First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2167: The Tribulation of Liangzhou

The yellow sand is full, Zhang Bairen walks alone in the endless desert, feeling the gravel under his feet. Each gravel contains the residual wave of the law. People with weaker cultivation bases step on this place, and they will be turned into powder by the aftermath of the law in an instant. .

Zhang Bairen's soles are crystal clear, like warm jade, no matter what the law of yellow sand under his feet fluctuates, he can't help it.

Far away, Zhang Bairen saw the vast Xiongguan far away, but that Xiongguan was fleeting.

"The laws of this place are broken, and the magnetic field of heaven and earth is disordered, and the wives must be in the center of the desert! A glimpse before, is just a fragment of time!" Zhang Bairen showed a dignified touch, and after walking for more than a dozen miles, his steps suddenly stopped.

"Come out!"

The voice spoke to the void.

The yellow sand squirmed, each with a weird shape, a large insect that was more than ten feet long slowly drilled out of the soil.

"Unexpectedly, there are still creatures living in this cruel environment!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a dignified look.

"I'm a race shaped by the gods, specializing in killing you and other monks from China!" A dozen hands and feet grew out of the abdomen of the big insect, and a pair of eyes looked at Zhang Bairen coldly: "For thousands of years, from There were also many monks who walked out of China, and they all died here in order to find the trace of the Yellow Emperor!"

"Oh? Waiting to slaughter my Chinese heroes, it's a crime worthy of death!" Zhang Bairen's expression was cold.

"Huh, people in China deserve to die! If it weren't from the Han people in China, I wouldn't have to be turned into a monster like this by the gods! If it weren't for Xingtian Great Sovereign to fall into penance and break through the final realm, would I wait Will be humiliated by the gods!" The killing intent in the sandworm's eyes skyrocketed.

No creature can survive the fluctuations of the law. When the Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi fought against the gods, countless gods were suppressed by the Huangdi Xuanyuan into the heavenly graves. The sky and the earth were broken in that battle, and all the land was destroyed. This creature in the yellow sand , Is the surviving Jiuli people of this continent that year, under the curse of the gods, they will never leave the sand sea, endure the strangulation of the law, and guard the remnant of Xuanyuan Huangdi.

The remnant of Xuanyuan Huangdi is in the desert!

Zhang Bairen has already understood that he has cultivated to the realm of Yangshen and runs through the ancient, modern and future. As long as the other party does not deliberately cover the secrets, when he arrives here, he already knows the cause and effect.

"This place is Liangzhou in Kyushu! One continent has been broken, completely erased from the heavens and the earth, and has become a life forbidden zone! The Jiuli tribe that captured Liangzhou in the past was also angered by the deadly and injured gods. As a sandworm in the restricted zone that will never escape!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a solemn look.

"It's all you and the human race. If you weren't willing to serve the gods, how could I be angered by the gods?" Sandworm roared.

"Hehe, it was obvious that the gods were angry that Chi You was defeated. The battle of West Kunlun and the battle of the Yellow Emperor had already caused the gods to lose their vitality, so they turned their anger to Chi You!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed mockery.

"What I am actually curious about is why the gods didn't erase the secret of this place, but let the strong human race come here!" Zhang Bairen asked his doubts.

"Hmph, Xuanyuan's daring to suppress the gods is a death crime! It's so bold! Xuanyuan's corpse is in the center of Liangzhou. How can Xuanyuan's subordinates and descendants leave the remains of their ancestors to stay here, without condolences for thousands of years?" A smile: "Anyone who dares to come to this place must be an outstanding figure in practice, a rising star among the younger generations of Xuanyuan. Only by continuously killing Xuanyuan's blood can the hatred of the gods be solved!"

Zhang Bairen heard the words silently, and kept inferring various causes and effects. If Xuanyuan died here, what happened to the tomb of the emperor in China?

"Cooking beans and burning bean dichotoma, the beans are in the cauldron, they were originally grown at the same root, so why are they too anxious to fry each other! Whether Jiuli or Yanhuang, they are all of human blood. You can't forget the hatred and keep using them. The hatred is torturing himself!" Zhang Bairen sighed softly.

"Nonsense, if the Xuanyuan child hadn't had good luck back then, would my king be defeated?" Sand Worm roared.

"No matter so much, as long as I enter it, I can find the truth! I can find the truth about Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi. Huangdi Xuanyuan created the three graves and other great supernatural powers, I don't believe it is dead!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of solemnity. Light.

"Hmph, no matter who you are, you dare to enter this place, there is only a dead end!" The sandworm leader smiled coldly, and the next moment the yellow sand rolled, turning into an overwhelming storm to Zhang Bairen.

If it is ordinary yellow sand, Zhang Bairen doesn't care, but the yellow sand here has already exaggerated the power of the law, and it is definitely not easy to stop it. Even if the Yang God is a real person and a strong Dharma body, he can only retreat.

But who is Zhang Bairen?

He has proved that he is a golden body, and he is a truly strong golden body, and he is capable of immortality. How can he be afraid of these residual laws?

"Er Deng suffers from the power of law day and night, it is better to die than to live! Lord, I am merciful, and today I am free from you!" Zhang Bairen's thunder was punished, blood-red thunder was overwhelming, and the law remained wherever he passed. The aftermath collapsed in an instant and dissipated in the world.

Zhang Bairen's eyes showed coldness, the yellow sand subsided where the thunder passed, and countless sandworms crawled out of the ground screaming and spurted blood.


I saw the light of countless sandworms incarnate law, strangling Zhang Bairen.


Zhang Bairen never used the Zhuxian Sword, facing a group of sandworms whose laws were incomplete, using the Zhuxian Sword would be a little overkill.

"Inverse chaos yin and yang!"

The yin and yang flows around Zhang Bairen's body, and the innate laws of yin and yang flow, and the yellow sand where he passes is instantly refined, and the residual law fluctuations attached to it also disappear, turning into ordinary yellow sand and falling to the ground.

Countless sandworms screamed and dived deep into the earth.

"Fan Tianyin!"

Zhang Bairen's hands changed his seal, and the earth flew up and down, and the sand worms in the yellow sand flew out and fell into the yin and yang two qi, which were constantly being destroyed and refined.

"Junior, don't deceive others too much!" Sandworm kept roaring.

"This is to help you get out of the way, you should thank me!" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly.

"Bah! It's better to die than to live, and I want you to help out!" Sandworm cursed.

At this time, Zhang Bairen's yin and yang two auras surged into the sky, turning into a yin and yang fish, wrapped in endless light, and invaded the surrounding hundreds of miles. That mighty divine might attracted the attention of countless powerful people in Kyushu. Although there was a great ability to perceive the movement in the desert, all of them stood by silently and did not dare to step forward.

Where is the forbidden zone of life? For thousands of years, even if you have a high cultivation base and great abilities, you are no more than an ant, nothing more!

There is only one dead end to enter it!


It seems that Zhang Bairen’s disturbance was so loud that it disturbed the ancestors of the sandworm family, and saw the yellow sand turning over the enclave and shaking the mountain. The sandworms ten miles long and three miles wide rushed straight into the sky and drilled out of the soil. Shining the light of law.

This sand worm already has a human head and body, but the legs still look like sand worms.

"It's kind of interesting, you guys actually swallowed the remaining laws, wanting to break the curse of the gods and escape, and give you another five thousand years, maybe it really made you successful!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of surprise.

This is a good thing. If you can feed Zhu Xianjian, you don't know how many immortal lines will be born.

"Junior, I dare to slaughter my children and grandchildren, come to the territory of the sandworm clan to be presumptuous, today you can't forgive you!" But he heard a roar shaking the void, roaring the clouds into void water vapor.

A palm shot, covering the sky and the sky successively, the endless law of light circulates, blocking time and space to call Zhang Bairen.


The yin and yang two qi was penetrated by one of the palms, and Zhang Bairen changed his color suddenly, and his eyes showed a touch of seriousness: "Your Excellency is a good method, but unfortunately, I can be a hero of my human race, but I have chosen to be the running dog of the gods."

Zhang Bairen's petals flowed around his body, and instantly turned into Zhu Rong's true body, and he shot out likewise and hit the giant.

"Different ways are not conspiring!" The Sand Zerg tribe ancestor smiled coldly.


The void vibrated, the pieces shattered, and endless ripples were rolled up.

There was a solemn look in Zhang Bairen's eyes. Although Zhu Rong's real body slapped the sandworm ancestor to pieces, he saw that broken palm turned into yellow sand, and then reorganized in an instant.

"Old ancestor, I have become immortal, how are you my opponent? You can't kill me!" The ancestor gave a cold smile and continued to call Zhang Bairen.

"I still need a quick fight. Although I am not afraid of the gods, I don't want anything wrong at this time! I came to Kyushu this time just to find the answer to the mystery of the death of Emperor Xuanyuan. It's not the time for a showdown with those gods! "Zhang Bairen smiled coldly, and stretched out his palm to hold Zhu Rongqi, only to see the flag flags covering the sky and the sun covering the world, without giving the ancestor any time to react, and already wrapped it.

"Refining!" Zhu Rong flag turned into an ordinary flag banner size, on which a raging nine-flavored real fire rose up, constantly smelting the sandworm ancestors in Zhu Rong flag.

The screams rushed into the sky, making the hearers sad, the listeners weeping, and the sandworm ancestors roared in pain.

Zhu Rongqi is the complete law of fire, and the sandworm ancestor is just the aftermath of the law of the gods. How can it contend with Zhu Rong's law?

At a quarter to three, the screams in Zhu Rong Qi went out, Zhang Bairen shook Zhu Rong Qi away, but saw a puddle of magma flowing out, rolling down the yellow sand.

The magma was rolling and wriggling strangely on the yellow sand, turning into a middle-aged man with fiery red skin and weird lines on it.

"What?" Zhang Bairen frowned, "Why didn't he die?"

"Thank you, if it weren't for your Excellency Zhu Rongzhenhuo for melting the chaotic laws of my whole body into a furnace, and relying on my own practice, I am afraid that there will be no chance of detachment in this life and this life! In return, I will send you to Huangquan Road?" With a cold smile, the hot air all over his body rose into the sky, shaking the void of the clouds.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen said coldly, "It doesn't matter if it has evolved! It's not bad! This way, it can make the best use of it."

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