First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 821: Li Jiancheng with hard words

When Li Jiancheng returned to Li's house, Li Yuan was yelling at the shameless thieves.

"Father, why did you get so angry?" Li Jiancheng walked in from the hall like a jade.

"It's built, you're back!" Seeing Li Jiancheng, Li Yuan suddenly smiled, and his previous anger was thrown away from the clouds of Jiutian: "You are finally back, you are going to die."

"What happened?" Li Jiancheng looked at Li Yuan's expression for a moment.

"I heard people say that you stole the Xuanming scepter and the Essence Fundamental Pearl in the East China Sea, as well as the countless treasures in the East China Sea, right?" Li Yuan said.

Hearing what Li Yuan said, Li Jiancheng was taken aback: "I didn't expect the news to be delivered so quickly. It seems that Zhang Bairen is really not a fuel-efficient lamp."

"Where are you hiding those treasures? With the help of the essence of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, my Li family is expected to rise!" Li Yuan's face was full of excitement.

"Father, the scepter of Xuanming is indeed in my hand, but the child has never heard of the essence of ten thousand waters. As for the essence of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, how can the child not understand the way of space, how can he carry these treasures? But it's not in the hands of the child!" Li Jiancheng's face was full of dumbfoundedness, how could this cause everyone to know?

Li Yuan looked at Li Jiancheng: "You deceived the East China Sea Princess, opened the scallops, and stole the Xuanming scepter. Why are those treasures not in your hands?"

Li Jiancheng hit the sky: "Father, the child wanted to steal those treasures, but a child never had a magic weapon such as the universe in his sleeve. Secondly, he happened to ran into the chief governor Zhang Bairen..."

Speaking of this, Li Jiancheng suddenly said: "It must be the governor who searched all the treasures away, and then blamed the matter on me. The governor has everything in his sleeves, and only the governor can remove all the treasures. It must be Zhang Bairen who did it, and buckled the **** basin on the child's head."

Looking at Li Jiancheng, Li Yuan sighed softly: "You say this, I'm afraid no one will believe it. The East China Sea princess insisted that you stole the magic trick, and now the Xuanming scepter is in your hand, you say this. Will anyone believe it."

Li Jiancheng was immediately anxious. There are countless treasures in the East China Sea Dragon Palace Secret Treasury. If this pot is buckled on his body, would it be worth it? There will be constant troubles in the future.

"My boy doesn't have the magic of the universe in the sleeve and the magic of the pot in the sky. How to take away so many treasures? Nowadays, the only known magical powers in the Sui Dynasty can only have such power in the universe!" Li Jiancheng retorted, seizing the last flaw. .

Li Yuan shook his head when he heard the words: "It's useless! The Li family is also a family of the most powerful family. It is common sense to have treasures like pots and caves. It is not impossible. At that time, Nanhai Guanzi collected countless treasures in a flower basket, and there were many big ones. All of them have performed profound arts and magic techniques, and I can't explain this black pot to my Li family! Fortunately, we are not without gain, and the scepter of Xuanming is under control."

As he was talking, he only heard the sound of footsteps, and Li Shimin walked in grandiosely, with a smile on his face: "Father! Big brother is back! The little brother is about to see the treasure in the East China Sea Dragon Palace."

Hearing this, Li Jiancheng felt even more depressed, and he refused to speak with a bitter face. Li Yuan said, "The treasures have been taken away by the capital, but the black pot was thrown to my Li family. This time, it is a big trouble."

"What?" Li Shimin was taken aback, looking at Li Jiancheng with a pair of eyes, he couldn't believe it.

Li Jiancheng had no choice but to tell the story once, only to hear Li Shimin frowned. After Li Jiancheng finished speaking, he frowned and said, "Father, this time my Li family is in big trouble."

The trouble is really big!

If all the heroes from all walks of life are staring at the Li family today, it is strange that the Li family is not in trouble.

After listening to Li Jiancheng's narration, what else can Li Shimin say?

The Li family is still the Li family, no one dared to provoke the door openly, but be careful when going out in the future, so as not to be criticized.

Li Jiancheng was wronged and felt bitter, but he still couldn't say it, and no one would believe it.

"Be careful in the future. Since you refine the Xuanming scepter, there will be very few people who can assassinate you!" Li Yuan sighed helplessly: "Secretly spread the truth."

"No one will believe it if it is spread out." Li Shimin shook his head. He certainly didn't believe it. Zhang Bairen was on the court at the time. Where could he have the opportunity to do tricks? Moreover, at that time, the Li family was guilty of being a thief and ran away directly. If they stayed in the field to face off in secret, this kind of problem would not arise. There may be a chance to explain this matter.

It is a pity that Li Jiancheng was not there at the time, and the entire Li family was cheated by the pig teammate.

If the two parties were not brothers, Li Shimin would never believe what Li Jiancheng said. Today, Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin are secretly competing, but they are benign, and there has been no sordid relationship between the two brothers.

"I know that no one believes it, but the absurdity that no one believes is the truth. It is really helpless!" Li Yuan said helplessly: "But even so, the news will still be leaked. There may be a turning point in the future. ."

As he was talking, Li Shentong walked in from outside the main hall, and his eyes naturally fell on Li Jiancheng: "You guys are so good, but you have emptied the Dragon Palace secret library. You deserve to be my Li family!"

Li Shimin was silent, Li Yuan was speechless, and Li Jiancheng smiled bitterly.

"Uncle rushed here so violently, what's the important thing?" Li Shimin quickly changed the subject.

Lishen Pass: "It was just right that Jindingguan came back to collect debts, and the Donghai Dragon Palace was built with so many benefits. Just take a few things to dismiss Jindingguan, and everyone below this incident is watching. ."

Li Jiancheng was speechless, he was too lazy to explain.

Li Shimin had no choice but to cough and recount Li Jiancheng's affairs.

"Are you teasing me!" Li Shentong looked at Li Yuan and his son, then said to Li Shimin: "Do you believe what you said? Just stick it up if you don't edit it."

Hearing this, Li Shimin smiled bitterly, but he didn't believe it.

If you don't believe it, how can you expect others to believe it?

"Why your brother is so picky? You have to change your temper, don't let the hearts of the people below be chilled!" He spoke to Li Yuan, "Big brother, you have to say something."

Li Yuan is speechless, he speaks? what did he say?

Do they want money and rice for Jindingguan?

There is no shortage of food in Jindingguan, but the treasure of genius.

"Now the treasury is in short supply, you called Jin Dingguan waiting" Li Yuan helplessly said: "Before the people said it is true, this time my Li family suffered a big loss. This boring loss is extremely uncomfortable. "

"Where are those treasures?" Li Shentong said helplessly.

After hearing Li Shentong's words, Li Shimin said dullly: "They were all secretly calculated and taken away by the governor Zhang Bairen."

"Where is Xuanming's staff?" Li Shentong asked.

"Xuanming's staff was taken by me" Li Jiancheng said.

Li Shentong was speechless, and after a while, he said, "It's a blessing to have a Xuanming staff in my, and most of them supervise the method! I'll send the gatekeeper of Jindingguan."

"Uncle wait a minute" Li Shimin said suddenly.

"What? What else do you have?" Li Shentong looked at Li Shimin.

Li Shimin's eyes rolled: "My nephew has an idea about this golden roof view."

"What do you think, come quickly" Li Shentong smiled.

Golden Summit

Zhang Fei and Zhang Baiyi sat opposite each other.

Father and son have no overnight feud

"Tell me about you, how can you practice the chaotic Taoism? This joyful meditation is not suitable for my Taoist meditation. For this, how many daughters' innocence have you destroyed? I can't protect you even if you continue like this. If you try to come to the door, how can you do it? What's more, if you practiced as a sun god, it is very complicated. I am afraid that you will not be able to survive a reincarnation catastrophe. What use is it?

Zhang Fei was calm, playing with the tea in front of him.

The son in front of him, whom he loved since he was a child, has gone astray on the left, leaving no hope for the future.

Zhang Baiyi's face solemnly lowered her head and bit her lips tightly: "I just refuse to admit defeat. The whole world is complimenting the big brother. I have no reason to be worse than the big brother, but why all the glory and glory shine on him, but I even set off I can't do it, I'm all the brothers of the same mother, and I will be weaker than him for no reason."

"Oh!" Zhang Fei sighed helplessly, then retracted his eyes, looking at the boiling tea, a touch of determination appeared in his eyes.

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