First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2183: Yin Si Yuan Yuan is present

Ten kings shot

Can't stop the shock of the gods, can't stop the aftermath of the shock?

It's like you can't stop the bullet, can't you still stop the wind brought by the bullet?

The divine light in Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed, and he saw the ten temple Yan Luo sweeping the Shendao law bursting out of his body. Before the gang wind rushed into the mist, he abruptly stopped the gang wind and avoided the turmoil behind him.

"Zhang-Hai-Ren!" An angry fire rose in the eyes of King Yama.

Ignoring the anger of King Yama, and the murderous gaze of Yama of Ten Temples, Zhang Bairen carefully stared at the whole Yin Cao world with his eyes.

"How is it? Did the Yin Division origin appear?" Zhang Heng widened his eyes and asked subconsciously.

"Not so fast, the power of the aftermath is beyond imagination, so it should have appeared!" Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed, and the light of the law flowed endlessly.

"Zhang Bairen, what on earth do you want to do! Is it possible that you want to destroy the Yin Cao Heifu and destroy the souls of these trillions of souls?" The Ten Temple Hades flew out of the world barrier angrily and came to Zhang Bairen with eyes full of Annoyed and turned into anger: "If you don't wait for a reasonable explanation today, even if you pay a high price, you will have to completely cut your human foundation from the Yin Cao Jifu."

"I wait for you, because I respect you as a strong generation. If you don't know anything about it, then you can blame us for being cruel and turning your Terran territory into ashes! Can't kill you, can't you kill your Terran monk? "Qin Guang Wang Leng Ran.

Ignoring the words of the kings of Hades, Zhang Bairen scanned the turbulent natural disasters, like the apocalyptic underworld, suddenly Zhang Heng's eyes lit up: "There seems to be a source of energy over there!"

When the words fell, Zhang Heng rushed forward without saying a word. This is the origin of the Yin Cao, the power of the law, even Zhang Heng will be shocked.




Everyone walked in their fingers, leaving Zhang Bairen standing there in a daze, "Why didn't I find anything?"

The words fell, bypassing the ten kings, breaking through the world barrier, and heading straight to the depths of the Yin Cao.

"Leave me!"

Ten kings look at me and I see you. Everyone is not a fool. Obviously, the powerful people of the human race must have discovered something extraordinary if they act like this, and they immediately caught up with them.

Yang Shi

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, Shebi sighed: "There must be a big change in the Yin Cao Jifu, we should also go back and take a look. Instead, we have to see what the powerful people of the human race do. Such large fluctuations."

The aura of the collision between the two worlds cannot be concealed from the innate gods!

East China Sea

Prime Minister Turtle had a pair of innate gossip in his body, and the ancestor dragon on the opposite side was vomiting the essence of the sun and the moon.

"The breath of origin?" Zu Long said uncertainly.

"You sensed it too? I thought it was just an illusion!" Prime Minister Turtle put down his chess pieces: "But, how could the origin be born?"

"If you can swallow the original source, your and me cultivation base will respond much faster. This kind of heaven-sent opportunity must not be missed!" Zulong turned into a streamer and plunged into the void and disappeared.

"Wait for me!" Prime Minister Turtle received the innate gossip and ran after him in a blink of an eye.

East China Sea

Within the magma

A giant slowly opened his eyes, and the Primordial Prestige aura flickered by: "The original aura? It's a pity...I'm still a little short of being able to be fully resurrected. Although my body has been subjected to the power of heaven and earth for hundreds of millions of years, it has become more Hard to control."

North of Yin Cao Jifu

The immortal talisman gleams with the divine light, and it reverses the universe to create a pure land in the deadly world.

This place is a million li, the foothills of the roads and mountains, green mountains and clear waters, and the thatched cottages are hidden among the mountains, and the scenery is unspeakable.

"Yin Cao Yuan Yuan!" A figure slowly pushed away the thatched cottage, his eyes scanned the direction of Yin Cao's center, and there was a divine light in his eyes.

Looking closely, this person is similar to Zhang Heng, except that he is a lot younger: "I didn't expect to have such a fortune today, and I can find the origin of Yin Cao!"

The divine light flowed in the eyes of the shadow, and then it turned into a flowing light and disappeared into the sky without saying a word.

Not only this person, at this time, in this pure land of the world, dusty cottages opened one after another, and people dressed in clothes thousands of years ago stepped through the sky and went to the depths of the Yinsi.

"It's interesting!" Zhang Bairen swept across the stream of light between the sky and the earth, the vast and immortal auras crisscrossing the sky and the earth, his eyes showed a little dignity: "The human heritage is beyond my expectation!"

In the deepest part of Yin Cao, the colorful light bloomed, and the void shattered in the deepest part of Yin Cao, and the colorful light came from the broken void.

Looking at the colorful light and the broken void, the Taoist people stopped.

Facing the treasure, but stopped suddenly, absolutely not in line with your Taoist style.

Zhang Bairen chased up and glanced at the Yin Cao Yuanyuan, with a fiery glow in his eyes.

"The origin of the Yin Cao! Er et al. found the origin of the Yin Cao!" The ten kings who followed immediately showed enthusiasm, and their anger had been abandoned in the clouds.

"Huh? It's not right!" Zhang Bairen stopped beside Zhang Heng: "There seems to be something wrong here!"

"With the Yin Cao's will circling and guarding again, even the immortal strong must retreat!" Lu Jingxiu smiled bitterly.

"Everyone, this Yin Cao's origin is what we wait for Yinsi, and Er and other human races never want to get close to Yin Cao's origin!" King Yan Luo smiled triumphantly, and walked slowly toward the crack.

"Yes, this is the origin of the Yin Cao, only the strong one can collect it, and the origin of the Yin Cao can accept it! As long as I wait to save the brand in the origin of the Yin Cao, the infinite Yin Cao Weili will add to the body in the future, even if the immortal amulet It's not our opponent!" Taishan King also caught up with his expression fiery.

"Stop them, don't let them get close to the origin of the Yin Cao. Once they get the origin of the Yin Cao, they can use the power of the origin to suppress us. We are afraid that we can only retreat in the Yin Cao in the future!" Zhang Heng rolled up the dust in his hand and turned towards The nine Hades scrolled: "Everyone quickly thinks of a way, now that the treasure is currently, how to resist the counterattack of the will of heaven and earth is the key to collecting the origin of the Yin Cao!"

"What? Er Deng wanted to collect Yin Cao's origin?" The nine Yan Luo Qiqi changed colors.

Taishan King's footsteps stopped abruptly, and turned to King Yama, "Brother go in first to take charge of Yin Cao's origin and accept the test of Yin Cao's origin. I will stop the strong human race!"

"Block?" King Yama turned around and looked at the powerhouses in front of him, his expression gradually becoming serious: "The treasure is now, I'm afraid I can't stop it!"

"Thank you brothers!" Without a word, King Yama turned and rushed towards the colorful light.

"The Governor!"

The Taoists looked at Zhang Bairen.


When the Zhuxian sword was out of its sheath, Zhang Bairen cut it directly towards the eight kings without saying a word.

"Kill!" The Hells were not afraid, and had no intention of retreating at all. Instead, they took the initiative to welcome everyone.




Everyone fought and rolled up the vast storm, but then they saw Zhang Bairen's fingers ejected, and the Zhuxian sword stabbed King Qin Guang in the chest.

The power of King Qin Guang's body law fluctuated, and his eyes fixed on Zhang Bairen: "If the world is not in turbulence and cannot be in harmony, I will suppress you today!"

"You can't wait to stop me! What's more, the ten temples of Yama have never been complete now!" Zhang Bairen sneered, and the sword in his hand split the law in front of King Qin Guang and stabbed King Qin Guang.

"Leave it to me by Zhang Bairen!" The King of Samsara stopped in front of Zhang Bairen, and saw that the power of the six reincarnations around the King of Samsara twisted and rotated, and six large black and unfathomable holes appeared, sitting cross-legged above the six holes. A figure is the body of Samsara King.

"Six reincarnations!" The reincarnation disc rotates, the six reincarnations undulate, the six dharmakayas are constantly wandering, and the power of the law of the void is intertwined and changed. The power cut by Zhang Bairen's immortal sword was actually resolved by the six reincarnations and poured into the black hole in front of him. , Never saw any trace again.

On one side, the Taoists of the Human Race were stopped by the other kings, and they were inextricably struggling at this time.

"Stop me? Never make you a wedding dress for nothing!" Zhang Bairen's face was cold, and he no longer entangled the reincarnation, but came to the back of the reincarnation king in a flash, and then stepped into it. Within the origin of reincarnation.

"Zhang Bairen will leave, let me eat my magical power!" The six reincarnations under the feet of the King of Samsara kept spinning, turning into a roulette in an instant, rolling in front of him.

"Causality transfer!" Zhang Bairen's finger petals flowed, and the law of cause and effect changed. The roulette was clearly scrolled towards Zhang Bairen, but the King of Mount Tai who was not far away was involved.

"King of Samsara, what are you going to do!" Taishan King struggled in Samsara, with a sense of panic in his eyes. This is the six reincarnations. It's not a joke. How did he get involved?

While the King of Runner's complexion changed, the six reincarnations stopped abruptly, and he quickly vomited King Tai Shan. At this time, I went to see Zhang Bairen, and he was indeed close to the source and touched the barrier of the source.


Zhang Bairen was flew by the colored light, and quickly stopped in the void.

"Hahaha, hahaha! The origin of reincarnation, the origin of reincarnation that has been conceived for hundreds of millions of years, is finally born today, and I am blessed to be the ancestor!" Sabi and others crossed the barrier and appeared in the field, shocked that both sides of the fight stopped moving.


Seeing Sabi and others, the eight Yamas knelt to the ground one after another, with a pious look on their faces.

"Get up, I didn't think that there was a reincarnation origin today. Why are there only eight of you, and two of you?" Shebi asked puzzled.

"The King Yama has already entered it and has been tested and baptized by the law of origin. As for the city king, he has already been cut by this person and sacrificed the four swords of Zhuxian!" King Qin Guang's eyes showed a touch of grief.


Ju Mang and other gods were shocked and looked at Zhang Bairen.

The sword of death cannot kill the immortal god, but it can swallow its source and put it to death!

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