First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 820: My name is Xuan Ming

Listening to Zhang Lihua's sour taste, Zhang Bairen couldn't help smiling bitterly.

"Not what you think" Zhang Bairen defended.

"Oh, I don't accept the account for mentioning my pants!" Zhang Lihua hummed past Zhang Bairen, twisting the soft flesh around his waist, and Zhang Bairen grinned and did not dare to speak.

"Let's go! This bad guy will continue to retreat, let's not bother here." Zhang Lihua held Ding Dang's hand, and did not give Zhang Bairen a chance to argue.

Looking at Zhang Lihua who was walking away, Zhang Bairen smiled helplessly: "It's really not like that!"

Unfortunately, Zhang Lihua did not listen to Zhang Bairen's defense.

"Ding Dong, you can't enter the backyard casually in the future. In the past, someone who didn't obey and broke in casually became a snack for those monsters. You see, you are so beautiful and cute, if you are eaten by that monster, it would be a pity" Zhang Lihua pulled Dingdang's hand gradually moved away, only the voice came from afar.

Zhang Bairen was about to retreat, but he heard Zuo Qiu Wuji's voice outside the door: "My lord, the General's Mansion has sent two corpses, waiting outside the door."


Zhang Bairen was taken aback, walked out of the backyard and looked at Zuo Qiu Wuji, "Where did the corpse come from?"

Zuo Qiu Wuji said: "We don't let our brothers get close at all. The guard just said that only adults can get close."

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen frowned, followed Zuo Qiu Wuji to the manor lobby, but saw two vermilion coffins parked on the square.

"General Governor, I will deliver the two bodies to the adults on the orders of the general, and I will also ask the adults to inspect them!" The guard respectfully saluted.

The visitor was an old man from the General's Mansion, Zhang Bairen had seen him before.

Seeing the look of the guard, Zhang Bairen stepped forward slowly, flashing a green light in his palm, and instantly patted the coffin.


A gap was exposed in the coffin. Zhang Bairen looked in through the gap, his complexion suddenly changed, and then closed the coffin. His sleeves showed the coffin and put it away: "Thanks to the general for me."

The guards left, and Zhang Bairen looked at the guards and said, "You wait for everyone to leave!"

After speaking, he hurriedly came to the backyard, and then the light in his palms flowed, and the two coffins fell in the yard.

A layer of green air flow in Zhang Bairen's right hand, only a flick of his finger, the coffin was bounced, two frozen bodies exposed in front of Zhang Bairen.

Two corpses

The corpses of two witnesses.

This is the warrior of a family of clan.

One's heart was shattered, and the other's brain was turned into paste.

It was Princess Huarong who married Goryeo and intercepted the two martial artists who saw Princess Huarong.

"I can train into two golden corpses again. If Mao Shandao knows that I have trained so many golden corpses, I am afraid that I will commit suicide in shame!" Zhang Bairen took out a handful of golden needles, and saw the golden needles vibrate slightly, but the next moment they saw the sky overwhelming. 'S golden needle shot in along the two zombies.

The zombies were cold and hard, not weaker than steel, but were shot in by a soft golden needle. Now Zhang Bairen's merits are even more incredible.

The divine light in Zhang Bairen’s eyes flowed, and the Sanyang Golden Crow was working, and the ice on the two corpses melted at a speed visible to the naked eye. Then Zhang Bairen’s hands of emerald green vitality penetrated into the two corpses, pushing the blood of the two corpses to make them full The gold needle inside is smelted.

The cinnabar is ready-made, and the lines are drawn directly on the two corpses with a brush, and then various medicinal materials and minerals are grinded, mixed and poured into the zombie's body, and they are continuously absorbed by the zombies.

Nowadays, Zhang Bairen's Taoism is becoming more and more incredible, and it is also simple and unusual to sacrifice zombies, not as difficult as in the past.

But in half an hour, he was done, sealed the coffin box, and sank the two corpses into the ground.

"The general is really awesome. Give me a year and a half. I turned the two bodies into golden corpses. It can be said that this place will be the safest place in the world in the future." Zhang Bairen's eyes narrowed.

"Ding Dong!" Zhang Bairen thought of Ding Dong, this mysterious woman, did not collect any news about Ding Dong.

Zhang Bairen tapped his wrist with his fingers, and stood in the yard with his hands on his back, showing bursts of thought.

"The Governor! The Governor!" An empty shout came from outside the door.

"Why are you here?" Zhang Bairen was shocked: "Come in!"

Kong Konger walked into the backyard, carrying a huge package on his back, and dexterously walked through the gate, and came to Zhang Bairen: "Captain, fortunately, the villain really found the treasure of the Li family."

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen slowly opened the package, revealing all kinds of geniuses and treasures in the package, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes: "Why did you complete the task so quickly?"

"It's also a coincidence. In the East China Sea Battle, the treasures in the Dragon Palace attracted the attention of countless people. The masters of the Li family were dispatched, and the villain took the opportunity to copy the Lair of the Li family!" Kongkong'er smiled.

"No private possession?" Zhang Bairen looked at the treasure in the package noncommittal.

"Hey, the little ones just leave a little hard work." Kongkong'er smiled and did not hide.

Looking at Kong Kong'er, Zhang Bairen felt that it was a correct decision to subdue this kid, an extremely correct decision.

Zhang Bairen looked at Kong Kong'er up and down, staring at Kong Kong'er horribly before waving his hand: "Go down."

After hearing the words, Kongkonger turned around and left immediately, as if he received an amnesty.

Zhang Bairen knew that Yi Kongkonger's personality must have been hidden privately, and he had also hidden a lot of it. But Zhang Bairen didn't care. He ransacked the East China Sea Dragon Palace. What Zhang Bairen lacks is all kinds of geniuses and treasures.

It was not until a month later that Zhang Bairen knew that he was wrong! Wrong! Kong Kong'er is more than just hiding a little bit privately, the whole arena has been upset by it.


Endless pain came from all directions to Li Jiancheng.

How could Xuanming Scepter as the weapon of the ancient ice and death gods be so simple?

Layers of frost spread to Li Jiancheng's body, gradually freezing his orifices around his body, and invading the heart of his body along the meridians.

"Are you going to die? Unexpectedly, I, Li Jiancheng, can't even do a magical weapon!" Li Jiancheng laughed bitterly, his perception gradually faded away, and his consciousness became increasingly blurred.


At this moment, a dragon chant sounded in the dark, and a dragon qi of the emperor rolled in its orifice, colliding with the frost mist.


There seemed to be a strange voice coming from there, ice, snow and frost stopped the spreading trend.

After a while, the Scepter of Xuanming seemed to wake up from contemplation, a magic formula appeared in Li Jiancheng’s mind, and at the same time a will roared in Li Jiancheng’s mind: "Take my scepter, wear glory, walk In the world, pass on my glory! My name-Xuan Ming!"

Xuan Ming's will!

The ice receded, and Li Jiancheng's perception gradually returned. After checking the formulas that came out of thin air in his mind, Li Jiancheng was stunned, his face looked incredulous.

Feeling the warmth of flesh and blood coming from his Li Jiancheng has a look of ecstasy: "It's a success! But the glory of God Xuanming is passed on to glory? Does God Xuanming want to take the opportunity to condense faith , And come back against the sky? Is this a deal?"

Li Jiancheng held the Xuanming scepter, his eyes showed a touch of contemplation.

No matter how many, Xuan Ming's scepter is now being refined by himself, becoming his own body treasure.

The only pity is that he practiced martial arts, Xuanming Scepter may not be able to exert all its power.

"No matter how many, if I get the Scepter of Xuanming, I will plan to do things more safely in the future!" Li Jiancheng stuffed the Scepter of Xuanming into his clothes.

Xuanming's scepter is only one meter long, and Li Jiancheng is tall and can naturally put it down.

Li Jiancheng didn't know that the black pot of the East China Sea had been buckled on him at this time, otherwise he would surely jump into thunder, and then find a place to hide.

"It's not in vain that I worked hard to catch the danger of my life, and finally became this treasure!" Li Jiancheng got up and went to the Li family in Taiyuan.

Xuan Ming's scepter is in hand, nowhere can the world go.

Taiyuan Lijia

Li Yuan listened to the guard's report with a gloomy expression, and couldn't help smashing the tea cup in his hand.

"Who did it! Who did it? I actually scoured my Li family's hundred-year-old savings, who did it!" Li Yuan's expression was gloomy: "There are so many treasures, it must not be carried away by one person. There must be an inner ghost in the Li family. You can send someone to investigate quickly, and you must not let the inner ghost continue to lurch."

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