First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2168: Long Xiongguan, the tomb of the Yellow Emperor

"Oh? So what? Isn't it still hard to escape?" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly.


I heard a sound, and then I saw the Slaughter Immortal Sword suddenly emerge from the ancestor's body, black air rushing into the sky like a chain, it swept across the sky in an instant, shot from the Zhuxian Sword, and penetrated here. The whole body has a hundred apertures, and its origin is firmly locked.

Crazy devouring power came from the Slaughter Immortal Sword, constantly devouring this original power.

I saw Zhang Bairen's face with disdain: "If you don't melt the fragments of the law into a furnace and become a big success, you will be a bit violent to kill you. Once you have a great power, you can use the material to the best effect!"

"you you you!"

The body of the ancestor of the Sand Insect tribe was trembling, and one finger pointed tremblingly at Zhang Bairen, trying to mobilize the magical powers and origins in his body, but he saw the magical powers in his body tumbling, seeming to be constrained by a certain strange power, and he just couldn't use it.

"Haha!" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly. At this time, the yellow sand was so full that no one would have imagined that the ancestors of the Sand Zerg tribe, who had captured unexplored number of outstanding talents for five thousand years, were defeated in this way, and it was so simple. .

Zhang Bairen smiled coldly, the sandworm clan ancestor turned around with difficulty, his eyes fixed on the Taiqing Dharma body behind him. After all, he died of Qi and turned into a clean Qi and was completely swallowed by the Slaughter Immortal Sword.

When the Taiqing Dharma body returned, Zhang Bairen's face was cold, scanning the land in front of him, the cold light in his eyes flickered, and the next moment the Zhuxian sword slipped from his sleeve, pierced into the mud under his feet in an instant, and then only saw the demon roaring , A magical shadow rushed into the sky, opened its big mouth and suddenly sucked in the sand below, and saw the overwhelming sandworms rushing into the sky from the soil, and was swallowed up in a blink of an eye.

Thousands of miles of yellow sand land, all the aftermath of the law, the sandworm family, are all swallowed by the sword and the devil, and become the nourishment of the sword.

After killing this demon god, Zhang Bairen saw the immortal rune derived from it again, and then continued to walk forward without saying a word.

After the battle of the gods, the laws of time and space are chaotic, and the void is constantly shaking and distorted. A little carelessness is the end of the aftermath of the laws.

Zhang Bairen did not rush, followed the female widow's Qi machine, and walked straight into the yellow sand. After walking thousands of miles, his footsteps suddenly stopped, but he saw the void in front of him twisted and became a detour point in time and space.

No way ahead!

"Space-time barrier?" Zhang Bairen was stunned. He had only heard of this kind of thing before, but it was the first time he saw it.

But now Zhang Bairen has endless magical powers and infinite mana. Even the way of time and space has been explored. He saw petals fluttering between his fingers, turning into a law of light.


Zhang Bairen resembled a golden mouth, his words fell and saw a gap in the barrier of time and space in front of him, and the next moment the earth-shattering law wave came from behind the barrier of time.

Zhang Bairen stepped across the barrier of time and space, and then he couldn't help but stunned when he looked at the foreground. Behind the barrier of time and space, he was still a part of Liangzhou. When he entered, countless strong foreign races rushed into the sky, and the light of the law bloomed.

Long Xiongguan, crossing the ground without seeing the edge, it is as high as the sky.

At this time, the female wives stood on the long and long male gate, and saw the void constantly shaking, and the female wives smashed the mountains and fought with the foreign masters.

There are demons and people of Jiuli!

"Er waits to invade Liangzhou of my human race and wants to desecrate the grave of the emperor. Even if I die today, I will never let the rat generation succeed!" The female wives roared, and the flames blazed all over her body, she wanted to show her true body.

"This is our home for survival, and we must not ask the wives to show off their real bodies, otherwise I am afraid that the land of this life will be turned into ruins!" A master of the Jiuli clan roared.

Zhang Bairen suddenly realized that he turned to look at the time-space barrier behind him: "This barrier must be man-made, perhaps by the God of Time, in order to isolate the land of thousands of miles of yellow sand, lest this continent be invaded by that yellow sand, and it is a conflict between the Jiuli people. The monster clan has opened up a universe that can be nurtured."

Zhang Bairen's face was clear, and he looked at this place full of vitality at a glance. Because of the laws and storms of the outside world, there was a powerful shot that brought the veins of Liangzhou together in this projectile, making this place more vibrant and vigorous than ever.

The area is smaller, the dragon veins are still the dragon veins of a state, and the vitality is naturally increased by hundreds of times.

This continent continued to connect with Manghuang, but it was separated from Manghuang by a Xiongguan, and was cut off by Xiongguan. If someone cuts off the way to Xiongguan, everyone will be bound here and become the well in the sky.




The Jiuli Clan is not without masters, and the pinnacle shot hit the female widow's body around the weakness of the aura, causing the female widow's half of the dry body to retract back.

"Bastard! If you have the ability, you tell me to show my true identity, and I will die with my aunt and grandmother!" The wives roared up to the sky angrily.

Just like Ultraman, transformation and transformation are two forms! The gap is not the same.

"Hahaha, I'm not stupid to wait, why do you ask you to show your true body to make trouble for me? The tomb of Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi is here. As the emperor's daughter, you just go down to accompany him!" All the masters shot one after another, Jiuli Clan With the help of the power of the gods, the master's ability cannot be divided by the human realm.

However, with the method of the female widow, he was still trapped here and couldn't make it. Obviously, the other party was afraid that he was also a powerful figure in the realm of Dharmakaya.

It is even hard to say that there is a will of the innate **** coming to possess him!

"Haha, interesting! Today, Zhu Xian Jiandao can have a full meal!" Zhang Bairen's Zhu Xian sword was cut out in an instant, the bright brilliance dimmed the sun and the moon, stunning time and space, and stagnating time.

Sword out

The three powerful Dharmakayas turned into ashes, and all their spirits and spirits were swallowed completely.

"who are you!"

Suddenly, Zhang Bairen was shocked by the powerhouses and had to stop his movements, staring at Zhang Bairen with a vigilant light on his face, his whole body tense, and he seemed to be ready to go at any time.

Zhang Bairen smiled softly: "Xiaoxiao Luoyue Invisible Sword, persuade Jun Nihai to turn back!"

"Er, etc., invaded my human tribe, slaughtered the Han family's blood, and seized the Han family's children, it is a death crime!" Zhang Bairen's face was cold, and he stabbed out again without a word.

Obviously you see the opponent making a move, and even clearly see the sword light stab at you, but you just can't avoid it, the whole person seems to be a nightmare, let the opponent kill.

Zhang Bairen smiled coldly, flicked his wrist and sent three sword flowers into the throats of the three strong men. In an instant, the spirits and spirits of the three were taken away and turned into dust and disappeared.


The rest of the strong men refused to sit and wait for death, one after another, they called Zhang Bairen. To be honest, the Jiuli and the monsters were not weak, and they could even compete with the ordinary innate gods, but compared with Zhang Bairen. , But it is not worth mentioning.

Zhang Bairen had a murderous heart, his hands kept moving, and the sword light rolled up all the powerful people and turned them into ashes.

Sword out


At this time, the female wives just reacted, looking at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "You are finally here!"

"These five thousand years of human race are growing, but the Jiuli tribe is growing even more! With the support of gods, the Jiuli tribe is simply invincible." Zhang Bairen shook his head, his eyes full of solemnity.

At first glance, I am afraid that there are not hundreds of millions of tribes here. The mixture of humans and monsters, dragons and snakes is also in line with the characteristics of the Jiuli.

"Betraying the human race, it's time to kill!" The woman's face was cold.

"Just to sacrifice my Zhuxian Sword!" Zhang Bairen swept across the panic-stricken Jiuli tribe below, throwing the Zhuxian Sword in his hand, but saw that the demon shadow emerged from the Zhuxian Sword and instantly reorganized, holding the Zhuxian Sword with a grim expression. The Jiuli tribe below slaughtered away.


The void rolled up and thunderous, and the blood of the Jiuli tribe ran into a river in an instant, and because of the barriers of time and space, there was no escape.

"It's not the time for a showdown with Kyushu, we still need a quick battle! It won't be long before the masters of the Jiuli clan will come to the door. Are you sure that the tomb of the Yellow Emperor is here?" Zhang Bairen looked at the wife.

The female widow was silent when she heard the words, turned sorrowful and walked forward: "Follow me!"

This is the first time that Zhang Bairen has set foot on the Xiongguan Pass. The **** smell of the Xiongguan Pass is filled with red blood under his feet, and even some blood stains are flowing with the sacred light, and the light of the law will not dissipate.

Zhang Bairen stepped onto Xiongguan with a solemn He heard countless howls, roars, despair and unwillingness in the wind!

Behind Xiongguan are the wives and children, and the elders!

Watching Xiongguan be seized, that kind of despair was ignored!

"In the future, the Jiuli Clan will be exterminated!" The woman's head lowered her eyes full of murderous intent.

Zhang Bairen was silent, somewhat silent.

No one can forgive the sins committed by the Jiuli nationality for the dead powerful and common people, just like no one can forgive the dead compatriots and seniors of the Han family for being tortured and killed by foreign races!

Although they are all living, as descendants of future generations, they have no right to forgive the sins committed in those years.


Before Xiongguan, a small mound of inconspicuousness, the woman's wife said to Zhang Bairen.

When Zhang Bairen heard the words, he was surprised.

No one would have imagined that the Huangdi, who was the world's most powerful man, would be buried in this unknown place, and there would be no descendants to come to pay homage.

"If it weren't for me and my father, I would be buried here, I'm afraid I wouldn't have thought that my father would be buried in Xiongguan!" The wives sighed, and a touch of sadness appeared in her eyes.

Although it is a small bag of soil, it is not ordinary at all. The power of the obscure laws is constantly fluctuating, and the emperor's dragon gas guards this place, covering all the secrets.

"Go in!" A drop of hot'magma' flew out of the woman's body, but saw the void twisted in front of her, forming a secluded cave.

Although the tomb is small, it is different!

Zhang Bairen felt uneasy, and some did not dare to accept it. Is Emperor Xuanyuan really dead?

What about flying into a fairy?

He couldn't accept it for a while!

He couldn't understand how powerful Xuanyuan was, how could he die?

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