First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2151: 5 lines of consummation, opening up the world

As the Demon Seed merged into the source of the Golden Beast, Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a sense of relaxation, but with a flick of his palm, he could not see the mountain rising up, and he flew into the center of the world in an instant, becoming an indomitable existence, suppressing the small world.

"You old guys, what the **** is going on?" Jin Woqi came out from the bottom of the mountain, looking at the other monsters with puzzled faces.

The water monster pulled the golden monster aside to explain, and the earth monster stepped forward and came to Zhang Bairen's side: "Now that the five elements are complete, my brothers are going to use this to make the great road today!"

"Can it be done?" Zhang Bairen showed some worry in his eyes.

"Look at the governor!" The Earth Monster smiled slightly, and turned to look at the other Demon Gods: "Brothers, for our future, we have to work harder this time. Be sure to open up a party before the Great Tribulation of the Era comes. Little Thousand World."

The words fell, but the sight of the beast revealed its true body, turning into a huge dharma image rising into the sky, shaking the entire small world with a roar, as if the entire small world was under its control.


Wood monsters, golden monsters, water monsters, and fire monsters also revealed their prototypes, and then the five elements in the entire small world boiled, as if they had come alive, becoming sentimental and living creatures.

The five monsters are fused with Zhang Bairen’s magic seeds, and part of their origin is in the body. Of course, they have the power to mobilize the Promise World. The five elements of the world are under his control in an instant. Then he sees the five monsters incarnate in the five directions, mobilizing the divine power to the vast and infinite. Chaos bombarded away.


Chaos rolled, exploding a space, and then the world's membranes instantly expanded.

At this time, the five monsters mobilized the Five Elements Rule, and the force of the rapid motivating rule was constantly evolving on the earth's membranes, making the world barrier closer.

"This is the role of the five monsters. Use the five monsters to mobilize the five elements to strengthen the world's fetal membranes. At the same time, use the five monsters to expand the territory and continuously expand the world!" Zhang Bairen felt in his heart for an instant.

As the five magical beasts merged into the Five Elements Rule and turned into five directions and five days, the Five Elements Rule in the entire small world turned out to be complete.

The five elements are the cornerstones of the world, and the cornerstones have been built, and the rest of the various laws are just a matter of course.

Zhang Bairen thought, ten miles of the world has been opened up.

The power of the five monsters exceeded Zhang Bairen's expectations.

The world is deriving, and countless qi of chaos is captured by the world and decomposed by the vitality of the five elements to moisturize the small world in front of you.

The foundation is constantly increasing, and the inexhaustible vitality is being bred. Although my own world is small, it has begun to give birth to life.

"The five big beasts are not in their peak state yet. If the five big beasts are in their peak state, how fast can they open up the world? Thousands of miles per day? One hundred thousand miles? One million miles?" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a trace of regret, but then he smiled slightly: "Yue There are good things to take away! I have taken a shortcut. If I don’t know how to be satisfied, it will only cause misfortune!"

Zhang Bairen’s binoculars derive the fire of wisdom. If he wants to evolve into a small world, not only is the world bigger to a certain extent, the evolution of the law must also keep up.

He didn't worry about this. The two thousand rules of Dao Hua bloomed now, enough for a small thousand world to be the cornerstone.

Becoming the lord of the world, Zhang Bairen has a clear understanding in his heart that the so-called small world, medium world, and big world are not divided by the definition of volume, but by the number of laws.

There are three thousand avenues, three thousand are bones, and the countless other laws are derived around these three thousand laws.

A world with a thousand perfect laws is a small world. A world with two thousand perfect laws is a middle thousand world. The Three Thousand Avenue is complete, and it is the Great Thousand World.

As for the great world, it is the endless tributaries derived from the Three Thousand Avenues, and even those tributaries that are derived to the extreme, and can no longer be derived, are the perfect world.

of course

The expansion of space and the increase of species diversity are good for the deduction of laws.

Often the size of the space is directly linked to the speed of the law deduction.

The larger the space and the more territories, the faster the law evolves.

But Zhang Bairen's world is too small, small and pitiful, so even if the two thousand rule is fulfilled, it is still just a small world.

The Promise World can only be called the real world.

What is Promise?

There is no limit, and there is no end to the world!

When Zhang Bairen's world gains to the limitless, he can no longer detect the margins, and sentient beings will never be able to move forward, then they can directly evolve from the small world to the middle thousand world.

Make sense

Everyone’s world grows to a certain extent, the law will be fulfilled. Who knows that Zhang Bairen’s avenue blossoms directly, the law has been fulfilled, his own small world is still a small place, even if there are two thousand perfect rules, Xiaoxiao The projectile land simply cannot be used, and the power of the Two Thousand Rule cannot come and blend into the small world.

It's like a drinking glass that cannot fit into a pot of water!

The small world is too small to contain the law of ‘a pot of water’ at all. This has dragged down the evolution of the small world and will only burst the small world.

As the world opens up little by little, the law returns in an instant, the world's fetal membranes continue to thicken, and the entire small world undergoes various mysterious changes at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a dignified look. At this time, the divinity completely descended from the chaos, and he personally controlled the evolution of the small world. It was necessary to seek the perfect evolution of every law and evolve an incredible force to make the endless void cater to it.

"It's done, I'm actually a hand shopkeeper. Although the small world is mine, I don't have to worry about it at all!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a hint of curiosity. Even with his eyesight at this time, he couldn't see his own divinity. The depth of the minute.

His own divinity seems to transcend everything, with incredible power, beyond the way of heaven, beyond the laws, beyond the heavens and the earth, and the universe is prehistoric.

Zhang Bairen had no impression of what he experienced when he traveled through time and space.

The earth is growing rapidly, the power of the soil is constantly being released, and the authority of the heavens is constantly being released, giving sentient beings more room for growth.

It's done!

Looking at the changes in the world in front of him, Zhang Bairen smiled slightly, turned and exited the space in front of him, and came to the outside world. A pair of eyes looked at the void in front of him, and slowly walked out of the eyes of the East China Sea. A mouth swallowed the entire small world, submerged into the chaotic world, and became Nourishment for the chaotic world.

"The governor is so capable, he even swallows the world and feeds on the world. I am afraid that the monks in the world will be shocked!" Zu Long stared at Zhang Bairen with bright eyes.

Zhang Bairen smiled lightly when he heard the words, and smiled noncommittal: "Long Zu is a good method. The front foot informs me of the whereabouts of the golden beast, and the back foot steals the origin of the golden beast, leaving me with an empty shell."

"If I don't swallow the Golden Beast's background, how can you collect the Golden Beast so easily?" Zu Long couldn't comment.

Zhang Bairen was stunned when he heard the words, then nodded and smiled: "It makes some sense!"

"Although I want to invite you to sit in my dragon palace, but I have to stop this thought." Zu Long looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "The demon gods are looking for the wood monsters."

"It's okay, Wood Monster has been subdued by me!" Zhang Bairen smiled lightly.

Zu Long changed his color when he heard the words, and his face was shocked: "Good means! Could it be that you have gathered five monsters?"

"Good luck, no way!" Zhang Bairen smiled triumphantly.

Seeing Zhang Bairen's smile, Zu Long couldn't help but feel his heart sinking: "Gathered five big monsters, among them, fire monsters and wood monsters are at their peak. If this kid doesn't have me, I'm afraid he will be invincible!"

"I can't provoke! I can't provoke easily!" Zu Long's heart suddenly had a feeling of Sheng Yu He Shengliang.

"How much does the ancestor know about the Yin Cao Jifu?" Zhang Bairen suddenly changed his words and looked at Zulong.

Zulong shook his head when he heard the words: "Maybe you should ask Laogui about this! When the ancestors and I died, there was still no Yin Cao Jifu born."

"Prime Minister tortoise? I don't know if I can recommend it?" Zhang Bairen looked at Long Zu Long nodded: "Since you have found the five great monsters, you are not afraid of the gods doing tricks, and follow me to the Crystal Palace. Sit down, and a guest wants to see you."

"Guest?" Zhang Bairen was stunned.

Human ancestry

The demon gods gathered at this time and looked at the new ancestral veins. The gods looked up and down for a long time before seeing the corpse smiled: "It's not easy. I waited for how many years my brothers worked hard to make this ancestral vein have a trace. The foundation of my gods, this ancestral vein is the key to my gods' counterattack in the middle domain, there must be no mistakes."

"The ancestor said that the wooden monster is in the underground world?" Xuan Ming looked at Jumang.

"Yes, I saw with my own eyes that Empress Nuwa displayed her supernatural powers and sealed her here with supreme means!" Ju Mang said confidently.

"There is a forbidden law set by Zhang Bairen. If you want to sneak into the veins, you still need to spend a lot of thought!" Shebi's corpse law opened her eyes, watching the wisps of murderous intent in the void, and her brows frowned.

After all, it was just a few wisps of sword aura, which could not stop the gods who were now returning to their peak state, but saw Shebi Zhe and others bypassing the sword formation all the way and going straight into the earth.

After walking for millions of miles, Xuan Ming stopped: "I said Jumang, are you reliable or not? That thing is really underneath? Why are you walking for so long, why didn't you find anything?"

"Walking down is the earth's turbid air, I must not provoke this thing to the upper body, and can't go forward!" She closed her brows and frowned, looking at the turbid origin of the earth rolling, she was shocked. .

"Don't say that Empress Nuwa sealed the wood beast in the source of turbid evil, this is simply impossible!" Ling watched towards Jumang.

Ju Mang was a little sitting on wax at this time: "It stands to reason that it should be here!"

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