First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 824: Situation

Zhang Bairen felt that what Zhang Lihua said was reasonable, so he simply stood in the yard and waited for Zhang Fei to recover, and then went to Jinding Temple.

Anyway, Zhang Fei was also a real Yangshen, and he drove away the cold air by slightly slowing the movement of Dao Gong.

Pushing everyone around him, Zhang Fei walked out of the house quickly and saw Zhang Bairen standing under the banyan tree in the yard. Snow fluttering in the sky fell on Zhang Bairen's shoulders.

"Bairen, I'm sorry for you this time!" Zhang Fei said with guilt.

Looking at Zhang Fei, Zhang Bairen sighed softly: "Let's go!"

For Zhang Fei, Zhang Bairen really didn't know what to say. There is no doubt that Zhang Fei is a good father to Zhang Baiyi. But for myself, it is too chilling.

The two were speechless all the way, Zhang Bairen took Zhang Fei all the way to Jinding directly.

"Bairen!" Zhang Fei shouted.

Zhang Bairen walked towards the mountain silently, Zhang Fei sighed helplessly, and walked towards the mountain behind Zhang Bairen.

"I've seen less watchers!"

"I have seen the young master!"

The pedestrians in the past looked at Zhang Bairen, all of them were very tight, and then they all respected, and they were surprised: "How come the young master of my family has become two different things on weekdays and now?"

Now Zhang Bairen wears a jade crown on his head, and a crystal-clear, mysterious hosta is inserted in the jade crown. The two horizontal eyebrows were like two sharp swords, and they smashed into people's hearts with just one glance. People couldn't help but be shocked.

Wearing a purple shirt with delicate lines embroidered on it, it doesn't look like a bargain, it makes it vividly set off.

"How come the young man seems to be completely reborn compared to the past?" Everyone murmured to themselves, but their hands were not slow, and they bowed and saluted.

Zhang Bairen hadn't seen the salutes of the disciples of Jindingguan, but walked in the mountains blankly.

"You go straight to the main hall in the mountain, I'll call Baiyi!" Zhang Fei said, hurried to the mountain.

Zhang Bairen walked for a while and came to a pavilion, but saw several Taoists making tea and discussing Taoism.

Zhang Bairen was not interested, and kept rushing to the mountains.

"Hey, hey, isn't that Zhang Baiyi? Why do you have to run when you see our brothers? I heard people say that you have practiced the Great Joy Zen, and we are talking about the Tao today. Why don't you play with our brothers?" The slightly fat Taoist laughed, jokingly.

Zhang Bairen ignored it, and still walked towards the mountain without hesitation, watching the road under his feet unhurriedly.

"Zhang Baiyi, don't be pretentious, come over and ask our brother to beat you up, this matter is over, you dare to spoil my sister's name, let's see you once and beat you once!" The obese young man was bloated, but his movements were flexible. Extremely, a leap was as light as a fallen leaf blocking Zhang Bairen's path forward.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen stared blankly at the fat boy in front of him, with a green air flow between his fingers that was impenetrable. Without giving the fat boy time to react, he had already slapped the other's lute bone.


With a random cloud hand pushing the opponent out, Zhang Bairen glanced at everyone blankly and continued to walk away.

"Fuck! When is this kid so powerful?"

To use a modern phrase to describe the people in the pavilion, that is, ‘my little friend and I were shocked’.

"You stop me!" The obese young man stood up with a carp, then looked at the seven or eight fellows behind him: "If you can't help me hold him down, let me beat him severely."

Hearing this, all the Taoists in the pavilion stood up and brought them to Zhang Bairen.

"Zhang Baiyi, don't think that your father is Jinding watching the master, you can do it recklessly!" the obese young man said dissatisfied.

Zhang Bairen's eyebrows are clumped, and there is a color of dissatisfaction between the eyebrows. The feelings are for Zhang Baiyi.

This kid is having a hard time at Jindingguan now, just look at the expressions of the people around him.

Zhang Bairen's Aoki Immortal body has reached a state of unpredictability. The emerald green air currents swirled at the tips of his fingers, passing by the tiger's mouth and acupuncture points of the Taoist people. , No longer move without a single minute.

He was still as expressionless as he walked towards the mountain indiscreetly.

Looking at Zhang Bairen's leisurely and contented back, the obese young man shouted: "Zhang Baiyi, you will return my sister soon, otherwise we will never die."

Zhang Bairen continued walking towards the mountain blankly, looking at Zhang Bairen's away back, one of them said humanely: "Fuji, do you think this kid seems to be different from the past? How can his temperament become so cold? When did this kid have such a good skill, he actually put us on the ground while waving his hands."

No two, that is, the obese young man, scratched his head when he heard the words: "I always feel that Zhang Baiyi today is a bit strange, how temperament and clothing have all changed."

When everyone was discussing secretly, Zhang Bairen had already staggered, avoiding the yellow soup poured from him.

I don't know what this yellow soup is, but it smells foul.

How does it look like the reincarnation of the human body?

Zhang Bairen was about to find the source, only to see that the real Yangshen had disappeared.

Zhang Bairen frowned, and the grievances between him and Jin Dingguan were not small. I wonder if this elder came for himself or Zhang Baiyi.

Most likely to be Zhang Baiyizhan, why do you say so?

No matter the elders or the real Yangshen, they have the dignity of being strong, and they will never use such tricks when facing themselves.


Another purple blood splashed down, falling on the ground, sticky and slippery, red and white faintly visible.

"Zihe Che!" Looking at the blood stains on the ground and the evil anger coming from his nose, Zhang Bairen suddenly showed his murderous intent.

But before it happened, I heard that old Dao drew out his long sword at his waist, and gleamed with cold light to kill Zhang Bairen: "Zhang Baiyi, you broke my daughter-in-law's innocence, let her die in the womb, and wounded my son and became bedridden. , The old man fights with you today!"

Looking at the long sword wielding the cold light, the anger in Lao Dao’s eyes instantly dissipated the murderous intent in Zhang Bairen’s eyes. The green air currents of two crystal-clear fingers swirled around, reaching the pinnacle of the refined sword, and then lightly flicked with his left hand, Lao Dao He stepped back three steps in an instant, the sword was released, his body numb.

"Good sword!" Zhang Bairen took the sword in his hand, slammed it, and inserted it into the scabbard on the opponent's waist under the veteran horrified gaze: "Such a good sword shouldn't be cut at me. You admit the wrong person. !"

"Acknowledge the wrong person?" The old Taoist was taken aback. Zhang Baiyi really shouldn't have such a good skill.

It is said that Zhang Baiyi and Zhang Bairen are the younger brothers of the same compatriots. The veteran has a pair of eyes and pupils are looks up and down Zhang Bairen over and over again, and then hastily respectfully said: "But the governor of the city?"

"It is this seat who has the wrong person and the debtor, the elder must not admit the wrong person next time!" Zhang Bairen did not want to be held accountable, no matter who encounters such a thing, he will be angry.

"The governor, you came just right, please call the shots for the old way! It is said that the governor is loyal and unreasonable, and he is willing to go to the sky, but also ask the governor to call the shots!" Zhang Baiyi hooked up the fetus in his abdomen, and the dog broke through the adultery, but was severely injured by him. He was dying and couldn't get to bed. Please let the chief oversee you.

Looking at the old man who fell on his knees, Zhang Bairen's expression was a little ugly: "Go back, and when you meet Zhang Baiyi, I will speak for you."

After speaking, Zhang Bairen continued to walk towards the distance, leaving the old Taoist figure wailing in the north wind: "The sky has no eyes! The sky has no eyes!"

It is indeed the sky without eyes!

Zhang Bairen wandered on the steps of the Golden Summit, meditating in his heart: "The three old men of Chaoyang, Zhengyang, and Sunset did wrong things. Could it be that Zhang Baiyi was the introductory? The decline of Golden Summit is a foregone conclusion! The sky is irreversible and cannot be deceived! You can escape the penalty of days by dividing into two? That would be too simple."

"Zhang Baiyi, are you willing to marry me at all!" Before I went far, I saw a handsome young woman with a filthy filial piety blocking Zhang Bairen's path.

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