo and Zhang Xutuo looked puzzled. Didn't Zhang Yun set a tombstone back then? Why did you set up another one?


Zhang Bairen never opened his mouth to explain, and the two dared not ask more.

"Zhuojun matters will be handed over to Xiaowen in the future, you old brothers, all go to the Yin Cao descent to expand their territory, what is it to live in the Yang world and enjoy the blessing all day?" Zhang Bairen glanced at the two of them. Meaningful.

As he was talking, he saw the void fluctuations, a figure staggered and fell, and his voice was full of haste: "The chief governor, one hundred thousand in a hurry!"

"Xu Fu!"

Seeing his breathless and dying body, Zhang Bairen's body stiffened with shock, and quickly stepped forward to Xu Fu's side, repairing Xu Fu's injury with a flash of the light of good fortune.

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