First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 825: Waste work

Looking at the handsome little widow wearing linen and filial piety in front of him, Zhang Bairen's face was speechless.

Look at your dress, it looks like your husband is dead, why are you so anxious to marry yourself out?

Zhang Bairen didn't say much. The little widow was about to say more, but when he heard a sound of footsteps, Zhang Fei's figure gradually approached. The little widow's complexion changed and she immediately went into the dense forest on the side of the road and disappeared.

"Who was it before?"

Zhang Fei curiously asked.

"A widow who asks for money, a deadly old man, and a group of young people who plan to beat me up, it's not safe to watch Jinding!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of mockery.

Zhang Fei's complexion suddenly changed when he heard the words, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent: "This rebellious son, really **** it! It should be broken into pieces."

"Then smash him into ten thousand pieces, so as not to dirty my hands and feet," Zhang Bairen said coldly.

Zhang Fei suddenly froze wherever his face was, and then he smirked, "I'm just getting angry, let's go up the mountain! Up the mountain!"

Zhang Bairen said nothing, and as Zhang Fei walked into the mountains, the disciples who came and went away from Zhang Fei, the elders of the various roads simply ignored Zhang Fei with a dark face and walked straight ahead of Zhang Fei. Zhang Fei must not have an attack, instead, she has to keep laughing and saluting.

"I really don't know how you are the master!" Zhang Bairen scanned the elders with a pair of eyes, and followed Zhang Fei blankly behind him.

No way, what can Zhang Fei do if his son is wrong first?

Zhang Fei silently did not speak, but walked quietly into the mountains.

As he went all the way, Zhang Bairen gathered the expressions of the elders and disciples in his eyes, and he had some guesses about Zhang Fei's situation in Jindingguan. If it hadn't been for the third elder Chunyang to press on it, I'm afraid that the seat under Zhang Fei's **** would have moved away.

Jinding Taoist Temple is the Golden Peak Temple of Zhang Family, and Chunyang Taoist Temple is also Zhang Family's Pure Yang Taoist Temple.

From ancient times to the present, the leader of the Taoist Temple of Pure Yang has only one surname, and that is ‘Zhang’.

Zhang Bairen looked into the distance, all the way to the Golden Summit Temple, and then entered the back mountain. In a remote pavilion, Zhang Fei asked Zhang Bairen to sit down.

"Let's wait a moment, the evildoer has come down the mountain, I have sent someone to get it back?" Zhang Fei said helplessly.

Zhang Bairen was silent, Zhang Fei poured hot tea to Zhang Bairen, and then said: "Now you have the incarnation of an innate god, and you are in sight. Daoyang **** is just around the corner. I heard people say that you had four drops of phoenix blood... "

Zhang Bairen looked up and down at Zhang Fei with a pair of eyes, and then showed curiosity: "Why, do you want to pay attention to Fengxue too?"

"No! No! No! I didn't mean that, I just don't think you can use four drops of phoenix blood alone, I am willing to pay any price to buy a drop of your phoenix blood!" Zhang Fei said.

Looking at Zhang Fei, Zhang Bairen smiled, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth: "If there is not enough human heart to swallow an elephant, you are also worthy of Golden Summit View? Are you also worthy of Golden Summit View?"

Zhang Bairen didn't conceal the ridicule and contempt in his heart. For a moment, Zhang Fei looked green and white, but did not dare to fight back.


In the pavilion

Seven or eight young people sitting in the pavilion sighed at this time, and one of them said humanely: "Damn, when Zhang Baiyi's cultivation is so exquisite, it's useless to bring down our brothers."

"If it weren't for a good father, I'm afraid it would have been chopped up to feed the dog" Ding Buer cursed.

"Hey, brother brother, look at the foot of the mountain, isn't Zhang Baiyi just going up the mountain? When did he go down the mountain again?" one of them wondered.

Hearing this, everyone looked at the foot of the mountain one after another, looking at the pale, light-footed man dressed in Taoist robe, and everyone was taken aback.

Although the faces are the same, the momentum is like two people.

Ding Buer's expression slightly changed: "I heard people say that Zhang Baiyi has a big brother, he is the most outstanding master in the world, he is the number one person in the world, and the most hopeful person to see for a long time."

"Who is it? There is a big brother here?" Everyone was stunned.

Ding Buer's face solemnly said, "Everyone should have heard of the name Zhang Bairen!"


When these words fell, everyone couldn't help but take a breath.

Zhang Bairen, for everyone, is already equivalent to the fairy in the legend. It is not impossible to describe, even beyond hope.

"Otherwise you think why he caused such a catastrophe, but no one dared to actually kill him? Do you really think that the head teacher can suppress the elders? It is not because of the face of the governor." Ding His face is grayish white.

"But this Baiyi mud can't support the wall, but Zhang Bairen is like a figure in myths and legends, both are brothers of a female compatriot, the gap is too big, is it right?" A disciple showed doubts.

"Who can say no? Compared to his brother, this guy is not even muddy!" Everyone talked a lot, but did not continue to make a move, but Zhang Baiyi escaped.

Metropolitan Governor Zhang Bairen is on the mountain. At this time, who dare to be presumptuous?

Zhang Baiyi's expression changed when he saw the crowd from a distance. He thought he was going to make things difficult for him, but he just walked over like this. The strange look of the crowd made him quite unhappy.

mercy? sad?

This kind of gaze makes people mad at it.

Not dare to say more, saving a meal of flesh and blood, Zhang Baiyi walked up the mountain quickly, then looked at the surprised elders, lowered his head, and went to the courtyard of the back mountain of Jindingguan.

"Father! Zhang Bairen————!" Zhang Baiyi looked at the two figures in the mountain, his eyes were full of shock, then his face changed wildly, and he screamed at Zhang Bairen, "What are you doing?"

"Zhuzi, An dare to be rude to your eldest brother, and he didn't rush forward to see him!" Zhang Fei slammed the table, splashing tea.

Zhang Baiyi suffocated his neck, but had to step forward to salute. When he was about to speak, he heard Zhang Bairen say: "Wait! I can't bear this kind of brother."

Hearing this, Zhang Baiyi's complexion turned red, but Zhang Fei was angrily berated in advance when he wanted to speak, "Shut up!"

Zhang Fei closed his mouth, as long as he was not blind, he could see the unconvinced breath on his face.

Looking at Zhang Fei, Zhang Bairen didn't bother to talk nonsense, so he stood up without saying a word and stepped forward and took Zhang Baiyi, sealed off his whole body, turning into a mass of mud and fell to the ground.

"You should be more careful, and be gentle!" Zhang Fei felt distressed.

"When I abolish my Dao Gong, you father and son have time to slowly wind up!" Zhang Bairen's voice was cold, and Zhang Baiyi's eyes showed a touch of horror: "Abolish my Dao Gong? He wants to abolish my Dao Gong?

Seeing the fire in Zhang Baiyi's eyes, Zhang Bairen didn't say much, and directly slapped Baihui on his head, destroying the true energy in the opponent's body.

Abolishing Taoism will inevitably cause a serious illness and even hurt the origin. Zhang Fei asked Zhang Bairen to take action, of course he didn't want Zhang Baiyi to hurt his origin. For others, zhenqi is equivalent to life, but for Zhang Bairen, who has practiced Dafa, it is a breeze.

Even as long as Zhang Bairen teaches Zhang Baiyi's Taoist Demon Seed Dafa, Zhang Baiyi does not have to abolish Taoism at all to resolve the internal crisis.

Is it just that Zhang Bairen would do this?

The Dao-born Demon Seed is Zhang Bairen's own fundamental Dafa ~ How can it leak out?

Zhang Bairen squinted his eyes, perceiving the chaotic energy in Zhang Baiyi's body, and shook his head immediately.

In his true qi, Zhang Bairen perceives at least twenty strands of a woman's primordial yin, and this qi mechanism has penetrated into his bone marrow, integrated into his three souls and seven souls, and cannot be stripped away.

In Zhang Baiyi's desperate gaze, his own true energy was disintegrated, and then exploded. Yang Shen was shaken by a strange force and turned into three souls and seven souls and returned to his body.


Zhang Bairen retracted his palm and took a deep breath: "Dao Gong is dead, so do it yourself!"

After speaking, without looking at Zhang Fei, he walked out of the gate and headed down the mountain.

"Zhang-Bai-ren, if you dare to ruin my Taoism and bad my practice, I will never die with you! Immortal!" Zhang Baiyi gritted his teeth, the scarlet light flowing in his eyes.

"Pop!" Zhang Fei slapped Zhang Baiyi's face: "You go to retreat to me now, don't practice evil skills again, don't force me to erase your memory."

"Father-you, you actually belong to the eldest brother!" Zhang Baiyi's eyes were full of disbelief.


Zhang Fei slapped again: "Don't go to retreat and practice, everything will start over."

ps: The first one is filial piety, followed by loyalty to the emperor and patriotism. Since ancient times, the dilemma of loyalty and filial piety, the choice of national justice is the most embarrassing!

Happy Lantern Festival, everyone!

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