First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 819: Jingle

There is a saying that is good, it is called ‘a weak soldier must be defeated’, but there is also a saying called ‘morale is usable’.


Unprecedented shame

Endless shame swept the hearts of every soldier in the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

How many years has it been?

How many years has no human dared to enter the Dragon Palace?

The Dragon Palace and the East China Sea have always been restricted areas for human beings. Now that the Human Race dares to break into the Dragon Palace, it is beyond everyone's imagination.

Over the years, Matsu has continuously eroded the Sea Tribe and induced the Sea Tribe monsters to resist, until now all grievances have exploded.

Weeping soldiers are available!

Countless sea tribes invaded the Mazu tribe.

The four dragon kings all shot together to fight against the kingdom of Mazu.

The four ribbons are entangled, constantly dealing with the Four Seas Dragon King.

The Temple of Mazu is not in the sea, which is a bit embarrassing. The Dragon King of the Four Seas is weak when he goes out of the sea, and he who sees the strong gods can draw with him.

Zhang Bairen tapped his finger on the case table, his eyes flashed, and he looked into the distance.

"Don't worry, the only thing the Sihailongwang is Matsu's opponent? It can't be said that they are just pretending to be pretentious, and they don't dare to go ashore! There are now countless powerful humans, and the Sihailongwang will lose the blessing of sea water when they come ashore, only to end up with cramps and skinning." Yuan Tiangang Sigh gently.

Zhang Bairen heard the words silently, and after a while he said: "I'm afraid so! I just don't know if Mazu's tribe in the sea can withstand the Sihailongwang attack. If Sihailongwang takes action to remove the Mazu tribe, I am afraid that something will go wrong!"

"It's not that simple!" Yuan Tiangang said: "If the Sihailongwang pulls out the Mazu tribe, Mazu will not attack the Sihailongwang tribe? It will be messy, and then everyone will not benefit."

Zhang Bairen nodded when he heard the words, but a killing opportunity flashed in his eyes: "Maybe we can take the opportunity to weaken the power of the East China Sea."

"Are you going to send someone to help Mazu?" Yuan Tiangang looked into the distance with a pair of eyes: "Da Sui is in such a chaotic situation, and you are still stretched. If you are assigning personnel, I am afraid that the big thing is not good! You may not be able to control Da Sui. situation."

"The situation in the Great Sui Dynasty is no longer under my control." Zhang Bairen closed his eyes, opened the Dharma Eye, and looked into the distance. After a long time, he tapped the case with his fingers: "I can kill the family, but I can't change the people. Will cannot reverse the emperor’s thoughts."

Speaking of this, Zhang Bairen said: "I'm going to retreat to practice!"

Just after leaving the customs, they have to retreat again.

I have obtained the essence of ten thousand waters, and I am about to take the opportunity to condense the origin of the world, and then in one fell swoop to complete the world within my divinity.

If the five elements of the small world can be consummated, the divinity can deduce and observe the derivation of the world, and the changes in the laws will have innumerable benefits.

Seeing Zhang Bairen walking towards the backyard, Yuan Tiangang sighed helplessly: "Has the governor lost confidence in Da Sui?"

"Sir" Zhang Lihua was standing in Zhang Bairen's way with a pile of books.

"What's the matter? Haggard a lot?" Zhang Bairen came to Zhang Lihua and gently lifted Zhang Lihua's temple hair with a finger.

Zhang Lihua smiled bitterly and looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes like waves: "You are really comfortable doing it with the shopkeeper, but I'm going to be exhausted! Now there are countless bandits in Da Sui, and our business is not easy to do. Recently, the restaurant has lost money. 20%."

"It's normal to lose money in troubled times. It would be strange if I can earn money!" Zhang Bairen took over Zhang Lihua's account book and glanced at it at will: "If we lose money, we lose money. We have money, so we are not afraid of losing money."

"I heard people say that Miss Li's family and Chai Shao are going to make a wedding." Zhang Lihua looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "Or our acting governor will post to the Chai family, and despite his extraordinary power in the Chai family, I dare not disobey the chief governor. Will."

"The origin and demise, the destiny and the destiny, everything obeys nature, how am I the kind of bad guys who are married" Zhang Bairen stuffed the book in Zhang Lihua's arms and held the other's waist.

Zhang Lihua smiled softly: "The Li family lady is not simple, she is not comparable to an ordinary woman, I am afraid you will regret it then."

"Regret?" Zhang Bairen shook his head: "How can I regret it? It's just that the fate is shallow!"

After speaking, he took Zhang Lihua into the backyard and closed the door of the backyard: "What happened to Jindingguan?"

"If you do something wrong, you will always be punished! It is too simple to think that you can avoid the will of God by concealing the sky and crossing the sea. It is too simple to think. Now Jindingguan is in a difficult situation and crisis at every step, it has long lost its former glory! But! Recently, many people have secretly stared at Jinding Temple, fearing that they have ulterior motives for Jinding Temple!" Zhang Lihua said.

Zhang Bairen furrowed his brows, and after a little thought, he knew that it must be the fault of the heavenly book.

"I can't hide things from people who want to hide it. I'm afraid I can't hide things from the heavenly book. Jindingguan's catastrophe is right in front of us. Then Zhang Baiyi will be exposed in front of the world's heroes!"

"By the way, how do you plan to settle Dingdang?" Zhang Lihua suddenly switched the subject.

"Ding Dong!" Zhang Bairen was stunned: "You can find a chance and send it out. Have you ever found Ding Dong's family?"

"It's not that easy, Dingdang is dependent on you now. Now that I hear you are out of the customs, I am afraid that I will come back soon." Zhang Lihua looked at Zhang Bairen with a smile.

Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly when he heard the words, thinking of that night of ecstasy, Dingdang almost broke his Dao skills, and couldn't help but shiver.

"Bairen! Bairen! I heard that you are out of the customs, I want to kill you!" There were bursts of clear shouts outside, and the sound was indeed like a sweet ringtone.

"Girl, the backyard is a heavy ground, no entry!" The voice of the guard came from outside the door.

"Get out! I'm looking for your husband, why are you stopping me! My husband is in the backyard, and I will kick you if you don't get out of the way!" Dingdang yelled at the guard.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Girl, you can't enter the backyard, and you can't enter the backyard!" The guard couldn't stop it, and didn't dare to really stop it. Dingdang came to Zhuojun for a month, and the entire manor knew that Zhang Bairen was Dingdang’s husband. How could the guards dare to offend a woman who is most likely to be the mistress of the future?

"You go out and send her away soon!" Thinking of Dingdang's obscenity and awkwardness, Zhang Bairen suddenly became angry and said to Zhang Lihua.

Zhang Lihua covered her mouth and chuckled: "This little girl is too difficult for her concubine to deal with!"

The words fell, and the door to the backyard had been opened with a ‘squeak’, and then accompanied by the guard’s ‘No entry’, the sound of tiny footsteps had quickly approached in the backyard.


The mountain shook with a sound, the ground in the backyard cracked, and the soil was pushed away, and a red coffin flew out from the ground. The lid of the coffin banged and banged, constantly hitting the coffin board, and felt life. After the smell of people, the coffin board that had been sleeping for more than ten years was almost unable to hold down.

"This girl!" Zhang Bairen shook his head and stood let go of Zhang Lihua and got up to the door.

"Ah!" Ding Dong screamed.

Looking at the pale-faced Ding Dong, Zhang Bairen snorted coldly, stomped on the soles of his feet, and saw the ground split, and all the coffins were pulled back instantly.

"What the **** is this?" Ding Dong saw Zhang Bairen, and immediately ran over and plunged into Zhang Bairen's chest, his face pale with lingering fears.

"Oh! Why are you here!" Zhang Bairen gently stroked Dingdang's hair, with a slight helplessness.

There is a golden corpse in this backyard. He Ruobi died tragically that year. After ten years of evolution, he became a golden corpse.

Although Dingdang had Tao skills, it could not stop the Jin Corpse's energy.

"Who knows that there is such a terrible thing in the backyard. I haven't seen you for a long time. I just want to see you. Do you want to admit it if you wear pants!" Dingdang stared at Zhang Bairen with big eyes, his eyes full of panic and helplessness. Full of tears.

Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly, what can he say?

"Ahem!" Zhang Lihua coughed in the back hall and walked out slowly.

Dingdang quickly got out of Zhang Bairen's arms, but saw Zhang Lihua said: "I thought that the governor had failed to do so and would not be able to break his body! I didn't expect to mention the pants and deny it."

Zhang Bairen was helpless, but Zhang Lihua also followed the chaos, eating dry vinegar.

"Lihua, you think too much! Things are not what you think!" Zhang Bairen turned to look at Zhang Lihua.

"Sister Zhang!" Ding Dong called out crisply.

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