First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2152: The truth before the ancient times

At this time, the demon gods began to suspect that life was not mentioned in the depths of the earth. At this time, Zhang Bairen was sitting in the East China Sea Dragon Palace with Zulong and Prime Minister Turtle.

Looking at Prime Minister Tortoise, who was sitting on the same level as Zulong, Zhang Bairen's pupils shrank suddenly: "What is the origin of this old man?"

Of course, Prime Minister Turtle was still the Prime Minister Turtle, from the beginning to the end, and no one was taken away, but at this moment Zhang Bairen looked at the Prime Minister Turtle, only to find that he had never really known this old fellow.

"What?" The old turtle met Zhang Bairen's surprised gaze, and the corners of his mouth slightly cocked: "Very surprised?"

"The ancestor can sit here, it is really incredible!" Zhang Bairen took a sip of the spirit liquid, his eyes were full of solemn look at Prime Minister Turtle.

"Old tortoise is an immortal of the same age as Zulong. To be precise, it is an era earlier than him." Prime Minister tortoise said unhurriedly: "The old tortoise has been severely injured in the Great Ancient War from ancient times to the present. The origin has only improved in recent years, and the strength has gradually recovered."

Zhang Bairen's pupils shrank. This old tortoise had lived from time immemorial to the present, and has witnessed the vicissitudes of the vicissitudes of life. It is definitely a living fossil, it is incredible.

"There is one thing that the younger generation wants to ask the ancestors, I wonder if the ancestors can help..." Zhang Bairen looked at Prime Minister Turtle with a pair of eyes.

"Ask, there are few things I don't know about since the ancient times!" Kame prime minister said with a smile.

"I don't know where the underground palace came from?" Zhang Bairen asked the biggest doubt in his heart.

After hearing the words, the old turtle moved for a while, then his brows slowly frowned, and after a while, he said: "This matter is complicated. In the ancient times, after the Empress Nuwa ascended to the immortal, it was the age of the Emperor of Heaven! It's a secret left by the emperor. You should have heard about the emperor."

Zhang Bairen nodded when he heard the words, Laogui's expression was emotional, revealing a touch of incredibleness: "The Emperor of Heaven is a miracle in itself. He uses the human flesh to merge with the true spirit of the sun, and then coerce the world to create a heaven, dominate the sun and the moon, and crush countless gods Just bow your head."

"It's a pity that the Emperor of Heaven is frantic and wants to destroy the world and reverse the time and space. Although the gods are afraid of the power of the Emperor, they have to bite the bullet and rise up!" Prime Minister Kame showed a touch of fear and emotion: "How many innate gods were killed by the Emperor back then. Only? There are countless! The countless innate gods in the world have been killed by him for ninety-nine percent!"

Zhang Bairen was shocked when he heard the words, but Zulong stopped moving, but he never thought there was such a cruel person!

Heavenly Emperor Xie, All Gods

The underworld is the organization where the gods unite against the emperor!

"At this time, the overall situation of billions of years finally emerged! Before the Primordial Era, ten ancestors of the Protoss came alive under the catastrophe and restarted the Yin Cao dungeon, this yin Cao dungeon was to resurrect the dead gods!" Soundtrack.

"What?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback when he heard the words.

"No! No! No! No! Shebishi and others were suppressed by Empress Nuwa, it proves that Empress Nuwa was alive in the days of the Emperor of Heaven. Why didn't Empress Nuwa prevent the Emperor from exterminating the world? Let the Emperor slaughter the gods?" Zhang Bairen puzzled. , Pointed out the flaws.

"This is also the greatness of the Emperor of Heaven. You would never have imagined that the Emperor of Heaven sealed the Empress Nuwa and sealed the Empress of Nüwa in the depths of endless time and space! You would never imagine the Emperor of Heaven in that era. How defying the sky is!" Prime Minister Turtle was trembling: "I can't imagine! The immortal will also bow to the wind!"

"There is such a strong man in the world?" Zu Long's eyes were full of incredible.

"Later, the ten kings of the underworld were in chaos and wanted to resurrect the dead gods. They rebelled against the heavens and forcibly reversed the Yin and Yang. Naturally, the Nuwa Empress did not allow her, and then broke the seal and sealed the powerful people in the underworld, and then the Yin Cao fell silent!" Prime Minister Turtle lowered his head. "As long as five thousand years ago, a wedge reappeared in the underworld, and the gods were active in the world again. Some gods returned against the sky, but unfortunately they were slaughtered in the Kunlun Mountains! The plan to resurrect the gods was once again hindered. "

Zhang Bairen heard this silently, and what Prime Minister Turtle said today has overturned his imagination.

This is not the same as the history that I know well!

The emperor is so strong? Can even immortals be defeated?

"Later the underground palace was reopened, but the human immortal Lao Tan once again suppressed Yin Cao with a talisman, and then delayed the return of the gods! Lao Tan went out of Hangu Pass to the west and disappeared!" Gui Chengxiang sighed.

Zhang Bairen heard the words silently, digesting all kinds of information from the turtle prime minister.

"I don't know who the ancestor is?" Zhang Bairen looked at Prime Minister Turtle with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

Being able to survive the catastrophe, from the time immemorial to the present, the identity of Prime Minister Kameko is by no means simple.

"It's just a defeated!" Prime Minister Turtle shook his head, eyes full of emotion.

Zhang Bairen was silent when he heard this, but Zu Long smiled and said: "Since the governor has finished asking the gossip, this king is about to introduce you to someone."

"I don't know who it is, it is worth introducing Zulong?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback when he heard the words.

Zu Long looked at the Piandian: "Come out!"

There was a sound of footsteps, and then I saw a flawless man walking slowly to the Crystal Palace and saluting the Zulong and Tortoises meeting above, before looking at Zhang Bairen: "Wusheng, let's meet again!"

"City King!!!" Zhang Bairen's hair was horrified for an instant, this is a truly immortal powerhouse, and he unexpectedly came to the Yang world.

But think about it, the barrier of the two realms can't stop even the strong of the law body, let alone the power of the immortal realm?

"The governor thinks too much, this true body is still fighting in the Yin Cao, and a ray of thought appears in the world, just to see your face!" City King Feng smiled lightly, without the anger of the ten kings of the underworld being killed.

"You came to me through Zulong, not to invite me to dinner and tea!" Zhang Bairen took a sip from his glass.

"Now the battle of the Yin Cao is anxious. Since I am resurrected, I definitely have no reason to tell the First Emperor's army to step into the abdomen of the Yin Cao! The Governor does not want to see my Yin Cao Kings recover, right? Humanity is afraid that it will be vulnerable by then, my Yin Cao Ten Kings In the sun world, who can stop it?" The city king's eyes were full of aggressive meaning: "The governor is supernatural, but how many people can he stop? Three or four? Do you count on those old folks of your human race?"

The war broke out and destroyed the world, Zhongzhou will only turn into ashes in the aftermath of the fight!

Even if the Terran can block the Ten Kings, he is afraid that he will withdraw from the stage of history and give up the Central Earth China.

"I'm afraid that the ten kings will not have the chance to come to Yangshi!" Zhang Bairen stared at the city king with a pair of eyes.

"You can try" City King didn't hesitate, and Feng Qingyun smiled lightly.

Zhang Bairen's face was gloomy when he heard the words, and he sat there with a cold face, the wine glass in his hand turned into powder.

"Hey, don't you want the smell of gunpowder to be so big!" Zu Long said to reconcile: "Everyone can talk peacefully. Is there anything that can't be solved?"

Zhang Bairen sneered when he heard the words: "The gods refine the origin of humanity and want to control the life and death of humanity. This kind of contradiction can't be reconciled at all."

"If you invite me to just want to talk about these nonsense, then you don't have to talk about it anymore, everyone can do their own things in the future!" Zhang Bairen's hand seemed to go back in time.

"Hehe, I am here naturally not wanting to talk nonsense with you, your human race can't defeat the Yin Cao, how about stopping the fighting? In the future, your human race will plot the land, my Yin Cao and the pre-Qin army will not violate the river water!" City King looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes .

Zhang Bairen heard the words silently, and after a while he said, "You should ask the first emperor about this, but I can't be the master."

"If the governor agrees, I will naturally have a way to persuade the first emperor." The city king put out a contract in his hand.

Zhang Bairen was noncommittal: "If the first emperor agrees, I have no reason to disagree."

When the city king heard the words, the corners of his mouth curled up and looked at Zulong: "Please go to the Yin Cao and invite the will of the first emperor to discuss important matters together here!"

Zulong nodded when he heard the words, swiped his finger, and tore the void in front of him. The control of the law was as simple as drinking water and eating. In an instant, the two realm passages broke open and the Yinshan battlefield appeared in front of him.

Yinshan Battlefield

As the sky was torn apart again, Qin Shihuang stopped and stood still with the city king.

"Ying Zheng!" Zu Long said, his voice was thunderous.

"Your excellency?" The first emperor said with a puzzled ancestor of the ancestor dragon clan" Zu Long said.

"It turned out to be the Zulong" Shi Huang said, "Your Excellency will also intervene in the Yin Cao affairs?"

"The general governor is right in front of me, just talk to the general governor if you have anything!" Zu Long stopped speaking, but gave the right to speak to Zhang Bairen.

"General Governor? National Teacher?" Shi Huang really saw Zhang Bairen's figure.

"When can I break the Yinshan Mountain?" Zhang Bairen looked at Qin Shihuang below.

"Difficult!" Shi Huang said a word.

"The king of the city wants to sign a contract with you to quell the flames of war, allowing you to set aside autonomy outside the Yinshan Mountains, and the two sides will not interfere with each other!" Zhang Bairen said.

"I'm afraid that this old guy is not well-intentioned and will delay time!" Shi Huang said coldly.

Zhang Bairen didn't say a word, and after a while he listened to the city king: "Why do you bother? Since you can't break the defenses of the two realms, it's just useless work to go on like this."

"What do you think?" Shi Huang looked at Zhang Bairen, ignoring the words of the city king.

Zhang Bairen groaned for a while, tapping his fingers on the case, and after a long time he said meaningfully: "Yes! But there is no need for contract or something, just put out the war!"

When Shi Huang heard the words, he nodded, scanned the hinterland of Yinshan Mountain opposite, and sighed softly, "Then stop!"

"Your Majesty, what does the national teacher mean?" Bai Qi and the others are puzzled. Now they have finally broken through the Yin Mountain. Although it is difficult to penetrate Yin Cao's abdomen, it is not without hope.

"The national teacher has his own calculations, I am afraid that I have already seen the clues of the Yin Cao!" The first emperor slowly closed his eyes and returned to his house to drive: "Withdraw troops!"


The war drums sounded, and the pre-Qin army retreated, leaving only a gap in the Yinshan mountain that was hundreds of miles in size, and sobbing in the mountain breeze.


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