First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2184: Invincible Yama

"Zhang Bairen!" Shebishi and other ancestor gods stared at Zhang Bairen angrily.

The hatred of murder is not shared!

The Ten Temples Yama was created by all the demon gods, and compared to the demon gods, they are their children; Zhang Bairen's beheading of the city king is an enemy of murder to the ancestor gods.

"Oh? When did the devil be so affectionate and righteous?" Zhang Bairen sneered.

A person creates a robot. If the robot is broken, will he avenge the robot?

"Puff whistle~"

Zhang Bairen looked at the origin of the Yin Cao in front of him, cutting out the Immortal Punishment Sword in his hand, tearing the Yin Cao barrier, revealing a portal.

Without saying a word, Zhang Bairen stepped directly into the door and ran towards the source.

"Stop him!" The scorpion turned into the energy of Gengjin, the light of the law flowed, penetrated the barrier, and chased Zhang Bairen without hindrance.

At this time, the Demon God and Dao Sect Gaozhen didn't care about it, they all shot one after another, flashing the source of colorful light to the sky.

After breaking into the barrier, Zhang Bairen discovered that behind the barrier was a vast world, and the origin of the Yin Cao was suspended above the sky like a colorful stone.

No, to be precise, it is embedded in the sky.

King Yama stood under the source with his eyes closed, a mighty and inexplicable will waved around his body, and countless auras in the void rose up in the sky, spreading vast and mighty.

"Essence!" Zhang Bairen looked at the origin above, his eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand to grab it.

"You're late!" King Yama, with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, but with a flick of his fingers, he saw a mighty aura spreading. He came to Zhang Bairen in an instant, and the finger seemed to be blocked for nine days and ten. The endless void gaps in the ground blocked all the secrets and came to Zhang Bairen.

This finger is unstoppable!


Zhang Bairen retreated and looked at King Yama with solemn expression: "Impossible, how can you have such power?"

Hearing the words, King Yama pointed to the top: "The Yin Division's original will has been aware of the crisis. After I came here, I directly accepted the baptism of the original will, and obtained the approval of the original will, and can mobilize the power of the Yin Division! No matter how powerful you are, you can't compete with one of the world. Power to contend."

"This is just a few breaths, how could you be so fast!" Zhang Bairen was a little bit frustrated. After making such a big mess, if everything can be done to the other party, he is really beeping.




At this time, there was a sound of breaking through the air, and all the ancestors of the Ten Temple Yama and Taoism all chased up. Looking at the Yama King standing under the source, everyone's expressions changed.

"Yan Luo, you did a good job. I didn't expect you to be recognized by the Yin Cao Yuan Yuan!" She said with a smile: "Since you have the Yin Cao Yuan Yuan's approval, then I don't have to do anything. You take out the Yuan Yuan. Wait for me to swallow, and I can recover from the injury."

Yan Luo's complexion changed wildly upon hearing this, his eyes fixed on Shebi corpse, and then he lowered his head: "Old Patriarch, the disciple has become the guardian of the origin. The origin of the Yin Cao Jifu belongs to the Yin Cao all living beings. Don't move it easily! The ancestor Mingjian, dispel this idea, the origin is related to the Yin Cao’s plan, the ancestor think twice."

"Think twice? It's funny, do you want to go against my ancestor's will?" Shebi Zhe's face changed wildly, and he felt something was wrong.

King Yama was silent, and after a while he said helplessly: "After the disciples swept the human race ants, and settled these thousands of years of grievances and entanglements, then come and share with the ancestors."

King Yama is the guardian of the will of the Yin Cao’s original source. The ancestors of the demon gods want to swallow the original source. What do you call King Yama?

And first divert attention, and then kill the strong human race, the internal affairs of the Yinsi will be delayed slowly, and there will be a solution after all.

"Zhang Bairen, you kill my brother, today is your death date!" King Yama looked at Zhang Bairen with endless murder and anger.

"Just because you want to kill me?" Zhang Bairen stroked the Zhuxian Sword in his hand, but with a light flick, he saw the Zhuxian Sword's edge vibrate, and the void rippled with layers of rippling, all murderous intent was restrained to the extreme.

The next moment Zhuxian **** matches his body shape, and his hand shakes the Zhuxian sword lightly, the power of'Jie' is constantly brewing, and then turns to look at Shebi Zie: "One time the emperor and one courtier, you seem to be rebelling!"

"Huh!" Shebi's face was gloomy, and he looked at King Yama: "Do you really want to be my enemy? Rebellion against my orders?"

"I don't dare, it's just a matter of business!" King Yama smiled bitterly, and pointed out all the laws that seemed to contain the entire Yin Cao, suppressing the Yin Cao time and space, and poked directly at Zhang Bairen.

"Everyone, King Yama has already joined the Yin Cao world, no one is his opponent here, he is the master of Yin Cao, invincible existence! If you want to divide the origin of Yin Cao, you can't do it without any effort!" Zhang Bairen cut out the immortal sword in his hand. , Instantaneously breaking countless laws, but facing the divine might of Yama King, he also had to retreat. After the immortal sword slashed Yama King’s finger, leaving a deep visible bone scar on it, he could no longer cut it for half a minute.

"Is this the mighty power of the Lord of the World? Facing the Lord of the World, I am not his opponent at all! Today, King Yama must be resolved and the roots of the Yin Cao must be divided, otherwise the Human Race will never want to get involved with the Yin Cao in the future!" Zhang Bairen was secretly surprised In the face of King Yama’s finger, he hadn’t felt such powerlessness and horror for a long time, and he even had a feeling that if he was a little careless, he would be suppressed by the opponent’s finger, and there would be no day to escape.

"King of Yama, don't be arrogant, let's look at my exquisite pagoda!" Zhang Heng sacrificed his 33-fold exquisite pagoda, his eyes full of solemnity.

The finger of Yama King has already made people horrified, and everyone has noticed the sense of powerlessness!

The origin is right in front of us, and only by working together can we take the origin away, and fighting alone can only be suppressed by the Yama.


King Yama disdainfully smiled and flicked his fingers, and the Linglong Pagoda flew like dust underneath the opponent.

"How is this possible!" Zhang Heng's expression was astonished. Anyhow, he is also a great power to enter the realm of immortality, okay?

He was easily bounced off by the opponent with a single blow. Would you like this?

Doesn't this appear to be incompetent?

Don't you want face?

"Rising!" Zhang Heng put away the exquisite pagoda, but saw the exquisite pagoda's method change, instantly transforming into a ten-thousand-square-foot size, piercing the sky upright, and the immortal aura diffused vigorously, the bells on the exquisite pagoda seemed to be heavenly sounds. Throughout the world, countless ghosts have been saved wherever they passed.

"Unbearable, bells and whistles!" King Yama stretched out his finger, touched the top of the Linglong Pagoda, and pressed it lightly, only to see that the Linglong Pagoda was beaten back to its original shape. The exquisite pagoda is sealed. The light of the laws on the pagoda was dim, and facing the power of the Yama King, they could only struggle, and there was no room to fight back.

"Damn it, why is this guy so powerful?" Zhang Heng's words were full of shock.

"Don't panic the celestial master, I'll help you!" A calm voice came from a distance, followed by a mighty sword light. Accompanied by abundance of righteousness, it seemed that there was a loud reading from the sky:

"Eternal nine years, I will live in Kuichou, at the beginning of spring, I will be with the Lanting Pavilion of Shandong Accounting..."

A simple and vicissitudes of writing brush exuding immortal energy seemed to fill the entire sky, the immortal lines flowed endlessly, and instantly cut through the void and fell on the Linglong Tower.

Under the impact of this brush, the Yama King's seal was interrupted, the light of countless laws burst, and the pagoda took the opportunity to get rid of it.

"Wang Xizhi! I have learned your name for a long time, and I am about to try your method today!" King Yama did not change his face, with a flick of his finger, the same moves went to Wang Xizhi's suppression.

"You Jun, be careful, this servant is in charge of the entire Yin Cao law, that is the law, you can't force it!" Zhang Heng shouted quickly.

Wang Xizhi was so knowledgeable that he didn't dare to take it hard, but the magical powers in his hand were constantly turning, the light of the law flowed, and when he touched the finger, he immediately The cultivation base at this time is almost close to The fairy, even... not weaker than the fairy! It's just less powerful than the fairy! "Jumang's complexion is hard to look.

"Unexpectedly, for hundreds of millions of years, the Yin Cao Jiu Mansion has actually turned into a world, but it is a dead world, and the law has not yet been completed!" Yan Shi glanced at the world in front of him, revealing a touch of emotion: "Di Jiang and Zhu Jiu Yin The plan was successful, but the kid was cheap! The Yin Cao Netherworld is the key to my gods' plan. This kid is afraid that he has expanded himself..."

"Don't you guys do it? The King Yama has become the spokesperson of the Yin Cao Tiandao. If you want to swallow the Yin Cao's origin, how can the Origin sit and wait? When my human race quits the Yin Cao, you will wait next!" Zhang Bairen looked sideways at Sheby Corpse.

Shebi's complexion was gloomy: "It's not all you killed! It is reasonable to say that the origin has not been conceived and it is impossible to be born, but you actually forcibly rebelled against the heavens, making the Yincao world originated by you, which is simply improper. Son! Do something harmful to yourself!"

According to the calculations of the gods, there is naturally a way to perfect the source of Yinsi, but now it has all been broken by Zhang Bairen, and all calculations have been exhausted.

If you miss today, I'm afraid that the gods have counted hundreds of millions of years to complete the sky and fulfill the will of heaven.

Even those secrets in the center of the Yin Cao World, will not be preserved, and become the foundation of the Yin Cao Netherworld. How do you tell them to be willing?

The demon gods look gloomy when you look at me and I look at you.

"Shoot! This fellow got the roots of Yin Cao, and has become the spokesperson of Yin Cao Tian Dao. Unexpectedly, hundreds of millions of years have passed. Yin Cao Tian Dao has no owner, and he wants to set up a puppet and get rid of my control. It is simply wishful thinking!" She Bi Zhe looked cold.

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