First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 822: Poor parents in the world


A sigh dissipated, and Zhang Baiyi was the only one sitting in front of the desk watching the gradual cooling tea and speechless, Zhang Fei's figure was long gone.

"Brother Fei!" Zhao Ruxi stood at the foot of the mountain, looking at Zhang Fei, who came down from the top of the mountain, with a sad face, and hurriedly greeted him: "How is it?"

Zhang Fei pursed his lips, without blood.

A gust of north wind blows, and the atmosphere is depressed and dull. Zhang Fei's voice hoarsely said: "I'm going to Zhuojun."

Zhao Ruxi was stunned, and then said: "Jinding Temple and Zhuojun have no grievances, cause and effect, what are you going to do in Zhuojun?"

"I can't watch Baiyi sink like this, and I can't watch Baiyi fall into the wheel track and ruin the road!" Zhang Fei stood up solemnly, facing the north wind and gradually walked away: "Bairen The Dharma body of the innate **** has been refined, and Baiyi's Taoist skills can be dissipated, and Baiyi's Taoism can be re-founded with God's blood. I will ask him!"

Seeing Zhang Fei walk away gradually, Zhao Ruxi stood there quietly, and sighed softly after a long time.

"Mother, where are you going, daddy?" A jade-shaped boy came from a distance. The boy was seven or eight years old, and behind him was a four or five year old girl.

"I went where I shouldn't be!" Zhao Ruxi sighed helplessly, holding a pair of children and walking towards Jindingguan.


Zhang Bairen refined the golden corpse, and was about to retreat to make his own world, suddenly he heard the guards report: "Supervisor, Jindingguan Zhang Fei, please see."

"What is he here for!" Zhang Bairen looked at the flat ground. At this time, the north wind had ceased, and large snow flakes of goose feathers in the sky slipped and were held in the palm of his hand.

Seeing the ice and snow melt, Zhang Bairen said, "Go and bring it into the lobby, I'll be there later!"

The guards left, and Zhang Bairen stood alone in the yard, looking up at the overwhelming goose feathers and heavy snow. He didn't use Dao Gong, letting snow fall on his shoulders.

After a while, Zhang Bairen got up and walked to the front yard, only to see Zhang Fei sitting and lying restlessly drinking tea in the hall.

Zhang Bairen walked into the hall, looked at Zhang Fei with a pair of eyes, and suddenly smiled, clasped his fists in his hands and saluted: "I have seen the Taoist leader!"

Zhang Fei looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes. He was speechless for a long time. After a while, he showed a gentle smile: "You are now back to basics. If you are not in person, I don't even know that you are close and I can't notice your vitality."

Of course Zhang Fei couldn't notice Zhang Bairen's vitality, because Zhang Bairen had no vitality at all. All three souls and seven souls hid in the womb, where is there any vitality?

Zhang Bairen looked at Zhang Fei. He hadn't seen him for more than ten years, still as before, but there was a touch of vicissitudes and dust between his brows.

A maid brought tea, Zhang Bairen slowly took a seat and drank tea with Zhang Fei for a while before listening to Zhang Fei opening his mouth: "How is your mother?"

Zhang Bairen was silent, and it took a long time before he said: "I haven't seen her for many years. I locked myself in the small courtyard all day long. I didn't see anyone except the maid delivering meals."

Hearing this, Zhang Fei's face became more guilty, and after a while he said: "Can I go and see her?"

There was a deep guilt and pleading in the words.

Zhang Bairen nodded and led Zhang Fei to the backyard, in front of a small pavilion with a bamboo building.

"In this bamboo building, if I hadn't noticed the vitality in its body, I'm afraid I thought something had happened," Zhang Bairen said in a low voice while looking at the closed Chai Men.

Zhang Fei stood quietly in front of the Chai Gate, silent for a long time. Snow fell in the sky, covering the shoulders of the two of them.

He stretched out his fingers trembling and stroked Chai Men, Zhang Fei did not push away after all, but turned and walked away quickly.

Looking at Zhang Fei's back, Zhang Bairen always felt a bit of embarrassment in it.

When Zhang Bairen returned to the hall, Zhang Fei's complexion had returned to calm, and his eyes fixedly looked at the tea on the desk without a word.

Seeing Zhang Bairen coming in, Zhang Feicai said, "You have had a good time these years!"

"I'm doing well, in fact, you should be clear" Zhang Bairen took the tea cup and took a quiet sip.

After hearing this, Zhang Fei was speechless for a long time, and after a while, he said, "I'm looking for you today because I have something to ask for."

"Oh" Zhang Bairen looked at Zhang Fei with a look of surprise: "If you really didn't go to the Three Treasures Palace, you really answered this sentence."

Zhang Bairen stood up slowly, came to the entrance of the lobby, looked at the snow falling in the sky, his eyes were full of melancholy: "What's the matter, let's talk about it!"

Zhang Fei came to Zhang Bairen, and the two stood side by side, looking at the snowflakes falling in the sky, Zhang Fei said: "You know, Baiyi is not talented enough for you, and was spoiled by me since childhood, was tempted to go astray, and practiced Buddhism. The joy of Zen."

"Huanxi Zen? It's not bad, and it is a profound Taoism. The ultimate practice can be turned into the Buddha of Happiness, pointing directly to the sun **** fruit position, not bad, but it is a good opportunity" Zhang Bairen praised again and again.

Zhang Fei said with a green expression: "This rebellious son, how can his qualifications match you? To cultivate joyful meditation requires ruthlessness and desirelessness in your heart. With his mental cultivation, how can he cut off his desires?"

Zhang Bairen didn't speak in silence, only a pair of eyes looked at the falling snowflakes. The joy of meditation sounded a bit out of the way, but it was truly the ultimate method, and it would be impossible to practice without great perseverance.

The previous article also said that the way of cultivation lies in sitting at midday, while the joy of meditation is to directly eliminate the merits of meditation and meditation. Both men and women practice one step to reach the sky, but the key point is not to generate lust, lest the Yuanyang becomes muddy and the Dadan is broken. The real medicine, the refined Yang Shen is nothing more than a false god.

"Baiyi was mixed with women at a young age, and he didn't know where he got the joy meditation. It broke the innocence of the women in the elders' house. When I found out it was too late. If it weren't for my shameless pleading, I'm afraid that The beast has been beaten to death! This **** harms others and himself, and he fails to achieve his own cultivation. On the contrary, it destroys the Taoism of others. It is a wicked obstacle!" Zhang Fei gritted his teeth.

Zhang Bairen was silent, but he couldn't help feeling sympathy and regret for Zhang's mother. Fortunately, his mother was always thinking about leaving Zhang Baiyi with Zhang Baiyi. Zhang Baiyi's Tongtian Avenue was close to him, but he wanted to take a shortcut. The hard work was in vain.

The treasure that he couldn't ask for, but was so ruined by people, abandoned like a shoe, Zhang Bairen couldn't say anything in his heart.

"Last time you saw him too, but it's a third-class sun god, I'm afraid that one reincarnation won't be over." Zhang Fei's words were full of solemnity.

Zhang Bairen was silent, but looked at the snowflakes in the sky with his hands on his back.

The atmosphere was dull, and it took a long time before I heard Zhang Feinuo said:

"You have obtained the congenital divine fetus, refine the congenital gods and Dharma bodies, don't know if you can kill Baiyi's Taoism, and then give it...a drop of...divine essence and blood" Zhang Fei's words are getting lower and lower, and his eyes are staring. Looking at Zhang Bairen, his eyes were full of begging.

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Bairen almost thought that his ears were broken, and his congenital **** had blood? He really dared to speak.

What is the blood of the gods?

Ordinary acquired gods have the power of life and death, let alone Zhang Bairen's innate gods?

Your own congenital **** has just been born. You have seen a parent who bleeds blood when your child is born, and it is still bloody.

"You are extremely talented, and Daoyang God is just around the corner. For you, the Innate God is nothing more than an enhancement of combat power and icing on the cake, but a drop of Innate God's blood and Baiyi is enough to change his destiny." Zhang Fei looked earnestly: "For you, the innate **** is useless, but for Baiyi, it determines the future destiny..."

"Have you seen that snowflake?" Zhang Bairen pointed to the falling snowflakes in the Zhang Fei's words stopped, and his eyes looked at the heavy snow in the sky.

Zhang Bairen walked slowly to the yard and stretched out a hand to catch the snowflakes falling from the sky: "Every snowflake is born with its own destiny, and my palm broke the fate of snowflakes."

Looking at the melting snowflakes in his palm, Zhang Bairen looked at Zhang Fei: "For this, I paid my body's temperature."

"The cultivator of Taoism is to follow the Tao, I have to follow the number of days when I ask for the Tao, and it is difficult to please the Taoist friend!" Zhang Bairen sighed softly and retracted his palm.

"Bairen!" Zhang Fei hurriedly said.

"No need to talk about this, there is no room for negotiation!" Zhang Bairen categorically cut the line.


"I beg you." Zhang Fei actually knelt directly on the ground, with snowflakes splashing on his shoulders. Zhang Bairen was speechless for a long time.

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