First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2200: Runners out of the mountain

The monks of the human race can be so knowledgeable, but they have saved countless hard work.

Looking at the demon gods looking at ants and lambs waiting to be slaughtered, Yin Gui held the original source in his hands. The countless fragments gathered in one place, and they slowly melted, and then merged together, turning into a perfect crystal. Seamless.

"Here you? Dream it!" Yin Guiran smiled coldly, his original source twisted the void and disappeared in Yin Cao.


The ten kings changed their colors at this time, looking at the disappearing Yin Cao Yuanyuan, all of their expressions became solemn: "Damn, where did you send the Yuanyuan? Do you really think I can't wait for the Daoist law domain?"

Hearing this, the human race hero look at me and I look at you, eyes full of mocking light, and Zhang Heng's three treasure whiskers suddenly rolled out:

"If you want to do it, just do it. What do you find so many excuses for? What do you think my human race is muddled?"


Wang Xizhi's hand splattered pen and ink, turning into a series of murderous intents, and beheaded to the ten kings.

"Hehe, Human Race will never succumb to the Demon God Clan in this life! I wait for the descendants of Yanhuang and Huang, the backbone is not so soft!" But after hearing Xie Daoyun's sneer, the slender jade fingers flowed with immortality and killed.

"Kill!" Ge Hong's hand medicated pestle Fa Xiang Tiandi suppressed time and space, and a monstrous storm was rolled up wherever he passed, and the laws were in disorder.

"Hehe, I don't think there will be a battle sooner or later, today I have to fight in advance!" Yin Gui's sword flew out, engulfing the sword light for hundreds of thousands of miles, and there seemed to be a dreamy and hazy world in it.

"Ants! I was naturally jealous of waiting for a few minutes before I joined the Dao. Now I am waiting for the Dao, suppressing the ants like you, but it’s just as easy as turning my palms!" At this time, Yama of the Ten Temples shot, and the laws of heaven and earth followed between his hands and feet. Attacks from the strong players in the field.

Yang Shi

Void Warped

Yin Gui stretched out his palm, and the origin fell in his hand, and handed it to Zhang Bairen: "Look at the general governor."

Zhang Bairen took the origin, and there was a gleam in his eyes: "Yes! Yes! With these three cost sources, I will have six points of power in the future, and the remaining six points of power are in the Yin Cao and the Dragon Clan. In the Yin Cao situation, my human race has already stood. invincible position."

Zhang Bairen stroked Yin Cao's origin, flipping his palm, and the origin that was slightly larger than that appeared in his hand, and the two merged into a whole in an instant.

"Capital Governor, Yin Cao has already started, if you don't do anything, Dao Sect Dharma Realm will really be abolished!" Looking at Zhang Bairen, who moved slowly, Yin Gui was a little anxious.

"Don't worry, I have my own calculations in my heart, you still need to help me with this matter!" Zhang Bairen looked at Yin Gui.

"Please speak up if the governor has any orders, I will never be sloppy!" Yin Gui said quickly.

Zhang Bairen smiled and said, "Listen with your ears."

Yin Gui followed his ear, and Zhang Bairen whispered in Yin Gui's ear. After a while, he saw Yin Gui suddenly stand up: "What did you say?"

"Do you want to try?" Zhang Bairen looked at Yin Gui with a pair of eyes.

"You dare to try, let alone me? Try and try, who is afraid of whom?" Yin Gui's eyes were full of burning light.

Yin Cao War

At this time, the demon gods and the Taoist ancestors are in a ball, the power of the law of the void is intertwined, and if you accidentally get involved in it, it will be the end of the soul.

"Hehe, interesting!"

Zhang Bairen's figure didn't know when he appeared in the field. A pair of eyes scanned the battlefield in the distance. Facing the attack of the demon god, all the Taoist mortals had only the power to parry, and nothing to fight back.

What do you call Daomen ancestors do? While facing the demon **** whose cultivation base is stronger than his own, while protecting the Taoist Dharma Realm, it is no longer appropriate to be able to persist.

Divine light flashed in Zhang Bairen’s eyes. Yin Gui didn’t know when he would withdraw from the battlefield, and he came to Zhang Bairen with a diamond in his hand: "Captain!"

"Let's really meet for the first time." Looking at Yin Guizhen's body, Zhang Bairen's expression was solemn. This fellow is already the second step of immortality and has reached the threshold of the third step.

"Don't talk gossip, can the governor be sure to suppress the reincarnation king?" Yin Gui said anxiously.

Obviously, Yin Gui did not want to be polite with Zhang Bairen at this time.

Not only did he not want to be courteous with Zhang Bairen, but he also wanted Zhang Bairen to immediately resolve the crisis.

"As long as you can stun the king of reincarnation for an instant, this will be the case!" Zhang Bairen stretched out his palm, but saw the chaos in his hand, a gray hill suspended in his palm.

"This is?" Yin Gui's pupils shrank, and at a glance, he felt that the hill seemed to be pressed into his own heart and imprinted on his body, and he could suppress himself forever at any time.

Facing the ten-centimeter-high hill, Yin Gui didn't know why, he felt unprecedented fear in his heart.

"Do you know what this is?" Zhang Bairen looked at Yin Gui.

"I haven't consulted yet?" Yin Gui looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, and his eyes were full of surprise. Zhang Bairen's methods were a bit beyond his expectation. He thought he had been with Zhang Bairen for decades, and he had seen Zhang Bairen clearly enough, but obviously At this time, the hill that did not know the foundation had exceeded its expectations.

"Do it!" Zhang Bairen didn't answer, but said lightly.

Yin Gui stunned when he heard the words, took out the diamond diamond in his hand, and carefully stared at the battlefield.

In the battlefield

The wheel of the king's body continued to revolve with the six laws of reincarnation. Ge Hong and Xie Daoyun joined forces to compete with him. However, they were suppressed by him and retreated steadily. They could only support it hard, and the defeat was no matter of time.

How does manpower compete with the power of heaven and earth?

Even if the Yin Cao world is not comparable to the Yang world, the difference is only the little bit of life and death conversion.

"Ancestor, we still need to find a way, otherwise we can't stand it!" Xie Daoyun looked at Ge Hong.

Ge Hong smiled bitterly, and the nine Hades shot together, don't think that there will be others to help yourself, everyone's situation is similar to the two of them.

"Yin Gui has gone to invite the general governor. As long as the general governor comes, with the power of the Zhuxian sword, it will be enough to frighten you all!" Zhang Heng's eyes were full of solemnity.

"Yeah!" Xie Daoyun had no choice but to support it hard.

"Hahaha, the human race has rooted in me for thousands of years. It is a great joy to pull out the evils of Er and other people and clear away the haze of my sins! You must not struggle, obediently be suppressed by me!" The reincarnation king was laughing wildly.

He is not in a hurry to destroy the Dao Sect Dharma Realm. Only when the Dao Sect Dharma Realm is there, the immortal powerhouses of the human race will fight with him, and he has the opportunity to suppress it. If the Taoist Dharma Realm is destroyed, the immortal real people will inevitably turn around and flee. Even if they occupy the initiative and grasp the power of the Yin Cao, it is difficult to intercept them.

"Haha!" Xie Daoyun smiled coldly.


With a soft sound, Ge Hong was smashed into the air by the king of runners, but he saw that the king of runners ignored Ge Hong, but instead slapped Xie Daoyun to suppress him.

Xie Daoyun is just an immortal one-step strong, and compared with Ge Hong, it is much easier to suppress.

This palm envelops the endless Yin Cao law, like the sky, blasting Xie Daoyun into the ground in an instant, and then the tokens in the hands of the runner are circulating, and Xie Daoyun is sealed: "Ant, where to go!"

"Lose it for me!" Ge Hong took the medicine pestle out of his hand and pierced Wang Zhuan's eyes, trying to force it back.

Seeing that the law of the void was stagnant, Ge Hong Yaozhu was turned away by the power of Yin Cao.

Seeing that the Lord of Wheels looked excited, he wanted to suppress Xie Daoyun. Suddenly, a white light in the void seemed to be a white horse, and it was already on the top of his head before the Lord of Wheels reacted.


With a muffled sound, the power of the heavens and the earth gathered around him dissipated a lot, and then the next moment Zhang Bairen dropped out of the mountain in his hands, instantly standing on top of the earth, and the rule of a radius of ten thousand miles disappeared.

"not good!"

The demon gods such as Shebi Zhe in the distance were shocked, and fleeing away without a word. The Dao Sect real people who were in the fight only felt that their magical powers suddenly disappeared, as if they had turned into ordinary people, looking at the mountain that covered the sky and covered the sun, they ran without saying a word.

Not only the immortal real people of the Taoist monks, but also the ten temples of Yama also run desperately without saying a word. Where the mountains are shrouded, the power of heaven and earth dissipates by itself, and the power of the law is eliminated.

The unpredictable and twisted time and space between the sky and the sun was unpredictable and twisted between the fingers of the mountain, and it turned from the top of the sky to the head of Zhang Xu ~ and slammed on the Lord of the Wheel.


The Yin Cao world trembled three times. When the King of Wheels came back to his senses, it was too late to escape, so he was smashed by the mountain.

Zhang Bairen showed a little divine light in his eyes, wandering out of the void, descending on the top of the hill, scanning the heroes in all directions.

Once hit by Bu Zhoushan, there is no possibility of escape, and can only be suppressed obediently.

"Zhang Bairen!" The ancestors from afar flew over, staring at the purple-clothed figure standing on the top of the mountain in amazement.

"This is the end of the matter. In the future, the Dao Sect law domain will withdraw from the Yin Cao dynasty and go to the Ming Dynasty!" Zhang Bairen's words are beyond doubt.

"Buzhou Mountain! That is the Buzhou Mountain that suppresses the heavens and the earth. How can it be in your hands and controlled by you? How can it be your magic weapon? How can you tend to make the Mountain in a state of motionlessness?" Shebi corpse looked shocked, and approached that. Ten Miles in Zhoushan, as expected, his own rules and cultivation were all suppressed in his body, and he couldn't use it anymore.

Zhang Bairen smiled coldly and ignored the words of the corpse. Instead, he took out a picture of the universe and handed it to Xie Daoyun, who was still in shock: "Let's hold this treasure and accept the King of Wheels. I have great use for this god."

"Yes!" Xie Daoyun couldn't help but complied, then walked to the foot of the mountain, caught the universe map, his eyes showed a dignified look, saw the universe map open automatically, exuding divine light, and took the runner in.

From the beginning to the end, the King of Wheels did not react at all, and he had become a prisoner.

"Brother, you are optimistic, that is really not Zhoushan? How can it become so small?" Yan shivered, his eyes full of disbelief.

What is Buzhoushan?

That's something that stands tall in the sky, and if Zhang Bairen can really impede Zhoushan, then something really will happen!

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