First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 826: In Wen Yu Wang Ding

"The son is not the fault of the father! Drowning a son is like killing a son!"

Walking down the mountain, ignoring the gazes of the elders and doormen on both sides of the road, Zhang Bairen sighed softly in his heart.

Spoiling a child too much is no different from killing him.

"Hey!" With a sigh, Zhang Bairen got up and returned to Zhuo County, leaving Jindingguan and his son to continue the unfinished business.

Zhang Fei slapped Zhang Baiyi around the world, and then went to the closed room. While Zhao Ruxi walked out slowly, she looked in the direction Zhang Baiyi was leaving and sighed helplessly: "You, why are you so irritable? It's obviously for him. Well, you don’t explain clearly! I didn’t educate when I was a child, and when I was older, I already had my own ideas. I’m going to persuade her too late to educate!” Zhao Ruxi sighed slightly and scolded Zhang Fei twice, Zhang Baiyi chased after him.

"It's not that you are used to it! If you weren't used to it, how could Baiyi be like this!" Zhang Fei rolled his eyes.

Hearing this, Zhao Ruxi’s face was full of grievances: "You men are like this. Whenever something happens, you put the blame on the woman. Even if I am used to him, if you insisted on your opinion at that time, how would you end up in today's situation? ?"

Zhao Ruxi stomped angrily to catch up with Zhang Baiyi. At this time, Zhang Baiyi's face was distorted and his eyes were red standing in the secret room speechless.

"Baiyi!" Zhao Ruxi walked in.

"Auntie!" Zhang Baiyi turned his head, like a bullied child, and powerlessly plunged into Zhao Ruxi's arms and sighed: "Auntie, Dad actually told my eldest brother to abolish my Taoism, this is my life! "

Zhao Ruxi sighed softly and stroked the back of Zhang Fei's head: "Your eldest brother and your father are also doing well for you, to abolish your Taoism, ask you to start again, and become a pure sun god. Your spiritual path has gone astray. If you don’t abolish Taoism, I’m afraid you won’t be able to resist a single cycle."

Zhang Baiyi raised his head in Zhao Ruxi's arms and whispered with tears: "Really?"

"Naturally it is true. Your father loves you the most. He even passed it to you, and I taught you all the secrets of Jinding Guan. If you didn't love you, how could you pass your secrets?" Zhao Ruxiqing Comfortable.

"I don't believe it! I'm afraid that both my father and eldest brother would like to die early, so as not to shame them! The eldest brother refused to recognize me!" Zhang Baiyi plunged into Zhao Ruxi's arms again.

Zhao Ruxi shook her head: "You are all grown-ups now, why do you still get into your aunt's arms?"


Zhang Bairen turned around, looking into the distance with a pair of eyes, showing a strange smile, and then lightly sighed: "The cycle of cause and effect is really mysterious."

"The governor, the general, please go over and explain!" Yuwen Chengdu blocked Zhang Bairen's path forward.

Looking at Yuwen Chengdu, Zhang Bairen retracted his mind, looked up and down at each other with a pair of eyes, then nodded: "Let's go!"

Zhang Bairen didn't want to talk to Yuwen Chengdu too much. Now that he and the family of the family have almost torn the skin, there is nothing to worry about.

There are countless heroes in the world, who are you afraid of with your current strength?

"The governor, the grievances between us are not unsolvable! The grievances between the governor and the family, it is not impossible to resolve them." Zhang Bairen didn't want to speak, but Yuwen Chengdu got together.

"Oh" Zhang Bairen made a faint "oh" and continued walking away: "I didn't expect you to be so optimistic, and you still want to resolve your grievances with me."

When you didn't have the strength, you pitted me desperately. I have the strength now and want to reconcile?

"It's all for the benefit. The governor is for the sake of the world and the people, but the family of the family is for the upper-class power. Everyone has a different stand." Yuwen Chengdu Road.

Zhang Bairen shook his head. He had never liked Yuwen Chengdu. When the two parties met for the first time, if it weren't for his own skills, I'm afraid he would have died under Yuwen Chengdu's fist.

Although I didn't pursue it later, it didn't mean that the matter was left alone.

Later, he sent Guan Zi to destroy Baihua Valley, but Yuwen Chengdu had married Zhang Xiaocao. Zhang Bairen didn't believe that Yuwen Chengdu didn't know Zhang Xiaocao's identity.

"You don't have to say that the Governor just wants to clean his ears for a while!" Zhang Bairen squinted.

Yuwen Chengdu's complexion stagnated upon hearing this, and he dared not attack, so he could only shut up.

Zhang Bairen is a person of the same generation as Yuwen Chengdu, but he has made friends with the general Yujuluo, and he is no longer on the same level as himself. There is an essential difference between the two sides.

When I arrived at Yukula Manor, it was rare that Yukula didn't eat and drink, but sat lazily in the courtyard to enjoy the sun.

"The general is interested!" Zhang Bairen came to Yujuluo unhurriedly and sat down. Song Laosheng was grinding his muscles and bones in the distance. These days, he also entered the realm of easy bone, and walked in the realm of easy bone. Far away.

Song Laosheng is not bad, but lacks genius and treasure.

This time the Dragon Palace trip was full of fish bowls, a little leaking from his fingertips, enough for Song Laosheng to take.

"If you want, you can be a hundred times more comfortable than me!" Yujuluo didn't open his eyes, and Yuwen Chengdu quit the courtyard before listening to Yujuluo: "I am calling you this time. I have something to discuss with you. ."

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen was noncommittal, sipping tea and drinking non-stop.

Yu Juluo said: "I heard people say that there will be another King Yu Ding who is about to emerge.

"Where?" Zhang Bairen stopped moving, and his eyes suddenly looked at Yu Juluo.

Now that there are two Yuwangdings born, and the remaining seven Yuwangdings, there has been no news. In the past few years, Zhang Bairen had to give up, and he never thought that Yujuluo would say this.

"Where is King Yu Ding?" Zhang Bairen stared at Yu Juluo with a pair of eyes.

"I don't know, it just seems to be related to the Nalan family. This matter fell in my ears. I happened to hear that you and Miss Nalan had an old relationship. This general can't walk away. I have to ask you to go through this matter." Yujulu said .

"The Nalan family? Could it be a mistake?"

Yujuluo shook his head: "You know it once you walk."

Zhang Bairen was silent, and then left Yujuluo's manor without a word.

"Master, is this the chief governor? Are you awkward?" Song Laosheng was stunned.

"Don't guess, the friendship between me and the governor is extraordinary. Go and practice martial arts." Yu Juluo glared at Song Laosheng, and continued to close his eyes slowly basking in the sun.

"I haven't met with Nalanjing for many years. I asked him to collect news about King Yu Ding a few years ago. Today I see what he can explain!" Zhang Bairen walked on the road and walked south to a pavilion outside the city. Li Qiao Yingzi flew out, flapping his wings and disappeared in the forest.

An hour

The sky was filled with water vapor, Nalanjing wore a blue shirt, Yang Shen walked out of the void, and came to Zhang Bairen in an instant, and gave a salute to Zhang Bairen: "I have seen the governor."

"Seeing the local governor, what do you have to say?" Zhang Bairen looked at Nalanjing with a pair of eyes: "I heard people say that the disturbances in Nalan's house are not small now."

Nalanjing smiled bitterly when she heard the words: "The governor Rongzhen, originally there was news about Yu Wangding ten years ago, and the concubine wanted to implement the news, and it would not be too late to report to the governor. Who knows that Yu Wangding's news is too obscure. I have been searching for a full 15 years. I just got a clue the day before yesterday and I was preparing to report to the chief governor, but I never thought my eldest brother would inform the organization behind him. This news is known to the world somehow."

Zhang Bairen didn't comment on hearing this: "This is your explanation? The capital governor helps you take charge of the Nalan family, do you explain this way?"

"Now there are three sources of news about King Yu Ding, and there must be King Yu Ding in these three places, but I haven't identified them yet, and I didn't expect to alarm the Metropolitan Governor." Na Lanjing took out a Zhang Bairen looked at Nalan Jing, took a closer look at the map.

Nalanjing practiced the Five Gods and Ghosts, and Zhang Bairen passed down the cultivation technique of the True Water Jade Medal. Now Nalanjing is also a first-class powerhouse in the realm of Yangshen.

"Luoyang, Chang'an, Wagang" Zhang Bairen looked at the three places with an ugly look.

"Where do you think King Yu Ding is most likely to hide?" Zhang Bairen looked at Na Lanjing.

"Wagang!" Nalanjing pointed to the map of Wagang: "Wagang has a big formation, and the speed of dragon gas gathering is too fast, there must be something that suppresses the luck. Therefore, there must be the legendary Yu in the Wagang Mountain area. Wang Ding, only Yu Wang Ding and Chuan Guo's seal can have such a miracle."

"You mean that King Yu Ding fell into the hands of Wagang against the Party!" Zhang Bairen frowned.

"It may not be so, maybe it was just used by Wagang inadvertently" Nalanjing gently covered her mouth and smiled.

ps: Happy Lantern Festival, everyone!

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