First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2142: Now I go to Huangquan to recruit the old department, and the sword of death is

Now go to the Huangquan Recruitment Department, and slash Yan Luo with a hundred thousand banners!

Slowly wiped the blood flowing from the Immortal Qi on the Zhuxian Sword, and then the Zhuxian Sword sank into his sleeve. Zhang Bairen seemed to be able to see through the passage between Yin and Yang, and then slowly stepped out, one step seemed to ignore the end of the world, and followed the previous Zhuxian Sword. The two barriers opened straight down on the Yinshan battlefield.

"No life!" A generation of city kings looked hard to look at. Looking at the familiar figure and the familiar spirit, people couldn't help but tremble.

That is the taboo of an era!

The age when the gods are trembling!

Xiaoxiao Luoyue Invisible Sword, persuade Jun Nihai and look back!

Without responding to the other party's words, Zhang Bairen gently stretched out his palm, and the next moment the Zhuxian sword fell into his sleeve!

"Stop him, wait until I cut Ying Zheng, and then I will settle accounts with him!" The generation of Yan Luo looked at the immortal lines on the Zhuxian Sword and suddenly smiled: "You are not him! Your Zhuxian Sword has just developed immortal lines. But since you have the Zhuxian Sword cultivation method, you want to be a descendant of lifeless descendants and disciples inheritance. Back then, lifelessness cut my origin and bad my divine body. Today is the day for you to pay back! You can’t kill lifelessness, and cut off your descendants. Extinction, you can breathe out a bad breath!"

"Don't worry about those Daqin soldiers, ancestors, as long as I live, this group of ants can't break the Yinshan Mountain, let me hold him first! Old ancestors, I want to draw their souls, I want them to die!" The eyes of the city king are full of hideousness.

After hearing the words, the Yama of the Ten Temples got rid of their opponents, turned into Taoist laws, intertwined and attacked Zhang Bairen.

"Guo Shi!" Shi Huang called out.

"It's okay, wait for me to kill the second generation of Yama, and then come to help your majesty!" Zhang Bairen looked at the besieged Ten Temple Yama, the light of the law on the sword of Zhu Xian flowed, and the immortal mood spread.

Zhu Xian is immortal!

"Puff whistle~"

The sound of the long sword entering the flesh sounded, and Zhang Bairen's speed of drawing the sword was very slow, so slow that everyone could see clearly, but he couldn't avoid it!

"Dare you!" A generation of metropolis kings was eager to split his eyes.

The sword of Zhu Xian is stuck in the throat of the second-generation city king. The second-generation city king is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, prey on the spider web, not daring to struggle at all.

Or in other words, he has been taken away by the Demon God in Zhuxian Sword, and he doesn't know what the struggle is against.

"The second generation of city kings are your descendants, right!" Zhang Bairen looked at the generation of city kings who were distraught, his eyes full of mockery.

At this time, a generation of city kings rushed into the crown: "You are looking for death!"

The first generation of city kings wanted to save the second generation of city kings, but at this time Qin Shihuang was not a vegetarian, and his figure suddenly came to the generation of city kings, blocking the way of the city king.

"Get out of here!" A generation of city king smashed his eyes, suddenly punched out, the sky seemed to collapse under this punch, and bombarded towards the first emperor's twelve golden figures.


That's too late

The second generation of city kings turned to ashes in the eyes of the first generation of city kings, and the first generation of city kings had no choice but to watch.


The remaining nine Hades changed their colors, but they were not afraid, and continued to hang on to Zhang Bairen with the light of the law.

"You are the second generation gods, although they are good, but now I have proved that I have a golden body, and I am more in charge of immortality. You are not the enemy of me!" Zhang Bairen said indifferently, and then the sword came out and penetrated the king of Chu Jiang. heart.

Once entering the golden body, there are two completely different realms from before, which is absolutely the difference between heaven and earth.

After three breaths, the second generation of Chujiang King flew into ashes and disappeared into the world.


A generation of metropolis kings went crazy, the whole body's energy flowed, madly shot, and the power of immortality was rippling, and the twelve gold men of the first emperor were staggered by the generation of metropolis kings.

The immortal lines on the sword of Zhuxian derive quickly, and the mysterious runes flow quickly, and then they are captured and enlightened by the **** of Zhuxian.

"Give back my brother's life!"

The king of the five sense organs blasted out with a punch, and the weird laws flowed endlessly in the void, turning into Zhang Bairen's face, holding the Zhuxian sword in his hand, and stabbing Zhang Bairen in the same posture.

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Bairen smiled disdainfully, his eyes flowed inward to make a mockery: "Zhu Xian is immortal, and the world is unique. Can you copy it?"

Sword out


A half of the Zhuxian Sword emerged from the back of the King of Five Senses, and then black light lingered on the Sword of the Five Senses, and every ray of black light seemed to conceive a demon god, scrambling to penetrate into the body of the King of Five senses, swallowing the source of the King of Five senses.


The king of the five sense organs was wiped out in the blink of a finger. The runes on the Zhuxian sword flowed layer by layer, intertwined, and Zhang Bairen did not know how many runes were derived from this sword.

Now that Zhuxian God is comprehending these immortal runes, the countless insights have not had time to pass.

Zhang Bairen smiled coldly, and swept over the remaining second generation of the underworld kings. At this time, the eyes of the underworld kings all showed fear.

"Zhang Bairen!"

The remaining seven kings of the underworld all looked sad and angry at this time, when King Yama stretched out his palm, he saw a scroll in his hand.

Life and death are thin!

Five sources of humanity!


Zhang Bairen is a human being, so he naturally has to be suppressed by the roots of humanity, and King Yama can mobilize the roots of Yinsi and assist the other kings to temporarily suppress Zhang Bairen.

"Forest and all things, endless Yanfu" King Yama has a hideous complexion, and the origin of the gods all over his body rises into the sky, and he is suppressing Zhang Bairen endlessly.

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Bairen is not hurried or slow, with a relaxed smile on his face: "Today I deserve to be humane Consummation, and this humanitarian origin should return!"

The endless Luofu sentient beings seem to be circling in his eyes. Time is venting at this time. Zhang Bairen only feels that the time around his body has become stagnant, like glue, fixing the human body.


Seeing the opportunity, the other kings mobilized the rules to kill Zhang Bairen.

"If I'm trying to kill the king of the underworld, I'm afraid the rest will be scared away by me, and I still need to fight quickly!" Zhang Bairen's sword light shook, and the immortal will revived, wrapped in the mighty immortal power. , In an instant annihilated the endless world of Luofu, shattered the small six reincarnation, a sword pierced the body of the second generation king Biancheng.

When Zhu Xianjian was released from his hand, Jue Xianjian emerged, grasped by Zhang Bairen's delicate palm.

Seeing the sword light flashed across, the Jue Xian Sword inserted into Emperor Song's body, poured in from the Tianmen above his head, piercing the entire spine.

Never withdrew the Jue Xian Sword, letting the Jue Xian Sword swallow the origin of Emperor Song Emperor, the Slaying Sword burst out at this time, red light flashed across the sky, and the endless brutal murderous intent solidified the Yin Judicial Principle.

The king of Chujiang was circling the water of the yellow spring, his eyes stared at the sword that had been slashed, his eyes were full of tension, and drops of sweat slipped from his temples.

Who would have thought that the gods would also be afraid and sweat!

"I have guarded the heart, the internal organs, the sky gate above my head, and all the dead spots. You can't kill me!" Facing the death crisis, the second generation of Chujiang King roared.

"Puff whistle~"

The blood splattered, and King Chu Jiang's eyes were stagnant. He looked at the divine blood that kept falling from the tip of his nose, and his eyes were filled with amazement.

Then the Qi machine is cut off!

The Slaughter Sword penetrated the ancestral orifice of his eyebrows, and King Chu Jiang couldn't catch his eyes.

"Idiot~ guarding the whole body, but showing me the ancestors of the eyebrows. If you want to deliberately let the water go and tell me directly, why bother acting" Zhang Bairen's words are full of sarcasm, but his movements are not slow. The fairy sword flew out and slashed towards King Tai in the Ten Temple Yama.

Taishan King is not stupid, seeing his brothers killed one by one, how dare to fight Zhang Bairen, turn around and run without a word.

"You are more stupid, do you think your speed can surpass me?" Looking at King Tai with a wide open door behind him, Zhang Bairen cut out with a sword, and instantly pierced the back of King Tai, piercing it to the heart.

Seven of the Ten Temple Yamas were beheaded by him. Only six Yamas were left looking at Zhang Bairen with their faces like earth.

It's a long story, but Zhang Bairen's moves were so fast that everyone didn't react at all, and the four Hades were almost killed at the same time.

"Dare you!" The eyes of a generation of city king split open, and the blood slid down. He overturned the golden figure of the first emperor with one blow, and then killed Zhang Bairen.

"Since you want to will do you!" Zhang Bairen said indifferently, and the Four Swords of Zhu Xian swallowed the gods very quickly, but after three breaths, all the gods had been turned into ashes and disappeared.

Then I saw the four divine lights flashing across and re-inserted into Zhang Bairen's sleeves, and by this time the generation of city kings had already come close.

Zhang Bairen didn't evade, as if he had never seen the attack on the city king.

"Which~" Seeing the city king's attack approached the front, it had already been attached to Zhang Bairen's forehead, but the palm could not be photographed no matter what.

The golden man did not know when to stand up, with one palm firmly grasping the legs of a generation of city kings: "With me, you can never be embarrassed with the governor!"


A generation of city kings was lifted off by the first emperor and the Jinren, and fell heavily to the ground, whipping up all the dust.

Zhang Bairen looked at the remaining three Yamas, the sword of Zhu Xian slipped from his sleeve, and looked at each other blankly.

At this time, the three kings of Yama, King Zhuan, and King Qin Guang looked like earth, their eyes flashed with endless anger and fear under anger.

Ten Temple Yama has been in friendship for thousands of years, and now seven of them have died in this way. How can you tell them not to be angry?


Zhang Bairen is too strong, he is desperate!


There is no escape, nor dare to escape!

Taishan King is a lesson for the past. Once he turns around to expose his back flaws, he will die sooner.

"Zhang Bairen, you dare to slaughter the gods, the sin is unforgivable!" Wang Zhuan's expression was ugly.

How long did I still compete with the opponent, but now I am not an enemy of the opponent!


The mist in Yin Cao's abdomen vibrated, and a terrifying will revived, and then he heard a roar that shook the endless ghost world: "Zhang Bairen, you will die for me!"

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