First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2185: Guru Doryo

At this moment, the demon gods such as Shebi Zhe are also a little hairy, all of them are a little lost!

The transformation of things exceeded the expectations of the demon gods. First, Zhang Bairen urged the God Realm to hit the Yin Cao Netherworld without warning, and then King Yama among the ten kings was approved by the Yin Cao's will. What do you tell him to do?

Now the Yin Cao will want to rebel and get rid of the control of the demons, what do you tell him to do?

Glancing at the demon gods, Shebi's face is cold:


"Ancestor..." The other ten kings looked embarrassed.

"The King of Yama has become the spokesperson of the will of the Yin Cao, and he has no choice! This servant has a delusion to accept the baptism of the will of the heaven and earth alone. It is simply not knowing the heights of the sky. I wait for the innate gods to be born to get close to the laws of heaven and earth. Captured by the will of heaven and earth!" Shebi corpse revealed his true body in an instant, showing immortal will all over his body, and grabbed him at King Yama.

"It's just an ant!" King Yama smiled coldly, his eyes full of disdain, the next moment his body's vitality skyrocketed, and his palm stretched out to cover the 100,000-mile boundary of the void, instantly knocking the corpse back into its original shape and shooting into the depths of the earth. .

"Bold King Yama, you dare to do something with your ancestors, do you want to rebel?" Ju Mang yelled, and the laws of vitality flowed around his body and rolled away at King Yama.

"Haha!" King Yama disdainfully smiled: "Can the ancestor be higher than my Yin Cao's will? I am the guardian of Yin Cao's will! Is the one in charge that you can compare? You dare to provoke the Dao of Heaven and read it in the past, forgive me. You wait once, and give you a chance! If you dare to be stubborn, don't blame me for cruelty!"

As soon as this statement came out, all the heroes changed their colors, and the corpse of Xubi came out of the mud, and his eyes were murderous: "Don't get entangled with it, and attack the origin of the Yin Cao behind it! The origin of the Yin Cao itself does not have the power to attack. , As long as it can severely damage Yin Cao's original will, you will be done!"


Regardless of other things, at this time, the powerhouses look at me and I look at you. Facing the Yama King, who is obviously open, they are all lacking in confidence and attacked the original law behind the Yama King.

"Haha! If you are stubborn, let you wait and see what this seat means!" With a move from King Yama's palm, a vortex of a mighty black hole in front of him continues to circulate, seeming to be able to swallow all things in the world and summarize all living beings.

"Reincarnation!" Jumang's face was cold, and his real body was revealed in an instant, turning into the light of law to hit the Yama King: "Spring returns to the earth!"

"Zhan Xian Fei Dao!" Ju Mang also shot, and the vitality of Geng Jin flying.

"Absolutely Zero" Xuan Ming shot, and the Northland scenery suddenly appeared.

"Eight Laws of Eternal Characters!" One of Wang Xi's strokes was like a sharp sword, cutting through the sky and breaking through the laws of the world.

"Linglong Pagoda!" Zhang Heng sacrificed Linglong Pagoda again.

"Qingping sword!" The ancestor of Yuqing Tao offered a sword.

"Zhu Xian Sword!" Zhang Bairen shot again: "Human sword is one!"

"King Kong Zhuo" Yin Gui shot.


In the field, all the strong players, including those in the depths of the Yin Cao, also came across the void at this time, just to punish King Yama.

The underworld is a matter of great importance, how can one be left alone?

Although the underworld was created by the gods, the law of reincarnation has been recognized by the great world. The Yincao underworld has become a part of the great world. Even if it is only a broken world, it can not be underestimated, second only to the subsidiary world of the great world.

Who can master the Yin Cao and master the reincarnation of sentient beings will inevitably gain the advantage in the future world of war!

"It's just an ant! This is the Yin Cao Jifu, I am an invincible existence!" Yama King looked disdainful, his whole body rushed into the sky, time and space began to slow down, turned into a time and space quagmire, and then saw his hand, King Kong Thinking and flying back, shattered a mountain in the distance.

Qingping's sword shot backwards and penetrated into the Yinshan battlefield not far away.

Jumang flew out, and the Zhanxian Flying Sword just came to King Yama’s neck, and before it was cut off, I saw the hair on King Yama’s neck turned into a chain, flowing infinite order brilliance, and even blocked the scorpion. Retracting the essence, forced him to retreat.

The Zhanxian flying knife landed on the iron chain made by the hair, and chopped it back and forth dozens of times before cutting the chain off. Shebi Zhan's spirit took the opportunity to escape back into the body.

"This guy is simply invincible!"

Zhang Heng looked astonished in the distance.


Xuan Ming's Absolute Zero was cracked, and then he saw King Yama raises his foot, unexpectedly stepping on the soles of his feet as if he did not come, and then countless seals flowed around, trying to seal him.

The real body of Shebi corpse was photographed by him, and the immortal runes circulated endlessly, turning into a series of orders, and she wanted to seal Shebi corpse in time and space.

At this time, Zhang Bairen's sword was united and turned into a rainbow light to come forward and pierce King Yama's chest.


King Yama stretched out his right hand, grasping the void at the moment of the moment, and unexpectedly grabbed Zhang Bairen's body and forced the rainbow light to manifest, but then saw King Yama holding the Zhuxian Sword in his hand, looking down at Zhang Bairen at the other end of the Zhuxian Sword.

"Good evil sword!" King Yama frowned, feeling the sword that swallowed his own spirit, and flicked the Zhuxian sword flying with a flick of his fingers, and Zhang Bairen's body was turned into powder in the vibration.

"Unbearable!" King Yama shook his hand, and without a trace, retracted the palm of the Zhu Xianjian into his sleeve, his pupils flowed murderously, and the runes under his feet were surging, suppressing Xuanming and Shebi corpse.


The group of heroes took a breath, and even if the demon gods such as Shebi Zhe did not return to their peak state, they still had nine points.

Although not as good as the pinnacle, they are definitely the top group of people in the world. They are not much weaker than the immortal third-step strong. Now they are not the enemy of the Yama King. Could this be the person seriously Is it going to be against the sky?

"What a terrifying guy, even my Human Sword Unity was broken by the other party!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a dignified look, his body instantly reorganized, and he held the Zhuxian sword in his hand.

"Perhaps mobilizing Bu Zhou Shan to suppress it, but..." Zhang Bairen shook his head. Bu Zhou Shan is his last trump card, and now the chaotic world is constantly changing, Bu Zhou Shan is also undergoing Chaos Qi's training. He doesn't want to stop it. Use the hole cards easily.

"Don't ask him to seal the two gods, otherwise we will all be poisoned by him later!" The King of Wheels circled up and slapped toward King Yama: "Yam, do you really disrespect your ancestors, and I Is it right?"

"Haha, I have become the spokesperson of the Yin Cao's will. What can the gods do with me?" King Yama dismissed the attack of the Lord of the Wheel: "If you are willing to serve me, it depends on the relationship between us in the past. For sake of it, I can spare your life, or I will seal you to the wasteland."

"You..." Ten Temple Yama's body was shaking, and one after another shot, harnessing the power of the law to beat Yama.

"Unable to withstand a blow!" But seeing King Yama's body bulging, the next moment the mighty qi was rolled up, turning into a storm of laws and regulations, and blowing all the Yamas out of nowhere.

"The true body of the bone!" I heard a roar that shook the void, and the earth kept trembling. The palms of King Yama's suppression were constantly being propped up, but I saw a white bone standing on top of the sky, with an immortal luster on it, even hard. He stretched the Yama King palm open.

"Somewhat interesting!" King Yama looked at the bones of his real body with curiosity.

"Hmph, you are just a broken world. Although the power of death was conceived to the extreme and part of the vitality evolved, but it is only with the help of the power of the Golden Crow. It is not made by you to improve yourself. I have fought against the will of the world. , How can you be suppressed by the will of your shattered world!" Shebi's corpse sounded like thunder, and suddenly he overwhelmed King Yama.

"This old guy, he was really clumsy before, so I was bullied and refused to use real power!" Zhang Bairen looked at the overturned King Yama, his eyelids jumped wildly.

"Asshole, you irritated me!" Yama King's expression was cold, then he stabilized his figure, wrapped the thunder rage, and slammed it down with a palm.


The earth rippled with layers of ripples, and the mountains and rivers shook thousands of miles. Faced with a thunderous blow, Shebi's corpse was hit again.

"It's horrible! This guy is invincible!" Looking at the unresisting Shebi Bairen swallowed, always feeling a little bad, this time he seemed to have caused a big trouble.

"Today I will suppress you, and then swallow the Yin Cao's secrets, and send troops to sweep the Yang world. It is now that you have achieved a great achievement!" King Yama coldly looked at the corpse in the depths of the earth: "Deprivation!"

The vitality of the power emerged from the body of Shebi, and King Yama actually wanted to deprive the vitality of Shebi’s corpse. At this time, a long sigh sounded: "Zhang Daoling, if you don’t do anything, I am afraid that my human race will capsize in the gutter this time. Up!"

It was the voice of the World Honored One, which came from that corner.

"This Li has mastered the will of the Yin Cao, who is his opponent in the Yin Division? The demon gods such as Shebi Zhe deliberately tampered with the secrets of heaven, and today suffered retribution, it is the retribution of karma!" A faint voice diffused between heaven and earth.

The gods changed color and wanted to speak out, but they endured it abruptly.


The vast river of time rolled up from nowhere, and appeared out of thin air in the Yin Cao Jifu.

A talisman wafted down from the long river of time, flicking across the endless dimension between the fingers, sweeping the Yin Cao land, and slashing towards the Yama King.

"Good come!" King Yama stretched out his palm, and the law of reincarnation emerged out of thin air, turning into a mighty whirlpool to roll toward the talisman.


King Yama flew out, and Shebi corpse took the opportunity to get out of trouble, and the talisman was also dimmed and fell into the long river of time.

"Old man, I am afraid that Pang Dao is not the opponent of this fellow, you guys find a way!" After the words fell, the river of time disappeared, and Zhang Daoling disappeared into the sky with the talisman.

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