First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2141: Crossover 1 sword

The first emperor of the Yin Cao Jifu and a generation of city kings fought the ground and destroyed the mountains and destroyed the mountains. The Yin Division was turbulent, and the light of the law was endless. The ghosts died when they touched it, and the soul was scattered by rubbing.

"The strength of this old thing is so strong, even if it is only the power of the three sources, but with the support of hundreds of millions of miles, even if it is compared with its peak strength, I am afraid it is not much worse!" Shi Huang frowned, and the king of the city The more he fought, the more frightened he became, and he was unable to defeat the opponent for a long time.

In a blink of an eye, three hours passed, and both sides had their own victories, but it was difficult to distinguish between them.

"It's rare, with the twelve golden men, you already have the power to compete with the immortal strong. No wonder the Yama of the Ten Temples, even if the dragon rides to suppress you, is still defeated by you!" The opposite city king also wrinkled. He raised his brows and his face was extremely ugly.

"Haha!" Shi Huang smiled without saying a word, but there was a hint of worry in the depths of his eyes: "I don't know whether the national teacher's prediction is accurate!"

If it is not allowed, I am afraid that I will have to waste all my energy in this life, and I will be blocked in front of the dangerous pass of this male pass and have worked hard for hundreds of years.

Even the Xiongguan in front of him can't be taken by himself, let alone facing the endless vast land of Yin Cao?

How can I live up to the expectations of countless soldiers and the eyes of the elders in my hometown?

"His Majesty Shi Huang, don't worry, the poor way will help you!"

Suddenly the Yin Cao vibrated, and a constant ancient will penetrated the channel between Yin and Yang, and descended violently.

The divine light in Zhang Bairen's eyes flowed, standing in front of Jiameng Pass, a pair of eyes passed through the two barriers, collecting the full potential of the Yin Cao Difu in his eyes.

The next moment, Zhang Bairen's sleeves passed cold light, and Zhu Xianjian was held in his hand.

A pair of eyes looked at the fighting formation below, the immortal will flowed, and the mighty and immortal power was poured into Zhuxian Sword.

This is the first time Zhang Bairen has used immortal power to spur the Zhuxian Sword Array!

Although his power of immortality is still very weak, immortality means immortality, which has surpassed the ordinary limit, and the power of illegality is comparable.

The void in Jiameng Pass freezes, everyone's thoughts stagnate, and time seems to be still at this time.

Zhang Bairen stretched out his palm, and a hole suddenly opened in the void in front of him, and the law of space was cut apart by the divine light of Zhu Xianjian.

Before starting, the power of Zhuxianjian had already cut the law of the void!


Countless great powers turned their eyes one after another, their eyes turned, and they looked sideways in the direction of Jia Mengguan in surprise.

At this moment, there are countless high truths in the world, all of them are surprised, and there is a touch of amazement in their eyes.


Zhang Bairen raised his hand, the void in front of him was split like a piece of cloth, and the power of the law broke, and then this sword ignored the time and space, ignoring the distance, and hundreds of thousands of miles of time and space were shattered in an instant.

Yin Cao Difu

Countless strong men raised their heads in amazement, only to hear a loud noise in the dark, and suddenly a hole opened in the sky above Yin Cao.

at that moment

Time seemed to stop flowing, the will of countless monks was captured by the sword in an instant, forgetting everything.

It was as if a bright moon radiating cold light descended on the battlefield of Yin Cao, everything passed by was turned into nothingness, and everything was dead.

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

Without a word, Shi Huang took the golden body in an instant, squeezing through the void and fled in a hurry.

The countless civil and military masters of the Great Qin Empire retreated to the outside of Yinshan Mountain, and then stared at the bright moon occupying the entire sky in shock.

Daqin Wenwu was really able to retreat because Zhu Xianjian showed mercy to his subordinates, but at this time, the generation of city king who was facing Zhu Xianjian showed a sense of panic in his eyes and his body was constantly trembling.

He has been locked by Zhu Xianjian, and there is no way to escape!

If he dared to forcibly retreat and retreat into the mist, I'm afraid that sword will cut into the misty chaos.

The second generation and ten kings behind him, countless Yin Cao warriors, will all die tragically in an instant.

Therefore, he cannot retreat! Not to hide!

"My **** channel method is invincible, no less than the highest ancestor gods, you can't kill me! I am immortal and immortal!" The city king roared up to the sky, shooting from the source of the gods all over his body, and the law of infinity manifested and turned into a cocoon. Wrap tightly.

This is the real manifestation of the law. If in the outside world, this random thread of law is enough to easily kill the real person of the sun **** and kill the true height of the law, but at this time it is just to save his life!

The obscure and gloomy dungeons of the Yin Cao for hundreds of millions of years lit up in an instant, the laws of the yin Cao's dungeons were broken, and the will of the world counterattacked, converging and strangling towards the Immortal Sword.

Looking at the countless silk threads that constantly shuttled between heaven and earth, Zhang Bairen shook his head: "Not enough!"

Although there are many laws of will in the Yin Cao Jifu manifestation, they are not enough to stop Zhu Xianjian's pace, at most it is constantly consuming the power of Zhu Xianjian.

How can the hair block the sharp edge?

Unless it is woven into a rope, and it is still a thick rope!

Obviously, the second generation of Yama, the lord of the underworld, did not have such power, nor did the first generation of Yama City King.

Countless laws and threads are scattered and intertwined as if they are a network, facing Zhuxianjian in an instant.


The sword light converges, the world is silent, and the law of being cut off rapidly develops.

The silk thread couldn't stop the edge of Zhu Xianjian, but it could bind the immovable Zhu Xianjian.

It's like a fifty catty stone falling down, no one can catch it, but it's not difficult to lift a static stone.

Zhu Xianjian's sword light seemed to be slow, but when it ignored time and space and distance, it was only a matter of tens of thousands of miles, and slow speed was rapid.

Zhu Xianjian's sharpness is too sharp, even if the law is still to be split, let alone the human gaze?

No one knows what happened, only the silver brilliance flickered, and then the whole Yin Cao went black.


A scream came out

The sword light converged, and the group of heroes followed their voices, but saw that a generation of city kings did not know when their body was penetrated by a long sword.

The long sword is simple and simple, revealing the power of immortality, and immortal runes are derived from it.

No blood flows out, because all the blood has been absorbed by Zhu Xianjian.

At this moment, that Zhu Xian Sword seemed to have turned into a black hole, devouring the origin of the City King madly.

Facts have proved that even if it is the congenital gods who condense the origin, they still can't stop the edge of Zhu Xianjian.

"Puff whistle~"

City King Ru was bitten by a snake and suddenly pulled out the Zhuxian Sword, bringing out a string of divine blood, but was completely absorbed by the sword light.


The sword light pierced the mountains, and the city king stepped out, throwing the sword light out.

Zhu Xianjian, not everyone dares to touch it!

Looking at the split palms and the divine blood that is constantly pouring out, the city king's expression is hard to see the extreme:

"No birth!"

Without responding to the words of the City King, Zhu Xianjian turned into a streamer, broke through the two-world channel, and returned to Zhang Bairen's hands.


Taking advantage of your illness to kill you, Shi Huang saw that the King of the City was wounded by a sword, and he suddenly became energetic, and suddenly turned into a streamer and rushed out.

"Kill!" Shi Huang slapped him down fiercely.


The City King was blown away by a palm, his body collapsed but reorganized in an instant, his expression angrily staring at Ying Zheng: "Ant, you angered me!"

As he spoke, the City King stood up, straddling the void in an instant, flashing his divine light, and slaying towards Qin Shihuang.


The fiercest battle broke out in the Yin Cao Jifu once again, but the sword aura of the Immortal Jade Sword remained in the body of the City King, which was continuously devouring its origin. How could Qin Shihuang pull out the power of the Immortal Sword Sword for the City King? ?

Yang Shi

Before Jia Meng Guan

Countless masters looked at Zhang Bairen in fear, their eyes were full of horror, and the horror of Zhang Bairen's sword had exceeded everyone's expectations.


The treasure sword whispered, and the Zhuxian sword kept trembling in Zhang Bairen's hands, as if he had sensed Zhang Bairen's will and exuded intimacy.

"This is the power of immortality!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of drunkenness.

The immortal power was beyond his expectations, but unfortunately, the immortal power condensed in his body was not that much.

"The power of immortality doesn't have such power. The key is your Zhuxianjian, which is beyond imagination!" The ancestor Shaoyang came to Zhang Bairen with a touch of surprise in his eyes.

The power of Zhuxianjian is breathtaking every time you see such a fierce thing should never appear in the world, he has already broken the balance!

But this kind of evil things have appeared!

"Although the power of immortality is not as much as imagined, it is enough!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of emotion. After the sword of death swallowed some of the origins of the gods, a lot of immortal patterns were derived.

"Yang Shi asked the ancestors to stare for me. Today I entered the Yincao Hell to eliminate the human suffering and break through the Yinshan Mountain!" Zhang Bairen put away the Zhuxian sword and stepped into the Yincao.

"Boy!" The ancestor Shaoyang suddenly shouted.

"Is there anything else going on for the ancestor?" Zhang Bairen paused and turned to look sideways at the ancestor Shaoyang.

"You can break through the Yinshan Mountain, and you must not do too much. There are at least five immortal old monsters in the Yin Cao sleeping, and you have to eat a bite. You are not strong now. Once the five immortal strong are born, you will undoubtedly die. !" Old Ancestor Shaoyang said with a solemn expression.

"Got it!" Taking a deep look at his nominal ancestor, Zhang Bairen stepped into the Yin Cao Difu.

"How?" Yuan Shoucheng came to Shaoyang Patriarch.

"He didn't listen to what I said. In this battle of Yin Cao, I don't know how much trouble will be caused. I only hope that this kid has the ability to put down the rebellion!" Shaoyang Patriarch's eyes were full of worry.

"Immortal powerhouse?" Zhang Bairen frowned, feeling the Sun Yuan Ling secretly, and then slightly curled the corners of his mouth: "I want to test the details of the underworld, and give me another fifty years! I only need fifty years to do it. It has completely swallowed the Sun Yuan Spirit, and who would dare to do it right with me by then?"

When the words fall, people have reached the Yin Cao Yang world.

Ming Dynasty

Now that everything is thriving, it is on the right track!

. Steal fragrance

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