First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2201: Heaven is here

What is Bu Zhoushan?

The pillar of heaven and earth, ignoring time and space, ignoring the law, jumping out of the Three Realms and Five Elements, the peculiar existence of Yin and Yang time and space.

Not under the control of heaven, not bound by laws.

Where Bu Zhoushan is, the law retreats and disappears. How do you tell everyone to play?

When the time comes to fight, people stand on the mountain to show their magical powers, and you? You can only use your bare hands. Isn't this a real case for abuse?

"Really Bu Zhoushan?" Suddenly, the words kept trembling.

"What do you mean?" Shebi Zhe smiled bitterly.

Everyone is a congenital god, at the top of the age of gods, how can they not recognize the mountain?

Along with the collapse of Mount Buzhou, it also represents the end of the age of the gods. The significance of Mount Buzhou is too great.

"How could this be?" The gods were shocked.

Without Zhoushan towering, even the laws of the entire Yin Cao world are stagnated, as if glue is not running smoothly.

Although Buzhou Mountain has shrunk, there is no law within a radius of tens of miles!

"Zhang Bairen, how are you doing?" Shebi corpse walked out, staring at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes. Everyone is not a fool, standing there letting Zhang Bairen use Zhoushan to suppress it.

At best, Zhang Bairen is already invincible, and he is invincible in the world!

As long as Zhoushan is not in its hands, no one can compete with it.

"I want this black and white impermanence, the king of runners, the matter ends here! In the future, Yin Cao and I will not violate the river water in the world of Ming Dynasty!" Zhang Bairen's words are overbearing.

The gods were silent, and Yan Luo silently bowed their heads and stopped talking.


Ju Mang lowered his head and said, turning back without saying a word.

This is the end of the matter, what use is there to say so much?

Everyone knows Zhang Bairen, since he has already shot, there is no possibility that he wants to get the revolver in his hands!

"He's actually not Zhoushan! He's actually not Zhoushan!" Shebi's corpse smashed a mountain and his eyes were full of irritation: "Is this the nemesis I am waiting for?"

"Don't worry, you need to take your time. What can he do even if he has trouble? Two fists are harder than four hands in racial disputes. It has never been able to be carried by one person." Xuan Ming smiled coldly.

The demon gods withdrew, and peace was restored in the court. Everyone looked at Zhang Bairen with their eyes, or rather at the Buzhou Mountain at the feet of Zhang Bairen.

"Thank you all to use your magical powers and move this place into the land of Ming Dynasty. This seat allows you to preach in Ming Dynasty!" Zhang Bairen shook the mountain at his feet, and then crashed away, leaving the Taoist priests in the field looking at each other Gaozhen.

Just showing his face, he suppressed a demon **** and pushed back the powerful enemy of Yin Cao. Is this the power of the governor?

Dao sects Gao Zhen said nothing!

Daming Land

Golden Crow High Hanging

Zhang Bairen landed on the altar and scanned the entire Daming Dragon Vein. He stretched out his fingers and slowly calculated it. It took a long time for Buzhou Mountain to fall on a certain Vein node.

"The Governor!"

Everyone who guards the passage is a courtesy.

Zhang Bairen waved his hand to signal everyone to back off, then stretched out his hand and calmly took the Universe Map out of his sleeve and shook it gently.

"Crack~" The King of Wheels rolled around and landed on Buzhou Mountain, hitting his head and bleeding. He wants to use magical powers to stop the blood, but all magical powers are forbidden on the mountain, he is no different from ordinary people.

"Zhang Bairen!" The King of Wheels stopped his figure and raised his head to look at the figure in purple clothes standing on the top of the mountain: "What the **** are you doing? What about my supernatural powers? What about my Taoism? Why is my world will blessing? It's all gone!"

The King of Wheels' eyes was filled with panic and disbelief.

He is a second-generation god, and naturally he has never seen the true face of Mount Fuzhou.

Ignoring the king of runners, Zhang Bairen stretched out his palm, and the ropes flew out, and in an instant he tied the king of runners to the rocks, and then flew straight down to the mountain, setting up an altar at the veins.

"Zhang Bairen, what are you going to do! Don't let me go! I'm waiting for the ten kings to join in, if you dare to harm me, the rest of the Dao brothers will not let you go!" Zhuan Wang struggled frantically rope.

Ignoring the clamor of the king of runners, Zhang Bairen opened the offering table, covered it with yellow silk and satin, and set up the incense burner and tablet. The inscription on the tablet is the innate bird seal, which is the word ‘heaven and earth’, and the light inside is endless, exuding immortal luster.

The corner of Zhang Bairen's mouth was slightly tilted, holding Gao Xiang in his hand, lightly shaking the three-flavored sacred fire to ignite Gao Xiang, looking at the tablet with a pair of eyes, and sighed slightly.

Stepping and fighting, the wind and clouds change color between the world and the earth, and there has never been a Yin Cao who has thundered. At this time, the wind and clouds have changed color, and the thunders continue to pass through the void.

The incense is inserted under the tablet, and the green smoke rises into the sky. Zhang Bairen holds a secret trick: "I, Zhang Bairen, once made an oath. Today is the day to complete the oath. Please witness the will of the world!"

In the dark, an inexplicable force penetrated the two realm channels, descended on the field, and pinned in the tablet.

The obscure world of thousands of miles became clear in an instant, separated by two passages, it seemed to be able to see through the endless stars of the world, the constantly twinkling stars.

At this moment

The whole Yin Cao quieted down strangely, and the demon gods in the depths of the Yin Cao also had serious expressions, and they knelt to the ground one after another, praising the place where the Qi came.

Heaven is here!

"Zhang Bairen is so great that he can actually use the will of Heaven. Since the break of the mountain, the will of Heaven has fallen into a deep sleep. I never thought that there was a ray of will to wake up and cater to Zhang Bairen's cries!" .

"This kid is too lucky, otherwise I won't stumble on him repeatedly!" Xuan Ming's expression was gloomy.

Compared with the demon gods, the real people of Dao Sect are much better. Although they fell to the ground by the pressure, they did not kneel down.

The immortal powerhouse already has the power to face the Dao of Heaven, and even the Dao of Heaven cannot kill it.

outside world

East China Sea

Prime Minister Turtle's pupils shrank, his neck tightened involuntarily, and he was surprised and wondered: "The Will of Heaven?"

It is indeed the will of heaven!

"Jingrui has arrived, and even Tiandao is about to recover." Zu Long sighed.

"Zhang Bairen! What a Zhang Bairen! He is the spokesperson of the Tao of Heaven! He has truly stepped into the realm of heaven and man, and loves all beings!" Prime Minister Kame said with a solemn expression.

"I don't know what the general governor wants to do!" Seeing Zhang Bairen's actions, the real Taoist men stopped their hands one after another, looking at Zhang Bairen with their eyes.

At this moment, the world is watching.

Zhang Bairen calmly inserted the incense into the incense burner, his eyes looked into the void, with a little emotion in his eyes, and then turned to the front of King Zhuan: "King Zhuan, death is imminent, what else can you say?"

"Hmph, brothers and demon gods will avenge me!" Zhuan Wang stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"Dead duck with hard mouth" Zhang Bairen sneered: "Your brothers are already kneeling on the ground, if you have the ability, call him to come and rescue you!"

Runner Wang looked ugly when he heard the words, and remained silent.

"Puff whistle~"

Zhang Bairen flicked his finger, the runner Wang's heart broke open, and the golden blood flowed out.

The origin of Yin Cao appeared in Zhang Bairen's hand, and it was slowly stuffed into the body of the runner.

"What are you going to do?" The King of Wheels finally changed his color. He knew clearly that Zhang Bairen would never give himself such a kind of Yin Cao origin.

Ignoring the words of the Lord of Wheels, Zhang Bairen just sensed the fusion of Yin Cao's origin with the opponent's reincarnation origin, and then opened his mouth to look at the Taoist real people: "Where is black and white impermanence?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Black and white impermanence is in the old-fashioned flag streamer!" Ge Xuan stepped forward quickly and handed his own flag streamer.

After receiving Ge Xuan's banner, Zhang Bairen frowned: "This banner is too vicious and vicious. It hurts the heavens and cannot exist in the world."

Ge Xuan looked bitter when he heard this, but didn't say anything.

With a flick of the palm, the black and white qi appeared in the flag banner, and the real body was revealed in an instant under the power of Buzhou Mountain, turning into black and white impermanence.

"Zhang Bairen!!!" Seeing the figure in purple clothes, the black and white impermanence was all shocked in my heart, suddenly he got up and wanted to flee.


Only a scream was heard, and the two fell to the ground, battering their heads.

"How could this happen?" Black and white impermanence was I don't know why my own **** channel method has lost its effect.

Looking at the **** Runner King again, the two envoys were even more pale: "Zhang Bairen, what are you going to do?"

"Hehe, long time no see! Today there is a good fortune desire to fulfill the two, but the blessing of the two has arrived" Zhang Bairen said with a smile.

"What good luck? I'll wait for good luck, just let my brother go!" Bai Wuchang said quickly.

"That is, if you can let me go, my brother will be grateful. As for this fortune, let's leave it to those who are destined," Hei Wuchang followed.

"Hehe, where is your qualification to wait for bargaining!" Zhang Bairen just smiled coldly, and his palm flew into the air.

"Hey hey, if you have anything to discuss, why bother to do it!"

"That's right, if you have anything to do with the general governor, just let it go. Our brothers are not wrong! If there is any offense in the past, I hope the general governor Haihan..."

The black and white impermanence is full of anxiety.

"Hehe, it's really long-winded! Since it's in my hands, then accept your fate!" The light of the law in Zhang Bairen's palm flowed, and the black and white impermanence turned into two groups of fresh air in an instant, which was stuffed into the body of the wheel king.

What is this going to do?

Seeing Zhang Bairen's movements, everyone was stunned.

"King Zhuan, what else do you have to say?" Zhang Bairen looked at King Zhuan with a pair of eyes, waiting for the other party's last words.

"I just want to cramp you! Let your soul fly away forever!" Wang Zhuan gritted his teeth with hatred.

Zhang Bairen listened quietly, his expression unmoved.

"Natural gods are in order to determine the universe and order, this is your responsibility! There are causes and effects, today is the time for you to pay back!" Zhang Bairen sighed slightly.

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